- published: 12 May 2011
- views: 2656830

Foster the People - Waste
Foster the People - Waste from the album Torches. I don't have any of these rights, all ri...
published: 21 May 2011
Foster the People - Waste
Foster the People - Waste from the album Torches. I don't have any of these rights, all rights go to Foster The People and their Label
- published: 21 May 2011
- views: 1203634

Foster the People Waste Lyrics
I own nothing but the video. Copyright goes to Mark Foster and Foster the People. I encour...
published: 08 Jul 2011
Foster the People Waste Lyrics
I own nothing but the video. Copyright goes to Mark Foster and Foster the People. I encourage everyone to buy their new cd "Torches". It's amazing.
Edit** Almost 30,000 views. Wow. Thank you!
- published: 08 Jul 2011
- views: 260773

Rays Fab Shop: New Waste Oil Burner Assembly
Preview of my waste oil burner that will be installed in my new foundry furnace....
published: 11 Mar 2013
Rays Fab Shop: New Waste Oil Burner Assembly
Preview of my waste oil burner that will be installed in my new foundry furnace.
- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 11

Phish - Waste
Studio version of "Waste" by Phish off of "Billy Breathes"
don't want to be an actor, pre...
published: 11 Apr 2009
Phish - Waste
Studio version of "Waste" by Phish off of "Billy Breathes"
don't want to be an actor, pretending on the stage
don't want to be a writer with my thought out on the page
don't want to be a painter 'cause everyone comes to look
don't want to be anything where my life's an open book
don't want to be a farmer, working in the sun
don't want to be an outlaw, always on the run
don't want to be a climber, reaching for the top
don't want to be anything where I don't know when to stop
a dream it's true
but I'd see it through
if I could be
wasting my time with you
so if I'm inside your head
don't believe what you might have read
you'll see what I might have said
to hear it
come waste your time with me
- published: 11 Apr 2009
- views: 355301

Canon Pixma Ip 4500 Repair waste inkt tank full reset Par 4 of Canon Pixma Ip 4500 repair series
Canon Pixma Ip 4500 Repair waste inkt tank full reset Par 4 of Canon Pixma Ip 4500 repair ...
published: 11 Mar 2013
Canon Pixma Ip 4500 Repair waste inkt tank full reset Par 4 of Canon Pixma Ip 4500 repair series
Canon Pixma Ip 4500 Repair waste inkt tank full reset Par 4 of Canon Pixma Ip 4500 repair series. I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 2

What A Waste [Official Video]
Official music video for "What A Waste", the classic track by Ian Dury and The Blockheads....
published: 15 Jan 2010
What A Waste [Official Video]
Official music video for "What A Waste", the classic track by Ian Dury and The Blockheads.
- published: 15 Jan 2010
- views: 121504

Iraq Reconstruction Effort Full of 'Fraud, Waste and Abuse'
A decade after the war in Iraq began, U.S. and Iraqi officials characterize much of the re...
published: 07 Mar 2013
Iraq Reconstruction Effort Full of 'Fraud, Waste and Abuse'
A decade after the war in Iraq began, U.S. and Iraqi officials characterize much of the reconstruction work deployed in that country as failure. Judy Woodruff examines a new report that chronicles the wasted money, opportunities and lives.
- published: 07 Mar 2013
- views: 385

Billions of Gallons Radioactive Waste Dumped & Leaking at Hanford!-MsMilkytheclown1
Published on Mar 4, 2013
Hanford Dumped Billions of Gallons of Radioactiv...
published: 11 Mar 2013
Billions of Gallons Radioactive Waste Dumped & Leaking at Hanford!-MsMilkytheclown1
Published on Mar 4, 2013
Hanford Dumped Billions of Gallons of Radioactive Waste in the 50s & 60s on the ground
Special Thank you to http://www.youtube.com/user/Beautiful... for the beginning of the video!
The Hanford Site is a mostly decommissioned nuclear production complex on the Columbia River in the U.S. state of Washington, operated by the United States federal government. The site has been known by many names, including Hanford Project, Hanford Works, Hanford Engineer Works or HEW and Hanford Nuclear Reservation or HNR. Established in 1943 as part of the Manhattan Project in the town of Hanford in south-central Washington, the site was home to the B Reactor, the first full-scale plutonium production reactor in the world Plutonium manufactured at the site was used in the first nuclear bomb, tested at the Trinity site, and in Fat Man, the bomb detonated over Nagasaki, Japan.
Sunday Spin: Helping to understand Hanford
http://www.spokesman.com/blogs/spinco... for full article and 58 minute video. [... Hanford's] tanks are big. The largest are the size of a basketball court with a 75-foot wall around it. Inside the tanks are a "stew of different materials" that form a radioactive sludge, from which the liquid was supposed to have been pumped out years ago. [...]
67 tanks are 'suspected leakers' at U.S. nuclear site — "The stuff inside melts the instruments... eats rubber and plastic" (VIDEO)
http://enenews.com/67-suspected-leake... Of the 177 tanks, 149 only have a single wall, or shell, and 67 of those were "suspected leakers", but the rest were thought to be secure. Thought to be is a relative term, because in a container that big, a drop of even a fraction of an inch can represent many gallons of waste. You can't just drop a giant dipstick into the tank. As [Jane Hedges of Washington's Department of Ecology] explained, there's no easy way to get an extremely accurate measurement because lowering cameras or instruments into the tanks isn't practical. The stuff inside melts the instruments, and eats rubber and plastic. [...]
Getting the liquid out of the tanks is a problem. First, there's no good place to put it right now, because the more secure double-shelled tanks are also pretty full. Second, there's the danger of triggering evaporation of the liquid, which would cause a tank to heat up and create a deflagration. (AKA an EXPLOSION)
Washington nuclear waste tanks 'leaking'
Hanford - Washington
Sequestration Could Hinder Hanford Nuclear Reservation Cleanup, Says Washington Governor
Radioactive waste leaking from six tanks at Washington state nuclear site
The latest news of 6 leaking tanks at Hanford
Hanford Watch president Paige Knight, Feb. 23, 2013
Study Slams Nuclear Waste Practices at Hanford
New York Times, Feb. 5, 2013
CBS News: Mind-boggling mistakes at leaking U.S. nuclear site — "The chances of a catastrophic event are real" -Former Governor (VIDEO)
Dr. Helen Caldicott at A15 Hanford Rally
*****Please see links and read info below this video*****
- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 3

Foster The People - Waste (Live in the Bing Lounge)
June 2, 2011 - Foster The People live in the Bing Lounge, presented by Dick Hannah Dealers...
published: 03 Jun 2011
Foster The People - Waste (Live in the Bing Lounge)
June 2, 2011 - Foster The People live in the Bing Lounge, presented by Dick Hannah Dealerships. 101.9 KINK.FM. Portland, OR
FB: http://www.facebook.com/binglounge
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thebinglounge
Tumblr: http://binglounge.tumblr.com
- published: 03 Jun 2011
- views: 432786

Stop Food Waste
90 millions tons of food is thrown away in the EU every year. You can do something about i...
published: 03 Dec 2012
Stop Food Waste
90 millions tons of food is thrown away in the EU every year. You can do something about it. It is time to move. Stop Food Waste!
- published: 03 Dec 2012
- views: 187925

Taste The Waste - deutsch
- Warum schmeißen wir unser Essen auf den Müll? -
Deutsche Haushalte werfen jährlich Lebe...
published: 24 Nov 2012
Taste The Waste - deutsch
- Warum schmeißen wir unser Essen auf den Müll? -
Deutsche Haushalte werfen jährlich Lebensmittel für 20 Milliarden Euro weg - so viel wie der Jahresumsatz von Aldi in Deutschland. Das Essen das wir in Europa wegwerfen, würde zwei Mal reichen, um alle Hungernden der Welt zu ernähren. Valentin Thurn hat den Umgang mit Lebensmitteln international recherchiert und kommt zu haarsträubenden Ergebnissen. Jeder zweite Kopfsalat wird aussortiert, jedes fünfte Brot muss ungekauft entsorgt werden. Kartoffeln, die der offiziellen Norm nicht entsprechen, bleiben auf dem Feld liegen und kleine Schönheitsfehler entscheiden über ein Schicksal als Ladenhüter. In den Abfall-Containern der Supermärkte findet man überwältigende Mengen einwandfreier Nahrungsmittel, original verpackt, mit gültigem Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum. Auf der Suche nach den Ursachen und Verantwortlichen deckt er ein weltweites System auf, an dem sich alle beteiligen.
Die Folgen reichen weit, denn die Auswirkungen auf das Weltklima sind verheerend. Die Landwirtschaft verschlingt riesige Mengen an Energie, Wasser, Dünger und Pestiziden, Regenwald wird für Weideflächen gerodet. Mehr als ein Drittel der Treibhausgase entsteht durch die Landwirtschaft. Nicht unbedeutend sind auch die Berge verrottender organischer Stoffe, denn das entstehende Methangas wirkt sich auf die Erderwärmung 25 Mal so stark aus wie Kohlendioxid.
TASTE THE WASTE zeigt dass ein weltweites Umdenken stattfindet und dass es Menschen gibt, die mit Ideenreichtum und Engagement diesem Irrsinn entgegen treten.
- published: 24 Nov 2012
- views: 11636

Waste It All - Kim Walker-Smith Music Video
'Still Believe', the newest solo album from Kim Walker-Smith is available on iTunes now. h...
published: 02 Jan 2013
Waste It All - Kim Walker-Smith Music Video
'Still Believe', the newest solo album from Kim Walker-Smith is available on iTunes now. http://jcw.bz/itunessb
Check out The Still Believe Tour! http://www.jesusculture.com/stillbelieve
- published: 02 Jan 2013
- views: 86684
Vimeo results:

PostPanic director Mischa Rozema's new short film, Stardust, is a story about Voyager 1 (t...
published: 31 Jan 2013
author: PostPanic
PostPanic director Mischa Rozema's new short film, Stardust, is a story about Voyager 1 (the unmanned spacecraft launched in 1977 to explore the outer solar system). The probe is the furthest man-made object from the sun and witnesses unimaginable beauty and destruction. The film was triggered by the death of Dutch graphic designer Arjan Groot, who died aged 39 on 16th July 2011 from cancer.
The entire team at PostPanic (the Amsterdam-based creative company) pushed themselves in their own creative post techniques to produce a primarily CG short film crafted with love.
The film's story centers on the idea that in the grand scheme of the universe, nothing is ever wasted and it finds comfort in us all essentially being Stardust ourselves. Voyager represents the memories of our loved ones and lives that will never disappear.
From a creative standpoint, Rozema wanted to explore our preconceived perceptions of how the universe appears which are fed to us by existing imagery from sources such NASA or even sci-fi films. By creating a generated universe, Rozema was able to take his own 'camera' to other angles and places within the cosmos.
Objects and experiences we are visually familiar with are looked at from a different point of view. For example, standing on the surface of the sun looking upwards or witnessing the death and birth of a star - not at all scientifically correct but instead a purely artistic interpretation of such events.
Rozema says, 'I wanted to show the universe as a beautiful but also destructive place. It's somewhere we all have to find our place within. As a director, making Stardust was a very personal experience but it's not intended to be a personal film and I would want people to attach their own meanings to the film so that they can also find comfort based on their own histories and lives.'
Rozema turned to his regular audio partner, Guy Amitai, to create the music for the film. 'I approached Guy to make the music because I trust him and knew he would instinctively understand what I wanted to communicate with this film.' Their long-term collaboration over the years helped them explore different musical approaches before finally settling on a musical journey featuring analogue instruments. Amitai explains, 'Once we started working on this project and I told people about Stardust and what Arjan meant to us all, the offers started pouring in. Musician friends and friends-of-friends all wanting to join in and record even the smallest parts. It was an incredibly emotional and personal journey for us all - not something you can professionally detach yourself from.'
The track is now available for purchase, with all proceeds going to the KWF (Dutch Cancer Society)
Download the song here via iTunes: http://tinyurl.com/a6j2f34
A PostPanic Production
Written & directed by Mischa Rozema
Produced by Jules Tervoort
VFX Supervisor: Ivor Goldberg
Associate VFX Supervisor: Chris Staves
Senior digital artists: Matthijs Joor, Jeroen Aerts
Digital artists: Marti Pujol, Silke Finger, Mariusz Kolodziejczak, Dieuwer Feldbrugge, Cara To, Jurriën Boogert
Camera & edit: Mischa Rozema
Production: Ania Markham, Annejes van Liempd
Audio by Pivot Audio , Guy Amitai
Featuring "Helio" by Ruben Samama
copyright 2013 Post Panic BV, All rights reserved

Gotye - Easy Way Out - official film clip
Film clip for the Gotye song Easy Way Out, from the album Making Mirrors
Buy Making Mirror...
published: 23 Feb 2012
author: Gotye
Gotye - Easy Way Out - official film clip
Film clip for the Gotye song Easy Way Out, from the album Making Mirrors
Buy Making Mirrors here http://www.smarturl.it/gotye
Easy Way Out lyrics
Seventeen seconds and I'm over it
Ready for the disconnect
Putting on a brave face
Trying not to listen
to the voices in the back of my head
(But it's alright now)
It's a distant memory baby
(It's alright now)
You know you should just let it go
But some feelings have a habit of persisting
even though you wouldn't let it show
Wearing me out
(All this)
Hanging around
(It just starts)
Getting me down
('till I'm just)
Looking for an easy way out
Braindead from boredom
I'm led to distraction
Scratching the surface of life
Nothing really happens
But it's easy to keep busy
When you tell yourself you're traveling right
(But it's alright now)
Was it really worth it baby?
(It's alright now)
Was it just a waste of time?
Keep on second-guessing
Use my memory like a weapon
On everything I try
Video credits:
Directed By Darcy Prendergast
Directors of Photography
Andrew Goldsmith & Jeremy Blode
VFX Director
Andrew Goldsmith
Darcy Prendergast
Seamus Spilsbury
Assistant Animators
Josh Thomas
Jeremy Blode
Michael Greaney
Sam Lewis
Andrew Goldsmith
Paige Prendergast
Shelley Farthing-Dawe
Andrew Goldsmith
Jeremy Blode
Motion Control
Glenn Anderson
Art Direction
Darcy Prendergast
Editor & Colourist
Andrew Goldsmith
Andrew Goldsmith
Josh Thomas
Ben Matthews
Model Makers
Michael Greaney
Josh Thomas
Benjamin Aguesse
Set Builders
Seamus Spillsbury
David Pennay
Cody Sevedge
Benjamin Aguesse
Wes Starr
Jeremy Blode
Production Manager
Nicky Pastore
Cardboard Flame Painters
Fiona Dalwood
Shaun Stares
Nora Juncker
Giulia Sandri
James Bailey
Music credits:
Produced by Wally De Backer
Mixing and additional production by Francois Tetaz,
assisted by Andy Stewart and Wally at
The Mill, Gippsland, VIC
Bass guitar: Lucas Taranto
Drums, percussion, guitar and orchestra samples,
lead and backing vocals: Wally
Contains samples from Echoette as performed by Buddy Merrill. Licensed courtesy of Accent Records

ISS Startrails - TRONized
Do you remember 1982's "TRON" movie? The plot: A computer programmer (epic: Jeff Bridges) ...
published: 15 Oct 2012
author: Christoph Malin
ISS Startrails - TRONized
Do you remember 1982's "TRON" movie? The plot: A computer programmer (epic: Jeff Bridges) is digitized inside the software world of a mainframe computer, where he interacts with various programs in his attempt to get back out. I loved the light cycle races and strange solar wind ships...
Back in the real word the ISS is in a way one of these solar ships, constantly rotating around us. A tiny white spot, as it can be seen racing over the sky from time to time, when illuminated by the sunset (and sunrise ;).
This Video was achived by "stacking" image sequences provided by NASA from the Crew at International Space Station (see also http://www.fragileoasis.org/blog/2012/3/on-the-trails-of-stars/). These "stacks" create the Star Trails, but furthermore make interesting patterns visible. For example lightning corridors within clouds, but they also show occasional satellite tracks (or Iridium Flashes) as well as meteors - patterns that interrupt the main Star Trails, and thus are immediately visible.
The many oversaturated hot pixels in some of the scenes are the inevitable result of ultrahigh ISO settings the Nikon D3s in ISS-use are pushed to for keeping exposure times short by all means (owed to the dramatic speed the ISS travels). As there are no dark frames or RAW data currently available, hot pixels are not easy to remove.
After the initial stacking, all images have been sequenced with Apple Motion and the Video cut and edited with Final Cut Pro X. Stacking done with StarStaX, get it here: markus-enzweiler.de/software/software.html
This Video would also not have been possible without that great minimal soundtrack "Eileen" by Lee Rosevere (http://members.shaw.ca/happypuppyrecords/index.html) that totally nailed the mood, as well as a short clip of "Window #3" by Two Bicycles (http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Two_Bicycles/Beko_Crash_Symbols_1/07_Window_3). VIMEO MUSIC STORE ROCKS!
All sequences and images courtesy "The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth", Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center, eol.jsc.nasa.gov/Videos/CrewEarthObservationsVideos/
Closing sequence © Christoph Malin / ESO.org / filmed at Cerro Paranal.
Thanks a lot to my favourite bad Astronomer, Phil Plait at BadAstronomy for first posting the film (http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/2012/10/16/my-god-its-full-of-star-trails/) and many many thanks to Vimeo for the Staff Pick!
A truckload of thanks go out to NASA astronaut Don Pettit (http://www.petapixel.com/2012/06/25/astronaut-don-pettit-floating-with-his-huge-camera-collection-on-the-iss/) and his colleagues for taking these images, and making films like this one reality!
Finally, please also be aware of the growing issue of light pollution (http://www.plightwithlight.org/index.php?id=49&L;=1) one can see in many of these scenes! Support IDA (http://www.darksky.org) on their challenge to preserve the night sky for us and our children, on reducing energy waste! And don't forget, it is your tax money that lights up the sky!
Oh, and visit my friends at the UNESCO Project TWAN (http://twanight.org) for some of the coolest nightsky images and videos on our planet! One people, one sky!
Always believe in your dreams and make it possible!
All the best,
Christoph Malin
PS: At about 1:42 you see Comet "Lovejoy" rising...
PS2: Be sure to check out my other Movies:
"Astronomer's Paradise", http://vimeo.com/36972668 - featured on National Geographic
"The Island - Teaser", http://vimeo.com/27539860 - featured on NG
"Urban Mountain Sky", http://vimeo.com/40969904 - featured on Discovery Channel
"Black Hole Sun", http://vimeo.com/24149087, featured on NG

Mel from SuicideGirls: UK Holiday
Mel is stunning in this sexy video preview of our full length movie available for download...
published: 10 Oct 2012
author: SuicideGirls
Mel from SuicideGirls: UK Holiday
Mel is stunning in this sexy video preview of our full length movie available for download here: secure.suicidegirls.com/ukholiday/
Music by Bordeaux "All Our Love" www.bordeaux-bk.bandcamp.com and City Light "Waste Away" from the album Memory Guide.
See what she and 30 other SuicideGirls get up to on holiday in the UK. Download the full 90 minute movie here: secure.suicidegirls.com/ukholiday/
Youtube results:

Redefining 'No XP Waste'
Got an epic clip? Send it in!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmAVBFmG68g
published: 27 Feb 2013
Redefining 'No XP Waste'
Got an epic clip? Send it in!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmAVBFmG68g
LET ME THROUGH! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzpD0XNv_X8
1st Clip Sender: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGg47gzKNBo
Original Video: http://www.youtube.com/user/ZomoorMMO
2nd Clip Sender: http://www.youtube.com/user/xx00bob00xx
Original Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBby9r5-EPI
VOTE HERE: http://services.runescape.com/m=poll/rs2007-server
Check out my Gaming Channel! http://www.youtube.com/ChrisArchie
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChrisArchieRS
ChrisArchieRS: http://www.youtube.com/ChrisArchieRS
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Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chris-Archie/177959038929311
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By submitting videos to Chris Archie (myself), you hereby acknowledge that you grant me a perpetual non-exclusive world-wide license (not ownership) to display, promote, or modify your video for commercial use.
By submitting videos to Chris Archie (myself), you are confirming that all parties featured in the video have given their permission for the video to be published.
- published: 27 Feb 2013
- views: 73667

Jeremy Irons 'trashes' plastic waste in Brussels
http://www.euronews.com/ Oscar-winning actor Jeremy Irons has backed an EU move to reduce ...
published: 07 Mar 2013
Jeremy Irons 'trashes' plastic waste in Brussels
http://www.euronews.com/ Oscar-winning actor Jeremy Irons has backed an EU move to reduce the amount of plastic waste in Europe.
Trashed, a new documentary produced by Irons, looks at its effect on the environment and public health.
His appearance in Brussels came on the same day that the European Commission published a green paper on how to reduce trash.
Yet demand for plastic is high in emerging markets such as China, India and Indonesia, where increased demand for goods leads to increased production.
Irons told Euronews why Europe must set the example for the rest of the world.
"We have to start. Do it here. We have the experience, we have the technology - what little is needed - and we have the need and we have the nous," the Reversal of Fortune star said.
"Let Europe be world leaders. Let them see country by country, how much can be made. How the economy can be helped by serious recycling. You bet your life the others will come onboard.
"But lets not just sit here and wait and say 'It's no good if we do anything because what about China and India.' That's not the way to live."
The European Commission will propose new legislation on tackling plastic waste next year, with the aim of boosting the recycling.
The EU executive says up to ten million tonnes of litter, most of which is plastic, ends up in the world's oceans and seas each year.
Irons, who made the film with director Candida Brady, said he hoped the documentary would go some way in encouraging people to change their habits.
In Europe, more than 65 per cent of all the plastic thrown away is buried in landfill sites or burned.
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- published: 07 Mar 2013
- views: 305

Kim Walker-Smith - Waste It All (Live)
Name: Waste It All (Live)
Artist: Kim Walker-Smith
Album: Still Believe (Live)
Christian &...
published: 15 Jan 2013
Kim Walker-Smith - Waste It All (Live)
Name: Waste It All (Live)
Artist: Kim Walker-Smith
Album: Still Believe (Live)
Christian & Gospel 2013
- published: 15 Jan 2013
- views: 12848

Powering America: Managing Nuclear Waste
While nuclear operators have safely managed and stored spent nuclear fuel, America's curre...
published: 17 Dec 2012
Powering America: Managing Nuclear Waste
While nuclear operators have safely managed and stored spent nuclear fuel, America's current system of handling spent fuel is broken and unsustainable. The business of nuclear waste management should be left to the waste producers and a permanent spent nuclear fuel repository should be permitted to improve the future of America's nuclear energy policy. Watch the full documentary at http://www.poweringamericafilm.com.
- published: 17 Dec 2012
- views: 1511