Saikū (斎宮), also known as "Itsukinomiya" (いつきのみや), was a village located approximately 10 kilometers north-west of Ise Shrine, arguably the most significant Shinto shrine in Japan. Sometimes referred to as the Bamboo Palace, Saikū served as the palace and public offices of the Saiō, an unmarried Imperial princess who served at Ise Shrine on behalf of the emperor from the Asuka period to the Nanboku-chō period of Japan. After the collapse of the Saiō system, Saikū reverted to a rice-farming village that currently exists as a part of Meiwa Town, Mie Prefecture.
The ancient Saikū site measures 2 kilometres from east to west, 700 metres from north to south and covers a total area of 137 hectares, making it one of the largest historical sites in Japan. Sections of the eastern administrative district of the site have already been excavated and working is currently being carried out in the site's central area.
The town was built on a grid structure based on Chinese traditions and consisted of several large blocks of 120 metres in length, surrounded by high wooden walls. Inside each block were buildings of varying size and purpose, built of Japanese cypress in the method of the day, using interlocking blocks of wood to hold the structure together. The buildings were rectangular in shape and built on poles dug into the ground, with a floor raised up to a meter from the ground. Some blocks contained a small well from which to draw water, or shrines or structures for food storage.
Saikō (斉衡) was a Japanese era name (年号,, nengō,, lit. "year name") after Ninju and before Ten'an. This period spanned the years from November 854 through February 857. The reigning emperor was Montoku-tennō (文徳天皇).
Saik or Sa-ik may be:
SAIK may be:
't Is lange zo slim nie meer, nou en dan, dan komp 't weer
Dan denk ik opiens an joe en ik kan der schienbar niks an doen
Want ik kan joe dan zowat heuren praoten en a'k goed kiek kan ik joe zien
't Is lange zo slim nie meer, absoluut, misschien
't Is lange nie hoe ik ben, mar ik kun der nie umhen
't Is aordig lang duuster west, ok al deu ik wel mien best
Um de wolken weg te denken um de zunne weer 's te zien
't Giet misschien wel beter zo, absoluut, misschien
Absoluut 't giet wel over, misschien duurt 't langer dan'k had dacht
En dat ha'k niet dacht
't Is lange zo slim nie meer, daor komp 't wel op neer
T'weud ok wel neudig tied, 't Is mar goed da'k beter weer
Want achter 'n schip met zoete appels ku'j 't lucht zowat nie meer zien
Mar zolfs de zwartste wolken weijen weg, absoluut, misschien
Mar zolfs de zwartste wolken weijen weg, absoluut, misschien