- published: 19 Dec 2007
- views: 8277
- author: Journeyman Pictures

Beyond Belief - China
1 May 1999 All over China folk religion is experiencing a massive revival. Produced by ABC...
published: 19 Dec 2007
author: Journeyman Pictures
Beyond Belief - China
1 May 1999 All over China folk religion is experiencing a massive revival. Produced by ABC Australia Distributed by Journeyman Pictures.
- published: 19 Dec 2007
- views: 8277
- author: Journeyman Pictures

Folk Religion and the Hebrew Bible: Asherah and Deborah
Throughout the Old Testament, many examples of the Israelite's practice of folk religion a...
published: 12 Aug 2010
author: Helvis213
Folk Religion and the Hebrew Bible: Asherah and Deborah
Throughout the Old Testament, many examples of the Israelite's practice of folk religion are scattered throughout the texts. Here, Deborah, a Judge of Israel...
- published: 12 Aug 2010
- views: 1682
- author: Helvis213

Spirit World In Jewish folk religion and Native American Shamanism
published: 12 Dec 2011
author: sarahmansful
Spirit World In Jewish folk religion and Native American Shamanism
- published: 12 Dec 2011
- views: 92
- author: sarahmansful

Singapore: Woodlands Folk Religion民间宗教
A traditional Chinese culture more than 2000 years derived from ancient China....
published: 02 Mar 2008
author: hong339sg
Singapore: Woodlands Folk Religion民间宗教
A traditional Chinese culture more than 2000 years derived from ancient China.
- published: 02 Mar 2008
- views: 3226
- author: hong339sg

Singapore: Folk Religion新加坡民间信仰
published: 23 Feb 2012
author: Asian Culture Village 亚洲民俗村
Singapore: Folk Religion新加坡民间信仰
- published: 23 Feb 2012
- views: 63
- author: Asian Culture Village 亚洲民俗村

Folk religion in taiwan
Folk religion in taiwan....
published: 10 Nov 2006
author: Wan-Chen Chang
Folk religion in taiwan
Folk religion in taiwan.
- published: 10 Nov 2006
- views: 567
- author: Wan-Chen Chang

Singapore: Folk Religion III 新加坡民间宗教
Location: Woodlands Avenue 1....
published: 12 Sep 2008
author: Asian Culture Village 亚洲民俗村
Singapore: Folk Religion III 新加坡民间宗教
Location: Woodlands Avenue 1.
- published: 12 Sep 2008
- views: 396
- author: Asian Culture Village 亚洲民俗村

Singapore: Folk Religion II 新加坡民间宗教
Location: Woodlands Avenue 1 (opposite Esso Station)...
published: 12 Sep 2008
author: Asian Culture Village 亚洲民俗村
Singapore: Folk Religion II 新加坡民间宗教
Location: Woodlands Avenue 1 (opposite Esso Station)
- published: 12 Sep 2008
- views: 501
- author: Asian Culture Village 亚洲民俗村

ethnomusicology, theatre, southeast china, ritual, religion, folk belief,我已編輯
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor) Giving ...
published: 08 Sep 2012
author: woosungstreet
ethnomusicology, theatre, southeast china, ritual, religion, folk belief,我已編輯
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor) Giving a Baby from The Heavenly Lady.
- published: 08 Sep 2012
- views: 105
- author: woosungstreet

Political Patterns, Religion and Folk Beliefs for Americans
Class presentation....
published: 30 Apr 2012
author: shondale71
Political Patterns, Religion and Folk Beliefs for Americans
Class presentation.
- published: 30 Apr 2012
- views: 24
- author: shondale71

Rod MaDonald - Freedom of Religion - WLRN Folk Radio with Michael Stock
Rod MacDonald live on WLRN Radio, Miami, FL 7/17/11 Folk & Acoustic Music with Michael Sto...
published: 28 Jul 2011
author: Michael Stock
Rod MaDonald - Freedom of Religion - WLRN Folk Radio with Michael Stock
Rod MacDonald live on WLRN Radio, Miami, FL 7/17/11 Folk & Acoustic Music with Michael Stock www.wlrn.org www.folkandacousticmusic.com.
- published: 28 Jul 2011
- views: 49
- author: Michael Stock
Vimeo results:

Joshua God Wars Pt 11: The Battle is the Lord's
Follow me to glimpse a scene where we find a teenager too young to enlist in the Army. He ...
published: 05 Jul 2009
author: Jim Tompkins
Joshua God Wars Pt 11: The Battle is the Lord's
Follow me to glimpse a scene where we find a teenager too young to enlist in the Army. He is bringing a care package for his brothers when he witnesses a disturbing sight. The entire Army of mighty men is cowering in fright because of one enemy soldier. The taunting of one enemy soldier has brought the Army of God to their knees in fear. Then this young boy gets riled up and wants to fight this enemy soldier. He goes out to face him, and the enemy soldier known as Goliath makes fun of the young boy. “Am I a dog that come at me with sticks”
This young boy called David makes an amazing statement that we would be well to understand:
1 Samuel 17:46-47 (NKJV) This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you. And this day I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord's, and He will give you into our hands."
The Battle Belongs to the Lord! The Battle Belongs to the Lord. Petra sings a song:
In heavenly armour we'll enter the land
The battle belongs to the Lord
No weapon that's fashioned against us shall stand
The battle belongs to the Lord
We sing glory and honor
Power and strength to the Lord
The power of darkness comes in like a flood
The battle belongs to the Lord
He's raised up a standard, the power of His blood
The battle belongs to the Lord
When your enemy presses in hard do not fear
The battle belongs to the Lord
Take courage my friend, your redemption is near
The battle belongs to the Lord
Let’s Pray
As we celebrate Independence Day, our Journey through Joshua brings us to Joshua 10, providing us a glimpse at the longest day in the history of this world. At the end of that hard day of fighting we can imagine Joshua and his men breaking out in this song:
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
His truth is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat:
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Our God is marching on.
Joshua 10 reveals the truth that we had better learn to grasp in our life, the truth that David learned even in his youth, a truth that America used to embrace:
We can say God is Loving and merciful and forgiving, but unless we realize that God is EL GIBBOR God the Mighty Warrior, we will never truly understand the nature of God.
We first see God called El Gibbor in Deuteronomy 10:17. Moses in Deuteronomy 9 & 10 is preparing His people for their crossing into the promised land. He is reminding them of all God has done over the past 40 years. The way He miraculously delivered them from Egypt and how he sustained them in the desert wilderness. He recounts how God gave him the 10 commandments, not once, but twice. He reminds them of His covenant with them and how they must submit and not be stiff-necked. For the Lord our God is God of Gods and Lord of Lords, MIGHTY (Gibbor) and Awesome. (deut 10:17)
When Israel started to stray from the Lord after they had entered the promised land, Judges 2:15 reveals “Every time Israel went out to battle, the Lord fought against them, causing them to be defeated, just as he had warned. And the people were in great distress.”
If America does not return to our Confession and belief in “One Nation Under God” we run the risk of finding ourselves fighting against God and suffering defeat in our battles, causing great distress here at home.
When we get in step with El Gibbor, we will find that He is the Mighty Warrior, and no foe, no problem, no obstacle is too great for Him to defeat.
MOSES Declared to the Hebrews “...Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will show to you today: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today, ye shall see them again no more for ever. The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.” [Exod 14:13,14]
MOSES told Joshua: “When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses, and chariots, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of them: for the LORD thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. And it shall be, when ye are come nigh unto the battle...let not your heart

Marriage is a Love Laboratory
No matter how much we were in love with each other, there will come a time when we think t...
published: 30 Nov 2009
author: Jim Tompkins
Marriage is a Love Laboratory
No matter how much we were in love with each other, there will come a time when we think to ourselves: "I love my husband or spouse, but I don’t feel in love." In fact many people come to a place where they may even say, "I don’t think I love my spouse anymore."
The reason is quite simple.
Most of us get married to be loved, not to learn how to love. I know you are probably reacting to that statement. I was convinced I was the best person in the whole world to love my wife. God had given her to me and I was the one who could love her best. I soon discovered there were some things my wife did that I did not know how to love. I soon discovered that my love was selfish. Along with my attempts to love her came my disappointment when she did not love me the way I expected. I discovered my love was rooted in selfishness.
Our reasons for marriage usually have some flavor of selfishness, usually because we believe we will be better off, they will provide for me, they will give me what I need.
Any marriage that begins with some semblance of selfishness (don’t they all?) will be in for some kind of adjustment. At some point your spouse will fail to do something which we expected or counted on. At some point we will encounter disappointment and even hurt because something we counted on did not get done.
Marriage confronts our biggest sin – Pride.
We all bring pride into our marriage, and because of our pride, we have expectations and those expectations will be disappointed, because our spouse also has pride and selfishness.
Melittledina posted this on askmehelpdesk forum, where you can ask experts anything:
I've been with my spouse for now 5 1/2 years. We have two girls. Oldest is 4 years old and the youngest is 2 years old. I am UNHAPPY in my relationship. The first year we where together, when I was pregnant with are first, I discovered that he was sending pornographic photos of himself and his ex-girl-friend on the internet "Live sex chat". I forgave him. After, I discovered that he stole money that we had for the rent and lied to me about it until I caught him red handed. I forgave him. After, I discovered that he stole his best friend’s credit card. I forgive him. After I discovered that he stole money from his boss at work and he lost his job. I forgive him. Last October, I got a phone call from another woman. HE CHEATED on me! I left him. After 1 week, he tried to kill himself, so AGAIN I forgive him. I am so tired!!! I think today that I am with him only for my children... He is a good father to them. But I can’t live like this anymore. I've been thinking of cheating on him to get revenge but that won’t work. I just want him out of my life…
The experts told 'melittledina' she needs to divorce her no-good husband for the protection of the children. Obviously Christ was not in their family. Even if 'Melittledina' had been a Christian, she probably would have divorced her husband. She had discovered that he had serious character flaws. He was not meeting her expectations. She still loved him, but she was no longer in love...she wanted out of the marriage. She had married for love, but she did not marry to learn how to love such a seriously flawed man.
Most of us enter marriage with dreams and expectations. At one time we were active in our love for our spouse. Then, like 'melittledina', we start to see character flaws, some very serious. Then, disappointment, hurt, and bitterness build up stumblingblocks to our love.
What happened to my "Soul-Mate"
The truth is that we have this concept of “soul-mate” floating around our sub-conscious. Plato taught this before Christ was born, that somehow our souls were torn in two and there is someone out there with the other half of our soul. We get married because we think we have found our “soul-mate” and it is just so easy being around them. We have fun, we laugh, there is nothing forced about our relationship. We genuinely believe we have found the one God meant us to be married to the rest of our lives.
Love is largely a feeling that produces long conversations, walks in the park, long slow kisses, and gentle touches. Our feelings are magnified to the 'nth' degree. We are constantly floating on clouds.
Then we get married and life happens. Life is not easy, it is very difficult. The clouds evaporate, the long slow kisses become short little pecks, the walks in the park become falling asleep on the couch.
After months or years, as our disappointment grows and the trials increase, we find ourselves wondering about our “love” and where it went. You tell your friends that you still love your spouse, but the love has changed. The feelings are not there. You wonder about this “soul-mate” thing, especially when days go by without intimacy or involved conversation.
"Bride to Be" becomes the "Bride that Was"
Do you know the difference between the bride to be and the bride that was?
It’s not the veil, or the dress. It’s your att

How to Invite people to Grace Compass Church?
Grace Compass Church
7 Steps to More Spiritual Conversations
Here is what I do to engage ...
published: 27 Apr 2009
author: Grace Compass Church
How to Invite people to Grace Compass Church?
Grace Compass Church
7 Steps to More Spiritual Conversations
Here is what I do to engage people in a spiritual conversation:
1. Make it a priority. Be intentional
2. Pray for the opportunities.
3. Get out into the community.
4. Cultivate relationships.
5. Learn to ask good questions.
6. Look for God’s work in people.
7. Guard your heart.
Effective Evangelism Training
Power of the Holy Spirit emphasizes learning God’s vision for evangelism, and developing a passion for personal evangelism. This evangelism conference also seeks to develop practical evangelism skills in cooperating with the Holy Spirit.
The course uses a lot of the principles we teach about cooperating with the Holy Spirit and conversational evangelism, based on Phillip and Ethiopian Eunuch.
Phillip And The Ethiopian Eunuch
By EvangelismCoach • April 24, 2007
Acts Conversions
Let’s look at an “easy conversion,” that of the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts Chapter 8.
This conversion was as simple as picking a ripe mango ready to fall from a tree.
It’s not so much about the Eunuch as it is about Phillip being God’s tool to help the man come to faith.
The fruit is ready
The Fruit is Ready
These are the kinds of evangelistic conversations I love because a person has been prepared by the Lord to this point, and I get to be the one God uses to bring that person into the kingdom.
It reminds me that God is the Evangelist, that the Holy Spirit goes before us to prepare the way, and that when we are obedient to His promptings, the Lord can use us.
The passage: Acts 8:26-40.
Phillip had been directed by the Lord to go on a scavenger hunt. “Go to the south road, the desert road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.”
Phillip was then prompted to go and stand near a chariot that was on the road.
Phillip hears a man reading a particular passage from the book of Isaiah.
Phillip asks if he understands.
The man’s response: “How can I unless someone explains it to me? Please tell me who the prophet is talking about.”
Phillip began there and told him the good news about Jesus. The eunuch believed, he took baptism, and went on his way rejoicing, never to see Phillip again.
A seeker:
We know from the text what Phillip didn’t know at first. This man had been coming from Jerusalem, where he had been to worship God. Phillip didn’t know him, but found a man reading out loud from the Old Testament.
This man shows all the signs of one who is spiritualy thirsty.
• He had reworked his schedule to go to Jerusalem on his own.
• He was reading from the Scripture.
• He wanted somebody to explain what he was reading.
• He was willing to search for the truth.
• He was willing to understand.
This man was hungry for the things of God. He was spiritually thirsty. Prepared by God.
All he needed was a person to help explain.
An evangelist.
The Lord used an obedient Phillip to help this man into the kingdom.
Both sides always balance
God worked both sides of the equation, so to speak, putting Phillip and the spiritualy thirsty eunuch in the same place at the same time. This positioning is the Role of the Holy Spirit in Evangelism.
All Phillip had to do in this encounter with a stranger was to obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
In other words, Phillip got to work with God.
Phillip didn’t
• need to pry open a hard heart like a can of beans.
• have to waste hours of conversation about the existence of God.
• need to get the Eunuch to the starting point of a Gospel Script
All the talk in the world could not replace the work of God that prepared the eunuch ahead of time.
Luke on summarizes the conversation as “the good news about Jesus”. This was not a Scripted Evangelism Conversation.
So what?
For one brief afternoon, the stories of these two strangers intersected. Phillip was doing his ordinary routine when the Lord prompted him to go to specific place. The eunuch was simply going home after a pilgrimage.
But at one moment, their paths crossed and one man’s destiny was changed.
It is my desire that you spend time asking “God where are you at work?” It’s much easier to cooperate with God’s activity, rather than wasting hours of argument prying open a locked heart.
The key is that Phillip noticed “THAT” Chariot. God underlined the chariot and Phillip positioned himself.
We know that God’s Spirit is at work in us as believers, training us, teaching us, and transforming us.
But, I also want to point out how the Holy Spirit prepares the way for evangelism to occur naturally.
Consider Phillip and the Ethiopian Eunuch. Clearly the Spirit of God was at work in the life of the Eunuch.
• He had gone to Jerusalem to worship.
• He was reading Scripture.
• He wanted someone to explain Scripture to him.
The eunuch had a spiritual thirst, created by the Holy Spirit, and he was busy searching to slake that thirst. He was like the merchant looking for the fine pearl.
Easy Conversati

Do We Need a Revival?
I want to open the Word of God and answer Four Questions that I believe God wants us to as...
published: 18 Aug 2009
author: Jim Tompkins
Do We Need a Revival?
I want to open the Word of God and answer Four Questions that I believe God wants us to ask ourselvese.
1.How Do We Deny Jesus Christ?
2.How Do We Become Vessels of Honor?
3.How Do We become Ensnared by the Devil?
4.How Do We Worship a god of our own making?
These answers that we discover are essential in answering the overall question facing us this morning – Do We Need a Revival?
When asked about which Book of the Bible most Christians would like to know more about, the answer is usually the Book of Revelation. We all have a natural curiosity about what will happen during the last days.
“Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?”
For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains. “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake. And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. Matthew 24:7-13
Jesus said this of the last days-many will fall away, there will be betrayal and hatred between brothers. There will be false prophets that lead many supposed brothers astray. Lawlessness will increase, and the love of many will wax cold.
Peter described the last days in this way:
knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires. They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.” 2 Peter 3:3-4
In the last days people will scoff at God and His Word, they will cause many to doubt the coming of Jesus Christ. They will present a god that is without power and without the ability to keep his word. In other words, man will fashion a god who is non-threatening and merely to be used as a security blanket for the old and the weak.
Before you get all curious about the Last Days, and about God's Judgment, I want you the heed the Lord's reaction when some other curious people wanted to know what a recent happening meant.
Jesus-what about...?
There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And he answered them, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Luke 13:1-3
These men are not signal examples of divine vengeance, as ye suppose; but every impenitent sinner -- ye yourselves, except ye repent -- shall be like monuments of the judgment of Heaven, and in a more awful sense." —Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary
Jesus wants us to realize that each of us is only a heart beat away from being a monument to the judgment of God. Either a Monument to God's Grace, or a monument that will burn for all eternity in the bowels of hell.
Jesus said no matter what happens, consider your own heart. Make sure you have repented. See if there is a need for repentance. In the fine print Jesus says “Never take your salvation for granted!” I believe in eternal security. But I would never never assume that God owes me anything. I am nothing without Jesus Christ. Any boldness I have is solely because I am hid in Jesus Christ. But one thing Jesus wants us to know-our hearts are evil and so deceptive. We can be fooled so easily into thinking we are OK, even better than most of the folk around us simply because we prayed some prayer 20 or 30 years ago. Well if that prayer of salvation did so much for you why haven't you told someone about it? If what you did was so life transforming, why are you afraid to tell even your good friend or a sister about what Jesus did for your life?
If President Obama was coming to your house to discuss health care with you and a few select friends, you would not hesitate to start calling so and so. Well, Jesus is coming very soon and you are afraid to tell those you love about it!
I'm afraid that too many of us are trusting in what we once did instead of repenting daily of our cold, careless hearts. There is a judgment coming for ALL mankind and we are just curios lookie Lou's wanting to figure out who the antichrist is. If you want to know who the antichrist is, try looking around you. John says that there are many antichrists among us, in fact they begin as Christians sitting with you at church:
Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us,
Youtube results:

Political Patterns, Religion and Folk Beliefs for Americans
Classroom presentation....
published: 02 May 2012
author: shondale71
Political Patterns, Religion and Folk Beliefs for Americans
Classroom presentation.
- published: 02 May 2012
- views: 5
- author: shondale71

Religion Book Review: Seven Taoist Masters: A Folk Novel of China (Shambhala Classics) by Eva Wong
http://www.SpiritualBookMix.com This is the review of Seven Taoist Masters: A Folk Novel o...
published: 04 Feb 2013
author: Spiritual Book Reviews
Religion Book Review: Seven Taoist Masters: A Folk Novel of China (Shambhala Classics) by Eva Wong
http://www.SpiritualBookMix.com This is the review of Seven Taoist Masters: A Folk Novel of China (Shambhala Classics) by Eva Wong.
- published: 04 Feb 2013
- views: 50
- author: Spiritual Book Reviews

Folk University Band - Losing My Religion Cover
Folk University is an acoustic/rock trio anchored in the Tampa Bay, FL area performing a w...
published: 23 May 2010
author: T.J. Twitty Jr Channel
Folk University Band - Losing My Religion Cover
Folk University is an acoustic/rock trio anchored in the Tampa Bay, FL area performing a wide variety of covers and originals. Check out www.FolkU.net for mo...
- published: 23 May 2010
- views: 378
- author: T.J. Twitty Jr Channel

You - Bad Religion (folk cover)
My name's Loeek, and I'm covering this punk song originally played by Bad Religion. - ASK ...
published: 10 May 2007
author: Loeek
You - Bad Religion (folk cover)
My name's Loeek, and I'm covering this punk song originally played by Bad Religion. - ASK FOR MORE INFO -
- published: 10 May 2007
- views: 34929
- author: Loeek