Local authorities in Kumamoto said they received a number of reports of people trapped under collapsed buildings, according to NHK... As a result, there was no tsunami, but the shaking at the epicenter was especially strong.In Mashiki, groups of people gathered in parking lots, parks and other open spaces after fleeing their homes, as powerful aftershocks continued to rattle the region....
Japan was struck by a powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.4 Thursday evening that collapsed walls and a number of houses, but initial reports say left no casualties, CBSNews reported.Chief Cabinet SecretaryYoshihide Suga told a news conference after the quake it was too early to assess the damage, but a number of homes had collapsed, but there was no abnormality at nearby nuclear facilities....
-->. ISIS vows to implement ‘sharia’ law in India. Islamic State (ISIS) has made new threat to send its fighters from Pakistan and Bangladesh to carry out ‘guerrilla attacks’ in India ... The intention behind the attacks, al-Hanif says is to rid India of disbelievers as Muslims are facing trouble because of Hindus ... ALSO READ ... ISIS in Dabiq ... ....
Article by WN.com Correspondent DallasDarling“Anyone who has been tortured remains tortured” wrote Holocaust survivorPrimo Levi in “The Drowned and The Saved.” What‘s more, he knew all too well that in the shadowy, bureaucratic, and dehumanizing places like Auschwitz, “Anyone who has suffered torture never again will be able to be at ease in the world,” and “the abomination of the annihilation is never extinguished.”1U.S ... 24. ....
Yesterday, January 12, on the sixth anniversary of the 7.0 earthquake, Haitians mourned the countless lives lost ...Ricot Jean-Pierre, social worker and program director of the Platform to AdvocateAlternativeDevelopment in Haiti (PAPDA), tells how inequitable control of land has devastated the vast majority throughout Haitian history, from enslavement to today ... The biggest problem has to do with access to land ... Land ... ....
"Facing an increasingly self-centered centre, we stand for citizens who are open to the world and to the present time, capable of organizing and cooperating according to their abilities and aspirations.". Colmenas» de la M-30 (Madrid, 1953). Flickr/Alvaro Ibáñez. Some rights reserved.After the regional elections. I’m done with extremes. Extremes never reflect the complexity of reality ... The problem is Madrid ... Flickr/RicardoRicote Rodríguez....
A Los Angeles furniture store worker who had never had health insurance enrolled in a plan for $75 a month that will cover both him and his son ... The site was fixed and back online Sunday morning ... Ricot Telcy, 37, a West Palm Beach, Fla., security guard, knew nothing about the legal challenge, but was pleased to learn he and his wife could get coverage for about $300 a month—about the same price his wife had been paying for herself ... 15 ... ....
They protest too much. I’d like to give these poor misguided souls a quick lesson in economics (“8 fast-food workers arrested in protest,” Sept. 5). They don’t realize they’re campaigning to eliminate many of their own jobs. When wages are high, production costs rise. To cover this, prices must rise. When prices rise, demand will decrease. Then, some workers will lose their jobs ... 1) ... — Steven Ricot, Boston....
IT HAS been acknowledged that the lack of infrastructure is why growth in the Philippines has not been inclusive. But despite options that are now available to local governments, there is a lack of awareness among stakeholders ... Top 10 towns, cities in infra ... Two of the top towns are in Mindanao ... Yesterday, PPPCenterDirectorEleazarRicote discussed the PPP Center’s capacity building services and the PPP manual for LGUs. ....
No fancy camera? No problem. You no longer need expensive equipment to create gorgeous product shots at home. Instructional site Household Hacker demonstrates how to take professional-looking photos using your smartphone, your computer monitor and any reflective surface. See also ... Flickr, RicardoRicote Rodríguez ... ....
It's enough to make you want to do the conga! Fans of Gloria and Emilio Estefan's award-winning Cuban restaurant in trendy South Beach are celebrating the return of Larios on the Beach to its original location. Opened in 1992, the restaurant quickly became Miami Beach's must-visit destination for authentic Cuban cuisine, world-famous mojitos, and stunning views ...PhotoCredit. Joshua Estrin ... Photo Credit. KikoRicote ... ....
... from Granada to Murcia, then they raided a drug- and equipment-filled house in hills near the towns of Abaran and Ricote.Crime & JusticeSociety & Culture ....
Police have arrested four people and busted a gang suspected of smuggling marijuana buds and other drugs from southern Spain into Britain. The investigation was triggered in January when evidence emerged that an organisation was purchasing large quantities of hashish in Spain and transporting it for sale in Britain ... They raided a drug and equipment-filled house in hills near the towns of Abaran and Ricote ... Commenting with Livefyre ... ....