- published: 16 Oct 2009
- views: 255452

Islam: Empire of Faith. Part 3: The Ottomans (full; PBS Documentary)
Part 3 of the famous PBS Documentary "Islam: Empire of faith" produced in 2000.
published: 16 Oct 2009
Islam: Empire of Faith. Part 3: The Ottomans (full; PBS Documentary)
Part 3 of the famous PBS Documentary "Islam: Empire of faith" produced in 2000.
This part is about the Ottomans and their feats.
-Uploaded by Nahda Media-
- published: 16 Oct 2009
- views: 255452

Venice and the Ottoman Empire: Crash Course World History #19
In which John Green discusses the strange and mutually beneficial relationship between a r...
published: 31 May 2012
Venice and the Ottoman Empire: Crash Course World History #19
In which John Green discusses the strange and mutually beneficial relationship between a republic, the citystate of Venice, and an Empire, the Ottomans--and how studying history can help you to be a better boyfriend and/or girlfriend. Together, the Ottoman Empire and Venice grew wealthy by facilitating trade: The Venetians had ships and nautical expertise; the Ottomans had access to many of the most valuable goods in the world, especially pepper and grain. Working together across cultural and religious divides, they both become very rich, and the Ottomans became one of the most powerful political entities in the world. We also discuss how economic realities can overcome religious and political differences (in this case between Muslims and Christians), the doges of Venice, the sultans of the Ottoman empire, the janissaries and so-called slave aristocracy of the Ottoman Empire, and how money and knowledge from the Islamic world helped fuel and fund the European Renaissance. Also, there's a They Might Be Giants joke.
If you really want to read about Ottoman eunuchs (warning: it's explicit), here you go: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eunuch#Ottoman_Empire
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- published: 31 May 2012
- views: 307750

Islam - Empire of Faith III - The Ottomans - Part I
A Very Good Documentary made by PBS (http://www.pbs.org/empires/islam/). Far away from jau...
published: 26 Apr 2007
Islam - Empire of Faith III - The Ottomans - Part I
A Very Good Documentary made by PBS (http://www.pbs.org/empires/islam/). Far away from jaundice. Much better as the Documentaries made by Europeans. They've found the right people to ask (Like Cornell Fleischer,Ahmet Karamustafa, Esin Atıl and Walter B. Denny) and got very good results of course. No Light or Camera tricks (dark rooms & bloody scenes) that will make you fear from our Culture & religion! :) A must seen Documentary...
- published: 26 Apr 2007
- views: 88178

Islam, empire de la foi 3l3 Les Ottomans
Réalisation Robert Gardner. USA 2000
A la suite de l'invasion mongole...
published: 29 Dec 2010
Islam, empire de la foi 3l3 Les Ottomans
Réalisation Robert Gardner. USA 2000
A la suite de l'invasion mongole, l'islam se transforme radicalement. Les Turcs ottomans, nomades venus d'Asie enrôlés comme mercenaires par les sultans musulmans pour repousser les hordes mongoles, se sédentarisent, puis revendiquent leurs propres territoires. De leurs rangs émerge un seigneur de la guerre, Osman Bey, qui donnera son nom à une dynastie. Les Ottomans créent un nouvel empire qui s'étend à l'ouest, vers les territoires chrétiens. Leur plus grand souverain, Soliman le Magnifique, façonne une armée dynamique et un empire d'une richesse et une sophistication extrêmes qui menace les grands centres de pouvoir européens et l'Empire perse, avant de tomber, victime des ennemis de l'intérieur.
montreal canadiens canadians subban vs brian sutherby hockey hockeyfights fights fight quebec niqab muslim femme musulmane interdire burka visage voilé voilée islam accomodements raisonnables accommodements religion religieux france croisade croisés croisé terrorisme terroriste terrorist soumise soumission opressé opression oprimée liberté expression censure benoit dutrizac dutrisac islamophobe islamophobie islamofobie islamofobe celine dion de la paix ex-musulmane ex-musulman converti convertis jumeaux rené charles richard martineau franchement libre de gaulles nordic nordique equipe ligue lnh lnf ontario toronto loi sur projet attentat jihad fin année noel temps des fêtes chanson c'est l'hiver song christmas songs uqam hec manifestation étudiants montréal g20 Renaissance Mahomet Muhammad Mohamed Mecque pierre noire pèlerinage oasis Yatrib Bilal Moïse idoles Liban Syrie Egypte Iran Byzantin Maroc Indus Damas Tunisie Jerusalem Abraham dome rocher Medine events
- published: 29 Dec 2010
- views: 4895

Islam, empire de la foi - Les Ottomans 1-4
Islam, empire de la foi - Les Ottomans 1-4
l'Empire ottoman
Les conquêtes de Selim Ier e...
published: 13 Sep 2011
Islam, empire de la foi - Les Ottomans 1-4
Islam, empire de la foi - Les Ottomans 1-4
l'Empire ottoman
Les conquêtes de Selim Ier et de Soliman le Magnifique au XVIe siècle et de leurs successeurs au XVIIe siècle exigent une augmentation importante du nombre des unités administratives. À la fin du siècle, on compta 42 eyalets (territoires gouvernés par des pachas).
- published: 13 Sep 2011
- views: 2946

CrossTalk on Turkey: New Ottomans
Are the Turks dreaming of a new Ottoman Empire? Given this region's instability, is this d...
published: 22 Oct 2012
CrossTalk on Turkey: New Ottomans
Are the Turks dreaming of a new Ottoman Empire? Given this region's instability, is this desirable or even reasonable? Can Turkey become an ideal Islamic model for the Muslim world? Or are its relations with Syria undermining this strategy? And where is the Turkish democracy heading? CrossTalking with Gareth Jenkins, Aykan Erdemir and Ilhan Tanir.
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- published: 22 Oct 2012
- views: 15570

Ottoman Empire Documentary
This is a re-post of a rare documentary on the Ottoman Empire. This is a much better versi...
published: 05 Jan 2013
Ottoman Empire Documentary
This is a re-post of a rare documentary on the Ottoman Empire. This is a much better version than before. I do not own the rights to this film. This is for fair use.
- published: 05 Jan 2013
- views: 12092

Empires of Destiny Ottomans vs USA
Upon request I did a Ottoman vs USA battle on the Afghan mountians map. Its pretty weird h...
published: 03 Jun 2011
Empires of Destiny Ottomans vs USA
Upon request I did a Ottoman vs USA battle on the Afghan mountians map. Its pretty weird how it snowed.
This mod is for Empire total war.
- published: 03 Jun 2011
- views: 10075

Islam - Empire of Faith III - The Ottomans - Part II
A Very Good Documentary made by PBS (http://www.pbs.org/empires/islam/). Far away from jau...
published: 26 Apr 2007
Islam - Empire of Faith III - The Ottomans - Part II
A Very Good Documentary made by PBS (http://www.pbs.org/empires/islam/). Far away from jaundice. Much better as the Documentaries made by Europeans. They've found the right people to ask (Like Cornell Fleischer,Ahmet Karamustafa, Esin Atıl and Walter B. Denny) and got very good results of course. No Light or Camera tricks (dark rooms & bloody scenes) that will make you fear from our Culture & religion! :) A must seen Documentary...
- published: 26 Apr 2007
- views: 41645

Weapons of the Ottomans / Waffen der Osmanen / Osmanlı'nın silahları
published: 06 Apr 2009
Weapons of the Ottomans / Waffen der Osmanen / Osmanlı'nın silahları
01. Türkiye (still and forever)
02. Bulgaria (545 years)
03. Greece (400 years)
04. Serbia (539 years)
05. Karadag (539 years)
06. Bosna-Hersek (539 years)
07. Croatia partly (539 years)
08. Macedonia (539 years)
09. Slovenia (250 years)
10. Romania (490 years)
11. Slovakia (20 years) Ottoman name:Uyvar
12. Hungary (160 years)
13. Moldovia (490 years)
14. Ukraina(308 years)
15. Azerbaycan (25 years)
16. Georgia (400 years)
17. Armenia (20 years)
18. South Cyprus (293 years)
19. North Cyprus (293 years)
20. Southern Russia (291 years)
21. Poland (25 years)-Vassal State Ottoman Name: Lehistan
22. Italys Southeast coasts (20 years)
23. Albania (435 years)
24. Belarus (25 years) -Vassal-
25. Litvanya (25 years) -Vassal-
26. Letonya (25 years) -Vassal-
27. Kosova (539 years)
28. Voyvodina (166 years)Ottoman Name: Banat
29. Irak (402 years)
30. Syria (402 years)
31. Israel (402 years)
32. Palestine (402 years)
33. Jordan (402 years)
34. Arabia (399 years)
35. Jemen (401 years)
36. Oman (400 years)
37. United Arab Emirates (400 years)
38. Quatar (400 years)
39. Bahrein (400 years)
40. Kuwait (381 years)
41. Irans west territories (30 years)
42. Lebanon (402 years)
43. Egypt (397 years )
44. Libya (394 years) Ottoman name:Trablusgarp
45. Tunisia (308 years )
46. Algeria (313 years)
47. Sudan (397 years ) Ottoman name: Nubye
48. Eritrea (350 years ) Ottoman name: Habes
49. Djibuti (350 years)
50. Somalia (350 years ) Ottoman name: Zeyla
51. Kenia Costal Areas (350 years )
52. Tanzania Coastal Areas (250 years)
53. Tschads north (313 years ) Ottoman name: Resade
54. Niger partial (300 years) Ottoman name: Kavar
55. Mozambique North (150 years)
56. Morocco (50 years ) -Vassal-
57. West Sahara (50 years) -Vassal-
58. Mauretania (50 years) -Vassal-
59. Mali (300 years ) Ottoman name: Gat
60. Senegal (300 years)
61. Gambia (300 years )
62. Ginea Bissao (300 years)
63. Ginea (300 years )
64. Ethiopia parts (350 years) Ottoman name: Habeş
Not within ottoman borders, but bounded by Hilafa to the Ottoman Sultan:
64. India Muslim Population
65. Bangladesh
66. Singapur
67. Malaysia
68. Indonesia
69. Turkistan Khanates
70. Nigerya
71. Kamerun
Complete Mediterranean Sea: 1 century
Eastern Part Mediterranean Sea: 3 centuries
Complete Black Sea : 4 centuries
Complete Aegean Sea : 450
- published: 06 Apr 2009
- views: 39560

The Ottomans. Live On The Couch at Alfred's Apartment
Welcome to live on the couch at Alfred's Apartment. This clip features live music by The O...
published: 05 Jun 2012
The Ottomans. Live On The Couch at Alfred's Apartment
Welcome to live on the couch at Alfred's Apartment. This clip features live music by The Ottomans, performing My Lucks Run Dry along with Lonely For You.
- published: 05 Jun 2012
- views: 981

Empire - The new Ottomans?
Following another resounding electoral victory, Prime Minister Erdogan's 'Justice and Deve...
published: 17 Jun 2011
Empire - The new Ottomans?
Following another resounding electoral victory, Prime Minister Erdogan's 'Justice and Development Party' has been emboldened to further increase Turkey's role on the world stage. Ankara has rediscovered its global ambitions.
This emerging regional power is now the fastest-growing G20 country after China, and has risen to be the 16th largest economy in the world. What path will this new Turkey take?
- published: 17 Jun 2011
- views: 29787

Decline of the Ottoman Empire
From the 15th-16th century the Ottoman Empire was at its peak. Its realm streched from Nor...
published: 06 Sep 2012
Decline of the Ottoman Empire
From the 15th-16th century the Ottoman Empire was at its peak. Its realm streched from North Africa to Egypt to the Arabian Peninsula. Its holdings included the Levant, Mesopotamia, the Caucasus, the Crimea, and the Balkans all the way to the gates of Vienna. It was by far the largest empire in its time, and it was ahead of its competition in terms of science, production, military and culture. Yet a few centuries later this once mighty empire became the Sick Man of Europe. This report shows what caused the Ottomans into decline. Its a universal lesson that shows similarities with the decline of the Spanish, Safavid and Mughal empires.
- published: 06 Sep 2012
- views: 26815
Youtube results:

Age of Empires 3 - Ottomans (HD)
Please visit my website: http://www.climate-change-guide.com
Age of Empires 3 Gameplay in...
published: 29 Jul 2011
Age of Empires 3 - Ottomans (HD)
Please visit my website: http://www.climate-change-guide.com
Age of Empires 3 Gameplay in HD (widescreen) by Cousigames
The Ottomans are one of my favourites. I love the fact that citizens spawn automatically and the great bombards. The janissaries are pretty awesome as well.
- published: 29 Jul 2011
- views: 11714

Empire Total War Online Battle #62: Ottomans vs Austria
Please watch in "High Definition."
I lead the Ottomans into battle.
Charli8484, my o...
published: 29 Mar 2009
Empire Total War Online Battle #62: Ottomans vs Austria
Please watch in "High Definition."
I lead the Ottomans into battle.
Charli8484, my opponent, commands the Austrians.
- published: 29 Mar 2009
- views: 81246

Upholstery DIY - Episode 4 Designer Ottomans
The base of the upholstered ottoman is assembled but we need to add foam, bonded polyester...
published: 18 Apr 2007
Upholstery DIY - Episode 4 Designer Ottomans
The base of the upholstered ottoman is assembled but we need to add foam, bonded polyester and fabric. Finally we add casters to the bottom & show you how this great storage ottoman looks in the kid's room!
- published: 18 Apr 2007
- views: 22557