Josh Azzarella (born 1978, Ohio) is an artist based in New York, New York. He is represented by Mark Moore Gallery in Culver City.
BFA, Myers School of Art, The University of Akron
MFA, Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University
Azzarella's work reflects on pivotal moments in history such as the torture of Iraqi POWs in Abu Ghraib and the protest of a single man in Tienanmen Square against a column of tanks. Azzarella reworks these canonical images to omit the tragic, negative, or most disturbing aspect of these images. For example, a photograph of a smiling Lynndie England pointing to a prisoner forced to masturbate is altered to only contain the smiling soldier. His photographs muddy the waters between the artificial beauty of a cinematic set and the inherent beauty of the natural landscape. Absent their most significant events, Azzarella’s images raise questions about how our society constructs a narrative of our collective history.
We overcome by Your Word
Your Word will always prevail
We overcome by the blood of the Lamb
And the promise we have in You
We lift our voice with a shout
You always cause us to trumph
We lift our hands like it's already done
For it's already won by You
We win because of You
We overcome and conquer in Your name
We win because of You
All things are possible
We win
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
We got the victory
We got the victory
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
We got the victory
It's all because of You
We win