"The Deer's Cry", or St. Patrick's Breastplate, sung by Angelina, (EWTN)
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- Duration: 4:04
- Published: 02 Jun 2008
- Uploaded: 10 Jul 2011
- Author: Angelinasings
- http://wn.com/The_Deer's_Cry,_or_St_Patrick's_Breastplate,_sung_by_Angelina,_EWTN
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Saint Patrick More recent memory serves to provide the tales for which Slane is most famous. It is said that in the Fifth century AD Saint Patrick came to the Hill of Slane early in his attempt to convert pagan Ireland to the light of christianity. On the eve of the Christian feast of Easter, 433 AD which appropriately coincides with the pagan feast of Beltane and the spring equinox, St. Patrick lit a bonfire upon the Hill of Slane. The law in force at the time was no fire should lit in the in the vicinity when a great festival fire blazed at the Royal seat of power on the visibly nearby Hill of Tara. The King rode off in a war chariot with his retinue to arrest the mystery rebel. As the kings horses thundered up the Hill Patrick calmed his few disciples and immediately set to eloquence. Patrick's gift of eloquence went to high gear and somehow--some say through an earthquake, others by holding up a shamrock--he convinced the King of his earnest intent and belief in the power of the Holy Trinity. It was a power that Patrick thought would be useful to the King who could only wish that his own soldiers could wield the kind of bravery through deep conviction that Patrick displayed. The King took Patrick and his disciples prisoner and they were marched by to the Hill of Tara, chanting prayers. By morning light, Patrick and his men were spared and allowed to preach Christianity to the pagan army. On October 20, 2009, Angelina and her family lost a dear friend who introduced <b>...</b>