Sussex University anti-outsourcing struggle escalates

The anti-privatisation campaign at the University of Sussex is gathering strength - and there are signs university management are feeling the pressure.

Belford Bax's 1899 history of the peasants war in Germany: the largest popular uprising in Europe besides the French revolution.

Film theory examining the themes of masculinity, media reportage and cinema worship in the landmark film of the 1970s.

Mia McKenzie from Black Girl Dangerous on the Steubenville rape verdict, and CNN news lamenting the "ruined lives" of the rapists, with no mention of the survivor at all. Trigger...


Jack Hayes, police union secretary, addresses strike rally on Tower Hill, 1918

Ken Weller of Solidarity's brief history of the two strikes of London police officers during and after World War I. Libcom does not support strikes of police officers as such but reproduce...


A history of the mutiny of 70% of the Belfast police force during a dockers' strike which brought together Catholic and Protestant workers in struggle.