- published: 11 Sep 2015
- views: 201
Pareiasaurs (meaning "cheek lizards") are an extinct group of anapsid reptiles classified in the family Pareiasauridae. They were large herbivores that flourished during the Permian period.
Pareiasaurs ranged in size from 60 to 300 centimetres (2.0 to 9.8 ft) long, and may have weighed up to 600 kilograms (1,300 lb). They were stocky, with short tails, small heads, robust limbs, and broad feet. The cow-sized species Bunostegos, which lived 260 million years ago, is the earliest known example of a tetrapod with a fully erect posture as its legs were positioned directly under their bodies. Pareiasaurs were protected by bony scutes called osteoderms that were set into the skin. Their heavy skulls were ornamented with multiple knobs and ridges. The leaf-shaped multi-cusped teeth resemble those of iguanas, caseids, and other reptilian herbivores. This dentition, together with the deep body, which may have housed an extensive digestive tract, are evidence of a herbivorous diet. Most authors have assumed a terrestrial lifestyle for pareiasaurs, but bone microanatomy suggests a more aquatic, plausibly amphibious lifestyle.
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The Permian is a geologic period and system which extends from 298.9 to 252.17 million years ago. It is the last period of the Paleozoic, following the Carboniferous and preceding the Triassic of the Mesozoic. The concept of the Permian was introduced in 1841 by geologist Sir Roderick Murchison, who named it after the ancient kingdom of Permia.
The Permian witnessed the diversification of the early amniotes into the ancestral groups of the mammals, turtles, lepidosaurs and archosaurs. The world at the time was dominated by a single supercontinent known as Pangaea, surrounded by a global ocean called Panthalassa. The Carboniferous rainforest collapse left behind vast regions of desert within the continental interior.Amniotes, who could better cope with these drier conditions, rose to dominance in place of their amphibian ancestors.
The Permian (along with the Paleozoic) ended with the largest mass extinction in Earth's history, in which nearly 90% of marine species and 70% of terrestrial species died out. It would take well into the Triassic for life to recover from this catastrophe. Recovery from the Permian-Triassic extinction event was protracted; on land, ecosystems took 30 million years to recover.
Pareiasaur - Video Learning - WizScience.com
Роботы Динозавры: Парейазавр мультики про динозавров - Robots Dinosaurs: Pareiasaur cartoons
Игры Роботы динозавры: Парейазавр-раптор.Game Robot dinosaurs: Pareiasaur-Raptor.
This Cow-Sized Pre-Reptile Was The First Known To Walk Upright
Bradysaurus - Video Learning - WizScience.com
Jurassic World - Indominus Rex vs Ankylosaurus Scene
Scutosaurus - Video Learning - WizScience.com
"Pareiasaurs" are an extinct group of anapsid reptiles classified in the family "Pareiasauridae". They were large herbivores that flourished during the Permian period. Pareiasaurs ranged in size from 60 to long, and may have weighed up to 600 kg. They were stocky, with short tails, small heads, robust limbs, and broad feet. Pareiasaurs were protected by bony scutes called osteoderms that set into the skin. Their heavy skulls were ornamented with multiple knobs and ridges. The leaf-shaped multi-cusped teeth resemble those of iguanas, caseids, and other reptilian herbivores. This dentition, together with the deep body, which may have housed an extensive digestive tract, are evidence of a herbivorous diet. Most authors have assumed a terrestrial lifestyle for pareiasaurs, but bone micro...
Роботы Динозавры: Парейазавр мультики про динозавров - Robots Dinosaurs: Pareiasaur cartoons Встречайте великого и ужасного робота парейазавра. Этот монстр - полная копия своего доисторического сородича, но с небольшой модернизацией. В игре "Роботы Динозавры: Парейазавр", вы станете владельцем мега мощного и просто огромного робота парейазавра. Этот металлический парень может трансформироваться из железного динозавра в огромную боевую лодку, что делает его намного опаснее других. Перед тем, как гордо назвать себя владельцем этого чуда техники, вы должны собственноручно его сложить. Внимательно рассмотрите прозрачный каркас будущего робота и старайтесь правильно устанавливать все детали и элементы, который будут вам предоставлены. После удачной сборки, вы сможете отправиться на полигон и ис...
Pareiasaurs are an extinct group of anapsid reptiles classified in the family Pareiasauridae. They were large herbivores that flourished during the Permian period. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons image source in video
#Dinotrux #Динозавры #Роботы #ПроРоботов #ИгрыРоботы #РоботыДинозавры #ИгрыРоботыДинозавры #МультикиРоботы #Мультики #Машинки #МашинкиМультики #РазвивающиеМультики #Мультфильмы #ВидеоДляДетей #МультфильмыДляДетей #РазвитиеРебенка #Игры #СтроительныеМашины #Обзоры #Cars #Gameplay #МашинкаИгрушка
A new analysis of ancient fossils has uncovered evidence that suggests an isolated pre-reptile is the first known animal to have developed the ability to walk upright on all fours. An analysis of bones from a pre-historic pre-reptile suggests that the creature is the first known to have ever stood upright on all fours. According to io9, the pareiasaur "lived during the Permian era some 260 million years ago." Most pareiasaurs are believed to have had sprawling appendages—somewhat akin to modern-day lizards. But the one in question had legs entirely underneath its body. One of the study's authors described the animal's appearance: “Imagine a cow-sized, plant-eating reptile with a knobby skull and bony armor down its back.” It's believed the animal was a bit is...
A look at the 2008 pareiasaur reptile, the Scutosaurus from Safari. Music clip used: Approach - Rich Cavagin Carey
""Bradysaurus"" was a large, early and common pareiasaur, the fossils of which are known from the Tapinocephalus Assemblage Zone of the South African Karoo. Along with the similarly large dinocephalia, the bradysaurs constituted the herbivorous megafauna of the late Middle Permian Period. In life they were probably slow, clumsy and inoffensive animals, that had evolved a covering of armoured scutes to protect them against their predators, the gorgonopsians. "Bradysaurus" was 2.5 meters in length and half a tonne to a tonne in weight.The skull was large , broad and rounded at the front. It was coarsely sculptured and knobby, with the sutures between the bones not clearly visible. The marginal teeth were high-crowned, with only a few cusps, which is a primitive characteristic.The feet ...
Indominus Rex vs Ankylosaurus
""Scutosaurus"" was a genus of armor-covered pareiasaur that lived around 254-252 million years ago in Russia, in the later Permian period. Its genus name refers to large plates of armor scattered across its body. It was a large anapsid reptile that, unlike most reptiles, held its legs underneath its body to support its great weight. "Scutosaurus" was a massively built reptile, up to 3 m in length, with bony armor, and a number of spikes decorating its skull. Despite its relatively small size, "Scutosaurus" was heavy, and its short legs meant that it could not move at speed for long periods of time, which made it vulnerable to attack by large predators. To defend itself "Scutosaurus" had a thick skeleton covered with powerful muscles, especially in the neck region. Underneath the ski...
You piece of shit
Lying and manipulating, did you get what you want?
Too bad your life is one big front
Fucking me over while stabbing me in the back
You took something i'll never get back
So stay the fuck away from everything that i love
because we never gave a fuck about you
fuck you, you fucking asshole
loyalty and dedication don't mean shit to you