Thursday, 20 September 2012
Independent Online Ever since Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi announced former minister John Dalli’s political rehabilitation by ruling that the three issues he was involved in had been examined and that Mr Dalli was not guilty of any of them, media and political speculation in Malta has been having a field day. The...(size: 3.3Kb)
Independent Online The Prime Minister yesterday announced the appointment of former Finance and Foreign Minister John Dalli as his main consultant in matters of economy and competitiveness, after declaring that an as yet unpublished auditor general report has not found anything against Mr Dalli in spite of the...(size: 5.1Kb)
John Dalli and the PN 23 Mar 2007
Independent Online Since his resignation from the Foreign Affairs Minister post that he held nearly three years ago, John Dalli may have lost his place in the Cabinet, but what he writes in newspapers and says in public still creates high waves, on both sides of the political fence. Last Sunday, Mr Dalli was...(size: 3.9Kb)
Independent Online Nationalist MP John Dalli insisted yesterday on the need for the PN to make a strong effort to reunify its supporters, since only by doing so can the party ensure that it will win the next general election. Replying to questions during an interview by l-orizzont editor Frans Ghirxi at the Zebbug MLP...(size: 3.0Kb)
PM, John Dalli meet 10 Dec 2006
Independent Online A meeting was held last Tuesday between Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and former minister John Dalli. The...(size: 0.7Kb)
Independent Online John Dalli’s loyalty to his party, his...(size: 0.3Kb)
Independent Online The Nationalist Party spin has been that the prison sentence imposed on Joe Zahra, the private investigator found guilty of concocting a story about the medical equipment at Mater Dei Hospital, vindicates John Dalli and disproves the campaign waged against him by Alfred Sant. Well, hardly. As John...(size: 2.2Kb)
Independent Online Noel Grima A strong attack by former minister John Dalli led to an inevitable reaction at Thursday’s Nationalist Party executive committee meeting. It ended with Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi asking if the committee wanted to remove him and the executive committee giving him a 10-minute standing...(size: 4.5Kb)
Independent Online 'Dalli Censored By Nationalist Media’ the Malta Labour Party’s website reported on Tuesday. Anyone wanting to know what really happened during the Nationalist Party’s autumn conference on Sunday, it said, certainly did not get a full picture from the Nationalist media. “The PN’s media,...(size: 4.9Kb)
Independent Online Former Finance Minister John Dalli was whisked away from the airport as soon as he landed from Tripoli last night and rushed to Parliament to provide the concluding testimony to the Public Accounts Committee on the Dar Malta issue.The committee, which had concluded its other work at around 8.15pm,...(size: 13.4Kb)