The first Pentium microprocessor was introduced by Intel on March 22, 1993. Dubbed P5, its microarchitecture was the fifth generation for Intel, and the first superscalar IA-32 microarchitecture. As a direct extension of the 80486 architecture, it included dual integer pipelines, a faster floating-point unit, wider data bus, separate code and data caches and features for further reduced address calculation latency. In 1996, the Pentium with MMX Technology (often simply referred to as Pentium MMX) was introduced with the same basic microarchitecture complemented with an MMX instruction set, larger caches, and some other enhancements.
The P5 Pentium competitors included the Motorola 68060 and the PowerPC 601 as well as the SPARC, MIPS, and Alpha microprocessor families, most of which also used a superscalar in-order dual instruction pipeline configuration at some time.
Intel's Larrabee multicore architecture project uses a processor core derived from a P5 core (P54C), augmented by multithreading, 64-bit instructions, and a 16-wide vector processing unit. Intel's low-powered Bonnell microarchitecture employed in Atom processor cores also uses an in-order dual pipeline similar to P5.
Darling when we met
You were a pretty little thing
But your body started changing
When I gave you that ring
You’re supersizing, no exercising
Goodbye working out
A double meat with cheese, another helping please
Baby that’s what you’re all about
I pick you up in my pickup truck
But you had to ride in the back
I stopped off at the Sonic Burger
You ate everything in my sack
Darling please, won’t you please think of me
I’d love to have my baby back (baby back)
My baby back (baby back)
My baby back (baby back)
Six months have passed and you’ve gained 50 pounds
And I confess you got a real big rack
But the bad part is when I give you a hug
You got a two more on your back
You’re supersizing, no exercising
Goodbye working out
A double meat with cheese, another helping please
Baby that’s what you’re all about
I played football with the boys last night
And you were all time quarterback
But none of us could ever tackle you
Cause you’re built like a lumberjack
Darling please, won’t you please think of me
I’d love to have my baby back (baby back)
Put down the ribs (baby back)
My baby back (baby back)
And baby come back to me yeah