Going Against The Grain doco. Gideon Levy in Hebron meets Palestinians whose lives he described in Haaretz column

Al Jazeera World Going Against the Grain Journalist Gideon Levy is arguably the most hated man in Israel for his reports on the occupied Palestinian territories. Filmmaker: Bilal Yousef DOCUMENTARY IS HERE. Gideon Levy is someone who evokes strong emotions … Continue reading

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NYT Op-Ed: Academic Freedom Vindicated in Brooklyn

http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/02/11/academic-freedom-vindicated-in-brooklyn/ Academic Freedom Vindicated in Brooklyn By STANLEY FISH Debates about academic freedom almost always begin in confusion and end in confusion, but the recent controversy at Brooklyn College is a welcome exception to that rule. When the dust settled, the … Continue reading

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Watch: BDS campaigner Omar Barghouti lecture and conversation with Amy Goodman

Video is here. Watch: BDS campaigner Omar Barghouti lecture and conversation with Amy Goodman By Ali Abunimah on Sun, 02/10/2013 On 1 February 2013, Omar Barghouti, a founder of the Palestinian movement forboycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) on Israel, spoke in Santa Fe sponsored … Continue reading

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2 hours film about the New York session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine

Russell Tribunal New York, The Film.

2 hours film about the New York session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine. Including testimonies from Ilan Pappe, Ben White, Phyllis Bennis, The Corrie family and many others.

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Judith Butler’s Remarks to Brooklyn College on BDS

http://www.thenation.com/article/172752/judith-butlers-remarks-brooklyn-college-bds# Judith Butler’s Remarks to Brooklyn College on BDS Editors Note: Despite a campaign to silence them, philsophers Judith Butler and Omar Barghouti spoke at Brooklyn College on Thursday night. In an exclusive, The Nation presents the text of Butler’s remarks. Judith Butler … Continue reading

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Latest APAN newsletter

APAN (the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network), of which IAJV is one of the founding members, has recently sent out their newsletter.

You can view the newsletter here.

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Bloomberg’s friendly advice to pro-Israel, anti-BDS protesters: shut up!

Bloomberg’s friendly advice to pro-Israel, anti-BDS protesters: shut up! NYC mayor says vocal campaign against Brooklyn College BDS forum has ‘created a monster;’ tells politicians who threatened to cut funding for school to ‘go to North Korea.’ By Chemi Shalev | … Continue reading

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