- published: 30 Mar 2013
- views: 187129

The Bible 2013 Episode 1-2-3-4-5 - Full Mini-Series Part 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Full Show
Full Mini Series in ONE VIDEO!!! enjoy! :)
# Title Directed by Written by Or...
published: 30 Mar 2013
The Bible 2013 Episode 1-2-3-4-5 - Full Mini-Series Part 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Full Show
Full Mini Series in ONE VIDEO!!! enjoy! :)
# Title Directed by Written by Original air date US Viewers
1 "In the Beginning" Crispin Reece Richard Bedser, Alexander Marengo, Colin Swash, Nic Young March 3, 2013 13.10[24]
Noah tells of the Creation story and Fall while aboard the ark; Abrahamic covenant; the Battle of the Vale of Siddim; Hagar and Ismael; birth of Isaac; Abraham is tested; Sodom and Gomorrah; Moses learns of his roots, kills a soldier, and flees Egypt.
2 "Exodus" Crispin Reece Richard Bedser, Alexander Marengo March 3, 2013 13.10[24]
God speaks to Moses through the burning bush; Moses returns to Egypt; ten Plagues of Egypt; Moses leads the Israelites in The Exodus; Moses parts the Red Sea; Moses receives the Ten Commandments at Mt. Sinai; Joshua becomes the leader of the Israelites; the Israelites camp outside of Jericho; Joshua sends spies into Jericho.
3 "Homeland" Tony Mitchell Richard Bedser, Adam Rosenthal, Nic Young March 10, 2013 10.80[21]
Joshua conquers Jericho, Delilah betrays Samson as Israelites battle Philistines.
4 "Kingdom" Tony Mitchell Richard Bedser, Colin Swash, Nic Young March 10, 2013 10.80[21]
Samuel anoints Saul, a move that could throw the nation into civil war; Saul is consumed with jealousy when David defeats Goliath; King David ushers a golden age for Israel, but is soon seduced by power and lust for Bathsheba; God forgives David, and Solomon builds God's temple in Jerusalem.
5 "Survival" Crispin Reece Richard Bedser, Nic Young March 17, 2013 10.9[6]
Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, the Jews are enslaved in Babylon; Daniel is thrown into the lions' den, but when his faith endures and God spares him, the Jews are allowed to return to Jerusalem.
6 "Hope" Crispin Reece Richard Bedser, Nic Young March 17, 2013 10.9[6]
Roman occupation, the Angel Gabriel tells Mary she will bear a child; Joseph takes Mary to Bethlehem for the census, where Jesus is born; the Holy family escapes Herod's order to kill Bethlehem's male babies; Judea comes under the ruthless rule of Pilate; John baptizes Jesus, who is now ready to take on his mission -- and his revolution, Jesus and Peter.
7 "Mission" Christopher Spencer Richard Bedser, Christopher Spencer, Nic Young March 24, 2013
Jesus feeds the crowds in Galilee and brings a dead man, Lazarus, back to life; Jesus enters Jerusalem riding on a donkey -- a declaration that he is the Messiah; Jesus turns on the money-changers in the Temple.
8 "Betrayal" Christopher Spencer Richard Bedser, Christopher Spencer, Colin Swash, Nic Young March 24, 2013
Caiphas coaxes Judas into betraying Jesus; Jesus throws the disciples into turmoil at the Last Supper; Jesus is arrested and condemned to death as the disciples scatter.
9 "Passion" Christopher Spencer Richard Bedser, Christopher Spencer, Abraham Christen Liando, Colin Swash, Nic Young March 31, 2013
The crucifixion and the Resurrection of Jesus through Ascension, Pentecost and Revelation. During this last episode, Peter denies Jesus and Judas hangs himself; the crowd clamors for Jesus's death; Jesus is crucified, but when Mary Magdalene goes to his tomb, a figure walks towards her -- he is back; Jesus commissions the disciples to "go and preach to all creation," but their godly mission meets with hatred and even death.
10 "Courage" Tony Mitchell Richard Bedser, Christopher Spencer, Nic Young March 31, 2013
Paul has a vision and experiences a miraculous change of faith on a journey to Damascus; Martyrdom of the Disciples, John survival and exile to Patmos, John receives a revelation -- Jesus is coming back, and all who keep the faith will be rewarded.
The Bible 2013 Episode 1-2-3-4-5 - Full Mini-Series Part 7-8 Full Show
- published: 30 Mar 2013
- views: 187129

Les Mystères de la Bible - L'Apocalypse : la fin du monde ?
Croyance universelle, l'Apocalypse continue de hanter les esprits. Ce film troublant fait ...
published: 22 Jan 2012
Les Mystères de la Bible - L'Apocalypse : la fin du monde ?
Croyance universelle, l'Apocalypse continue de hanter les esprits. Ce film troublant fait le lien entre sa dimension historique et religieuse et son visage actuel, celui d'un cataclysme écologique. Depuis toujours, les hommes vivent dans l'angoisse de la disparition du monde. L'apocalypse, qui signifie "révélation" en grec, porte en elle cette symbolique de la catastrophe redoutée, prélude à l'anéantissement total.
Cette croyance universelle, développée par la majorité des religions au cours des millénaires, a considérablement influencé l'histoire des civilisations, entraînant guerres, croisades, colonisations... Aujourd'hui, les catastrophes naturelles telles que les séismes, les éruptions et les épidémies ne sont plus perçues comme le prélude à une punition divine. Mais le progrès a créé de nouvelles manières d'envisager le monde et sa destruction potentielle : la bombe atomique ou le génie génétique sont autant d'inventions humaines susceptibles de se retourner contre leurs créateurs...
- published: 22 Jan 2012
- views: 167189

CleanTV® is your safe haven for educational and entertaining television progr...
published: 15 Feb 2009
CleanTV® is your safe haven for educational and entertaining television programs. https://www.netsoftwaretools.com/clean/redir.php?id=5_1
EXCLUSIVE! Pastor Gallups responds to Keith Olbermann, MSNBC! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7q-OmvSVjY
http://shops.cafepress.com/ppsimmons (SHOP!)
This is an 8 minute STAND_ALONE film. It deals with several unbelievable "hidden" truths in the very first verse of the Bible. They have been there for over 3,000 years! Watch the film until the end...the suprises continue until the last moment! This is a portion of the 70 minute Documentary from Ichthus Films - "THE SCIENTIFIC UNKNOWALBES OF THE BIBLE" - The full-length film is of much higher quality and contains MUCH MUCH more information. I hope you enjoy this segment. This vid. clip is copryrighted by ICHTHUS Films.
- published: 15 Feb 2009
- views: 1008055

THE BIBLE - Official Trailer
On 3.3.13, The Bible comes to life.
From executive producers Roma Downey (Touched By An ...
published: 11 Jan 2013
THE BIBLE - Official Trailer
On 3.3.13, The Bible comes to life.
From executive producers Roma Downey (Touched By An Angel) and Mark Burnett (The Voice, Survivor, Shark Tank, Celebrity Apprentice) the OFFICIAL trailer for the epic minseries, THE BIBLE, airing 3.3.13 on History.
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BibleSeries
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- published: 11 Jan 2013
- views: 586285

Les secrets révélés de la Bible
Quand est né le judaïsme ? Quelles étaient les croyances des premiers Israélites ? Comment...
published: 17 Apr 2012
Les secrets révélés de la Bible
Quand est né le judaïsme ? Quelles étaient les croyances des premiers Israélites ? Comment la Bible a-t-elle été écrite ? Ce documentaire confronte les investigations sur les textes religieux et les découvertes archéologiques en Terre sainte depuis la fin du XIXe siècle. Cette collaboration exceptionnelle entre chercheurs montre qu'à l'époque d'Abraham la première religion monothéiste était loin d'être une entité cohérente... La plupart des Israélites ont, par exemple, longtemps adoré des dieux païens. Par ailleurs, nombre d'entre eux pensaient que Dieu avait une épouse qui était elle-même une idole vénérée. Ce n'est qu'après la destruction de Jérusalem que les juifs, exilés à Babylone, ont commencé à concevoir l'existence d'un dieu unique et universel. Et c'est durant l'exil (entre 597 et 538 avant J.-C.) qu'ont été rédigés les cinq premiers livres de la Bible. Ces deux tragédies - la perte de Jérusalem et l'exil - ont constitué un terreau fertile sur lequel s'est développé un ensemble de croyances qui ont ensuite donné naissance au christianisme, à l'islam et à notre monde moderne.
- published: 17 Apr 2012
- views: 406208

NWO: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy Vol. 1
This video studies how evil is systematically fulfilling Bible prophecy. It is a 6,000 yea...
published: 01 Jun 2011
NWO: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy Vol. 1
This video studies how evil is systematically fulfilling Bible prophecy. It is a 6,000 year survey of secret societies and 220 year survey of progressively engineered warfare. Far from "conspiracy theory" or "Bible thumping", it calmly relies on original source documents. This video will challenge your world view, regardless of your background. It is for those who want the truth.
- published: 01 Jun 2011
- views: 294147

Decoding The Past - The Bible Code Episode 1: Predicting Armageddon
for more documentaries go to www.DocumentaryList.NET and donate or click an ad and support...
published: 15 Jun 2011
Decoding The Past - The Bible Code Episode 1: Predicting Armageddon
for more documentaries go to www.DocumentaryList.NET and donate or click an ad and support the site Thanks
There are those who believe that the Old Testament is filled with predictions. If one knows where to look, and how, there are references to figures like Hitler, Napoleon and Einstein, and events including the Second World War and the attacks of 9/11. And, of course, there are signs of what the future holds.
The Bible Code analyzes this controversial theory with the help of leading lights on both sides of the issue. Code researchers like Roy A. Reingold tell how the ancient code works, and what it says, while skeptics from top institutions like MIT and CalTech weigh in on the other side of the issue, though not everyone in academia believes that the code must be false.
Take a balanced look at the surprising theory that holds that, in some ways, the scriptures are the world's first computer program.
- published: 15 Jun 2011
- views: 76486

Why the Bible? Ravi Zacharias at the University of Illinois
For two evenings, Ravi Zacharias answers hard-hitting questions from a student-packed audi...
published: 11 Feb 2008
Why the Bible? Ravi Zacharias at the University of Illinois
For two evenings, Ravi Zacharias answers hard-hitting questions from a student-packed auditorium at University of Illinois.
- published: 11 Feb 2008
- views: 585670

Magic and Miracles - Mysteries of the Bible
In book after book of the Hebrew Bible, it is through miracles that God makes himself know...
published: 12 Jan 2011
Magic and Miracles - Mysteries of the Bible
In book after book of the Hebrew Bible, it is through miracles that God makes himself known to his chosen people. Are the miracles of the Bible merely stories or did they actually occur, and can they be explained scientifically? Why did the time of miracles draw to a close... or did it?
- published: 12 Jan 2011
- views: 81954

The Bible Trailer ft. Satan (Obama look-alike)
The Bible Satan - Obama Look Alike - "The Bible" has been an incredibly successful miniser...
published: 18 Mar 2013
The Bible Trailer ft. Satan (Obama look-alike)
The Bible Satan - Obama Look Alike - "The Bible" has been an incredibly successful miniseries for the History channel, so it's no wonder viewers took to the internet after noticing that the actor cast in the role of Satan looks quite a bit like President Barack Obama.
Mohamen Mehdi Ouazanni plays the role of the fallen angel. A number of Twitter users noticed the similarity between Ouazanni and Obama on Sunday. Among them was Mark Dice and Glenn Beck, who first tweeted that the series was "one of the most important shows in decades," then posted a screenshot of Ouazanni and asked if others thought he looked like "That Guy," Beck's preferred term for Obama.
- published: 18 Mar 2013
- views: 135278
Vimeo results:

Tyler, The Creator - Yonkers
Lyrics at http://sibatmedia.wordpress.com/2011/02/11/tyler-the-creator-yonkers-videolyrics...
published: 11 Feb 2011
author: Dauphín
Tyler, The Creator - Yonkers
Lyrics at http://sibatmedia.wordpress.com/2011/02/11/tyler-the-creator-yonkers-videolyrics/
YONKERS From Tylers Upcoming Second Album GOBLIN, Set To be Released in April. oddfuture.com
Directed By Wolf Haley
Filmed By Luis Panch Perez
Also check out The Odd Future Bible http://sibatmedia.wordpress.com/2011/03/01/the-odd-future-wolf-gang-bible/

The Light
Directed and music composed by Ihsu Yoon.
Thesis project for MFA Computer Art Department ...
published: 05 May 2010
author: Ihsu Yoon
The Light
Directed and music composed by Ihsu Yoon.
Thesis project for MFA Computer Art Department at School of Visual Arts in 2010.
To know more about my work :
SIGGRAPH Asia 2010
Shortlist Vimeo Festival Awards
Semi Finalist 2010 Adobe Design Achievement Awards

Egyptrixx - Start from the Beginning
Start from the Beginning - Egyptrixx / Bible Eyes LP (Night Slugs 2011)
Directed by Andre...
published: 09 Nov 2010
author: A N F
Egyptrixx - Start from the Beginning
Start from the Beginning - Egyptrixx / Bible Eyes LP (Night Slugs 2011)
Directed by Andreas Nicolas Fischer
Shortlisted at the 2012 Vimeo Video Awards https://vimeo.com/awards/vote/motiongraphics
The video examines the relationship between the simulated image and its physical manifestation. The landscape appearing in the video references one of Fischer´s relief sculptures (http://anfischer.com/new-relief-in-progress/).
The sculpture is magnified and distorted by the soundscape created by David Psutka. As time progresses the landscape becomes increasingly complex and distorted and finally changes its aggregate state to liquid. The shapes of the polygons appear in contrast to the fluid with which they collide.
The 3d model was textured with photos of the physical sculpture, which was carved from a block of mdf with a cnc-miling machine.

SaBo-FX - Lust (HD 1080p)
Song title : Lust
Music : SaBo-FX
Video remix : SaBo-FX
Models : Hillary Fisher & Jennie R...
published: 27 May 2011
author: sabofx
SaBo-FX - Lust (HD 1080p)
Song title : Lust
Music : SaBo-FX
Video remix : SaBo-FX
Models : Hillary Fisher & Jennie Reid
Thanx for watching! Hope you enjoy it.
Let me know what you think! Please leave a comment and/or thumbs up...
Listen to the music on either a headphone or some big ass speakers (to fully enjoy the baseline).
Watch the video in 1080p for the ultimate audiovisual experience!
Music Background info:
This song started out as a remix of one of the themes from the movie Tron. But when I played around with the chords it became something completely different. I'm not sure how to label it in terms of music style. All I can say is that I'm quite happy with the result and hope you are too.
Video Background info:
The two girls in this video are just breathtakingly beautiful. For me they both are in the same league as my favorite Bethanie Baderstscher (model from my video 'f yeah'). I find it pretty rare to see women who just by one glance can melt you down. Kinda scary, wouldn't you agree?
I chose the title/theme 'lust' as it seems like a very natural feeling towards these girls.
Being a happy atheist I get to have a go at the Bible's frustrating way of dealing with this topic. While most religions try to convince you of the hidden evil, I would rather suggest celebrating 'lust'. It's the pure raw animal instinct that has driving billions of years of evolution.
Funny how looking at these angels would almost make me believe there must be a god 8-)
Credits / disclaimer:
First of all, let me credit Playboy for providing the high quality footage in this video! I'm pretty sure that the video plays a large role in introducing my music to a worldwide audience. For several reasons, I had to cut out most the 'cracks and nipples' from the original footage. But apparently not enough, for it was banned from youtube. However, the original footage was even kinkier. I don't need a lawsuit from Playboy. But, don't let me stop you from downloading the uncensored video from the playboy website. This requires a paid subscription. (just so you know)
Download high quality MP3 versions of all my trax for free (including the music of this video):
(copy the line above and paste into your browser address bar)
Or check out the music at my SoundCloud webpage: http://soundcloud.com/sabo-fx/
If you like this clip please hit the [heart] button to 'Vote' for this video.
Don't forget to visit my YouTube channel to check out my other productions. The website www.sabo-fx.net currently redirects your browser to my youtube channel. A personal website will be up and running sometime in the near future.
Click the 'subscribe' button to automatically receive a notification of my future releases.
Audio/Video software used: (no hardware synth)
* Cakewalk Sonar 8.5.3
* Adobe Audition 3
* VST Re-FX Nexus 2
* VST Stylus RMX
* VirtualDub 1.9.9
* Adobe After FX CS5.5
* Trapcode plugins (for After FX)
* ffmpeg
* mencoder
Youtube results:

Strange Trumpet Sounds - Bible Prophecy? (James L. Paris)
http://www.jimparisnewsletter.com by http://ChristianMoney.com
What exactly are these stra...
published: 06 Mar 2012
Strange Trumpet Sounds - Bible Prophecy? (James L. Paris)
http://www.jimparisnewsletter.com by http://ChristianMoney.com
What exactly are these strange trumpet sounds? Could they be warnings of the end of days? Are these apocalyptic trumpets? Are these mysterious trumpet sounds linked to Bible prophecy? Includes James L. Paris interview with LA Marzulli. Check out our podcast on iTunes http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/bible-prophecy-survival-report/id547070462 James L. Paris' other videos http://www.jameslparis.us
- published: 06 Mar 2012
- views: 415096

Final Events of Bible Prophecy
Exciting multimedia documentary that reveals the amazing Bible truth behind earth's last d...
published: 17 Nov 2007
Final Events of Bible Prophecy
Exciting multimedia documentary that reveals the amazing Bible truth behind earth's last day events!
- published: 17 Nov 2007
- views: 348467

History Channel's "The Bible" Satan, Obama. It,s actually in the BIBLE! Educate yourself now!
There is a lot of hype going around about the History Channel's portrayal of Satan. He loo...
published: 20 Mar 2013
History Channel's "The Bible" Satan, Obama. It,s actually in the BIBLE! Educate yourself now!
There is a lot of hype going around about the History Channel's portrayal of Satan. He looks strikingly like Obama. Well, I believe there is a good reason for that. Barak Obama's name is actually in the Bible stating that he is Satan, yes I am serious! Watch for yourself, I think you will be enlightened.
SHare this video with everyone and anyone you can!
God Bless!
Luke 10:18
- published: 20 Mar 2013
- views: 54

How the Bible Led Me to Islam: The Story of a Former Christian Youth Minister - Joshua Evans
How the Bible Led Me to Islam: The Story of a Former Christian Youth Minister - Joshua Eva...
published: 09 Sep 2009
How the Bible Led Me to Islam: The Story of a Former Christian Youth Minister - Joshua Evans
How the Bible Led Me to Islam: The Story of a Former Christian Youth Minister - Joshua Evans
What's Islam? Islam in Brief - Yusuf Estes (Former Christian Preacher)
Key Points of This Video:
Introduction [start time 00:00]
Me before Islam [start time 01:10]
-Me as a christian
-My family was extremely conservative
Sunday school [start time 03:00]
Me at the youth services [start time 05:00]
Me reading the bible [start time 11:00]
The bible claims Noah was an alcoholics [start time 12:41]
The bible claims that Lut's daughters seduced him [start time 14:56]
The bible claims that David is an Adulterer, and Murderer [start time 16:35]
Me reading the new Testament [start time 23:59]
-The bible is full of Monotheism
-An implicit statement can not override an explicit statement
Why the crucifixion? [start time 27:28]
A Christian Professor from Bob Jones University shock my faith [start time 31:34]
Me looking at other religions [start time 35:44]
Me getting into a Car Accident [start time 38:10]
Robbed on gun point? [start time 41:18]
Me becoming an agnostic [start time 44:13]
Me reading about Islam [start time 45:22]
-Me meeting a Muslim
-Me going to mosque
Me in the mosque [start time 51:27]
The Imam doing the Friday Sermon [start time 52:29]
Friday sermon was about not despairing from the mercy of Allah [start time 54:28]
The congregation standing up for prayer [start time 56:00]
Me reading the Quran [start time 58:00]
Me accepting Islam [start time 1:02:27]
There are millions looking for the truth [start time 1:03:02]
Islamic Finance & Islamic Real estate [start time 1:04:21]
-Islam is the solution
Spread the cure! [start time 1:09:54]
-Don't put a bucket on your candle
Conclusion [start time 1:17:02]
- published: 09 Sep 2009
- views: 1780426