
CNES drum and lyre [entrance]
sy 09-10 drum and lyre competion in urduja elem. school.1st place and best in costume, sen...
published: 11 Feb 2010
author: Zalyn Camu
CNES drum and lyre [entrance]
sy 09-10 drum and lyre competion in urduja elem. school.1st place and best in costume, sensa mlabo.
published: 11 Feb 2010
views: 761

In this short clip, UFO researcher James Fox (www.outofthebluethemovie.com) interviews Jac...
published: 29 May 2008
author: Lexington909
In this short clip, UFO researcher James Fox (www.outofthebluethemovie.com) interviews Jacques Patentet of CNES (the French version of NASA).
published: 29 May 2008
author: Lexington909
views: 12606

Pouvez-vous nous présenter le Cnes ?
Interview d Isabelle RONGIER (sous-directrice technique système de transport spatial, Dire...
published: 16 Dec 2008
author: crdpdeversailles
Pouvez-vous nous présenter le Cnes ?
Interview d Isabelle RONGIER (sous-directrice technique système de transport spatial, Direction des lanceurs au Cnes dEvry), réalisée au Centre national d études spatiales dEvry, pour accompagner le DocSciences N°2
published: 16 Dec 2008
author: crdpdeversailles
views: 1467

CNES/ESA ATVtweetup, Toulouse, 28/29 March 2012
50 dedicated spacetweeps gathered in Toulouse 28/29 March for the CNES/ESA ATVtweetup, to ...
published: 02 Apr 2012
author: ESA
CNES/ESA ATVtweetup, Toulouse, 28/29 March 2012
50 dedicated spacetweeps gathered in Toulouse 28/29 March for the CNES/ESA ATVtweetup, to watch the docking of ATV Edoardo Amaldi with the International Space Station. As well as talks from ESA and CNES ATV experts, and a tour of the control centre, surprise guests included ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli and Mars500 participants Diego Urbina and Romain Charles.
published: 02 Apr 2012
author: ESA
views: 1372

Reportaje de Alvaro Mezquita para "Los Grandes Misterios del 3er milenio" sobre la Agencia...
published: 15 Apr 2007
author: AXMMX
Reportaje de Alvaro Mezquita para "Los Grandes Misterios del 3er milenio" sobre la Agencia espacial francesa, que acaba de poner en linea documentos sobre OVNIs.
published: 15 Apr 2007
author: AXMMX
views: 4897

DIAMANT A ROCKET, France's space agency, the CNES in 60'S
Diamant A. FRENCH AUDIO. This was the first version of the Diamant rocket. It was used to ...
published: 16 Nov 2011
author: Mr Dan Beaumont
DIAMANT A ROCKET, France's space agency, the CNES in 60'S
Diamant A. FRENCH AUDIO. This was the first version of the Diamant rocket. It was used to launch the Astérix and subsequently three other small satellites during 1965-67 from the base at Hammaguir in Algeria. Remarkably for a newly developed system, all four attempted launched were partly successful, the only failure occurring on the second launch when the payload was inserted into a lower orbit than planned. It possessed a first stage of 10 m, 1.4 meters in diameter, and a weight of 14.7 metric tons. Their engines of the type LRBA Vexin supplied a thrust of 269 kN for 93 seconds. The second stage was 4.7 meters long and had a diameter of 80 centimeters. It weighed 2.9 metric tons and developed a thrust of 165 kN for a duration of 44 seconds. The third stage of 2.65 m in diameter. Its weight amounted to 709 kilograms. It burned for 45 seconds and developed a thrust of 27 kN to 53 kN. Completely installed, a Diamond A was 18.95 meters high and weighed 18.4 metric tons. November 26, 1965 Diamant A Hammaguir Asterix February 17, 1966 Diamant A Hammaguir Diapason February 8, 1967 Diamant A Hammaguir Diadème 1 partial failure, orbit too low February 15, 1967 Diamant A Hammaguir Diadème 2 INFO: WIKIPEDIA CUTS
published: 16 Nov 2011
author: Mr Dan Beaumont
views: 1613

CNES Teachers Chorale Humayo't Ihayag
A slide show of Caloocan North Elementary School Teachers Chorale's preparation for their ...
published: 18 Feb 2009
author: ELPChannel
CNES Teachers Chorale Humayo't Ihayag
A slide show of Caloocan North Elementary School Teachers Chorale's preparation for their contest... Out of 9 Teachers Chorale, this Chorale won the 2nd prize... They're lost by only 2 points compare to the first...
published: 18 Feb 2009
author: ELPChannel
views: 573

CNES balloon launch circa 1970
View of the launch of a stratospheric balloon from Aire Sur L'Adour base at Landes, France...
published: 27 Sep 2007
author: Stratoballoon
CNES balloon launch circa 1970
View of the launch of a stratospheric balloon from Aire Sur L'Adour base at Landes, France. Taken from the french TV. *** Brought to you by StratoCat - Historical recopilation project on the use of stratospheric balloons in the scientific research, the military field and the aerospace activity. Visit us at stratocat.com.ar
published: 27 Sep 2007
author: Stratoballoon
views: 961

CNES FACULTY on pupil christmas party 2007
The Caloocan north Elementary School faculty teachers danced beautiful girl last Pupil Chr...
published: 25 Jan 2008
author: angeldaphne2001
CNES FACULTY on pupil christmas party 2007
The Caloocan north Elementary School faculty teachers danced beautiful girl last Pupil Christmas party 2007.
published: 25 Jan 2008
author: angeldaphne2001
views: 415

2007: CNES plans (Escatha)
Mr Yannick d'Escatha, President of the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) at the He...
published: 29 Sep 2007
author: iafastro
2007: CNES plans (Escatha)
Mr Yannick d'Escatha, President of the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) at the Heads of Agency Plenary held at IAC 2006 in Valencia.
published: 29 Sep 2007
author: iafastro
views: 355

CNES Drum & Lyre Practice
CNES New Majorettes Practice neophytes for flag majorettes - 1st practice Grade 1-3 new re...
published: 31 Jul 2010
author: SelflessLoverMom
CNES Drum & Lyre Practice
CNES New Majorettes Practice neophytes for flag majorettes - 1st practice Grade 1-3 new recruits for CNES Drum & Lyre
published: 31 Jul 2010
author: SelflessLoverMom
views: 534

Le CNES, L'OVNI de NANTES et l'étoile SIRIUS, le 8 oct. 1969 entre 7H10 et 7H30
Quand bien même l'OVNI fut dans la direction de SIRIUS (cliquer PLUS...!!!) qu'aucune conf...
published: 03 Nov 2011
author: Dominique Bau
Le CNES, L'OVNI de NANTES et l'étoile SIRIUS, le 8 oct. 1969 entre 7H10 et 7H30
Quand bien même l'OVNI fut dans la direction de SIRIUS (cliquer PLUS...!!!) qu'aucune confusion n'était possible... Une étude scientifique sérieuse aurait du évidemment le conclure. Nous allons prouver que le CNES ne fait pas son travail car aucune étude ni scientifique ni sérieuse n'a été diligentée. Aucun IPN ne m'a contacté ! Nous allons voir 3 points dans cette vidéo : 1) Sur le plan horizontal, nous ne sommes pas dans la même direction, 2) Sur le plan vertical, la différence est énorme également et 3) Sur le plan de la luminosité cet objet était approximativement entre 100 et 1000 fois plus lumineux que Sirius. Une étude scientifique sérieuse aurait du évidement conclure l'inverse de ce qui a été fait. J'ai eu deux conversations avec M Passot responsable du GEIPAN mais jamais il ne m'a interrogé sur une confusion. Si dans son imaginaire, il pouvait avoir des doutes, pourquoi n'a-t-il pas analysé mon rapport et pourquoi ne m'a-t-il rien dit ? Qu'il projette ses doutes qui lui appartiennent sans enquêter sur ce point, en ne faisant pas le point avec moi, montre la subjectivité de cette analyse soit disant scientifique. Il n'y a donc aucun organisme en France prêt à étudier avec sérieux les observations des témoins ! La preuve : Observation d'un objet créé par une intelligence et non d'une étoile en plein jour comme la fausse analyse du CNES (GEIPAN) tente d'en faire une banalité qu'elle n'est surtout pas. Ils sont à mon avis, dans l'obscurantisme total! Les faits sont ...
published: 03 Nov 2011
author: Dominique Bau
views: 3762
Vimeo results:

Dassault Rafale "Michaël Brocard" Solo Display Sion Airshow 2011
The clip version (3min) of the Dassault Rafale Solo Display filmed at the Breitling Sion A...
published: 30 Oct 2011
author: Yannick Barthe
Dassault Rafale "Michaël Brocard" Solo Display Sion Airshow 2011
The clip version (3min) of the Dassault Rafale Solo Display filmed at the Breitling Sion Airshow the 15th and 16th September 2011. Many thanks to Cne Michaël Brocard for the onboard footage recorded during his flights. It's a wonderful solo display performance and with the onboard camera views, this new director's cut video gives a whole new dimension.
The Dassault Rafale is a French twin-engine delta-wing multi-role jet fighter aircraft designed and built by Dassault Aviation. Introduced in 2000, the Rafale is being produced both for land-based use with the French Air Force and for carrier-based operations with the French Navy.
I'm very happy with my new video gear (Sony XDCAM and Sachtler fluid head). It will take a few hours of filming to be completely comfortable with this new material after 6 years with the Sony HVR-Z1 !
Filmed and edited by Yannick Barthe, www.yannickbarthe.ch Sound by Yannick Barthe. Music by Marc C. Nichols Productions and Dov Waterman (licenses purchased for web publishing). Copyright 2011 Yannick Barthe www.yannickbarthe.ch and Michaëll Brocard www.defense.gouv.fr/air
All my videos filmed at the Sion Airshow are available on this channel : vimeo.com/channels/sionairshow

TimeLapse ....check
Kaleidoscope and Eye bleeding colors.....
published: 02 Sep 2008
author: young elephant
TimeLapse ....check
Kaleidoscope and Eye bleeding colors....check
Visual created by Sai
Musice by Wanderlust -Björk (Ratatat Remix)
My TimeLapse Demoreel of 2007/2008

energía solar fotovoltáica y termosolar
Potencial bruto 937.000 MW
Fuente: UChile 2006
published: 14 Feb 2011
author: nomasabusos
energía solar fotovoltáica y termosolar
Potencial bruto 937.000 MW
Fuente: UChile 2006
energía eólica
Potencial bruto 40.000 MW
Fuente: UTFSM 2008
energía de biomasa
Potencial bruto 13.675 MW
Fuente: UTFSM 2008
energía geotérmica
Potencial bruto 16.000 MW
Fuente: UChile 2006
energía mareomotriz
Potencial bruto 161.900 MW
Fuente: Gerald Hassan 2009 (BID/CNE)
Youtube results:

CNES Teachers Chorale Humayo't Ihayag with Lyrics
A slide show of Caloocan North Elementary School Teachers Chorale's preparation for their ...
published: 19 Feb 2009
author: ELPChannel
CNES Teachers Chorale Humayo't Ihayag with Lyrics
A slide show of Caloocan North Elementary School Teachers Chorale's preparation for their contest... Out of 9 Teachers Chorale, this Chorale won the 2nd prize... They're lost by only 2 points compare to the first...
published: 19 Feb 2009
author: ELPChannel
views: 766

CNES - Universe - unimaginable birth
CNES - Universe - unimaginable birth...
published: 27 Feb 2010
author: spaceedunet
CNES - Universe - unimaginable birth

CNES - Dream of another world
Dream of another world...
published: 27 Feb 2010
author: spaceedunet
CNES - Dream of another world

Minecraft Hunger Games: w/ jke, zachery & cnes - Episode 1 Part 1
I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE! with a new series.... :D...
published: 04 Sep 2012
author: OYQkart57
Minecraft Hunger Games: w/ jke, zachery & cnes - Episode 1 Part 1