
Mitt Romney - Ein Mormone will ins weiße Haus
Die BBC-Dokumentation führt in den US-Bundesstaat Utah und untersucht, warum die Mormonen ...
published: 02 Sep 2012
author: spiral023
Mitt Romney - Ein Mormone will ins weiße Haus
Die BBC-Dokumentation führt in den US-Bundesstaat Utah und untersucht, warum die Mormonen die derzeit am schnellsten wachsende Religionsgemeinschaft sind. De...
published: 02 Sep 2012
views: 11076

Grundlegende Lehre der Mormonen
Die Mormonenlehre in der Mormonenkirche ist christlich, aber sie ist weder protestantisch ...
published: 27 Apr 2010
author: mormon321
Grundlegende Lehre der Mormonen
Die Mormonenlehre in der Mormonenkirche ist christlich, aber sie ist weder protestantisch noch katholisch. Die Mormonen glauben, dass die Mormonenkirche eine...
published: 27 Apr 2010
views: 1476

Giuseppe Martinengo Chiesa Mormone Mormoni Missionari Mormoni
Mormoni. Chiesa Mormone. Conversione di Giuseppe Martinengo alla Chiesa di Gesu' Cristo de...
published: 16 Jul 2008
author: mormoni1830
Giuseppe Martinengo Chiesa Mormone Mormoni Missionari Mormoni
Mormoni. Chiesa Mormone. Conversione di Giuseppe Martinengo alla Chiesa di Gesu' Cristo dei Santi degli Ultimi Giorni (Chiesa Mormone) e mormonismo. Come inc...
published: 16 Jul 2008
views: 5020

Mitt Romney - Ein Mormone will ins Weiße Haus (Doku)
Der Republikaner Mitt Romney wird Ende August am Konvent seiner Partei zum Herausforderer ...
published: 23 Oct 2012
author: PhoenixDokus2
Mitt Romney - Ein Mormone will ins Weiße Haus (Doku)
Der Republikaner Mitt Romney wird Ende August am Konvent seiner Partei zum Herausforderer von Präsident Barack Obama gewählt. Romney könnte damit der erste M...
published: 23 Oct 2012
views: 4065

Behind The Veil: Never-before-seen videos of secret Mormon Temple rituals
Mormon temple rituals have been a closely held secret. Until now. For the first time in th...
published: 17 Oct 2012
author: Newnamenoah
Behind The Veil: Never-before-seen videos of secret Mormon Temple rituals
Mormon temple rituals have been a closely held secret. Until now. For the first time in the 180-year history of Mormonism (LDS church), secret Mormon templ...
published: 17 Oct 2012
views: 1138015

I mormoni:Intervista della BBC a Jeffrey Holland apostolo mormone.
Intervista di John Sweeney della BBC a Jeffrey Holland apostolo mormone. jeffrey holland l...
published: 23 Apr 2012
author: Effatha Effatha
I mormoni:Intervista della BBC a Jeffrey Holland apostolo mormone.
Intervista di John Sweeney della BBC a Jeffrey Holland apostolo mormone. jeffrey holland leader e apostolo della chiesa mormone va in netta difficolta' quand...
published: 23 Apr 2012
views: 319
Effatha Effatha

Purezza sessuale e modestia - Messaggio Mormone
Purezza sessuale e modestia Messaggio Mormone. mrfranco1948658 videos. Subscribe Subscribe...
published: 13 Dec 2012
author: MrFranco1948
Purezza sessuale e modestia - Messaggio Mormone
Purezza sessuale e modestia Messaggio Mormone. mrfranco1948658 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 300 ... QUESTE COSE SONO UNABOMINAZIONE MESSAGGIO MORMONEby mrfranco194856 views; I mormoni le dottrine fondamentali 638. Watch Later I mormoni le dottrine fondamentaliby ... La Sua nascita la Sua vita la Sua morte e la Sua risurrezione Messaggio Mormoneby mrfranco194847 views; Angioletti di pasta per le festività 121. Watch Later Angioletti di pasta per le festivitàby ...
published: 13 Dec 2012
views: 71

Ich bin Mormone, Bildhauer aus der Schweiz und ein Familienmensch
Christian Bolt ist Mormone und ein Bildhauer, der Steinblöcke mit künstlerischem Geschick ...
published: 29 Nov 2012
author: mormongerman
Ich bin Mormone, Bildhauer aus der Schweiz und ein Familienmensch
Christian Bolt ist Mormone und ein Bildhauer, der Steinblöcke mit künstlerischem Geschick zum Leben erweckt. Sein Leben ähnelt einem grob behauenen Stein, ge...
published: 29 Nov 2012
views: 914

Coro del Tabernacolo Mormone - Lode all'uomo
Commemorazione del bicentenario della nascita del Profeta Joseph Smith - 23 dicembre 2005 ...
published: 27 Aug 2008
author: Wehrheim04
Coro del Tabernacolo Mormone - Lode all'uomo
Commemorazione del bicentenario della nascita del Profeta Joseph Smith - 23 dicembre 2005 Inno #19 dell'Innario italiano - "Lode all'uomo" ("Praise to the Ma...
published: 27 Aug 2008
views: 7394

Ich bin Mormone, Filmemacher und Regisseur einer wunderbaren Familie
Christian Vuissa ist Mormone und ein Filmemacher, der glaubt, dass jede Entscheidung, die ...
published: 29 Nov 2012
author: mormongerman
Ich bin Mormone, Filmemacher und Regisseur einer wunderbaren Familie
Christian Vuissa ist Mormone und ein Filmemacher, der glaubt, dass jede Entscheidung, die wir treffen, eine Seite im Drehbuch unseres Lebens ist. Rufen Sie a...
published: 29 Nov 2012
views: 870

Ich bin Mormone und Neurologe und leiste meinen Beitrag
Patrick aus Österreich ist Neurologe an einem Krankenhaus. Koko aus den USA arbeitet als W...
published: 29 Nov 2012
author: mormongerman
Ich bin Mormone und Neurologe und leiste meinen Beitrag
Patrick aus Österreich ist Neurologe an einem Krankenhaus. Koko aus den USA arbeitet als Wissenschaftlerin für die Vereinten Nationen. Trotzdem haben sie zue...
published: 29 Nov 2012
views: 2815

Matrimonio e Divorzio - Messaggio Mormone
mrfranco1948 1 month ago. Le cose di Dio non sono facili da comprendere Egli rivela il Suo...
published: 27 Dec 2012
author: MrFranco1948
Matrimonio e Divorzio - Messaggio Mormone
mrfranco1948 1 month ago. Le cose di Dio non sono facili da comprendere Egli rivela il Suo segreto ai Suoi servi i Profeti E grazie ai Profeti che la verità ci viene rivelata nella sua interezza Il piano di salvezza che Dio ha preparato fin dalla fondazione del mondo è conosciuto dalle tante chiese in piccolissima parte Quando Dio chiamò il Profeta Joseph Smith gli rivelò il piano di salvezza nella sua pienezza grazie anche al Libro di Mormon Ti piacerebbe avere una Testimonianza da Dio Ciao. Reply ...
published: 27 Dec 2012
views: 165

Coro del Tabernacolo Mormone - Santi, venite
177° Conferenza Generale Annuale della Chiesa di Gesù Cristo dei Santi degli Ultimi Giorni...
published: 20 Aug 2008
author: Wehrheim04
Coro del Tabernacolo Mormone - Santi, venite
177° Conferenza Generale Annuale della Chiesa di Gesù Cristo dei Santi degli Ultimi Giorni - Aprile 2007 Inno #21 dell'Innario italiano - "Santi, venite" ("C...
published: 20 Aug 2008
views: 5821
Vimeo results:

A Day in California
A Day in California is comprised of 10,000+ individual photographs, taken on beginner Cano...
published: 05 Aug 2011
author: Ryan Killackey
A Day in California
A Day in California is comprised of 10,000+ individual photographs, taken on beginner Canon equipment. It is the result of a year and a half of travel around Southern California to capture some of the wonderful and unique locations that this great state has to offer. To learn more about the story behind A Day in California, check out my Huffington Post interview: http://huff.to/qdnc4O
This video has been featured on CBS, NBC, Gizmodo, CNET, LAist, and many others. It is a Vimeo Staff Favorite, and received recognition by being #1 on Facebook, Google+, and Reddit.
Thank you to everyone for the amazing emails and response. When I set out on this project, I never intended to show it to the public. You have made me so glad that I did!
To have a video made or licensing opportunities, send me an email.
Email: ryan@ryankillackey.com
Web: RyanKillackey.com
Twitter: twitter.com/RyanKillackey
Music by Cinematic Orchestra (Song: Arrival of the Birds): http://amzn.to/A9NJxw
UPDATE (after getting my equipment stolen): Due to the overwhelming generosity of world-famous DP/filmmaker Philip Bloom, I now have a brand new camera to shoot with! Thank you, Philip, for believing in me as a filmmaker and a person. You have given me the jumpstart I need to continue on!
Visit www.PhilipBloom.net for DSLR tutorials, information, and more!

This video was shot at the Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork, Utah. Their annu...
published: 20 Apr 2011
author: Brian Thomson
This video was shot at the Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork, Utah. Their annual Festival of Colors was a great opportunity to test the slow-mo capabilities of my Cannon 7D. After hearing Zoe Keating perform this song in Portland, OR I was inspired to edit this footage to her beautiful music. I hope that she and her son enjoy the video.

Powellooza 2011
LIKE THIS? - http://www.facebook.com/LiveUnbound
Powellooza is an annual event in Lake Pow...
published: 02 May 2012
author: LiveUnbound
Powellooza 2011
LIKE THIS? - http://www.facebook.com/LiveUnbound
Powellooza is an annual event in Lake Powell AZ. It's about 150 (mostly Mormons) people get together for 3 days about 20 miles boat ride in a secluded small island. All food/water is provided and some people sleep in houseboats and some pitch tents. It's pretty amazing...
LiveUnbound is doing what you love everyday and focusing your life on overcoming whatever it is that's stopping you from doing that. There are many reasons why people can't experience joy every day. It could be going to a job you don't love but need the money or in more extreme cases being controlled by powers that take away your freedom.
Our goal is to give happiness to those who have been deprived of it. Not just by inspiring people through videos but we want to take them on our trips and document their experience.
If you are interested please comment on the facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/LiveUnbound) and share your story. Are you unable to experience joy on a regular basis and why? Also if you have found a way to live a happy fulfilled life then share how you accomplished that. Or just share your opinions.
This initiative was inspired by the hundreds of comments on this video after it got over a million views on youtube. Here is one that seems to sum it all up:
"Although that I'am from a third would country and i will never have the chance to have fun and enjoy life as much as these people do, although that my youth will be wasted without having one moment of such a happy joy, I'am glad that there are humans whom their luck was so fortunate to them to allow them to have what I have been denied."
Join us by liking, sharing and commenting on the facebook page:
For more awesome videos check out the LiveUnbound youtube channel:
LiveUnbound twitter:
0:16 - 0:42 "We Are Your Kids Friends" (Dino Roc & DJ CJ Remix)
0:42 - 1:36 Shwayze "You Could Be My Girl"
1:45 - 3:19 Awolnation "Sail"
3:45 - 5:15 Aer "What You Need"
5:20 - 5:30 The Naked and Famous "Punching in a Dream"
6:00 - 6:30 Flo Rida "Turn Around" Remix
6:40 - End David Guetta Feat. Kid Cudi "Memories"

Holi. Festival of Colors. 2012
Like us @ https://www.facebook.com/thegoodline
Song composed by Micah Dahl Anderson @ mic...
published: 26 Mar 2012
author: Good Line
Holi. Festival of Colors. 2012
Like us @ https://www.facebook.com/thegoodline
Song composed by Micah Dahl Anderson @ micahdahl.com
Shooters: Aaron Sorenson @ youtube.com/aaronsbot Justin Ahlmann @ http://www.synergetikmedia.com/ Matt Butler @ https://vimeo.com/matthewbutler Chris Newman @ Film Grain by Gorilla Grain! Free Grain / Burns here! http://www.gorillagrain.com
Zip line, rigging, and expertise provided by Mike and Jason from Hansen Mountaineering and Vertical Rigging verticalrigging@gmail.com
Special thanks to Caru and the Krishna Family in Spanish Fork, Utah
Youtube results:

Ich bin Mormone, Vater, Ehemann
Brandon Flowers, Mormone und Sänger der "Killers", möchte die Welt positiv verändern. Er i...
published: 10 Jul 2012
author: mormongerman
Ich bin Mormone, Vater, Ehemann
Brandon Flowers, Mormone und Sänger der "Killers", möchte die Welt positiv verändern. Er ist ein Sänger, verheiratet und hat Kinder. Seine Eltern waren ihm s...
published: 10 Jul 2012
views: 1349

Coro del Tabernacolo Mormone - Il mattino era sereno
Commemorazione per il bicentenario della nascita del Profeta Joseph Smith - 23 dicembre 20...
published: 28 Aug 2008
author: Wehrheim04
Coro del Tabernacolo Mormone - Il mattino era sereno
Commemorazione per il bicentenario della nascita del Profeta Joseph Smith - 23 dicembre 2005 Inno #18 dell'Innario italiano - "Il mattino era sereno" ("Josep...
published: 28 Aug 2008
views: 5040

Je suis mormone, experte en karaté et future maman
Reine a renoncé aux compétitions de karaté parce qu'elles avaient lieu le dimanche. Mais c...
published: 13 Sep 2012
author: mormonFrench
Je suis mormone, experte en karaté et future maman
Reine a renoncé aux compétitions de karaté parce qu'elles avaient lieu le dimanche. Mais cela lui a ouvert des portes : un mari, une grossesse et une diplôme...
published: 13 Sep 2012
views: 867

Una storia del Libro di Mormon - Messaggio Mormone
in reply to Mscantof1Show the comment. Remove; Report profile image; Flag for spam; Block ...
published: 27 Dec 2012
author: MrFranco1948
Una storia del Libro di Mormon - Messaggio Mormone
in reply to Mscantof1Show the comment. Remove; Report profile image; Flag for spam; Block User; Unblock User. Mscantof1 1 month ago. Se tu sai che Dio vive allora io sò che lo fà anche Topolino Babbo natalela lista di personaggi immaginari è enorme. Il tuo problema non è Dio o il resto ma il fatto che credi a chi non ti dimostra nulla a chi ti dicecredi e tutto ti sarà rivelato. Credere così senza farsi domande questo devi cambiare puoi anche continuare ad essere un mormone ma devi porti domande su ...
published: 27 Dec 2012
views: 77