Spam Hog Attraction Pondering

in lieu of Search Engine Shenanigans and scantily-clad photoshop jobs of the madame who is secretary of state, i thought i’d share with you some of the ‘usernames’ or subject titles that currently show up in my Akismet spam queue. it really makes you wonder what people are thinking…

  • patch perfect ~ obviously, they didn’t watch ‘Patch Adams’ in its entirety
  • kcfd cyjokv ~ you know, i think i trademarked that one after a particularly long weekend of drinking back in my college days. i may have to sue for plagiarism!
  • free cash casinos ~ yeah….right.
  • christian song lyrics and tabs ~ absolutely disgusting!
  • thank you notes for interviews ~ which oddly links to one of the ubiquitous online casinos. whatever!
  • DelaUtept ~ cautions us: “a long ago for you was not much interesting found for you on I advise to call on my resource on a fight against such spam spam to fasts of vstrech’ in ether if I to whom both may need or I in icq” ~ well, isn’t THAT special?
  • analiwx ~ has cheap viagra for us. how thoughtful!
  • birthday party clown detroit michigan ~ i suppose that might have been fun, but the clown forgot to even include a link!
  • home remedies for nail fungus ~ these people really are quite helpful, aren’t they?
  • find rockhopper on club penguin ~ it begins to sound like an old Infocom game…
  • nez perce corn husk bag ~ i always wanted one of those!
  • how to drive a golfball ~ Step 1. Make yourself really, really small.
  • furniture exposed to tear gas ~ bean-bag chairs with post traumatic stress disorder. like new!
  • realty in west mobile alabama ~ you know you’re a redneck if you can replace all four tires on your ’67 Chevy with the ones on your house!

sorry, i didn’t feel like doing photos this morning…maybe later.


(oh….me so punny!)

well, it’s Sunday morning, and i’m trying to get into the proper mood to start off a youth referee recertification class (i’m an instructor as well as a state-level referee), play in a co-ed game myself, then come back to the class and help grade recert tests. i enjoy all of the above, but i hate having to split it up like that. that’s the second time this summer i’ve had to go play in the middle of a class. i’ll come back, start grading tests, and conversation regarding what the proper answer to certain questions should have been gets distracted by ‘did you win?’, ‘how many goals did they score on your ancient ass?’, etc. kids. ya can’t live with ‘em, and ya can’t leave ‘em locked in the trunk.


i’ve been having a good bit of fun watching the ClustrMap thing change over the past week. when i first put it up, it only caught the last 45 visitors to the otherwhirled that day. after that, it started collecting ‘real’ data. i do wish there was a way i could keep it from recognizing my own IP address, but it doesn’t seem configurable in that regard even were i to pay them actual money. anyway, as i inferred before, the question of where my visitors live intrigues me in the same way that general question does when i’m out refereeing at a soccer tournament somewhere. while most of our life-connections with each other are tenuous and temporary, they are nevertheless typically far more diverse than we realize, and our sphere of influence is frequently much greater than we tend to consider. as a referee, that little nugget of information helps to keep me more focused and balanced each game. as a blogger…well…i can hope that my little blog here helps make it clear to others around the world that not all Americans appreciate what our current administration is doing in the world at large.

case in point, the map below. looking at it, i realize that ‘mah tendency ta rite an’ spel lahk tha preznit talks’ (and likely spells himself) probably makes much of this site completely untranslatable for persons who speak other languages and/or don’t speak English very well, and i’m honestly sorry about that. with the number of beyond-the-USA visitors to the otherwhirled, i’ll consider adding ‘real’ English versions of my dialectical snark, but to be honest, the snark is very much equal portions of the way it’s written and what it says. i’ll churn on that for a few days anyway.

at the risk of sounding like a software evangelist, i am obviously enjoying Clustrmaps, and would recommend adding it to your own blog if you blog. it’s a relatively harmless, and certainly enlightening little tool. in my case, it reminds me that i should spread out the snark to include more globally-centric things. i’m by no means anti-American (for those who don’t know, i’m a Veteran of both Panama and the Gulf War), and most certainly the actions of the current administraion offend me on several levels ranging from the political to the military to the functional. but that’s not all that i’m about by any means. it looks like i’m going to have to start snarking world news a little more diligently; then we’ll see if my beyond-the-USA numbers increase or decrease!

(note how i tactfully didn’t say ‘foreign’ numbers? imho, there are no ‘foreigners’ on the Internet!)

mmmmm…..pretty dots everywhere!

Conflicting Advice

The shelter told us to basically quarantine the kittens for two weeks. Contradictingly, from the 20-30 pieces of advice I’ve found online, that quarantine period should only be as long as necessary to get the kittens vaccinated. After that, they should begin integrating with any cats in the house as soon as possible. Needless to say, we have created a bit of acrimony with the cats, due to having the kittens primarily in #1 Daughter’s room (Pluto’s normal daytime sleeping place), and alternatively in #1 Son’s room (Ginka’s favorite hiding spot is under #1 Son’s bed). So, we began allowing them all to start interacting the day before yesterday. Which conveniently served as an excuse for the kids to keep cleaning up after themselves across the whole house, not just in their rooms. Yay!

Ginka and Pluto are naturally dead-set on establishing, repeatedly, their dominance. Which is to be expected. Either the Spouse-Unit or I have been along with the kittens as they’ve met up with the cats to help ensure that aggressive behavior from the cats doesn’t go over the top. We’re being careful to reassure the cats during and after each interaction, and not just coddle the kittens when they get scared. While neither Ginka nor Pluto seem overly pleased with having to share their space, no injuries have been sustained by the kittens as of yet, and the cats continue to interact with us favorably.

During the day, we confine the kitties to either upstairs or downstairs, wherever the children are, since they’re both home this week. The cats are staying outside a bit more, but with the kittens having basically the full run of the house now, they are becoming increasingly more familiar with the kittens’ scent. By winter at the latest, I’m pretty confident things will be going well between the four of them, and hopefully, this winter will be a more active one for the cats, with kittens and a lot of new toys to play with!

To the visitors from Dakota War College

for the most part, this is not a “serious” site. if you feel inclined to comment, you probably won’t be taken seriously.

i engage in satire. you are likely to find said satire offensive, because i satirize your beloved political figures. however, said satire is not limited to political figures or even republicans. they just make easy targets these days.

someone who manages a blog i participate on, and whom i met exactly once, has allegedly done something wrong, and i have defended his character (not his actions) on a blog upon which many of you “good Christians” have maligned his character at the point of allegation: a “crime” for which you would be all up in our faces about if we did it to one of your paid hacks. furtherance of such commentary on this blog will not be tolerated as it wouldn’t meet the standard of relevance here. i have already deleted one, and will do so again if need be.

otherwise, you’re welcome to browse around, and i’m pleased to have you here. i believe you’ll find we actually agree on some things here in the otherwhirled.

Otherwhirledly Visitors

it would appear that people who visit the Otherwhirled come from all over the world. i am a little awed by that.

i started using Clustrmaps on a whim after i came across it at Iron Skunk. i’ve been curious, of course, to see where my visitors come from, but like Skunk, this would not have been something i would have done even a year ago. but i guess IP-sniffing has become so blasé over the years that it makes something like this not only fun, but permissible.

unlike WordPress’s statistics, Clustrmaps doesn’t ignore my own visits to the blog itself to check comments or to the blog admin utility. therefore, i, and possibly a few other people, constitute the big dot over the northern plains. i’m trying to figure out which dots are the ones who keep searching for nude photos of Condoleezza Rice, but personally, i’m guessing it’s the dot that looks like it’s right around D.C. According to my WordPress logs, though, it’s probably most of you! hah!

of course, the map makes it painfully obvious that i don’t have THAT many visitors, and that my photo-snarking isn’t nearly as popular as actual, responsible discourse151;especially on important political matters. but i’m pleased nonetheless with such a wide diversity of visitors. thank you all for coming by, and many happy returns!

readers of the otherwhirled 07/25/07

This Week in Otherwhirledly Visitations

A couple of days late, but it’s time for the weekly installment of Search Engine Shenanigans.

Of course, understand that since I’m on the public version of WordPress, the list below is not entirely comprehensive, but it’s kinda interesting, anyway….

  • condoleezza rice, Condoleezza Rice, condoleeza rice, condi rice, condoleezza, “condoleezza rice” (and other variations on the spelling) ~ i still think some folks are just way too fixated.
  • how to curve it like becham ~ first of all, it’s Beckham. secondly, it’s “bend it like Beckham”. thirdly, i used the word “curve” in my post because she does…prominently, even.
  • condoleezza rice nude ~ Ms. Ifill, while you are welcome to visit “the otherwhirled” at any time, might i suggest you merely save the image to your desktop?
  • Bloviating wiki ~ results in this, which is relatively appropriate, i suppose.
  • sexy condoleezza rice pics ~ sorry to disappoint. even granted the photoshopped bathtub pic, there are no “sexy condoleezza rice pics”.
  • ah like it ~ Ah’m shore ya do, pardner!
  • young and tender ~ another visit from the Romney campaign! Welcome, hegemonistas!
  • don’t count chickens ~ if you insist!
  • scented oil light show ~ kinky. and it results in An Evening With Condoleezza, no less! Nice of you to visit again, Gwen!
  • kittunz ~ mines are teh cutiest!. there be more abouts teh kittunz if you’re into that sort of thing.
  • man breast ~ i see i’ve garnered the attention of the little green footballers and/or the 101st fighting keyboarders. e.e.e.e.excellent, Smithers!
  • mannequin replacement parts ~ i specialize in anatomically correct torsos, but don’t tell anyone, mmm-kay?
  • may-december romance ~ because cradle-robbing should be fun for the whole family!
  • Xanax vodka ~ and yet surprisingly, no direct searches for “Laura Bush”, “first lady”, or “please God kill me now before I have to appear in public again with the little monkey!”

and then there are ever-more frequent searches by photographer name, which the otherwhirled responds to because i have the citations in the image “alt” tags in addition to the text. i hope these great photographers don’t mind the unsolicited editorializations upon their works, but it’s certainly fun to do!

So, there you have it, my second official installment of Search Engine Shenanigans. And a great time was had by all!!!

Not much to report

The kittens are growing (although when compared to the cats, they still seem extremely tiny), the kids are happy (except when it comes to chores), and the Spouse-Unit and I are very busy. We all passed our recent belt tests at TaeKwonDo, and I passed my last assessments for State Referee (USSF Grade 6). I hate being a late bloomer, though. I’ve still got to pass the exam and the physical, but, well, like that ain’t gonna happen.

The Elder and Unknown is doing missionary work down in Mexico, so please keep her in your thoughts. She sent the Spouse-Unit a brief email late last week and seems to be doing fine. #1 Son and #1 Daughter have finished their terms at camp and are now spending their days at home with the kittens and being reminded to do certain chores. I think #1 Daughter is going on a trip with her grandparents next week, though. #1 Son and I have some projects to do around here if a) the temperature would cool the heck down, and b) i can get relatively caught up on work.

But in that regard, referee training began last Saturday. I only have three classroom commitments, but once again, there’s no rest for the weary or the wicked around here!

Already Spoiled

Jupiter Jupiter laying on top of #1 Son, for today’s dose of cuteness.

I updated and changed the gallery. It will be an ongoing, relatively-frequently-updated thing, and I’m using it as an example to Adobe® to point out how ridiculous it is the way their gallery generator in Lightroom won’t do a checksum on exported images and pages and NOT re-export everything. 38 photos (today’s count) isn’t so bad, but when I have to redo galleries of hundreds of images, it sucks massively.

anywho, the gallery is here.