Alexa Rank Checker

View various Alexa ranking graphs.

Ping Test

Test connection time.

IP Location

Locate location of an IP address or a domain.

Speed Test

Find out website main page load time.

Website Info

Encode or decode any urls.

Encode/Decode Urls

Encode or decode any urls.


Trace the route to an IP address or a domain

Google PageRank Checker

Check Google PageRank for any url.

Domain Availability

Check if domain name is available for registration.

Domain Whois

Get whois information for a domain.

Server Status

Check website's status: online or offline.

Reciprocal Link Checker

Check website's reciprocal links.

Html Tag Counter

Count html tags on a webpage

DNS Records

Find out DNS records for a website

Links Extractor

Extract external and internal links from a webpage.

Reverse IP Lookup

Locate domains for an IP address.

HTTP Headers

Check http headers of a website.

Website Worth Calculator

Calculate how much website is worth.