Concrete block DIY Storm Shelter 12x20 foot
Early in 2012 I built a storm shelter for my family. It's a twelve by twenty concrete bloc...
published: 13 Oct 2012
author: David Botkin
Storm Shelters - Tour of an Installed Underground Huntsville Tornado Lifesaver Storm Shelter (LS-12)
http://HuntsvilleTornadoShelters.com/yt3min - What's a quality, underground storm shelter ...
published: 16 Aug 2011
author: Hans Schoff
Storm Shelters: Installing a Huntsville Tornado Lifesaver Storm Shelter
http://HuntsvilleTornadoShelters.com/LS-12-Install Should you have a storm shelter to prot...
published: 16 Aug 2011
author: Hans Schoff
Single Pour Solid Concrete Monolithic Tornado Storm Shelter
An EF-5 proven single pour, reinforced solid concrete, monolithic tornado storm shelter bu...
published: 06 Feb 2012
author: vintagefans
Safe Storm Shelters Saved Lives During Oklahoma Tornado
A look at rooms designed to help protect people during powerful storms....
published: 22 May 2013
author: ABCNews
Arkansas Tornado Storm Shelters - Storm Cellars
Outside Storm Cellars can be installed in yards in a location that is convenient and easy ...
published: 26 Mar 2013
Storm Safe-Room or an Underground Cellar
Family is alive after riding out tornado in storm cellar....
published: 23 May 2013
author: Hokunyday
the creation~...
published: 09 Jul 2011
author: patrick M
Crazy Arkansas Redneck Storm Cellar!
Th' good thing 'bout bein' a redneck is you know how to make use of almost anything! lol M...
published: 11 Jan 2012
author: draywanda
Homemade Storm Shelter
storm shelter being build by a rookie....
published: 07 Mar 2012
author: Milezone1
See the shelter that saved 12 lives
Brian Todd gives us an up-close look at a backyard storm shelter that protected 12 people ...
published: 23 May 2013
author: CNN
Storm Shelter in Hackleburg
This is raw footage of a safe room in Hackleburg, Alabama. You will see the destruction ar...
published: 24 Jun 2011
author: AlabamaEMATV
Family comes out of storm cellar after May 20th Tornado in Moore Oklahoma
Family comes out of storm cellar after May 20th Tornado in Moore Oklahoma....
published: 21 May 2013
Okla. Teens Get Video of Deadly Tornado Overhead
Two Oklahoma teens were able to use their cell phones from inside a storm shelter to get v...
published: 23 May 2013
Youtube results:
Moore Tornado inside storm cellar.
Inside our storm cellar in Plaza Towers Edition. May 20, 3013....
published: 25 May 2013
author: Nick Haskins
Tenda Storm Cellar XL by FISHCON
Seguiteci alla pagina Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Team-Fishcon/19156035420451...
published: 22 Apr 2012
In the tornado cellar *We are out now and at home; the storm has passed, for now* :)
published: 19 May 2013
Tornado shelter saves lives in Oklahoma
CNN's Erin McPike reports on eleven people who spent 15 minutes crammed into two tiny bunk...
published: 22 May 2013
author: CNN