- published: 28 Jul 2009
- views: 10143

Early Stage Sales
How do you make that first sale when you are a 'no name' on the market? How do you leverag...
published: 28 Jul 2009
Early Stage Sales
How do you make that first sale when you are a 'no name' on the market? How do you leverage those early sales into a strong sales curve? Recorded: February 27, 2008
- published: 28 Jul 2009
- views: 10143

24 Techniques for Closing the Sale -1
For more Brian Tracy content, visit: http://www.briantracy.com/briantracyinfo
published: 09 Oct 2007
24 Techniques for Closing the Sale -1
For more Brian Tracy content, visit: http://www.briantracy.com/briantracyinfo
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Subscribe to my channel! http://youtube.com/BrianTracySpeaker
- published: 09 Oct 2007
- views: 271875

Retail Sales Training: How To Sell Features and Benefits
The Five Parts To A Successful Sale, How Anyone Can Sell More Products With Less Customers...
published: 14 Apr 2008
Retail Sales Training: How To Sell Features and Benefits
The Five Parts To A Successful Sale, How Anyone Can Sell More Products With Less Customers (excerpt)
This comprehensive program includes two DVDS, an audio CD and a 22-page workbook. Disk one is the foundation of the entire program showing a crew being trained with the Five Parts To a Sale. You can see how its done and how a group responds to the training. You may choose to use this disk as part of an employee meeting or to train your trainers.
The second disk details how to train the Five Parts To a Sale including what to say and do and what not to say or do.
Finally, the 22-page workbook gives you additional background on the Five Parts To a Sale, gaining leverage on yourself as well as fill-in exercises so you can master the Five Parts To a Sale.
Most sales materials tell you what to do and very little else. That's not the case here. Not only are you shown what to do, the reasoning behind every step you take is thoroughly explained. And, most important of all, you are given complete step-by-step details showing you precisely how to carry out each of the Five Parts to a Sale.
At the same time, I've kept it as lean and tight as possible. I don't waste a minute of your valuable time with useless fluff or filler.You can get more free retail selling tips and articles and see more videos at http://www.retaildoc.com or www.bobphibbs.com
- published: 14 Apr 2008
- views: 35336

This Week in Sales - The Most Important Word in Sales is 'Next'
Mike Brooks, aka Mr. Inside Sales, is on the show with host Kevin Gaither to debate wheth...
published: 28 Sep 2011
This Week in Sales - The Most Important Word in Sales is 'Next'
Mike Brooks, aka Mr. Inside Sales, is on the show with host Kevin Gaither to debate whether or not cold-calling is dead.
00:00 Cold Open
00:30 Introduction
00:55 Nightmare Sales Job: When I Was Hating Sales
02:20 Mike's impressive work history and his books,
03:05 With Sales 2.0, is cold calling dead?
04:20 With inbound leads and Sales 2.0 technology, do we need to redefine cold calling?
05:20 You still need to learn how to make a phone call the right way
05:35 Product dumps and monologues, what's the right way to make a cold call?
06:55 What are the rules for a successful cold call?
08:40 How long should your cold call introduction be?
09:10 Short introductions are important, listening to the answer is more important.
09:55 The three statements to throw away as a sales professional
10:55 The importance and controversy behind scripting calls and responses
12:20 80% of the situations a sales rep will encounter are predictable and able to prepped for
13:35 NFL teams run plays based on research and patterns.
14:05 Ever been told to "send me your information"? Mike has a tip on how to take this common response and convert it into a prospect.
17:20 Part of your job is to disqualify leads in a respectable manner: out of a 100 prospects, only 5 may eventually buy from you. Identify them!
18:35 The most important word in sales is "next".
19:50 Where are sales managers screwing up?
20:50 The Manager's Dilemma
23:10 Mike talks directly to sales managers: "the magic happens during the sale."
24:00 Tools, scripts, and tracking adherence by sitting shoulder to shoulder or recording the calls is a manager's job.
25:45 How do you train inexperienced salesman quickly?
27:20 Discipline is defined as teaching. New sales reps need your discipline.
27:50 What your team is doing on the field while the game is played is what drives sales.
29:20 Ask Kevin: who do I email, a high-level powerful referral or a LinkedIn contact I researched?
31:20 Mike says pick up the phone and start calling!
- published: 28 Sep 2011
- views: 21794

The Two Most Important Words In Sales
Jeffrey Gitomer reveals the two most important words in sales and how they can make you in...
published: 25 Apr 2008
The Two Most Important Words In Sales
Jeffrey Gitomer reveals the two most important words in sales and how they can make you into the best sales person you can be.
- published: 25 Apr 2008
- views: 344363

How To Sell On the Phone 800-368-5771
How To Sell On the Phone 800-368-5771
published: 24 Sep 2012
How To Sell On the Phone 800-368-5771
How To Sell On the Phone 800-368-5771
Online Sales Training http://CardoneUniversity.com
Sales training expert Grant Cardone demonstrates how to handle ACTUAL Live Sales Calls and videos it for you to learn from. Watch this video and make notes of the exact techniques used to handle price objections, justify the price and close and then lock the deal down.
Want to know how to make a sales call like a pro, how to close over and objection and how to hold your price? While so many sales gurus tell you what to do Sales training expert and TV's TurnAround King shows in this video how to handle an actual sales call.
While he only demonstrates a couple of sales strategies he does so successfully in back to back calls.
In this video NY Times Best Selling Author Grant Cardone demonstrates to his sales team how to turn failed sales calls into successful closed deals. Cardone takes actual live sales calls to demonstrate to a group in the UK what he does for companies. This video is great material for a sales meeting, sales managers, sales motivation, sales coaching, how to make a sales call, how to close the deal, how to handle objections and how to hold your price. This short training video has not been edited except to transition through the hallway and remove a clients address.
Learn from the business expert and #1 Sales Expert on Twitter for 2012 as he handles actual live clients that are stalling the sales person. This sales video will give you information for your sales team on how they can persist in a call, how they can build rapport, how to stay focused in the call, and how to close the deal and handle objections.
In this video Grant Cardone demonstrates his exact sales strategies for building value rather than dropping price as his does in his best selling book, Sell or Be Sold where he suggest price is a myth and that price is never the reason why someone buys or does not buy a product or service. You will also see how Cardone does not wander through the call and stays very focused on identifying the real objections and closes not one deal but both.
Take charge of your own sales training by visiting http://GrantCardone.com and subscribe to the sales training series that is available at either http://CardoneUniversity.com.
- published: 24 Sep 2012
- views: 311319

What is your approach to the sale? The old way? The new way?
965 The time for systems of selling has passed.
The time for sales manipulation has passe...
published: 19 May 2011
What is your approach to the sale? The old way? The new way?
965 The time for systems of selling has passed.
The time for sales manipulation has passed.
The time for "finding the pain" has passed
The time for "closing the sale" has way passed.
I wonder if you're using yesterday's approaches to complete today's sales.
Many, if not most, salespeople (not you of course) walk into a sale with product knowledge, a few questions, a sales pitch, and hope. This is a strategy that will result in "How much is it?" Bad strategy.
It's time for you to create an approach that works and WOWs - an approach based on value and differentiation, an approach that's personalized and customized.
PROBLEM: This requires work. Hard work. And in my experience, most salespeople aren't willing to do the hard work that makes selling easy. They would rather do the easy work that makes selling hard.
Salespeople are not willing to build reputation, build expertise, network, work longer hours (especially in these times), and prepare harder than the competition.
I have an approach that's different from yours. It's an approach that has evolved from years of selling and years of practice. And I am current. Internet current. Google ranking current. Website current. Social media current. And technology current.
Here are my approach strategies and actions. See how many of them are yours:
* I have done my homework about their company.
* I have done my homework on the person I'm meeting with.
* I'm prepared with questions of engagement about them.
* I'm prepared with ideas in their favor.
* I'm more relaxed than formal.
* I'm confident, not cocky.
* I'm more friendly than professional.
* My business card rocks. People comment when they get it.
* I give signed books, not brochures.
* I don't start until I have established rapport AND found common ground.
* I ask more and talk less.
* I walk into the sales call with ideas, and questions, not a pitch.
* I look for their pleasure, not their pain.
* I don't talk about what "we do." I talk about how they win.
* I ask for and get their Santa Claus list (what they're hoping to achieve).
* I discover my customer's reasons and motives for buying.
* I answer with questions, not just statements.
* I dare to inject humor. Often. Not jokes, humor.
* I don't make presentations from my laptop - if I use slides it's from a projector.
* I'm prepared with slides if the meeting gets that far.
* If I use slides, they're fun, they're customized for the prospect, and they're not canned.
* I make my own slides.
* I often clarify a statement with a question before I answer.
* I discuss money openly (it's my favorite part).
* I listen with the intent to understand, and then respond.
* I take notes to make certain I remember what was said and what was promised, and to show respect.
* I use testimonials to prove points and create a buying atmosphere.
* I am more patient than anxious. I wait for them to ask, then tell.
* When I hear a buying signal, I ask for, and confirm the sale.
* I don't leave without asking for the sale or formalizing the next step.
THE SECRETS: I have a reputation that's Googleable, and I have a presence on social media that anyone can find and be impressed with. My company answers the phone with a friendly human being on the second ring 24/7/365.
THE HARD WORK: Internet presence.
THE HARD WORK: Social media presence.
THE HARD WORK: Attraction through value.
THE HARD WORK: Earning and acquiring video testimonials.
THE HARD WORK: Preparation for each and every prospect.
THE HARD WORK: Get up early, study, and write.
The old way of selling doesn't work anymore, and the new way of selling is difficult for seasoned salespeople to master.
This leaves a gap, and an opportunity. For anyone. But it takes hard work. For everyone. HUGE opportunity. And you could be the one.
Want some social media help? I created a video that will give you understanding and direction. Go to www.gitomer.com and enter the words GET SOCIAL in the GitBit box.
- published: 19 May 2011
- views: 13707

Sales y oxosales
Vamos a aprender con este video a nombrar y formar las distintas SALES y OXOSALES (sales t...
published: 23 Oct 2011
Sales y oxosales
Vamos a aprender con este video a nombrar y formar las distintas SALES y OXOSALES (sales ternarias). Tanto por nomenclatura TRADICIONAL como IUPAC.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Más sobre este video en:
▶ http://www.educatina.com/video/quimica/sales-y-oxosales
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▶ http://www.educatina.com
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© Educatina. All rights reserved.
- published: 23 Oct 2011
- views: 29861

Sales Techniques: How to Capture a Prospect's Attention
Interview with Keith Rosen, AllBusiness.com's Sales Advisor
See more videos and how-to ...
published: 07 Jan 2008
Sales Techniques: How to Capture a Prospect's Attention
Interview with Keith Rosen, AllBusiness.com's Sales Advisor
See more videos and how-to business information at http://allbusiness.com
- published: 07 Jan 2008
- views: 128260

Sales Training: How to be Great at Sales
http://www.GrantCardone.com - Sales training, sales tips and sales motivation for how to b...
published: 15 Mar 2010
Sales Training: How to be Great at Sales
http://www.GrantCardone.com - Sales training, sales tips and sales motivation for how to be GREAT sales person through sales tips and sales techniques by sales training expert and NY Times Best Selling author Grant Cardone
- published: 15 Mar 2010
- views: 21023

The Universe Made Car Sales People
There is a reason we have people who sell cars. This video is for everyone in the busines...
published: 11 Feb 2013
The Universe Made Car Sales People
There is a reason we have people who sell cars. This video is for everyone in the business.
Feel free to distribute away! BUT... please.. do not re-label it or edit or anything of the sort. This means the "by" line should either read "Shocktane" or "Chris Adams." If you have any questions please contact shocktane@gmail.com or on facebook : SHOCKTANE video (c)2013 Chris Adams
About a century ago, we needed a way to get from point A to point B. So Daimler and Benz, Maybach and Peugoet, Ford, Olds, and a bunch of engineers and dreamers and ironworkers came up with cars.
And the universe said, these machines aren't easy to understand for ordinary folks, and they cost a lot of money. We better get some salespeople quick. And the Universe gave us car salesman.
The Universe said "I need someone willing to work bell to bell, six days a week, make a hundred phone calls a day, handle floor traffic, close four deals on the last day of the month, stay out till last call celebrating and still make it into the 830AM sales meeting the next day wide awake, ready to kick ass and take names." So the Universe gave us car salesmen.
The Universe said "I need someone who can charm the pants off a nun, talk business with executives, football with steelworkers, and knows just enough about just about everything to have an intelligent conversation with anyone, no matter what their hobbies or line of business. A fellow who is dropforged from steel, with brass balls the size of grapefruits, the confidence of a trapeze artist, the bravado of a pool hustler, the memory of an elephant, the skin of a rhinoceros, the horns of a bull and the polish of a statesman. ." So the Universe gave us car salesmen.
The Universe said "I need someone to shovel snow in sub-zero cold, to move a minivans worth of stuff into a new car in boiling heat. I need someone with the patience to teach your grandmother how to use a factory navigation system and the drive and determination to do a ninety minute demonstration for every customer, even if they came in ten minutes after close and can't finance a hot dog. " So the Universe gave us car salesmen.
The Universe said "I need someone who can get things fixed at Service without running up a bill. I need someone who can entertain kids and shut down third basemen and stand up to sales managers and close three deals by noon. I need someone who can survive for fourteen hours on nothing but coffee, adrenaline, and half a slice of pizza inhaled in a three minute lunch break, dealing with folks that shop prices against every dealer in the tri-state area and still have to think about it." So the Universe gave us car salesmen.
"I need someone who isn't going to break down when he has three deals unwind in one day. Someone who is willing to stay five hours over so his teammate can watch their kids' recital and get the short end of a split deal and not bitch about it. I need someone who knows the product line inside, outside, and upside down and can still sell what's on the lot today." So the Universe gave us car salesmen.
"But most of all, I need someone who will study. Learn the craft. Treat the people right. Train the new guy when you're not playing pranks on him. Take him under your wing. Pass down everything you've learned. So that one day, after you've sold everyone, and their families, and their coworkers, you're living out your days puttering around dealerships doing dealer trades, you can look out at all the young faces in the showroom, and know that somehow, some way, you made an impact on the world."
And so, the Universe gave us car salesmen.,. (c) Chris Adams 2012
- published: 11 Feb 2013
- views: 253200

Boiler Room First Sale
This Broker makes a brilliant phone sale.
Want more info about Phone sales? http://tele...
published: 24 May 2006
Boiler Room First Sale
This Broker makes a brilliant phone sale.
Want more info about Phone sales? http://telemarketing-system.blogspot.com
- published: 24 May 2006
- views: 755109
Vimeo results:

Landscapes: Volume Two
Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/dustin_farrell
website: www....
published: 03 Oct 2011
author: Dustin Farrell
Landscapes: Volume Two
Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/dustin_farrell
website: www.crewwestinc.com/
Planet 5D Blog: http://blog.planet5d.com/2011/10/dustin-farrells-landscapes-volume-two-another-canon-eos-5d-mark-ii-timelapse-masterpiece/
PLEASE WATCH IN HD FULL SCREEN w/SOUND. It is a much better viewing experience. Hopefully you have a 1080P monitor and good connection. If not, bug a friend or colleague that does. It is worth it.
Landscapes: Volume 2 is the second of a three part series. Every frame of this video is a raw still from a Canon 5D2 DSLR and processed with Adobe software. In Volume 2 I again show off my beautiful home state of Arizona and I also made several trips to Utah. This video has some iconic landmarks that we have seen before. I felt that showing them again with motion controlled HDR and/or night timelapse would be a new way to see old landmarks.
Sales Pitch: I would now have to say that my timelapse skill set is very complete. The amount of knowledge I have gained through research, testing, and shooting experience is astounding. From moon phases to high dynamic range to motion control rigs to noise reduction, you would have a tough time finding someone with more overall knowledge of timelapse. If you need help with your next timelapse project you can reach me at 888-444-2739 or DustinF@crewwestinc.com
Most of the motion control for this video was done with the Stage Zero Dolly by Dynamic Perception. Once I got comfortable using the DP dolly I fell in love. I can set up shots now in much shorter times. More importantly for me, it is much smaller and much more portable than my homemade motion control. Without it, shots like the Delicate Arch shot in Utah would be nearly impossible due to the length of the hike. Buy the Stage Zero Dolly if you are looking for quality, inexpensive, easy-to-use motion control. http://dynamicperception.com/
In addition to the Stage Zero, I also used a three axis motion controlled CamTram. The CamTram is the most versatile dolly I have ever used. Its applications are only limited by your creativity. The CamTram has virtually no weight limit. I was able to achieve shots that dolly-in with the camera just over the ground because of the CamTram's ability to hold heavy counter weights.
CamTram Motorized Options Video: http://www.vimeo.com/30385088
The amazing graphic work at the beginning and end was done by Chris Pettit of Digital Skye Media Development. Check out Chris' other work here: vimeo.com/user8750744
Music is "Sunshine (Adagio In D Minor)" by John Murphy. #15 here: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/sunshine-music-from-motion/id297702863
Thank you to the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff for allowing me to shoot there. They were very friendly and helpful. http://www.lowell.edu/
Saving the best for last . . . thanks to my wonderful wife Laura. Not only does she put up with and support this crazy passion of mine, she helped out on many of these shots. I think I'll keep her :-)

HDR Video Demonstration Using Two Canon 5D mark II's
Our HDR rig used to film this is now for sale, to raise money for the next generation! Con...
published: 09 Sep 2010
author: Soviet Montage
HDR Video Demonstration Using Two Canon 5D mark II's
Our HDR rig used to film this is now for sale, to raise money for the next generation! Contact us for details or to submit an offer.
Check out our iOS app for Photoshop-level photo editing: http://proc.es
This video highlights several clips we've made using our new High Dynamic Range (HDR) process. Video is captured on two Canon 5D mark II DSLRs, each capturing the exact same subject via a beam splitter. The cameras are configured so that they record different exposure values, e.g., one camera is overexposed, the other underexposed. After the footage has been recorded, we use a variety of HDR processing tools to combine the video from the two cameras, yielding the clips you see above.
HDR Video provides filmmakers with many exciting new opportunities. Not only can HDR video create interesting effects, it can also allow for even exposure where artificial lighting is unavailable or impractical. For example, when a subject is backlit, one camera could be set to properly expose the subject, the other the sky, resulting in video with perfect exposure throughout.
We will continue to develop and improve the HDR video process for better results and efficiency. For more information, check out our website
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Opus 40, Number 9
Performed by Kevin MacLeod
Licensed Under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"

This Is My Home
On an unseasonably warm November night in Manhattan on our way to get ice cream, we stumbl...
published: 20 Feb 2012
author: Mark
This Is My Home
On an unseasonably warm November night in Manhattan on our way to get ice cream, we stumbled upon what appeared to be a vintage shop, brightly lit display window and all. As we began to walk in, a man sitting out front warned us that we were welcome to explore, but nothing inside was for sale. Our interests piqued, we began to browse through the collections the man out front had built throughout his life. This is a story of a man and his home.
A film by Mark Cersosimo and Kelsey Holtaway
For bonus footage, see http://departurearrivalfilms.com
For behind the scenes, see http://markcersosimo.com/this-is-my-home-the-backstory
Music by Red Hook Ramblers www.redhookramblers.com
"This video has a magic, masterful charm" - Roger Ebert

Nihonbashi Koukashita R Keikaku
Tumblr version : http://nkrk.tumblr.com/
Director : Takuya Hosogane http://www.hsgn.tk/
published: 04 Apr 2012
author: Takuya Hosogane
Nihonbashi Koukashita R Keikaku
Tumblr version : http://nkrk.tumblr.com/
Director : Takuya Hosogane http://www.hsgn.tk/
Storyboard : Takuya Mitomi http://kemuhoko.tumblr.com/
Music : Jin http://jinjinsuruyo.blog.fc2.com/
Total Produce: Maxilla http://maxilla.jp/
Music Video for IA/01 -BIRTH-
4.25 on sale!
Making of
Youtube results:

Mainframe: The Art of the Sale, Lesson One
"The Office" meets corp. sales training video. This video was selected by Comedy Central ...
published: 18 Aug 2006
Mainframe: The Art of the Sale, Lesson One
"The Office" meets corp. sales training video. This video was selected by Comedy Central as a "staff favorite" in its comedy test pilots contest.
- published: 18 Aug 2006
- views: 363195

QUIMICA Inorganica 01 HIDRUROS oxidos SALES BINARIAS peroxidos unicoos
Si este video te ayudó y quieres que unicoos siga creciendo, SUSCRÍBETE, haz click en "Me ...
published: 05 Mar 2012
QUIMICA Inorganica 01 HIDRUROS oxidos SALES BINARIAS peroxidos unicoos
Si este video te ayudó y quieres que unicoos siga creciendo, SUSCRÍBETE, haz click en "Me gusta" y compártelo . Gracias!. #nosvemosenclase
Este es el primer video dedicado a formulacion inorganica. En este caso veremos como nombrar HIDRUROS, OXIDOS, SALES BINARIAS y PEROXIDOS en sus nomenclaturas SISTEMATICA, TRADICIONAL y de STOCK.
Echale un vistazo a otros videos similares, buscando "inorganica unicoos" en youtube.
Siguenos en:
http://www.facebook.com/beunicoos (Me gusta)
Si quieres estar informado de las próximas subidas, crea una cuenta en youtube y suscribete a mi canal. Y no olvides hacerme llegar cualquier sugerencia, consejo o duda.
- published: 05 Mar 2012
- views: 99648