Claesson Koivisto Rune
In anticipation of our exhibition CEREMONY with Claesson Koivisto Rune on Wednesday January 23rd, we’ve put together a collection of images to provide a bit of context for the architect firm in case you weren’t already familiar with their work.
We hope you enjoy!
Kråkmora Holmar.
Örsta gallery.
N0. 5 house.
Råman house.
Sfera building, Kyoto.
Marrakech tile exhibition.
Dandelion tile.
Model for Espina De Cruz + residential house.
Kin Urushi tea light holders
Monet – Japanese candies
Brasilia coffee table with Boxplay sofas.
Spin poufs
Vass cabinet and Press magazine holder.
We’re looking forward to seeing everyone on the 23rd! All three founding members of Claesson Koivisto Rune will be attendance, so please drop in and say hello.