- published: 16 Apr 2010
- views: 3527944
- author: StingVEVO

We Love Russia Compilation
More funny Videos on http://webfail.com Watch My New Compilation "People Are Awesome Super...
published: 11 Jan 2013
author: CompilarizTV
We Love Russia Compilation
More funny Videos on http://webfail.com Watch My New Compilation "People Are Awesome Supercut" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugI1jSMch4E Like us on Facebook...
- published: 11 Jan 2013
- views: 604896
- author: CompilarizTV

Crazy Russians Compilation /// TNT
http://www.extremefailvideos.com/ Crazy Russian Fails And Amazing Things Subscribe my back...
published: 25 Nov 2012
author: twistednederland
Crazy Russians Compilation /// TNT
http://www.extremefailvideos.com/ Crazy Russian Fails And Amazing Things Subscribe my backup channel https://www.youtube.com/user/TwistedNederlandTNT Contact...
- published: 25 Nov 2012
- views: 56133
- author: twistednederland

Only in Russia
http://2bucksentertainment.com This channel would not be possible without your contributio...
published: 13 Feb 2013
author: AmazingLife247
Only in Russia
http://2bucksentertainment.com This channel would not be possible without your contributions. Send in funny clips you find at my site! Referrer: http://www.y...
- published: 13 Feb 2013
- views: 1118339
- author: AmazingLife247

RUSSIAN DRIVING CAMERAS. Highlights include: * JET FIGHTER and HELICOPTER flyby 2 meters A...
published: 16 Nov 2012
author: VladK
RUSSIAN DRIVING CAMERAS. Highlights include: * JET FIGHTER and HELICOPTER flyby 2 meters ABOVE HIGHWAY TRAFFIC * Horse crossing busy streets at Zebra crossin...
- published: 16 Nov 2012
- views: 626388
- author: VladK

Russian streetfights Russians VS Muslims
Russians VS muslims....
published: 11 Jan 2013
author: KosovoJeSvetaZemlja
Russian streetfights Russians VS Muslims
Russians VS muslims.
- published: 11 Jan 2013
- views: 25043
- author: KosovoJeSvetaZemlja

When Russians meet Russians (Part 3) - Za Drots [ZDs] - WvW Guardian
Facerolling with my Guardian (have not played Guardian for several month, so... don't blam...
published: 08 Mar 2013
author: TeoDeVetho
When Russians meet Russians (Part 3) - Za Drots [ZDs] - WvW Guardian
Facerolling with my Guardian (have not played Guardian for several month, so... don't blame my gameplay) Fights vs Russian guilds of Piken Square (RuNL, NUG,...
- published: 08 Mar 2013
- views: 6
- author: TeoDeVetho

Russians mock Sweden! Parody!
Sweden's announcement that it can only defend one city for one week against Russia woke up...
published: 01 Mar 2013
author: worldofconflict
Russians mock Sweden! Parody!
Sweden's announcement that it can only defend one city for one week against Russia woke up the sleeping Russian bear! LOL.
- published: 01 Mar 2013
- views: 2936
- author: worldofconflict

Most Epic Harlem Shake v.Russian Edition [CRAZY RUSSIANS IN PUBLIC]
Original Harlem Shake - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vJiSSAMNWw Original GOP FM Video(E...
published: 12 Feb 2013
author: Geka19
Most Epic Harlem Shake v.Russian Edition [CRAZY RUSSIANS IN PUBLIC]
Original Harlem Shake - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vJiSSAMNWw Original GOP FM Video(Epic Russians) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afP71xwLI8Y Video ma...
- published: 12 Feb 2013
- views: 121831
- author: Geka19

Russians at it once again-climbing these massive towers
Ok now,how mental are you anyways? My stomach and my crotch are still rolling around from ...
published: 22 May 2012
author: viralvidsnewandold
Russians at it once again-climbing these massive towers
Ok now,how mental are you anyways? My stomach and my crotch are still rolling around from all the queeziness that these guys give me.
- published: 22 May 2012
- views: 1312546
- author: viralvidsnewandold

Russian Road Rage and Accidents November 2012 [18+] ☆ SFB
We're uploading new compilations every MONTH. FACEBOOK → http://goo.gl/uO1m9 YOUTUBE → htt...
published: 25 Nov 2012
author: SerbianFailBlog
Russian Road Rage and Accidents November 2012 [18+] ☆ SFB
We're uploading new compilations every MONTH. FACEBOOK → http://goo.gl/uO1m9 YOUTUBE → http://goo.gl/NFSsg Take this Video as a learning tool. This video is ...
- published: 25 Nov 2012
- views: 599254
- author: SerbianFailBlog

Tomb Raider Find Cover and Escape Russians
Tomb Raider Find Cover and Escape From Russians....
published: 08 Mar 2013
author: elitenichemarketing
Tomb Raider Find Cover and Escape Russians
Tomb Raider Find Cover and Escape From Russians.
- published: 08 Mar 2013
- author: elitenichemarketing

The World in 2 Minutes: Russia
The World in 2 Minutes: Russia. Uploaded by WOKlTOKl on Jul 09, 2012. We took the greatest...
published: 09 Jul 2012
author: WOKlTOKl
The World in 2 Minutes: Russia
The World in 2 Minutes: Russia. Uploaded by WOKlTOKl on Jul 09, 2012. We took the greatest videos from all over the world and made a mash-up from every country. The World In 2 Minutes describes different cultures, and how eccentric they are. More Videos: http://goo.gl/usLJl. WOKl TOKl.
- published: 09 Jul 2012
- views: 3012177
- author: WOKlTOKl
Vimeo results:

Introducing Globe's ELECTRIC BLUE HEAVEN, a short, conceptual film featuring Dion Agius in...
published: 18 Jun 2012
author: GLOBE
Introducing Globe's ELECTRIC BLUE HEAVEN, a short, conceptual film featuring Dion Agius in the WORLD'S BEST WAVE POOL! Read on to know more...
A few weeks back, Dion Agius and crew embarked on a journey to an unknown land. A journey for waves. A journey that would bring Dion to unleash on the world's best man made wave. A studio for surfing. Smack in the middle of a desert mountain range in a foreign land.
There was a concept. A concept involving 10 Russian models, a Lamborghini, and Dion boosting virtually every air in the book, plus a couple new ones. Electric blue water contrasting against wild mountainous backdrops.
A story was captured. Captured through the lenses of Joe G, DJ Struntz, Beren Hall, and Grady Archbold. Motion & Still. Film & HD. The story will be told through the pages of our global media partners and through this short film directed by Joe G.

Keloid Trailer - A Short Film by BLR
Eliezer S. Yudkowsky* wrote about an experiment which had t...
published: 02 Dec 2011
author: BLR_VFX
Keloid Trailer - A Short Film by BLR
Eliezer S. Yudkowsky* wrote about an experiment which had to do with Artificial Inteligence. In a near future, man will have given birth to machines that are able to rewrite their codes, to improve themselves, and, why not, to dispense with them. This idea sounded a little bit distant to some critic voices, so an experiment was to be done: keep the AI sealed in a box from which it could not get out except by one mean: convincing a human guardian to let it out.
What if, as Yudkowsky states, ‘Humans are not secure’? Could we chess match our best creation to grant our own survival? Would man be humble enough to accept he was superseded, to look for primitive ways to find himself back, to cure himself from a disease that’s on his own genes? How to capture a force we voluntarily set free? What if mankind worst enemy were humans?
In a near future, we will cease to be the dominant race.
In a near future, we will learn to fear what is to come.
A Short Film by Big Lazy Robot VFX
BLR are:
- Hugo Bermúdez
- Juan Civera
- David Cordero
- Alex Martin
- J.J Palomo
- Leopoldo Palomo
Concept Art : Aaron Beck, Greg Broadmore and BLR
Sound : Carlos Roman Rubio
Russian Voice Over : Gene Vengerov-Markmann
Music : Machine Gun (AMON TOBIN Remix) by NOISIA
---Based in Eliezer Yudkowsky A.I Box experiment---

"Motion Plus Design" Center : "What is Motion Design ?"
*** UPDATED VERSION (See Erratum below) ***
------------------------------- THE PROJECT
published: 28 Sep 2011
author: Motion Plus Design
"Motion Plus Design" Center : "What is Motion Design ?"
*** UPDATED VERSION (See Erratum below) ***
------------------------------- THE PROJECT
"Motion Plus Design" is a project which aims to create the first exhibition center
dedicated to Motion Design in Paris, france. This is a non-profit project. Students, professionals and anyone interested could discover artists, meet and learn. This centre will also provide an opportunity to promote artists in other design departments so the different graphic design worlds could cross. To make it real we need your support! The more we are, the more the project's got chances to exist!
Website : http://motion-plus-design.com
Get involved via facebook : http://www.facebook.com/pages/ENGLISH-Motion-Plus-Design/262169577157419
Mail : contact@motion-plus-design.com
Twitter : http://twitter.com/#!/Mo_Plus_Design
Newsletter : please send us your email at newsletter@motion-plus-design.com
Want to translate this film in your language ? : translate@motion-plus-design.com
------------------------------- OTHER LANGUAGES
Spanish : http://vimeo.com/31805518
Portuguese : http://vimeo.com/31805448
Chinese : http://vimeo.com/31801886
Japanese : http://vimeo.com/31805394
Russian : http://vimeo.com/31805480
Greek : http://vimeo.com/31805030
Turkish : http://vimeo.com/31805551
Italian : http://vimeo.com/31805364
Iranian : http://vimeo.com/31805331
German : http://vimeo.com/31805268
Dutch : http://vimeo.com/31804683
French : http://vimeo.com/29734504
------------------------------- ERRATUM
We were wrong on some credits of the previous version, big apologies for that.
Here are the new changes you'll see in this updated version :
/// MTV award 2009 opening sequence was in fact designed at Prologue by Ilya Abulhaniv
/// Panic Room opening sequence was in fact designed by Picture Mill
/// Donnie Brasco opening sequence was in fact designed at Imaginary Forces by Kyle Cooper
/// NBC More Colorful ident, was in fact designed at Capacity by Ellerey Gave & Alex Mapar
/// NBC ident (2006) was in fact designed at Capacity
/// Chanel 4 ident was in fact designed by Lambie Nairn

Further Up Yonder
Further Up Yonder is available for download in 2K original resolution on my blog: http://w...
published: 26 Nov 2012
author: Giacomo Sardelli
Further Up Yonder
Further Up Yonder is available for download in 2K original resolution on my blog: http://wp.me/p2fVm6-bv
Facebook page - Making of coming soon! https://www.facebook.com/furtherupyonder
Malay, Greek, Russian, Turkish, Hungarian, Esperanto, Thai, Dutch, Latvian, Polish, Czech, Chinese, Bulgarian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and English subtitles on universalsubtitles.org bit.ly/WuZ4z2
You are welcome to add subtitles in your language, you will be credited for your help. Thanks!
***UPDATE / 100.000 Plays!***
After just a week, we reached the awesome goal of 100K plays. Thanks to everybody who shared, commented, liked and got inspired by watching Further Up Yonder. It has been an intense week, spent answering a ton of nice messages that people from all over the world sent to me. You made possible to have this video featured on blogs, forums and major media websites during this week. You helped this video crossing borders, as the astronauts asked us, reaching out to every continent. Thanks for your incredible support. Keep sharing!
A timelapse message from ISS to all Humankind. - 2K version available on my blog: http://wp.me/p2fVm6-bv
I wanted to use pictures taken from the International Space Station to tell a story and share the message sent by the astronauts who worked on the station in the last 11 years.
They are working to open a Gateway to Space for all humankind, but people on Earth must understand that they have to get rid of the concept of borders on our planet if they want to follow the astronauts to new worlds in outer space. While the cosmonauts speak a day passes on Earth, from dawn to sunset, until the Gateway opens with a burst of light. The ISS then gains speed, the astronauts are leaving our planet which they see spinning faster and faster, merging earth, oceans and people together, ready to follow them, Further Up Yonder.
Making of
As a filmmaking student, this was my first attempt to craft a timelapse video. It has been a time consuming process, but it turned out as one of my most satisfying projects.
I focused my workflow on colours and harmony of movements, syncing every frame with the music and the voices of the astronauts. Every picture has been post processed individually before being imported in the NLE software, as I tried to take the most out of every image in terms of colours, contrast and neatiness.
Pictures were downloaded from the Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center and edited with Photoshop CS6. Even if they were Hi-res images shot with Nikon D3S cameras, a lot of noise removal and color correction was needed, especially for those shots at ISO 3200, which was the highest ISO speed limit I've allowed myself to use, exception made for the last sequence of the spinning world, which comes from a sequenze of shots taken at ISO 12800. Daytime shots were taken at ISO 200. I've used Topaz Denoise 5 for noise removal, as it is very powerful and accurate when dealing with shadows and blacks.
Editing was made with Adobe Premiere CS6, with a 2K workflow, which allowed me to scale, rotate and pan image sequences whose native resolution is 4K. The video was downscaled to 1280x720 resolution for Vimeo. The original 2K version is available for download on my blog (link on top of this description).
Images courtesy of Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center, downloadable for non-commerical use from http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/
Music: Synthetic Truth, by digitalR3public - licensed under a Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 License: http://soundcloud.com/digitalr3public/synthetic-truth
Audio messages courtesy of NASA: http://www.nasa.gov
Youtube results:

Russians Know How To Have Fun
Russians know how to have fun! A little bit of vodka + some dance music = lots of fun! Gr...
published: 02 Mar 2013
author: MrHiltorr
Russians Know How To Have Fun
Russians know how to have fun! A little bit of vodka + some dance music = lots of fun! Great job!
- published: 02 Mar 2013
- views: 5900
- author: MrHiltorr

The Russian Dash-cam Supercut
http://www.animalnewyork.com/2012/russian-dashcam/ Dash-cams: Russia's Last Hope For Civil...
published: 13 Jun 2012
author: animalnewyork
The Russian Dash-cam Supercut
http://www.animalnewyork.com/2012/russian-dashcam/ Dash-cams: Russia's Last Hope For Civility And Survival On The Road In Russia, everyone should have a came...
- published: 13 Jun 2012
- views: 1728662
- author: animalnewyork

Funny Russians
We love Russians and all their funny jokes and their stupidity. Hope you enjoy this video....
published: 02 Jan 2012
author: playercrayon
Funny Russians
We love Russians and all their funny jokes and their stupidity. Hope you enjoy this video. Don't forget to subscribe. Credits to TwisterNederland8.
- published: 02 Jan 2012
- views: 87253
- author: playercrayon

Krokodil: Russia's Deadliest Drug (NSFW)
A homemade drug called Krokodil is gaining popularity in Siberia and its effects on users ...
published: 17 May 2012
author: vice
Krokodil: Russia's Deadliest Drug (NSFW)
A homemade drug called Krokodil is gaining popularity in Siberia and its effects on users are horrific. Krokodil is Russian for Crocodile, because of the way...
- published: 17 May 2012
- views: 4201987
- author: vice