
A disabled person’s open letter to PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka - Liza van Zyl

An open letter to the general secretary of the UK civil servants' union from a disabled activist who was reported to police by the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS).

Dear Mark

I am about to leave for London to join my trade union’s delegation at the TUC Women’s Conference. I find myself experiencing considerable anxiety at the prospect of coming into contact with members from the PCS delegation. I am writing to you, therefore, to ask that PCS please not set the police on me again.

Domestic violence, International Women's Day, and the RMT


We reproduce below the statement made by RMT member Caroline Leneghan on her personal blog, in solidarity with her and other women speaking out about gender violence. [trigger warning: descriptions of domestic violence, pictures of injuries sustained]

Today I would like to show my solidarity with women all over the world on International Women’s day and to raise the issue of domestic violence against women. The RMT have released a model domestic violence policy for the transport industry which I hope gets rolled out to every employer.

Alfie Meadows and Zak King found not guilty - two years, three months, and three trials later

Alfie Meadows after the "not guilty" verdict

After years of uncertainty and two mistrials, Alfie Meadows and Zak King have been found unanimously not guilty of violent disorder on a demonstration against tuition fees and cuts to education of December 9, 2010. Alfie was beaten so badly by police on that day he needed three hours of emergency surgery after he developed bleeding on the brain.

The following is a press statement from Defend the Right to Protest, who have tirelessly supported Zak, Alfie and other victims of police violence and harassment.

“The struggle for justice for my son has finally begun” (Susan Matthews, mother of Alfie Meadows).

No Dash For Gas: We climbed those chimneys to kick-start protest and debate

West Burton power station chimney

EDF, the power company, has been denounced for attacking the right to protest, after it launched a damages claim for £5 million against 21 activists. Here one of them explains what No Dash For Gas is aiming at

EDF, the power company, was denounced last week for attacking the right to protest, after it launched a damages claim for £5 million against 21 activists. The claim followed a sit-in at its West Burton power station, organised by No Dash For Gas, that forced it to shut down for a week in October-November last year.

[Video] Anarchist intervention at the speech of the Mayor of Athens at the London School of Economics

Anarchist intervention at the speech of the Mayor of Athens at the LSE.

On the evening of Monday March 4th, the Mayor of Athens Giorgos Kaminis spoke at the London School of Economics at an event of the hellenic society on "exiting the crisis".

Russia: Navy veterans call for anarchist protester to be released pending court

Ahead of the March 5 court appearance by anarchist Alexei Polikhovich, common meeting of Central Councils of Navy Social Movements and Unions have issued a call for his release.

Polikhovich, 22, who is a retired Northern Fleet conscript sailor, was detained in July 2012 on suspicion of participation in the May 6, 2012, clashes with police during a rally in Moscow's Bolotnaya Square. According to his supporters, Polikhovich dragged to safety one of the fellow protesters who was being beaten by several police officers, whom he pushed off.

Chávez' death: Neither in mourning nor celebration, time for social struggles to become autonomous!

When an illness becomes serious, when medical attention becomes a vehicle for myopic, politically motivated decisions and when a patient becomes drunk with power, it can only end this way. The strongman has died, and in so doing, he has initiated a substantial shift in the Venezuelan political landscape.

What used to be the regime’s greatest strength has suddenly turned into its defining weakness: it was all Chávez, and, without him, the only solution is to fabricate an absolute commitment to his memory and his plans for succession.

Second occupation at the University of Sussex

Secong occupation at the University of Sussex

Following the largest demonstration yet, a second occupation has begun at the University of Sussex. This statement was read from the steps of the occupied BSMS building.

We, 200 students and staff of this university, have occupied the Michael Chowen lecture theatre.

This action is a response to a lack of alternatives within the current situation. Management still refuse to engage with our demands even as they attempt to placate us by feigning negotiation. So we reiterate that we will not compromise, and state them again:

Anti-privatisation struggle gathers momentum at Sussex Uni

Anti-privatisation struggle gathers momentum at Sussex Uni

Demo today (Thurs 28th Feb): 'the big one' | 1pm Library Square | Bring workmates, friends, and yellow squares.

The long-running struggle against the outsourcing of 235 jobs at the University of Sussex has been gathering momentum. The plans were first announced in May 2012, prompting demonstrations and mass meetings by staff and student supporters.

Grand Jury refusers Katherine Olejnik and Matthew Duran are free

After refusing to cooperate with an investigation against anarchists in the Pacific Northwest, Katherine Olejnik and Matthew Duran, who have spent the last 5 months in prison - much of which was in solitary confinement - are finally being released.

Article taken from Seattle Free Press - By Brendan Kiley of the Stranger: