Georgi Gladyshev | Thermodynamics of evolution
An overview of the thermodynamics of evolution theories of Russian physical chemist Georgi...
published: 18 Mar 2010
Author: HumanChemistry101
Georgi Gladyshev | Thermodynamics of evolution
An overview of the thermodynamics of evolution theories of Russian physical chemist Georgi Gladyshev, which argues that Gibbs criteria of equilibrium, variations of G less than zero, can be used to quantify and explain evolutionary form change. In the video, Gladyshevs theory is contrasted with the better known theory of Belgian chemist Ilya Prigogine, who argues that free energy cannot be used to explain evolution, whereas instead a non-equilibrium thermodynamics theory of dissipative structures is needed to explain evolution. The end of the video has a short Feb 2010 clip of Gladyshev in Moscow discussing his theory. Links to online pages shown in video: www.eoht.info www.eoht.info
Ilya Prigogine - Une Fenêtre De Connaissance
Ilya, Viscount Prigogine (Russian: Илья́ Ром...
published: 09 Jan 2012
Author: HomemDeMuge
Ilya Prigogine - Une Fenêtre De Connaissance
Ilya, Viscount Prigogine (Russian: Илья́ Рома́нович Приго́жин) (25 January 1917 in Moscow -- 28 May 2003) was a Russian-born Belgian chemist and Nobel Laureate chemist noted for his work on dissipative structures, complex systems, and irreversibility. He won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1977. In his 1997 book, The End of Certainty, Prigogine contends that determinism is no longer a viable scientific belief. "The more we know about our universe, the more difficult it becomes to believe in determinism." This is a major departure from the approach of Newton, Einstein and Schrödinger, all of whom expressed their theories in terms of deterministic equations.
Stable Dissipative Islands
Self-organising islands of stability in dissipative plasmodium sheet model at different se...
published: 28 Aug 2008
Author: zeffman
Stable Dissipative Islands
Self-organising islands of stability in dissipative plasmodium sheet model at different sensor offset positions.
New Chemical Technologies
[Mysteries of life from a chemical viewpoint to create new chemical technologies] Koichi A...
published: 11 Jan 2010
Author: keiouniversity
New Chemical Technologies
[Mysteries of life from a chemical viewpoint to create new chemical technologies] Koichi Asakura's group is researching biorhythms, which are cyclic periodic phenomena generated autonomously by living organisms. Biorhythms may be periodic in time, such as sleeping and waking and the heartbeat, or periodic in space, such as the color patterns on tigers, zebras, and tropical fish. Q. Our group is working to create the rhythms universally generated by life, but artificially, in chemical systems. Important concepts in this research are self-organization and dissipative structures in non-equilibrium systems. These were the subject of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1977. A characteristic of life is that organisms continually take in high-energy nutrients and oxygen from outside, and convert them into low-energy, excreted substances such as CO2 by metabolism. Chemical systems like this, with a supply of high-energy substances or energy, are called non-equilibrium systems. An organized state that autonomously arises in a non-equilibrium system is called a dissipative structure. By understanding this concept, its possible to generate cyclic periodic phenomena or patterns in time and space, through artificial chemical reactions in a lab. Q. Think about industrial processes. For example, in the process of coating a surface with something, you continually transfer mechanical energy to the coated surface. For example, if youre coating a smooth plate with a liquid, regular spatially <b>...</b>
Burning Times - The law of dissipative structures
published: 09 Jun 2009
Author: 10050cielodrive
Burning Times - The law of dissipative structures
Quantum Primordial Soup - Video I
This is a model of quantum dissipative structures' emergence in a quantum chaotic medi...
published: 21 Aug 2012
Author: Carlos Pedro Gonçalves
Quantum Primordial Soup - Video I
This is a model of quantum dissipative structures' emergence in a quantum chaotic medium. The model is part of the quantum complex systems science and risk mathematics research project, under development by the author at ISCSP - Technical University of Lisbon. The model combines quantum statistical mechanics and chaos theory, and it leads to the emergence of a fluctuating complex millieu. After a few steps of the simulation, there emerge organized structures akin to unicellular organisms that have a pulsating body (pulsating either in dark grey and light grey RGB scheme, a colored nucleous, and a border (usually pulsating inversely to the body in the RGB scheme), these structures survive for a while feeding upon the environment and assimilating other organisms whenever their borders touch. This life-like quantum game emergence is not preprogrammed in the model, we did not pre-program the large cellular structures, they just happen to emerge. The model implements an example of a computational structure resulting from the article: - Gonçalves (2012) "Quantum Chaos and Quantum Computing Structures" arXiv:1208.2610v1 [nlin.CD], arxiv.org Each patch is colored in accordance with an RGB scheme represenation of its mean quantum energy. modelingcommons.org
Protocell self-organization
Self-assembling oil/water droplet system created by a saponification process showing a cha...
published: 16 May 2011
Author: Rachel Armstrong
Protocell self-organization
Self-assembling oil/water droplet system created by a saponification process showing a characteristic 'shell' like appearance in the early stages of chemical 'evolution' before it takes on the characteristics of a dynamic droplet with life-liek properties. These shell like structures are reminiscent of (and may be) vortices which are dissipative structures and associated with life-like processes
THE MECHANISM: How Homeopathy Works
For the first time in world history John Benneth defines the amazing mechanism of homeopat...
published: 21 Nov 2009
Author: Bandershot
THE MECHANISM: How Homeopathy Works
For the first time in world history John Benneth defines the amazing mechanism of homeopathy, the actual physical nanostructures within homeopathic solutions that emit the electro-magnetic signals which give homeopathic medicine its power. For more information go to: www.scienceofhomeopathy.com Bill Gray, MD The Structure of Water, from Homeopathy, Myth or Science? books.google.com Montaignier: Electromagnetic Signals Are Produced by Aqueous Nanostructures Derived from Bacterial DNA Sequences www.springerlink.com Elia: The Memory of Water: an almost deciphered enigma. Dissipative structures in extremely dilute aqueous solutions. www.sciencedirect.com www.citeulike.org The Structure Of Liquid Water; Novel Insights From Materials Research; Potential Relevance To Homeopathy Rustum Roy, WA Tiller, Iris Bell, MR Hoover Materials Research Innovations 9:4, 577-608, (2005) hpathy.com 1994 Ultra High Dilutions Physiology and Physics PC Endler and J. Schulte Presenting data on ultra high dilution (UHD) from physiological laboratories, this study evaluates physical theories, examines biochemical aspects, appraises the medical and historical context of current research and looks at future research prospects. SMALL WATER CLUSTERS (CLATHRATES) IN THE PREPARATION PROCESS OF HOMEOPATHY GS Anagnostatos books.google.com 1998 High dilution effects on cells and integrated systems By P. Marotta, C. Taddei-Ferretti, Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici On the Structure of High Dilutions <b>...</b>
Benard cells
Video clips of Benard cells and historical overview. www.eoht.info...
published: 07 Oct 2010
Author: HumanChemistry101
Benard cells
Video clips of Benard cells and historical overview. www.eoht.info
"Holon" (HQ)
"Holon"- choreography,sounddesign and stageprojection by Sven Copony.As part of ...
published: 10 Aug 2010
Author: copony23
"Holon" (HQ)
"Holon"- choreography,sounddesign and stageprojection by Sven Copony.As part of "Koreolabos 2010" at the Croatian National Theater.Costumedesign by Ana Dobrašin.Dancers:Maja Babac,Atina Tanović,Benjamin Duran. A holon (Greek: "whole") is something that is simultaneously a whole and a part.It is a system which is an evolving self-organizing dissipative structure, composed of other holons, whose structures exist at a balance point between chaos and order.
Guide Consciousness Chapter 2/1
Taken from Pierre F. Walter, Idiot Guide to Consciousness, Chapter 2 (2010) ipublica.com S...
published: 06 Apr 2009
Author: Pierre F. Walter
Guide Consciousness Chapter 2/1
Taken from Pierre F. Walter, Idiot Guide to Consciousness, Chapter 2 (2010) ipublica.com Spoken by the author.
Persistence of Past Chemistries by Charles Griffin
Persistence of Past Chemistries by Charles Griffin. Performed by Patrick Chapman, Tyler Lo...
published: 01 May 2012
Author: thatpercussionguy
Persistence of Past Chemistries by Charles Griffin
Persistence of Past Chemistries by Charles Griffin. Performed by Patrick Chapman, Tyler Loftin, Joe W. Moore III, and Shane Reeves. One of the ways that Professor Lynn Margulis of the University of Massachussets defines life in her book What is Life?, is as "patterns of chemical conservation in a universe tending toward heat loss and disintegration. . . . Death is part of life because even dying matter, once it reproduces, rescues complex chemical systems and budding dissipative structures from thermodynamic equilibrium. . . . Preserving the past, making a difference between past and present, life binds time, expanding complexity and creating new problems for itself."I hit upon the title for this piece after I had already decided to restrict the sonic palette exclusively to instruments made of wood, a way to acknowledge this uniquely human reconstitution of organic matter. Not only do the instruments give the trees from which they came new life, but the musicians also bring new life to their instruments. Furthermore, my music tends to be the sum of sometimes disparate parts that take on new life through their integration; jazz, latino, and minimalist music all coexist in The Persistence of Past Chemistries. -Charles Griffin
#001: New & Old Maps Of Hyperspace (ISC Lecture, Berkeley, 1982) ~ Terence McKenna
alchemicalarchives.blogspot.co.uk Terence McKenna New & Old Maps Of Hyperspace (Novemb...
published: 08 Jul 2012
Author: TerenceMcKennaTube
#001: New & Old Maps Of Hyperspace (ISC Lecture, Berkeley, 1982) ~ Terence McKenna
alchemicalarchives.blogspot.co.uk Terence McKenna New & Old Maps Of Hyperspace (November, 1982) Dolphin Tapes, Berkeley CA; Big Sur CA. ISBN: 0937727032. Presented: Institute for the Study of Consciousness, Berkeley CA. #001 The Paul Herbert Collection The first and earliest recording of Terence McKenna from the Paul Herbert Collection. These will be uploaded here in chronological order as they are aired on The Psychedelic Salon Podcast. These recordings have been digitized from Paul's original cassettes by Lorenzo Hagerty, some are already featured on this channel and may differ in length and quality, these being professional recordings. Where possible images of the original cassette will be featured with these uploads and all videos will be in a new playlist, The Paul Herbert Collection. www.youtube.com The Psychedelic Salon Podcast www.matrixmasters.net Terence quotes: "Experientially there is only one religion, and it is shamanism and shamanic ecstasy." "Shamanism, on the other hand, is this world wide, since Paleolithic-times, tradition which says that you must make your own experience the center piece of any model of the world that you build." "Alchemy is about the generation of a psychic construct, a wholeness, a thing which has many properties, which is paradoxical, which is both mind and matter, which can do anything." "I'm not an abuser. It takes me a long time to assimilate each experience. And I never have lost my respect for it. I mean I really feel dread. It <b>...</b>
Video Feedback 1
Self-organising pattern formation through video feedback....
published: 21 Jul 2011
Author: oldboot
Video Feedback 1
Self-organising pattern formation through video feedback.
Vimeo results:
Dissipation and Disintegration Full
published: 30 Jun 2011
Author: Steve Rowell
Dissipation and Disintegration Full
The San Gabriel Mountains are the northern limit of Los Angeles, the rim of the urban bowl. When measured from the base to the top - a vertical rise of nearly 10,000 feet - the San Gabriels are taller than the Rocky Mountains. This vertical shift next to a city known for its sprawl and cataclysmic climate, presents both a dilemma and an opportunity. At the base of the mountains lies an extensive system of flood control structures designed to hold back the cascading debris that tumbles down the disintegrating mountains. On the peaks, antennas radiate the transmissions of the city - its television, radio, taxis, fire, police, and telephones – telecommunications that hold the social fabric of the city together. The mountains are an ally and a menace.
Dissipation and Disintegration 5min extract
published: 28 Jun 2011
Author: Steve Rowell
Dissipation and Disintegration 5min extract
For the full version see: http://vimeo.com/25846346
The San Gabriel Mountains are the northern limit of Los Angeles, the rim of the urban bowl. When measured from the base to the top - a vertical rise of nearly 10,000 feet - the San Gabriels are taller than the Rocky Mountains. This vertical shift next to a city known for its sprawl and cataclysmic climate, presents both a dilemma and an opportunity. At the base of the mountains lies an extensive system of flood control structures designed to hold back the cascading debris that tumbles down the disintegrating mountains. On the peaks, antennas radiate the transmissions of the city - its television, radio, taxis, fire, police, and telephones – telecommunications that hold the social fabric of the city together. The mountains are an ally and a menace.
clay brick machine
clay brick machine use as a source of reference from foreign country and local advance tec...
published: 16 Mar 2011
Author: HKOKK
clay brick machine
clay brick machine use as a source of reference from foreign country and local advance technical to produce all type of Clay Brick Making Equipments, Vacuum Extruder main body is made by all-steel structure; upper part and lower part are flexible package, easy for maintenance, main shaft and the compression part with extra long vat, effectively increase the vacuity to make sure the materials become densify, the mixing shaft comes with protect cover, stable and durable, low dissipation energy, high efficiency and high production. Suitable to use for making all type of Clay Brick.
Reflections, 3D Sound Installation @ Jaaga, Bangalore 2011
This is a 3D-sound work which was created for and installed at Jaaga in it's final week be...
published: 11 Jun 2011
Author: Andrew McWilliams
Reflections, 3D Sound Installation @ Jaaga, Bangalore 2011
This is a 3D-sound work which was created for and installed at Jaaga in it's final week before being deconstructed. In collaboration with french artist Clemence Barret, members of the Jaaga community were interviewed. Each of their reflections was then associated with a virtual 'sound sphere' and set free to roam a virtual model of the Jaaga structure.
The physical Jaaga structure was sporadically laid out with loudspeakers in key locations, and the virtual model was built to match this layout. As one of the sound spheres approaches a louspeaker, the voice it contains emerges from that speaker. As the sound sphere floats away, so the sound dissipates.
Because of this, much of the time the Jaaga community members are speaking noone is hearing them at all; it is only when they coincide with a loudspeaker that their voice is heard.
This piece is a counterpoint to the related work 'Gravity'. Where Gravity is a personal response, Reflections is a community response. Where Gravity is a defiant attempt to draw people together, Reflections allows them to float apart, and to choose their own paths. It is inspired by ideas of acceptance, of liberation and of chance.
Read blog posts on the creation and dissemination of this work: http://jahya.net/blog/?tag:Reflections
Read blog posts on the Jaaga Residency program, during which this work was created: http://jahya.net/blog/?tag:Jaaga_Residency
See the related work, Gravity: https://vimeo.com/24999373
Youtube results:
800 Values for New Era Human Being—Consciousness III.mp4
The more symmetrical the structure of LIFE is, the more perfect it will be, and the more s...
published: 05 Apr 2012
Author: lifechanyuan
800 Values for New Era Human Being—Consciousness III.mp4
The more symmetrical the structure of LIFE is, the more perfect it will be, and the more stable and firm it will be and the stronger vitality it will have. The more asymmetrical the structure of LIFE is, the uglier it will be, and the looser it will be, and the weaker vitality it will have, and the more likely it will perish. Whether you are healthy and vigorous depends on whether the nonmaterial structure of LIFE is perfect. The better the structure, the more energy will be absorbed and the more healthy and vigorous you will be. The more defects a structure has, the more energy will be lost, and the more unhealthy and weaker you will become. The differences of all things lie in the differences of their structures. Different structures absorb different energies. Replace the traditional structure with "dissipative structure". Do not set up rules and regulations for yourself to restrict the free soaring of consciousness. This will not result in the isolation and occlusion of one's own thinking and consciousness, and the entropy value of one's own structure will not increase, and you will not go to the "state of death". Then you can imagine yourself as celestial being and thus absorb the special energy needed by the LIFE structure of celestial beings. Our website is :lifechanyuan.org 中文网:http 中文FACEBOOK:www.facebook.com Our facebook is :www.facebook.com
aero large
larger version of aero persistent dissipative structure and the long term dynamics of the ...
published: 10 Jan 2008
Author: zeffman
aero large
larger version of aero persistent dissipative structure and the long term dynamics of the structure.
Guide Consciousness Chapter 2/2
Taken from Pierre F. Walter, The Idiot Guide to Consciousness, Awareness Guide (2010)...
published: 03 Jan 2010
Author: Pierre F. Walter
Guide Consciousness Chapter 2/2
Taken from Pierre F. Walter, The Idiot Guide to Consciousness, Awareness Guide (2010)
Video Feedback 2
Self-organising pattern formation through video feedback My work explores the relationship...
published: 16 Jun 2011
Author: oldboot
Video Feedback 2
Self-organising pattern formation through video feedback My work explores the relationship between acquired synesthesia and life as performance. Ever since I was a teenager I have been fascinated by the theoretical limits of the mind. As temporal impressions become transformed through emergent and critical practice, the viewer is left with an impression of the possibilities of our world. --- Generated by Arty Bollocks Generator, 10k.aneventapart.com