
Montreal castle/Shoubak (Jordanie / Jordan / الأردن) in 1991
Caution : This video is very old (1991) (EN) Montreal is a Crusader castle on the eastern ...
published: 30 May 2012
Montreal castle/Shoubak (Jordanie / Jordan / الأردن) in 1991
Caution : This video is very old (1991) (EN) Montreal is a Crusader castle on the eastern side of the Arabah, perched on the side of a rocky, conical mountain, looking out over fruit trees below. The ruins, called Shoubak or Shawbak in Arabic, are located in modern town of Shoubak in Jordan.The castle was built in 1115 by Baldwin I of Jerusalem during his expedition to the area where he captured Aqaba on the Red Sea in 1116. Originally called 'Krak de Montreal' or 'Mons Regalis', it was named in honour of the king's own contribution to its construction (Mont Royal). It was strategically located on a hill on the plain of Edom, along the pilgrimage and caravan routes from Syria to Arabia. This allowed Baldwin to control the commerce of the area, as pilgrims and merchants needed permission to travel past it. It was surrounded by relatively fertile land, and two cisterns were carved into the hill, with a long, steep staircase leading to springs within the hill itself. It remained property of the royal family of the Kingdom of Jerusalem until 1142, when it became part of the Lordship of Oultrejordain. At the same time the centre of the Lordship was moved to Kerak, a stronger fortress to the north of Montreal. Along with Kerak, the castle owed sixty knights to the kingdom. It was held by Philip de Milly, and then passed to Raynald of Châtillon when he married Stephanie de Milly. Raynald used the castle to attack the rich caravans that had previously been allowed to pass <b>...</b>
published: 30 May 2012
author: valpard2

C la voix de ma douce maman.. this is My sweet´s mom voice......
published: 08 Mar 2011
C la voix de ma douce maman.. this is My sweet´s mom voice...
published: 08 Mar 2011
author: JANO Feghali

asfour tal min il shoubak
Rand Msharbash covered by mee !! if u want any covers comment here !!!...
published: 18 Dec 2011
asfour tal min il shoubak
Rand Msharbash covered by mee !! if u want any covers comment here !!!
published: 18 Dec 2011
author: Rand Msharbash

Ash Shoubak - National Geographic
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com هذان الرا...
published: 27 Jun 2011
Ash Shoubak - National Geographic
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com هذان الرابطان يمكن من خلالهما تتواصل مع نــشــــامى الشوبـــــــــــك .........
published: 27 Jun 2011
author: llosh84

Al shoubak & Petra together for ever
Al shoubak & Petra together for ever www.facebook.com www.facebook.com هذ&...
published: 09 Sep 2011
Al shoubak & Petra together for ever
Al shoubak & Petra together for ever www.facebook.com www.facebook.com هذان الرابطان يمكن من خلالهما التواصل مع نشامى الشوبكالاحرااااااار ...........*_^
published: 09 Sep 2011
author: llosh84

فيديو قلعة الشوبك Shoubak Castle / Jordan .wmv
تقع قلعة الشوب...
published: 11 Jun 2012
فيديو قلعة الشوبك Shoubak Castle / Jordan .wmv
تقع قلعة الشوبك على ارتفاع 1330 م عن سطح البحر في لواء الشوبك بمحافظه معان وتبعد حوالي نصف ساعة عن معان القصبه ويعتقد بأن منطقة الشوبك سكنت في الفترة الادومية ثم اعيد ترميمها في الفترة النبطية، ويبدو أنها استخدمت كدير صغير للرهبان حتى اعاد بناءها الامير الصليبي بلدوين الأول حاكم الرها ومن ثم ملك القدس وذلك في عام 1115 م وقد اطلق عليها اسم (مونتريال) تضم القلعة تسعة ابراج منها الدائري والمستطيل والمربع، تزينها الكتابات والزخارف من الخارج ومدخلها. وقد قمنا باعداد هذا الفلم لتشجيع زيارة هذه القلعه العريقة التي كادت ان تنسى آملين ان ينال أعجابكم وان تقوموا بزيارة هذه القلعه . This is Shoubak Castle in the south of Jordan , It's amazing , we hope you enjoy this movie. هذه الفيلم من أعداد : ايمان الرواشدة & محمد الرواشدة
published: 11 Jun 2012
author: محمد الرواشده

The ruins of the Crusader castles of Jordan serve as a reminder of the bloody battles that...
published: 08 Jan 2010
The ruins of the Crusader castles of Jordan serve as a reminder of the bloody battles that once took place between the Christians and Muslems and that shook the Near East at a time in history known as The Crusades. Around four kilometres from the small town of Ajlun is Jordan's sole surviving castle, Qalaat Ar-Rabad. It was designed to protect the pilgrims who were on their way to Mecca but was also a symbol of military power aimed well and truly at the Crusaders. The year 1115 marked not only the victory of the Crusaders at the Battle of Tell Danit but also the beginning of Shoubak's construction. After a siege that lasted eighteen months, Shoubak fell in 1189 to Ayyubid. Shortly afterwards, it was enlarged by the Marmeluccs and in the 19th century, the Ottomans moved into the fortress. The most famous of the Crusader castles is situated in the city of Kerak, around 20 kilometres southeast of the southernmost extremity of the Dead Sea. The fortress had great strategic importance as those who controlled Al Kerak, also controlled large areas of Palestine and an area that extended to the southern section of the Dead Sea. Almost 100 years after the conquest of the fortress, the last French outposts in the Near East were also abandoned and today, it is only the mighty and impressive ruins of the Crusaders that have survived, an atmospheric reminder of a glorious and colorful past.
published: 08 Jan 2010
author: TravelVideoStore

Chicago Snow Fall
Date - Dec 1, 2007 Arvind, Mukesh, Shawani, Shoubak, Satish, Kailash...
published: 02 Dec 2007
Chicago Snow Fall
Date - Dec 1, 2007 Arvind, Mukesh, Shawani, Shoubak, Satish, Kailash
published: 02 Dec 2007
author: jarvind15

Gaming Camp II
Gaming Camp II in Al Shoubak الهدف من ا...
published: 23 Jun 2012
Gaming Camp II
Gaming Camp II in Al Shoubak الهدف من المخيم التعريف بصناعة الألعاب الإكترونية و برمجتها و سوف يتيح المخيم للمشاركين الفرصة لحضور ورشات عمل في مواضيع مختلفة عن صناعة الألعاب الإكترونية و مراحل الإنتاج و الأساليب المتبعة في تصميمها و برمجتها لمزيد من المعلومات يرجى التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني info@ gaminglab.jo
published: 23 Jun 2012
author: Hussam AL Natour
Youtube results:

MEs proches !
Ma bestounett' mon bestounet' mon amoureux ma shoubak'shreck et tout la bande ...
published: 20 May 2008
MEs proches !
Ma bestounett' mon bestounet' mon amoureux ma shoubak'shreck et tout la bande !
published: 20 May 2008
author: carlotahuet

extremely south
trip to dana through alshoubak wadimusa and altafelah from aqaba. jordan...
published: 25 Aug 2009
extremely south
trip to dana through alshoubak wadimusa and altafelah from aqaba. jordan
published: 25 Aug 2009
author: iaqaba