never a dull freakin moment

…i have been on temporary hiatus due to preparations for a move and the fact that my new provider has not yet been able to respond to my support ticket for getting this blog imported at the new location, which also adversely affects the move of and the draft of our business site. there has been very much i have wanted to snarkerize, but i’ve been partly trying to balance out duplicating the work between two installations of the same blog (the last time i tried importing it on the new system, it stopped at October 1), and there’s a lot of clean-up work for us to do before we drag a realtor out here to see what we need to do to this house before we put it on the market. we’re not the messiest people in the world by a long shot, but we’re not exactly neat-freaks either. and Mrs. Other and both the Otherlings were apparently remarkably proficient pack-rats in previous incarnations.

anyway, i guess since filing a support ticket during the middle of the holidays was a bad idea, i’ll just continue on here. there’s a lot of crap to do today, but i’ll try to get some good snarkery up later tonight. it would certainly be good stress-relief.

be careful out there, ‘mong the English (i don’t know why i just thought of that line from ‘The Witness’. i suppose i should actually take offense at it since i’m Scotts-Irish).

oh, i'm back….

….i’m just waiting to see if a support ticket with my new provider, regarding the failed imports of the contents of this blog into the location of its next incarnation, will be rectified in the near term. elsewise, you’d've already been redirected to the new digs (with a fancy-shmancy new theme, i might add). in the meantime, be patient. i’m trying to be. but as mentioned here, i may just do it the database way and have done with it, at which point or shortly thereafter, you’d already be at the new digs, anyway….

wow, cool, pretty much done

geez, that was almost painless

if the feedburner feeds do not automatically revive themselves after i get the theme and plugins uploaded (i will also double-check it through feedburner), then if the few of you who subscribe to the feeds will let me know, i’d appreciate it. that seems to be all done correctly now, though.

i forgot that WordPress’s export/import process wouldn’t retain images. i’ll try to get the images back in. sadly, i didn’t do a very diligent job of ensuring that i kept images i uploaded to here all in one concise place. they’re probably not that big of a deal, but i’ll get that fixed a) if you ask to see one specifically, or b) if not having it up here just really bugs me.

i have to re-upload the one gallery i had up here and configure the gallery plugin. that can probably wait a bit, since you family members, according to my previous statistics, had pretty much looked at them all.

i’ve got to reconstitute my blogroll and tweak the sidebar as well, so for those of you who were on it, i apologize for the sudden lack of linkage. i’ll get that fixed next, while i’m batching out some client photos.

if you’re wondering, i changed hosting to, one of the most reputable national hosting systems available. i found very few negative reviews, and their price is literally a fraction of what i’m being charged from my local host. i do think i should make it clear, however (and not just because they might be reading this), that i greatly appreciate my local provider (see the footer of the otherwhirled for details). i have learned a lot from them and have appreciated the efforts of especially one individual there (Isaac). the bottom line here is, frankly money. money, and the fact that support, while effective, is often rather slow. bluehost’s system is so comprehensive that in many ways the need for active, personal support is moot. i was able to get transferred and running, setup with email, ftp, and statistics, over here without talking to anyone. and the few questions i had before signing up were answered within 30 minutes in person, via telephone, in response to questions from a guy who pretended like he couldn’t read a website, no less. very impressive.

enough about that. moving on….

well, i’ve got to do some work for a bit.

leaving on a jet plane

and i won’t be back again. well, at least not at the current ip address.

i don’t know what i was thinking. wait, yes i do. i was thinking that keeping the money in our community was a better thing. and it typically is. and i am a big proponent of keeping the money in the local community. so doing this bugs me on several levels. however, when it comes down to the fact that for the hosting of six domains, i am being charged $150/month, when i could just be paying $6.95/month (for better service, greater configurability, and higher bandwidth, no less)…well, it’s time to move.

so, that’s what’s going to happen. i have already semi-successfully moved i say “semi-successfully” only because i have to re-upload a couple of galleries and a few images (stuff that didn’t make it via the WordPress export/import utility), and because someone in the WordPress development group thinks we like to have to hand-enter our blogrolls if we ever pick up and move. that aside, moving over to BlueHost was not only a complete no-brainer in financial terms, but was also done in less than 12 hours, although DNS propagation outside North America may take longer. and goodness knows i have a bazillion readers from overseas on my personal blog. har-de-har-har.

did i mention it was BlueHost? it’s BlueHost. shameless plug from a woefully shameless man.

so, like, over the next few days, i will be moving everything. the hardest part of this is going to be moving the blogroll. because i like to serve the click-through method (the supposed reason why blogrolls exist), i will have to add some of the more recent additions into my google reader so i can do the export thingy from that to the wordpress blogroll. i’m going to take my time on that, however, as i am more focused on getting some client stuff done before Christmas. just be advised, you’ll see temporary burps not only in the website, but in the feeds, and when the website comes back up, it won’t be perfect from the get-go.

i just said “get-go”. yes, i was raised in Texas. carry on.

i do want to say that i deeply appreciate the services of my local provider (see the current footer). this is primarily a money issue. sure, as with any other small-business host, service sometimes isn’t what i would ideally want it to be. but i have learned quite a bit from them, just as i have hopefully helped them learn about WordPress hosting as well. they are good people, and i do somewhat regret bailing on them. but, like i said, at $6.95 a month, i can simply choose not to eat out ONCE each month and i draw even, or better. pfft. what was i thinking….

ironically, this comes immediately after making the comments plugin gravatar-compliant. if you haven’t setup a gravatar on your email address, why not? well, the reason why commander[dot]other[at]otherwhirled[dot]com doesn’t have one is because apparently they can’t handle email addy’s with [dots]. that aside, it’s a fine way to make your comments across your favorite blogs—all of whom should be supporting the gravatar project—more consistent, so peeps can recognize you and see how cool you are.

and now we pause for plugin installation….

there may be burps and glitches this morning as i install a few plugins. it shouldn’t affect the feeds.

if you look at the footers here, here and here, you can probably guess what i’m installing, but also to give them credit where credit is due, and probably because i’ll screw up and forget to put them in the footer of this blog….

  1. Alex Rabe’s Next Gen Gallery ~ i have some plans for the otherwhirled that may include a gallery format on certain photos, especially as we near the next major elections and there will be plenty of photos of Republican candidates ducking past the White House, etc. and gallery-izing my LOLcons and otherwhirled originals (whenever i put more than two up, lol) is just an option i’d like to have.
  2. Andrew Ozz’s Shutter Reloaded ~ i use this on my other blogs to preview images. the code is phenomenally clean and it works much faster than Thickbox or Lightbox (the two more popular versions of this type of thing). but if good photoshoppers such as Tengrain are going to post here occasionally, i want to give them the opportunity of providing higher-resolution versions of their talents, and Shutter Reloaded is a grand way of doing it.
  3. Oliver Seidel’s ContactForms II ~ used on my other blogs to replace the wordpress comment mechanism, and i simply would like to have it here for consistency’s sake. to implement this one, i have to edit core wordpress files, hence my reasoning for this post as warning that things might go “boom”. i haven’t screwed up implementing it yet, but there’s always a first time. after it’s installed, commentators will have the option to contribute their comments as an email to the author instead of a regular comment, and will have to prove their humanity. sorry about the latter requirement, but in the past week, i have seen the spam beginning to shift off the original otherwhirled over to here. neat-o!

as a reminder, i still would like others involved here in the otherwhirled. if you’d like another place to share your insight, witticism, and/or anything else talk to me at commander[dot]other[at]otherwhirled[dot]com.

a note on statistics and the wordpress dashboard

for those of you on wordpress (hosted at or not), i offer two items of advice, if you are interested in knowing who’s really linking to you, and how many people are visiting your contributions to the general irresponsibility of the world at large:

  1. WordPress statistics is very generalistic. they depend entirely upon whether or not the proper tag {wp_footer()} is contained somewhere within your main index page and any other pages that might serve content (author templates, archive templates, category templates, tag templates, single post templates, and wordpress ‘page’ templates). if your theme has all those separate templates, but lacks the proper code, those templates won’t trigger information into your stats. and if you’re on the hosted, you can’t edit the themes. see why i left? well, that was reason # 57, i think.
  2. When blogs that link to you directly, as in through a particular post, update their content and that post scrolls to the next page, that link will disappear from your wordpress dashboard. i just saw that happen with links from Jess and Tengrain. so basically, you can ignore that kind of shit too in your dashboard. Also, if someone simply hasn’t clicked a link to you, say in someone’s blogroll, for a while, wordpress drops reporting it as well. this is one of the reasons why i try to take time out every week to click through people’s blogrolls.

in short, the wordpress stats and dashboard information never come close to matching the real stats i get from my server software itself. so, at the risk of pimping something my wife may or may not be working for in the near future, i humbly suggest google analytics. it’s free, for one thing, the stats are far more verbose, and they match succinctly with the actual statistics i get from my server software. it does a lot of other useful things as well.

i also have a sitemeter thingy running from my sidebar. it’s not very verbose, either, for what it’s worth. at least not the free one. my stats from feedburner are absolute crap (they report less than 30% of the hits my server stats say touch my feed. kinda sad, that, and i’m glad i don’t pay for it).

okay, that was your handy tip for the day from Commander Other. carry on!

Linky-linky 'cuz i'm stinky

…and ‘cuz i don’t feel like doin’ nuttin’ else t’day.

except client work, of course. durn clients never go away. maybe smack the kids around a bit and yell at ‘em for bein’ mine.

okay, okay, put up the damn christmas tree. lowercase ‘c’, because “he” was just a propaganda tool, mind you.

so, i added some new additions to the blogroll over there on the right, because i was tired of following links from other people’s blogs to theirs. i’ve been reading/watching/listening to these folks for a while, and i like ‘em. you should, too. hell, most of you probably already do, but according to google analytics, SOME of you are ‘new’ visitors each day, so what the hell… ~
more below the fold

Splotchy's Virus Continues

i have become infected with a virus that started with Splotchy, wherever it is Splotchy lives, and has made its way to me here in South Dakota, where people willingly share viruses, but frequently attempt to deny that sex exists. at least, the religious ones do, anyway. but i digress, which is a particularly exceptional talent of mine. a pity, that, no?

at any rate, here i sit with a virus at my fingertips, courtesy of Jess Wundrun, who got it in turn from Enriched Geranium who contracted it from Dr. Monkey von Monkerstein (no doubt during one of his $1,000-per-plate campaign dinners), who got it from FranIAm, who apparently picked it up from Splotchy during that all-night binge-fest with the “foreign exchange” students, if you know what i mean, wink-wink, nudge-nudge.

seriously, i have no idea where all that just came from. my doctor would probably say that i drink too much caffeine, though. last time he told me that, i jumped up and beat him with his stethoscope.

but i digress….(told you so!)

Continue to the intriguing and mystifying story of I-dunno-what

Life's What You Make It

Tengrain didn’t really tag me with this although he did say that if we wanted to do it, we should consider ourselves tagged, and I’ve been dying to do it because I have a relatively eclectic collection of music in my iTunes library: somewhere over 80Gb of high-resolution compact disc rips going back as far as the early 1970′s and including several hundred songs pulled for free from the original site. So, I’m doing it, and then I’m going to tag some homies. Pfft.

The rules:

1. Put your music player on Shuffle
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER WHAT (this is in capital letters, so it is very serious).

1. IF SOMEONE SAYS “IS THIS OKAY” YOU SAY: “No Self Control”, Peter Gabriel (untitled album, 1980)

2. WHAT WOULD BEST DESCRIBE YOUR PERSONALITY: “World Full of Nothing”, Depeche Mode (Black Celebration, 1986)

3. WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL: “I Feel You (Helmet at the Helm Mix)”, Depeche Mode (I Feel You, Maxi Single, 1993)

4. HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY: “Cold Alien”, Planet Bliss (via circa 2003)

5. WHAT IS YOUR LIFE’S PURPOSE: “One Tree Hill”, U2 (Joshua Tree, 1987)

6. WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO: “Moon In Ice”, Yello (One Second, 1987)

7. WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU: “Poison in the Well”, 10,000 Maniacs (Blind Man’s Zoo, 1989)

8. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR PARENTS: “End of the Line…” designerthumbs (via circa 2004)

9. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT VERY OFTEN: “A Matter of Conscience”, The Sun and the Moon (The Sun and the Moon, 1988)

10. WHAT IS 2+2: “The Song of the Sybil”, Dead Can Dance (A Passage In Time, 1991)

11. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND: “Six Different Ways”, The Cure (The Head on the Door, 1985)

12. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE PERSON YOU LIKE: “Superunknown”, Soundgarden (Superunknown, 1994)

13. WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY: “i remember everything”, Sub City (via circa 2002)

14. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP: “Craving”, Xymox (Twist of Shadows, 1989)

15. WHAT DO YOU THINK WHEN YOU SEE THE PERSON YOU LIKE: “Into the Fourth Dimension”, The Orb (The Orb’s Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld, disc 2, 1991)

16. WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU: “Help Me Lift You Up”, This Mortal Coil (Blood, 1991)

17. WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING: “There Is a Light That Never Goes Out”, The Smiths (The World Won’t Listen, 1986) (okay, i’ll admit it: i rigged this one answer, because we DID dance to this at our wedding!)

18. WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL: “The Colour Hurts”, Curve (Pubic Fruit, 1991)

19. WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST: “Suboceana”, Tom Tom Club (Boom Boom Chi Boom Boom, 1989)

20. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST SECRET: “To Wish Impossible Things”, The Cure (Wish, 1992)

21. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS: “Solar Choir”, The Creatures (Boomerang, 1989)

22. WHAT SHOULD YOU POST THIS AS: “Life’s What You Make It”, Talk Talk (The Colour of Spring, 1986)

It entirely figures that with over 30 years of music to pick from and the entire library active, the “next” button on my keyboard nearly-consistently brought up music from the mid-to-late 1980′s and early 1990′s. Bah!

Tag, You’re It! Tramplingrose, Tim and Todd

It's about time, huh?

i finally blogrolled the people i said i would blogroll back on thanksgiving. damn, i’m quick, huh?

aw, hell. since i took so damn long, why not show ‘em all again?

oh, and also this individual, whom some of you might know from this place.