- published: 09 Dec 2008
- views: 60283

1941 Brest-Litovsk
Die Deutsche Wochenschau No. 565. July 2, 1941. The battle for the citadel of Brest-Litovs...
published: 09 Dec 2008
1941 Brest-Litovsk
Die Deutsche Wochenschau No. 565. July 2, 1941. The battle for the citadel of Brest-Litovsk. The strongly fortified Soviet fortress lay directly on the border of the General-Gouvernement (German-occupied Poland). An artillery barrage in the early morning hours of June 22 opened the battle for this bastion, which is bitterly defended by the Soviets.The infantry go forth.The defenders of the fortress give themselves up. The way into Brest-Litovsk is open. Wounded Soviet troops. Forward march! In the inner courtyard of the citadel, new defensive positions have been established, which must be overcome. Remains of a difficult battle. Prisoners.A wild mixture of peoples, the primitive and dull-witted mass-work instruments of the Soviets. In general, five days has been sufficient, to show the German soldiers a picture of the Soviet paradise.The city of hall of Brest Litovsk in German hands. Already the inhabitants are returning to their homes.
- published: 09 Dec 2008
- views: 60283

Оборона Трубчевска. 1941 год. www.voenvideo.ru
Оборона Трубчевска. 1941 год. http://www.voenvideo.ru/
Фильм рассказывает о событиях 20 а...
published: 16 Nov 2011
Оборона Трубчевска. 1941 год. www.voenvideo.ru
Оборона Трубчевска. 1941 год. http://www.voenvideo.ru/
Фильм рассказывает о событиях 20 августа - 22 октября 1941 г. у Трубчевска, его обороне войсками Брянского фронта, открывает малоизученные и малоизвестные факты противостояния Красной армии фашистской операции "Интермеццо". В основе фильма - подлинные карты боевых действий, донесения Брянского фронта, дневники немецких и советских генералов и другие документы того времени.
- published: 16 Nov 2011
- views: 200189

Первые четыре часа (22 июня 1941)
Впервые о событиях первого дня войны рассказывается непосредственно на местах основных бое...
published: 10 Mar 2012
Первые четыре часа (22 июня 1941)
Впервые о событиях первого дня войны рассказывается непосредственно на местах основных боевых действий. В фильме много новой, неизвестной зрителю информации. Например, о том, что первый советский город был отбит у немцев уже 23 июня 1941 года! О жестоких боях в районе Владимира-Волынского, о подвиге гарнизонов советских укрепрайонов, о том, что советские ВВС не были уничтожены, как гласит почти официальный миф, а также о других малоизвестных страницах войны.
Все плейлисты этого канала YouTube смотрите здесь:
Отдельно рекомендуется к просмотру телепроект "Суд времени" (2010г).
Здесь все его 46 тем представлены в удобном формате "1тема=1видео":
Это был процесс над историей (главным образом, над историей нашей Родины). В роли защитника истории выступал С.Кургинян.
Также многим людям, интересующимся историей, может понравиться телепроект "Большая игра" М.Леонтьева (2007-2008 г.г.).
Здесь он представлен, как посерийно, так в одном 7-часовом видео:
- published: 10 Mar 2012
- views: 26575

Великая Отечественная война 1941-1945 гг.
Видеоканал SENATMEDIA Федерального журнала СЕНАТОР представляет фильм Романа Кармена «ВЕЛИ...
published: 18 May 2011
Великая Отечественная война 1941-1945 гг.
Видеоканал SENATMEDIA Федерального журнала СЕНАТОР представляет фильм Романа Кармена «ВЕЛИКАЯ ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННАЯ ВОЙНА 1941-1945 ГГ.»
Фильм демонстрируется в рамках Международного творческого конкурса «ВЕЧНАЯ ПАМЯТЬ», традиционно проводимого в честь юбилея Великой Победы редакцией Федерального журнала «СЕНАТОР» и Фондом «Маршалы Победы»: http://www.konkurs.senat.org
Этот фильм снимался в годы Великой Отечественной войны 236 советскими кинооператорами, из которых 40 человек погибли на боевом посту. В фильме также использованы материалы киноархивов Советского Союза, Германской Демократической республики, Венгрии, Польши, Чехословакии, Югославии, Англии и Франции.
Режиссёры: Роман Кармен (худ. руководитель), Ирина Венжер, Ирина Сеткина
Авторы сценария: Роман Кармен, Сергей Смирнов
Композитор: Кара Караев
Авторы дикторского текста: Георгий Кублицкий, Семён Нагорный
Производство ЦСДФ, 1965 г.
Далее: http://www.konkurs.senat.org/index.html
Нашумевший фильм «ПЛАЧ РОССИИ»: http://www.youtube.com/user/SENATMEDIA#p/u/0/OUeVdfDsgeg
- published: 18 May 2011
- views: 496346

Фильм 1 й «22 июня 1941»
«Великая Отечественная» (англ. The Unknown War) — документальный сериал советско--британо-...
published: 12 Sep 2011
Фильм 1 й «22 июня 1941»
«Великая Отечественная» (англ. The Unknown War) — документальный сериал советско--британо-американского производства, вышедший на киноэкраны в 1978 году, объективно описывающий участие СССР во Второй мировой войне для западного зрителя. Создатели фильма поставили себе задачу объективно отразить события этой страшной страницы истории, и фильм оказался откровением для американской аудитории и одновременно уникальной возможностью для народов, составляющих в годы второй мировой войны СССР, довести правду о героическом подвиге советского народа и личностях внесших неоценимый вклад в борьбе с фашизмом. В фильме используется огромное количество документальных кадров выполненных военными корреспондентами периода Великой Отечественной. Фильм лишён политической окраски и отражает исключительно фактическую сторону военных действий. Он призван научить людей уважать историю, ценить подвиги предшественников и беречь, как неизменную ценность человечества, мир и гуманизм. Ведущим выступил американский актёр Берт Ланкастер. Режиссёр фильма — советский кинодокументалист Роман Кармен. Фильм вышел в двух вариантах — для англоязычного и русскоязычного зрителя. Русскую версию озвучивал Василий Лановой. Состоит из 20 частей продолжительностью примерно 50 минут каждая: • Фильм 1-й. «22 июня 1941» • Фильм 2-й. «Битва за Москву» • Фильм 3-й. «Блокада Ленинграда» • Фильм 4-й. «Партизаны. Война в Тылу Врага» • Фильм 5-й. «На Восток» • Фильм 6-й. «Война в Арктике» • Фильм 7-й. «Оборона Сталинграда» • Фильм 8-й. «Победа под Сталинградом» • Фильм 9-й. «Битва за Кавказ» • Фильм 10-й. «Величайшее Танковое Сражение» • Фильм 11-й. «Война в Воздухе» • Фильм 12-й. «Битва на Море» • Фильм 13-й. «Освобождение Украины» • Фильм 14-й. «Освобождение Белоруссии» • Фильм 15-й. «От Балкан до Вены» • Фильм 16-й. «Освобождение Польши» • Фильм 17-й. «Союзники» • Фильм 18-й. «Битва за Берлин» • Фильм 19-й. «Последнее Сражение Войны» • Фильм 20-й. «Неизвестный Солдат» Создатели фильма были награждены ленинской премией:
- published: 12 Sep 2011
- views: 122403

Defense of city Mogilev 1941
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This video is about the Defense of City Mogilev in 1941
published: 21 May 2011
Defense of city Mogilev 1941
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This video is about the Defense of City Mogilev in 1941
All video and music intended for educational purpose
Movie : "Днепровский рубеж" (2009) / "Dnipro Abroad"
1st) Epic Score : Evil King
2nd) Lube : Kombat / Любэ: Комбат
3rd) Lube : Sistra / Любэ : Сестра
- published: 21 May 2011
- views: 599775

Tea Making Tips (1941)
Welcome to the world of a national obsession and a place where people say 'orf' instead of...
published: 15 Sep 2008
Tea Making Tips (1941)
Welcome to the world of a national obsession and a place where people say 'orf' instead of 'off'. Tea connoisseurs will benefit from the six golden tips for making the perfect cuppa, as well as countless other handy hints (never store your tea next to cheese, for example). There's an assessment of the pros and cons of various teapots and words of wisdom about the tea bush itself.
Slightly grotesque methods for producing tea en masse are demonstrated - it was wartime, after all - and tea had to be produced by the oceanful. As such, there are some top tips for cleaning that hard-to-reach tap in your tea urn. Remember: "a dirty tap means dirty tea". (Robin Baker)
All titles on the BFI Films channel are preserved in the vast collections of the BFI National Archive. To find out more about the Archive visit http://www.bfi.org.uk/archive-collections
- published: 15 Sep 2008
- views: 156666

Боевые награды Советского Союза - 1941-1991
Боевые награды Советского Союза
Фильм расскажет обо всех наградах Советского Союза, а т...
published: 16 May 2011
Боевые награды Советского Союза - 1941-1991
Боевые награды Советского Союза
Фильм расскажет обо всех наградах Советского Союза, а также раскроет неизвестные ранее страницы истории, связанные с орденами и медалями.
Вы узнаете, как действовала советская система награждений, как относились рядовые граждане и руководители страны к орденам и медалям.
Студия "Крылья России"
- published: 16 May 2011
- views: 13319

The Bee Gees- 'New York Mining Disaster 1941'
The Bee Gees- The Best of The Bee Gees- 'New York Mining Disaster 1941'...
published: 06 Sep 2007
The Bee Gees- 'New York Mining Disaster 1941'
The Bee Gees- The Best of The Bee Gees- 'New York Mining Disaster 1941'
- published: 06 Sep 2007
- views: 678339

1941 Soundtrack Suite (John Williams)
Music from the Expanded Motion Picture Soundtrack (1979). Composed and Conducted by John W...
published: 16 Oct 2011
1941 Soundtrack Suite (John Williams)
Music from the Expanded Motion Picture Soundtrack (1979). Composed and Conducted by John Williams, performed by the Hollywood Studio Symphony. Feel free to write comments! :-)
Music Awards:
- None
After the soundtrack-album CD (9 Tracks and some little annoying soundeffects) and the promotional score (26 Tracks) of it, I was very happy to get the expanded score of 1941 with the entire Score (29) , the soundtrack-album included, and some bonus & source musics.
When I heard the music of the CD first I was a bit frustrated. The great sequence with the music from the epic 'JAWS' (also composed by John Williams) was not heard at the expanded score! Instead I heard a, little bit dissapointing, Verison which is also on the soundtrack-album.
I wrote a mail to the Label and they answered: "The Piece could not be sub licensed."
A bit frustrating, isn't it? Anyway this cue is on the promotional score.
At least; I know I should have to put more music from the movie in this suite...
I did my best but in 15 minutes I can't possibly put all these fantastic cues in a suite. I hope you'll understand and enjoy it anyway!
-00:00 = " '1941' Main Title "
-01:02 = "Sub Commander / Wild Bill Kelso"
-02:42 = "You Have Been Chosen / You, You, You"
-03:34 = "The Countdown / Swing, Swing, Swing"
-06:03 = "Service Tunes"
-06:45 = "Kelso's Attack / Deep In The Heart Of Texas"
-09:18 = "Ward's Big Gun"
-10:15 = "More Kelso"
-11:06 = "The Tank Approaches / Finale"
-13:17 = " '1941' End Credits "
- published: 16 Oct 2011
- views: 19502
Vimeo results:

Everything Is A Remix: KILL BILL
An extrapolation on the "One Last Thing" from Kirby Ferguson's web series Everything Is A ...
published: 02 Feb 2011
author: robgwilson.com
Everything Is A Remix: KILL BILL
An extrapolation on the "One Last Thing" from Kirby Ferguson's web series Everything Is A Remix - Episode 2: http://vimeo.com/19447662
Edited by Robert Grigsby Wilson
Produced by Kirby Ferguson and Robert Grigsby Wilson
Dedicated to Sally Menke, Quentin Tarantino's Editor, who passed away last year. She was a great inspiration to me.
For more information, visit
0:19 - Game of Death (1978)
0:35 - Samurai Fiction (1998)
0:41 - Once Upon A Time In The West (1968)
0:51 - Death Rides A Horse (1967)
1:01 - Lady Snowblood (1973)
1:14 - Thriller: A Cruel Picture (1974)
1:20 - Deep Red (1975)
1:35 - City of the Living Dead (1980)
1:39 - Gone In 60 Seconds (1974)
1:42 - Goke, Body Snatcher From Hell (1968)
1:49 - Sanjuro (1962)
1:57 - Blade Runner (1982)
2:03 - Fists of Fury (1972)
2:14 - Sanjuro (1962)
2:27 - Ichi The Killer (2001)
2:30 - Navajo Joe (1966)
2:44 - Battle Royale (2000)
2:51 - The Mercenary (1968)
2:57 - Circle of Iron (1978)
3:00 - Citizen Kane (1941)
3:09 - Shogun Assassin (1980)
3:21 - City of the Living Dead (1980)
3:28 - Django Kill! (1967)
3:34 - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly (1966)
3:43 - Twisted Nerve (1968)
3:52 - Black Sunday (1977)
4:04 - Carrie (1976)
4:13 - Alfred Hitchcock Presens: Breakdown (1955)
4:23 - Jackie Brown (1997)
4:25 - From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
4:26 - Pulp Fiction (1994)
4:30 - Pulp Fiction (1994)
4:33 - Jackie Brown (1997)
4:37 - Resevoir Dogs (1992)
4:39 - Jackie Brown (1997)
4:41 - Pulp Fiction (1994)
4:47 - Jackie Brown (1997)
4:50 - Pulp Fiction (1994)
4:51 - Jackie Brown (1997)
4:53 - From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
4:57 - Pulp Fiction (1994)
5:07 - Pulp Fiction (1994)
5:08 - Resevoir Dogs (1992)
5:09 - Jackie Brown (1997)
5:10 - From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
0:09 - Santa Esmeralda - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
0:49 - Quincy Jones - Ironside
0:55 - The Human Beinz - Nobody But Me
1:45 - Ennio Morricone - From Man To Man (Death Rides A Horse)
2:36 - Shivaree - Goodnight Moon
3:39 - Bernard Herrmann - Twisted Nerve
4:18 - Issac Hayes - Truck Turner

‘YEKPARE’ (monolithic)
"Yekpare" is a storyteller which narrates the 8500 year story of Istanbul. The story embra...
published: 15 Jun 2010
author: nerdworking
‘YEKPARE’ (monolithic)
"Yekpare" is a storyteller which narrates the 8500 year story of Istanbul. The story embraces symbols from Pagans to Roman Empire, from Byzantine Empire to Latin Empire, and finally from Ottoman Empire to Istanbul at the present day.
Haydarpaşa Train Station, with its brilliant architectural forms, is the building on which the story is projected. The connection between middle east to west has been provided by Istanbul and Haydarpaşa since 1906. In the 50’s it served as a door for millions of internal emigrants who have triggered the chaos in Istanbul's dialectical daily life scenes.The project's conceptual, political and geographical positioning, the location’s depth of field and the fact that the entire show can be watched from Kadıköy coast; make "Yekpare" a dramatic presentation.
The first day of the performance also marks the 47th deathday of Nazım Hikmet Ran, the famous Turkish poet. We started out with a quote from his epic novel, "Human Landscapes from My Country": “At Haydarpaşa Train Station, in the spring of 1941, it is three o’clock. Sun, exhaustion and rush lay on the stairs...”
Art Direction & Visuals:
Deniz Kader – Candaş Şişman
Music & Sound Design:
Görkem Şen
Project Management:
Erdem Dilbaz
Technical support : Alican Aktürk - Refik Anadol ( griduo.com)
Modelling: Gökhan Uzun – Can Dinlenmiş (prospektif.org)
Special Thanks to: Efor Production, Visio – Vox, Sinevizyon, Yakup Çetinkaya, Gökhan Kurtuluş, Lokman Doğmuş, Baran Güleşen, Ümit Özdemir, Tolga Dizmen, Yunus Dölen, Murat Durusoy, Ahmet Türkoğlu, Mustafa Nurdoğdu, Burhan Ersan.
Realized with mxwendler.net mediaserver
contact: nerd@nerdworking.org

CAROLINE - A film by Mani Nasry
Director/Producer/Writer -MANI NASRY
published: 03 Dec 2009
author: MANI NASRY
CAROLINE - A film by Mani Nasry
Director/Producer/Writer -MANI NASRY
Mani Nasry an exceptionally talented filmmaker, actor and artist with a sophisticated breadth of education, skills, experience, and professional accomplishments. He trained as an actor and director in New York with Salem Ludwig and with Donna DeMatteo for playwriting. For Mani, the decision to work in the film industry guided his academic decisions from an early age. He attended a Toronto high school renowned for excellence in the arts, and was accepted into one of the highly competitive film program at Ryerson university. It is notable that he went to Ryerson with an already well-established career in theatre, film, television and commercial work, and a range of multi-faceted achievements including producing, cinematography, casting, writing, directing, acting, and editing. On his own he added stints in New York and Los Angeles with leading acting teachers, as well as learning the grace and style of many forms of dance and athletics. With courses perceptively, he has also recognized the importance of acquiring an understanding of the business side of the industry, and the varied aspects of technology and production. There are some people clearly born to follow the path they have chosen from the start. Mani Nasry has the passion to succeed, the curiosity and ingenuity required to lead and collaborate in an industry known for its impact and appeal, and the strength of character and work ethic to immerse himself in finding and telling an unforgettable story.
MANI NASRY FILM AND TELEVISION RESUME Performer Profile Gender: Male Height: 5 feet 7 in Weight: 140 Age Range: 21 - 29 Physique: Athletic Hair Color: Brown Eyes: Brown Film Family Curse (2003 TV movie) Cast-Apr 01, 2003 SHADOW WALKERS PRODUCTIONS LTD Dawn of the Dead (2004) Cast-May 25, 2003/Jul 20, 2003 CORPUS VIVOS PRODUCTIONS INC Beautiful Girl (2003 TV movie) Cast-Aug 31, 2003 NEVER TIME PRODUCTIONS LTD New York Minute (2004/I) Cast-Sep 07, 2003 NY MINUTE FILMS INC Prom Queen: The Marc Hall Story (2004 TV movie) Cast-Oct 18, 2003 ADJUSTMENT BULLOCH Childstar (2004) Cast-Nov 23, 2003/Dec 07, 2003 RHOMBUS MEDIA The Coven (2004 TV movie) Cast-Dec 07, 2003 COVEN PRODUCTIONS CORP Man of the Year (2006) Cast-Feb 14, 2006 AXIUM ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES CANADA HOOKED ON SPEEDMAN Cast-Mar 08, 2006 PLAYING ARMY PRODUCTIONS INC "WHAT DO YOU SEE 1" Cast-Mar 14, 2006 ARNOLD WORLDWIDE CANADA Road to Christmas (2006 TV movie) Cast-Apr 02, 2006/ Apr 23, 2006 LET IT SNOW PRODUCTIONS INC. Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (2007) Cast-May 14, 2006 STUPID ZEBRA PRODUCTIONS INC Camille (2007) Cast-Jun 25, 2006 CAMILLE PRODUCTIONS INC LOVE BITES Cast-Jun 25, 2006 LOVE BUGS PRODUCTIONS INC Talk to Me (2007) Cast-Jul 02, 2006/Jul 09, 2006 TALK TO ME PRODUCTIONS INC LIPSTICK Cast-Jul 23, 2006 LIPSTICK FILMS INC Late Fragment (2008) Cast-Oct 22, 2006 KATMADHU INC Diary of the Dead (2007) Cast-Nov 05, 2006 DEAD DIARY PRODUCTIONS INC Trapped (2007 TV series documentary) Cast-Feb 28, 2007 NF (TRAPPED) INC Céline (2008 TV movie) Cast-Apr 09, 2007 CHART TOPPING PRODUCTIONS INC Saw IV (2007) Cast-Apr 16, 2007 SAW IV PRODUCTIONS INC The Incredible Hulk (2008) Cast-Jul 09, 2007 MVL INCREDIBLE PRODUCTIONS CANADA, INC. The Echo (2008) Cast-Aug 13, 2007 DCP ECHO PRODUCTIONS INC The Love Guru (2008) Cast-Sep 07, 2007 LOVE GURU PRODUCTIONS INC Traitor (2008) Cast-Sep 10, 2007 CINEBRIDGE PRODUCTIONS INC Murder on Her Mind (2008 TV movie) Cast-Oct 01, 2007 YELLOW NOTEBOOK PROD. INC. Anne of Green Gables: A New Beginning (2008 TV movie) Cast-Oct 10, 2007 ANNE PREQUEL PRODUCTIONS INC Repossession Mambo (2009) Cast-Oct 15, 2007 MAMBO FILM PRODUCTIONS INC Toronto Stories (2008) Cast-Oct 15, 2007 TORONTO STORIES Wisegal (2008 TV movie) Cast-Oct 26, 2007 WISEGIRL FILMS INC SMACK Cast SLAVA KOSTYACHENKO THE CURSE OF CHARLIE MARCEL Cast 9 TH LIFE PRODUCTIONS INC THE POCKET WATCH Cast REBECCA ROSE TURN TO NOWHERE Cast ARTMILL CREATIVE GROUP MODERN ART Cast YEUNG ART PRODUCTIONS BLIND ENCOUNTER Cast TOBESCENE PRODUCTION/GUY EARLE OFFICE IMPLOSION Cast JONATHAN WORMAN/NICOLE DORSEY PRODUCT THE BLACK DON Cast TRIPOD PRODUCTION/ EFRAIN GARCIA BEEF Cast THOMAS LIEU/KEVIN C.W.WONG/PROJECT NORI ALBERT LOVES YOU Cast TAD MICHALAK-BEN LICHTY-FRASER BROWN BURDEN Cast Sean Bodden SWITCH Cast Ian Schaiwer GROWING UP A MARCIANO Cast JENNIFER KASSABIAN/ E S B E PRODUCITON THE PLAYERS Cast CRAWLEY PRODUCT GONE FOREVER Cast 14 FILM WORLD APPARTS Cast PAUL MUZZIN THE GLOW Cast GLOW PRODUCTIONS/CRAIG R. BAXLEY Flashback Cast 14 FILM When Bad Things Happen To Good People Cast 14 FILM Television The Call (2004 TV series documentary) Cast-Oct 23, 2003/Nov 13, 2003 Life Network -1536901 ONTARIO INC VIOLENT CRIME Cast-Mar 16, 2003 VC PRODUCTIONS INC UNTITLED HOLLAND FULLER Cast-Mar 23, 2003 MILLENNIUM CANADIAN PRODUCTIONS EAST SHAKESPEARVILLE Cast-May 11, 2003 681417 ONTARIO LIMITED Platinum (2003 TV series) C

Praha Erotica - Story about the porn industry in Prague, Czech Republic.
Simon Chang
*The film is commissioned b...
published: 23 Feb 2010
author: Simon Chang
Praha Erotica - Story about the porn industry in Prague, Czech Republic.
Simon Chang
*The film is commissioned by the "Transitland Europe" project 2009 - An archive of video art from eastern Europe, presenting the period of 1989 - 2009.
The international premier was held during the Transmediale - Festival for art and digital culture Berlin from 11/6 - 11/9/2009 together with Ispace Association Sofia and Ludwig Museum Budapest with the support of Culture 2007 - 2013 Programme of the European Commission.
It was also showing at Reina Sofia Museum, Spain and also in Triest Contemporanea, Italy.
* is the permanent collection of KAOHSIUNG MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, Taiwan.
"What is morality in any given time or place? It is what the majority then and there happen to like, and immorality is what they dislike."
- Alfred North Whitehead, Dialogues, 30 August 1941
This documentary series is not a behind-the-scenes look at the porn industry in Prague, but the story of the people in the industry.
The stories presented in the film all question the human side of this trade. After all, for the actors and actresses who go to the set and have sex with someone they hardly know as a regular job is certainly far beyond the imagination of most of us.
This human side of this business intrigues me, although people might simply wonder if there is any human side to it. I’m more interested in why they do it instead of how do they do it. After spending over 2 years following this theme, I realized it’s nearly impossible to draw any conclusion. However, I’m trying to capture the stories that I see growing out of my close observation of the trade in the last 3 years.These stories highlight what’s happening on the other side of the cameras of the porn shooting set, where all of sudden, a certain flow mixed with the most primitive human desire and also the mysterious weakness of mankind seems to appear…
Youtube results:

elfstedentocht 1941 film voor youtube
Dit is een amateur film over de tocht der tochten van 1941. Deze in oorlogstijd gereden el...
published: 31 May 2011
elfstedentocht 1941 film voor youtube
Dit is een amateur film over de tocht der tochten van 1941. Deze in oorlogstijd gereden elfstedentocht was bijna niet doorgegaan vanwege de bezetting. In deze film zijn dan ook veel duitse soldaten en zelf hoge officieren aanwezig. Ook de oprichter van De vereniging van Friesche Elf Steden Mr. Hepkema is te zien bij de finish. En Auke Adema komt als eerste over deze finish. Voor meer films ook van dezelfde filmmaker kijk op www.friesfilmarchief.nl
- published: 31 May 2011
- views: 60497

Stalin speech - November 7, 1941[English subtitles]
Comrade Stalin show your bravery and call the Soviet people for the fight in Second World ...
published: 08 Jun 2008
Stalin speech - November 7, 1941[English subtitles]
Comrade Stalin show your bravery and call the Soviet people for the fight in Second World War! His famous speech, in 1941, when the German Army was only a dozen of kilometers near of Moscow!
In the same Day, the Soviet Military Parade:
Soviet Victory Parade of 1945 [Part I]
Soviet Victory Parade of 1945 [Part II] - Final
- published: 08 Jun 2008
- views: 611281

Bucuresti 1941
Imagini din Bucurestiul anului 1941, ultimele sclipiri inainte ca Romania sa stinga lumina...
published: 25 Nov 2007
Bucuresti 1941
Imagini din Bucurestiul anului 1941, ultimele sclipiri inainte ca Romania sa stinga lumina pentru o jumatate de secol.
- published: 25 Nov 2007
- views: 105957

Tobacco Road-1941
Starring : Charlie Grapewin , Gene Tierney
Shiftless Jeeter Lester (played by:Charlie Gr...
published: 14 Jan 2013
Tobacco Road-1941
Starring : Charlie Grapewin , Gene Tierney
Shiftless Jeeter Lester (played by:Charlie Grapewin of Grapes of Wrath and The Good Earth) and his family of hillbilly stereotypes live in a rural backwater where their ancestors were once wealthy planters. Their slapstick existence is threatened by a bank's plans to take over the land for more profitable farming; subplots involve the affairs and marriages of son Dude and daughter Ellie May.
- published: 14 Jan 2013
- views: 1353