Dark-Hunter is an urban fantasy series by Sherrilyn Kenyon. Kenyon began writing the series in 1986 in Horror, Fantasy and Science Fiction magazines.
Fantasy Lover is not officially a Dark Hunters novel, according to Kenyon's website
Short stories and novelettes
"The Beginning" (2002)
"Dragonswan" (July 01, 2002)
"Phantom Lover", in the anthology Midnight Pleasures (November 2003)
"A Dark-Hunter Christmas", also in the back of Dance with the Devil (December 2003)
"Winter Born", in the anthology Stroke of Midnight (October 2004)
"Second Chances", free giveaway (2005)
"A Hard Day's Night-Searcher", in the anthology My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding (October 3, 2006)
"Until Death We Do Part", in the anthology Love At First Bite (October 3, 2006)
"Fear the Darkness", free e-book (January 2007)
"Shadow of the Moon," in the anthology "Dead after Dark" (December 01, 2008)
See also
The Dark-Hunter, Dream-Hunter, Were-Hunter and Hellchaser Universe
Sherrilyn Kenyon#Manga for the Japanese comic adaptation