8 min 52 sec

[Tamil] Student leaders, Tamil MP on SL attack on students
Student leaders address participants of a demonstration, which was later attacked by Sri L...
published: 28 Feb 2014
[Tamil] Student leaders, Tamil MP on SL attack on students
[Tamil] Student leaders, Tamil MP on SL attack on students
Student leaders address participants of a demonstration, which was later attacked by Sri Lankan police and alleged SL military personnel who were in civil. Tamil parliamentarian E. Saravanapavan briefs media in Jaffna on the episode.- published: 28 Feb 2014
45 sec

While TamilNet Liars Take Ideots For A Ride, Sri Lankan Army Reveals The Truth
While TamilNet Liars Take Ideots For A Ride, Sri Lankan Army Reveals The Truth...
published: 28 Feb 2014
While TamilNet Liars Take Ideots For A Ride, Sri Lankan Army Reveals The Truth
While TamilNet Liars Take Ideots For A Ride, Sri Lankan Army Reveals The Truth
While TamilNet Liars Take Ideots For A Ride, Sri Lankan Army Reveals The Truth- published: 28 Feb 2014
7 min 48 sec

TamilNet Video: A9: Ki'linochchi to Mu'rika'ndi: Jan 2010
A travellers view of the A9 Highway between Ki'linochchi and Mu'rika'ndi, filmed in Januar...
published: 28 Feb 2014
TamilNet Video: A9: Ki'linochchi to Mu'rika'ndi: Jan 2010
TamilNet Video: A9: Ki'linochchi to Mu'rika'ndi: Jan 2010
A travellers view of the A9 Highway between Ki'linochchi and Mu'rika'ndi, filmed in January 2010.- published: 28 Feb 2014
1 min 13 sec

Ohh you got the news from tamilnet.com ?
Lets see the truth of tamil news sources.
published: 28 Feb 2014
Ohh you got the news from tamilnet.com ?
Ohh you got the news from tamilnet.com ?
Lets see the truth of tamil news sources. http://milldef.blogspot.com/- published: 28 Feb 2014
9 min 22 sec

Tamil Tigers offer to lay down weapons
Exclusive: Tamil Tigers interview
published: 28 Feb 2014
Tamil Tigers offer to lay down weapons
Tamil Tigers offer to lay down weapons
Exclusive: Tamil Tigers interview http://www.channel4.com/news/articles/world/asia_pacific/exclusive+tamil+tigers+interview/3151457 http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2009/05/17/sri-lanka.html 'Long live human dignity; shame on international community' http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=79&artid;=29400 Dignity and respect for our people is all we ask Pathmanathan http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid;=29389- published: 28 Feb 2014
1 min 39 sec

Unprecedented civilian carnage in Vanni
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 20 January 2009, 18:...
published: 28 Feb 2014
2ND LEAD Unprecedented civilian carnage in Vanni [TamilNet, Tuesday, 20 January 2009, 18:44 GMT] Fifteen civilians including 5 children were killed and 29 seriously injured in the relentless artillery barrage that Sri Lanka Amy (SLA) kept pounding the internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Visuvamadu, Udaiyaarkaddu, Chuthanthirapuram and Maa'nikapuram areas in Mullaiththeevu district Tuesday, sources in Vanni said. Sri Lanka Army (SLA) continued its artillery barrage on the Internally Displaced People (IDP) settlements Monday from 11:00 a.m till 12:30 p.m in Chuthanthirapuram and Theavipuram areas in Vanni killing two IDPs and seriously injuring nine including children.- published: 28 Feb 2014
5 min 3 sec

Maya tells of Sri Lanka Genocide to U.S., world fans
[TamilNet, Friday, 30 January 2009, 1...
published: 28 Feb 2014
Maya tells of Sri Lanka Genocide to U.S., world fans [TamilNet, Friday, 30 January 2009, 13:00 GMT] Oscar and Grammy award nominee, Eezham born music phenom, Maya Arulpragasam, in the PBS interview on Tavis Smiley show Thursday told the U.S. listeners and fans worldwide that "there's been a systematic genocide which has quiet thing because no one knows where Sri Lanka is. And now it's just escalated to the point there's 350,000 people who are stuck in a battle zone and can't get out, and aid's banned and humanitarian organizations are banned, journalists are banned from telling the story." PBS interview of Maya Arulpragasam Excerpts from the interview that relates to Sri Lanka: M.I.A.: This is a good luck baby for me, and all the events, the way it's been happening, the way I've been sort of seeing it, is that being the only Tamil in the Western media, I have a really great opportunity to sort of bring forward what's going on in Sri Lanka. Like my success, it just seems to parallel the situation in Sri Lanka -- the more successful I'm getting, the dire the situation in Sri Lanka's getting. And there's a genocide going on, and it's kind of -- it's ironic that I am the only Tamil, and I've turned into the only voice for the Tamil people, the 20 percent minority in my country. And yeah, it's weird that I'm being given the opportunity.- published: 28 Feb 2014
1 min 28 sec

Sri Lankan fighter jet reported missing in Northern frontier
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 21 Janu...
published: 28 Feb 2014
Sri Lankan fighter jet reported missing in Northern frontier [TamilNet, Wednesday, 21 January 2009, 15:55 GMT] A Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) MIG fighter jet was shot in the skies over Vanni on Wednesday, according to initial reports from journalists outside Sri Lanka, who cited a highly placed source in Vanni Sri Lankan Forces Headquarters (Vanni SF-HQ). The Liberation Tigers of Tamileelam (LTTE) officials were not available to comment on the reports. There were 3 airmen inside the aircraft, according to the reports from the Sri Lankan side. The Russian built bomber with a "crocodile nose," containing laser rangefinder, is capable of carrying large variety of bombs, unguided rockets, and missiles. The fighter jet has been used to carry cluster bombs against LTTE and civilian targets in Vanni.- published: 28 Feb 2014
1 min 26 sec

Sri Lanka: LTTE: Tamilnet.com web site: Access prevented within Sri
Lanka: By K Rohan Wickremasinghe
video uploaded from my mobile phone...
published: 28 Feb 2014
Sri Lanka: LTTE: Tamilnet.com web site: Access prevented within Sri
Lanka: By K Rohan Wickremasinghe
Sri Lanka: LTTE: Tamilnet.com web site: Access prevented within Sri Lanka: By K Rohan Wickremasinghe
video uploaded from my mobile phone- published: 28 Feb 2014
1 min 51 sec

Grand scale murder, rape of screened civilians feared, TNA MP alerts
[TamilNet, Saturday, ...
published: 28 Feb 2014
Grand scale murder, rape of screened civilians feared, TNA MP alerts [TamilNet, Saturday, 14 February 2009, 14:34 GMT] Around 190 males were murdered and 130 females were taken for sexual abuse among the thousands of civilians so far fled and screened by the Sri Lanka Army (SLA), accused Tamil National Alliance MP S. Gajendran Saturday, citing information he received from the inmates of internment camps and from his contacts in Vavuniyaa. The sources informed him that murdered were secretly buried in Anuradhapura. "Unless there is no immediate international supervision and international monitors, situation turning into another Yugoslavia cannot be prevented," the MP said. The separation of young men and women 'wanted' by the SLA reportedly takes place during the screening process at the so-called 'IDP rescue centres' in the war zone, entirely manned by military personnel. In mid-90's hundreds of civilians who got into the hands of the SLA in Jaffna were missing. Mass graves of the massacred became known later in a place at Chemma'ni in the Jaffna peninsula. Several instances of rape and murder were proven, whilst the vast majority were not investigated. Those convicted were later released. The MP expressed fear that a worse situation is faced today. There are news agencies and websites who claim that the civilians interviewed in the camps accused the LTTE for firing on them and preventing them fleeing. How far these news agencies can expect the civilians living under such terrified conditions to tell the truth other than what is wanted by those who have detained them, asked the MP. Meanwhile, unconfirmed reports received from Vanni allege a person directing the war without uniform giving an open licence to the SLA to every form of atrocity, according to sources within SLA, who spoke about it.- published: 28 Feb 2014