Why farmers don't want Bt brinjal?
The Andhra Pradesh government calls genetically modified Bt cotton a success story, but ha...
published: 08 Feb 2010
author: NDTV
Why farmers don't want Bt brinjal?
Why farmers don't want Bt brinjal?
The Andhra Pradesh government calls genetically modified Bt cotton a success story, but has written to the Centre seeking a moratorium on Bt brinjal.- published: 08 Feb 2010
- views: 3864
- author: NDTV
Pros and cons of Bt Brinjal
The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee set up by the government approved BT Brinjal la...
published: 10 Feb 2010
author: NDTV
Pros and cons of Bt Brinjal
Pros and cons of Bt Brinjal
The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee set up by the government approved BT Brinjal last year, a decision that caused an uproar among many civil society ...- published: 10 Feb 2010
- views: 219
- author: NDTV
Monsanto BT Brinjal
Never told you....
published: 21 Oct 2012
author: Yvonne Stevens
Monsanto BT Brinjal
GM Foods and Bt Brinjal: Interview with Prof. Richard Jefferson(Part I)
Open Source Biology - "A field of science for all of us". Interview with Dr. Richard Jeffe...
published: 06 May 2010
author: NewsClickin
GM Foods and Bt Brinjal: Interview with Prof. Richard Jefferson(Part I)
GM Foods and Bt Brinjal: Interview with Prof. Richard Jefferson(Part I)
Open Source Biology - "A field of science for all of us". Interview with Dr. Richard Jefferson, eminent molecular biologist.- published: 06 May 2010
- views: 1425
- author: NewsClickin
The raging debate over Bt brinjal
Green Matters: NDTV takes a look at the ongoing protests on the Bt brinjal and whether its...
published: 07 Feb 2010
author: NDTV
The raging debate over Bt brinjal
The raging debate over Bt brinjal
Green Matters: NDTV takes a look at the ongoing protests on the Bt brinjal and whether its safe for consumption.- published: 07 Feb 2010
- views: 300
- author: NDTV
Seek mental help: Jairam Ramesh to Bt brinjal protester
Greeted with protests in Bangalore over the Bt brinjal, the Environment Minister lost his ...
published: 07 Feb 2010
author: NDTV
Seek mental help: Jairam Ramesh to Bt brinjal protester
Seek mental help: Jairam Ramesh to Bt brinjal protester
Greeted with protests in Bangalore over the Bt brinjal, the Environment Minister lost his cool and called one of the protesters a mental patient.- published: 07 Feb 2010
- views: 1902
- author: NDTV
The real story behind Bt brinjal
The Best of Gustakhi Maaf: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh gives a lesson to Pakistan Presid...
published: 14 Mar 2010
author: NDTV
The real story behind Bt brinjal
The real story behind Bt brinjal
The Best of Gustakhi Maaf: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh gives a lesson to Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari about Bt brinjal, Gustakhi...style.- published: 14 Mar 2010
- views: 978
- author: NDTV
Andhra government opposed to Bt Brinjal
Andhra Pradesh government says it is opposed to the Union government's plan to approve Bt ...
published: 22 Jan 2010
author: NDTV
Andhra government opposed to Bt Brinjal
Andhra government opposed to Bt Brinjal
Andhra Pradesh government says it is opposed to the Union government's plan to approve Bt Brinjal.- published: 22 Jan 2010
- views: 447
- author: NDTV
Is BT brinjal safe?
Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss has expressed reservations over the introduction of Bt B...
published: 15 Jan 2009
author: NDTV
Is BT brinjal safe?
Is BT brinjal safe?
Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss has expressed reservations over the introduction of Bt Brinjal or genetically modified eggplant into the country. The varia...- published: 15 Jan 2009
- views: 1927
- author: NDTV
Health Implications of Bt Brinjal
Dr. Vandana Shiva, a renowned environmentalist, discusses some of the health implications ...
published: 12 Feb 2010
author: WelcomeToTheNutHouse
Health Implications of Bt Brinjal
Health Implications of Bt Brinjal
Dr. Vandana Shiva, a renowned environmentalist, discusses some of the health implications on the genetically modified eggplants that are trying to be forced ...- published: 12 Feb 2010
- views: 1060
- author: WelcomeToTheNutHouse
Bt Brinjal Risk to Environment, Biodiversity and Health
জিএম শস্য মূলত বীজের বিকৃতির মাধ্যমে করা হয়। বিশেষ করে বীজকে বিশেষ বিশেষ কীটনাশক বা আগাছান...
published: 27 Aug 2013
Bt Brinjal Risk to Environment, Biodiversity and Health
Bt Brinjal Risk to Environment, Biodiversity and Health
জিএম শস্য মূলত বীজের বিকৃতির মাধ্যমে করা হয়। বিশেষ করে বীজকে বিশেষ বিশেষ কীটনাশক বা আগাছানাশকের ক্ষেত্রে সহনশীল তৈরি করে পুরো বীজটাকেই বিষাক্ত করে তোলা হয়। বীজের জৈব চরিত্রগত গুণ বদলাতে অন্য প্রাণীর জিন ঢোকানো হয়, যা মানুষের শরীরের জন্যে ক্ষতিকর হতে পারে। জিএম ফুডের কোম্পানিগুলো তাদের উৎপাদিত খাদ্য নিরাপদ কিনা জানার জন্যে মানুষের শরীরে কোন গবেষণা করেনি, শুধু পশুর শরীরে করেছে। তারা তথ্য গোপন করে। যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে কয়েকটি গবেষণায় দেখা গেছে ইঁদুরকে বিটি ভুট্টা খাওয়ানোর পর কলিজা, কিডনি নষ্ট হয়েছে, জিএম আলু খেয়ে অন্ত্রনালী নষ্ট হয়েছে। মানুষের শরীরে সরাসরি গবেষণা না করলেও ভারতে বিটি তুলার চাষে কর্মরত কৃষি শ্রমিকদের মারাÍক স্বাস্থ্য সমস্যা ধরা পড়েছে। তাদের চামড়া, চোখ এবং শ্বাসযন্ত্রে সমস্যার কারণে অনেক শ্রমিককেই হাসপাতালে ভর্তি করতে হয়েছে। অথচ সাধারণ তুলা চাষে নিয়োজিত শ্রমিকদের ক্ষেত্রে এই সমস্যা দেখা যায়নি। জার্মানিতে বিটি ভুট্টা খেয়ে গরু মারা গেছে। এই সব নিয়ে এখন বিস্তর গবেষণা হয়েছে। জেফরি স্মিথের । Genetic Roulette : The Documented health risks of genetically modified food' যারা পড়েছেন, তারা ভয়ে আঁতকে উঠবেন- published: 27 Aug 2013
- views: 37
Bt brinjal clears first hurdle
It's a first for India -- a panel has cleared the way for the country's first genetically ...
published: 15 Oct 2009
author: NDTV
Bt brinjal clears first hurdle
Bt brinjal clears first hurdle
It's a first for India -- a panel has cleared the way for the country's first genetically modified food BT brinjal.- published: 15 Oct 2009
- views: 895
- author: NDTV
Bt Brinjal consultation - Hyderabad
The Hyderabad leg of the public consultations on Bt Brinjal. To say NO to Bt Brinjal pleas...
published: 04 Feb 2010
author: Greenpeaceindia
Bt Brinjal consultation - Hyderabad
Bt Brinjal consultation - Hyderabad
The Hyderabad leg of the public consultations on Bt Brinjal. To say NO to Bt Brinjal please sign up at http://safefoodnow.org.- published: 04 Feb 2010
- views: 774
- author: Greenpeaceindia
Bt Brinjal put on hold - Devinder Sharma
video source : www.youtube.com/user/newsxlive Join Dr Devinder Sharma on Twitter : http://...
published: 18 Sep 2012
author: DrDevinderSharma
Bt Brinjal put on hold - Devinder Sharma
Bt Brinjal put on hold - Devinder Sharma
video source : www.youtube.com/user/newsxlive Join Dr Devinder Sharma on Twitter : http://twitter.com/devinder_sharma Check Dr Devinder Sharma's Blog : http:...- published: 18 Sep 2012
- views: 41
- author: DrDevinderSharma
Youtube results:
Is BT Brinjal poisonous ?
http://www.istream.in 'Naadan' or non-hybrid Brinjal growers in Alleppey are struggling to...
published: 09 Sep 2013
Is BT Brinjal poisonous ?
Is BT Brinjal poisonous ?
http://www.istream.in 'Naadan' or non-hybrid Brinjal growers in Alleppey are struggling to ensure that the onslaught of BT Brinjal is kept at bay.- published: 09 Sep 2013
- views: 54
kavita bt brinjal part 2
published: 07 Jun 2010
author: IIJNM Bangalore
kavita bt brinjal part 2
Mr Jagadisan on Bt Brinjal
Mr Jairam Ramesh held talks on Bt Brinjal at Bangalore.Mr Jagadisan an Ex MD of Monsanto g...
published: 05 Mar 2010
author: Vani Murthy
Mr Jagadisan on Bt Brinjal
Mr Jagadisan on Bt Brinjal
Mr Jairam Ramesh held talks on Bt Brinjal at Bangalore.Mr Jagadisan an Ex MD of Monsanto gives his views on this controversy .- published: 05 Mar 2010
- views: 97
- author: Vani Murthy
Not so scientific: BT brinjal report full of errors
BT brinjal has the same protein content as the regular version....
published: 01 Feb 2010
author: ibnlive
Not so scientific: BT brinjal report full of errors
Not so scientific: BT brinjal report full of errors
BT brinjal has the same protein content as the regular version.- published: 01 Feb 2010
- views: 99
- author: ibnlive