Nicholas Charles "Nick" Cotton is a fictional character from the British soap opera EastEnders played by John Altman on a recurring basis from the soap's debut episode in February 1985, in six separate stints (1985 to 1991, 1993, 1998, 2000 to 2001, 2008 to 2009 and from 2014 until the character's demise in 2015). Nick is the son of characters Charlie (Christopher Hancock) and Dot Cotton (June Brown), and the father of Charlie (Declan Bennett), Ashley (Frankie Fitzgerald) and Dotty Cotton (Molly Conlin). His storylines have seen him commit the murders of Reg Cox in 1985 and Eddie Royle in 1991, succumb to a heroin addiction, his racism, his attempts to poison his own mother, conspiring to fake his own death and unintentionally causing the deaths of his son Ashley in 2001 and former police officer Emma Summerhayes (Anna Acton) in 2015. On 29 July 2014, it was confirmed that Altman would return and Nick appeared on-screen again on 24 October 2014.
In January 2015 it was revealed that Nick would be leaving as part of EastEnders anniversary celebrations in February 2015. He departed on 19 February 2015, 30 years after his initial appearance, with the character's death mirroring that of Nick's first victim, Reg Cox, in the first episode.
Actors: John Altman (actor), Ray Barrett (actor), Nicholas Bateman (actor), Christopher Biggins (actor), Peter Capaldi (actor), Brian Capron (actor), Brian Capron (actor), Simon Cowell (actor), Bryan Cranston (actor), William B. Davis (actor), William B. Davis (actor), Stefan Dennis (actor), Stefan Dennis (actor), Mark Dolan (actor), John Altman (actor),
Genres: Documentary,Actors: John Altman (actor), Gerard Bentall (actor), Jas Dhillon (actor), Frankie Fitzgerald (actor), Don Gilet (actor), Christopher Hancock (actor), Karl Haynes (actor), Darren Luckin (actor), Jim Millea (actor), Daniel O'Meara (actor), Norman Roberts (actor), Ian Sanders (actor), David Semark (actor), Hayley-Marie Axe (actress), Amber Edlin (actress),
Plot: "Nasty" Nick Cotton has been in prison since his last appearance in Walford in 1998 and is now out and all set to return to Walford yet again. He suddenly has a dream where he can see the ghost of his father Charlie. As he wakes up in a Squat he decides to meet up with his son Ashley and ex-wife Zoe Cotton. It is clear he has not changed one bit as he is up to his old tricks again while some threatening crooks are after him.
Genres: Drama,Never too soon to be through
Being cool too much too soon
Too much for me too much for you
You're gonna loose in time
Every turn looking to burn
Some never learn live and learn
Stop your searching for a curse
Before you end up in a hearse
Don't be afraid to show your friends
That you hurt inside inside
Pain's part of life don't hide behind your false pride
It's a lie your lie
Don't slip away and don't forget
I'll give you more than you can get
It's so lonely when you don't even know
Yourself come to me
If you see me getting mighty
If you see me getting high
Knock me down
I'm not bigger than life
I'm tired of being untouchable
I'm not above the love
I'm part of you and you're part of me
Why did you go away
Too late to tell you how i feel
I want you back but i get real
Can you hear my falling tears
Making rain where you lay
Finding what you're looking for
Can end up being such a bore
I pray for you most every day
My love's with you now fly away
If you see me getting mighty
If you see me getting high
Knock me down
I'm not bigger than life
It's so lonely when you don't even know yourself