
Jongmyo Shrine (UNESCO/NHK)
Jongmyo is the oldest and most authentic of the Confucian royal shrines to have been prese...
published: 05 Nov 2013
Jongmyo Shrine (UNESCO/NHK)
Jongmyo Shrine (UNESCO/NHK)
Jongmyo is the oldest and most authentic of the Confucian royal shrines to have been preserved. Dedicated to the forefathers of the Joseon dynasty (1392--1910), the shrine has existed in its present form since the 16th century and houses tablets bearing the teachings of members of the former royal family. Ritual ceremonies linking music, song and dance still take place there, perpetuating a tradition that goes back to the 14th ... Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai URL: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/738/- published: 05 Nov 2013
- views: 34

(Korean Culture 100) Jongmyo Shrine and Royal Ancestral Rite-한국문화100-종묘와 종묘제례
The essence of Greek art is noble simplicity and quiet grandeur.-Johann Joachim Winckelman...
published: 26 Nov 2012
author: kcultureportal
(Korean Culture 100) Jongmyo Shrine and Royal Ancestral Rite-한국문화100-종묘와 종묘제례
(Korean Culture 100) Jongmyo Shrine and Royal Ancestral Rite-한국문화100-종묘와 종묘제례
The essence of Greek art is noble simplicity and quiet grandeur.-Johann Joachim Winckelmann The Korean civilization is a seminal asset in the era of globaliz...- published: 26 Nov 2012
- views: 613
- author: kcultureportal

Vlog | Jongmyo Shrine
A pleasant day at Jongmyo! ↓↓↓ CLICK FOR LINKS/INFO! ↓↓↓ Where: --Jongmyo Shrine: It was o...
published: 30 Jul 2013
author: joankeem
Vlog | Jongmyo Shrine
Vlog | Jongmyo Shrine
A pleasant day at Jongmyo! ↓↓↓ CLICK FOR LINKS/INFO! ↓↓↓ Where: --Jongmyo Shrine: It was only 1000 won (equivalent to less than 1 dollar) -definitely worth g...- published: 30 Jul 2013
- views: 162
- author: joankeem

[TV ZONE] Walking with Spirits, Jongmyo Shrine
Jongmyo, the shrine where the memorial tablets of past kings and queens are housed, was on...
published: 23 Aug 2010
author: koreanheritage
[TV ZONE] Walking with Spirits, Jongmyo Shrine
[TV ZONE] Walking with Spirits, Jongmyo Shrine
Jongmyo, the shrine where the memorial tablets of past kings and queens are housed, was one of the most majestic and sacred buildings of the Joseon dynasty. ...- published: 23 Aug 2010
- views: 2550
- author: koreanheritage

Korea Today - Jongmyo Shrine Ancestral Rituals 종묘제례
Subscribe to arirang! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=arirangtoday Mus...
published: 08 May 2013
author: arirangtoday
Korea Today - Jongmyo Shrine Ancestral Rituals 종묘제례
Korea Today - Jongmyo Shrine Ancestral Rituals 종묘제례
Subscribe to arirang! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=arirangtoday Music rings out from the Jongmyo Shrine to commemorate the spirits of ...- published: 08 May 2013
- views: 221
- author: arirangtoday

Jongmyo (Royal Shrine) (종묘제례)
Jongmyo is a royal shrine dedicated to the performance of ancestral rites for the deceased...
published: 19 Feb 2013
author: twinslh
Jongmyo (Royal Shrine) (종묘제례)
Jongmyo (Royal Shrine) (종묘제례)
Jongmyo is a royal shrine dedicated to the performance of ancestral rites for the deceased kings and queens of the Joseon Dynasty. Being the place where the ...- published: 19 Feb 2013
- views: 160
- author: twinslh

100 Icons of Korean Culture Ep74 Jongmyo and Jongmyo Jerye
Subscribe to arirang!
published: 31 Aug 2013
100 Icons of Korean Culture Ep74 Jongmyo and Jongmyo Jerye
100 Icons of Korean Culture Ep74 Jongmyo and Jongmyo Jerye
Subscribe to arirang! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=arirang Jongmyo and Jongmyo Jerye The first king of Chosun, Taejo Le Seong-gye's soul returns to Seoul in the present The kings are dead, but there is a place which honors their spirits and celebrates their achievements. It is Jongmyo and the annual celebration event for them is Jongmyo jerye. This solemn tradition follows the traditions of Confucianism which was the dominating philosophy of Asia, but it can no longer be found, not even in China. Only in Korea is this tradition still carried on for 600 years, and its historical value is recognized by UNESCO as a registered cultural heritage. Through the eyes of Taejo Lee Seong-gye, we take a look at the magnificent structure of Jongmyo and its solemn celebration. 종묘와 종묘제례 제례조선의 시조, 태조 이성계의 영혼이 오늘날의 서울을 찾아온다. 왕들은 죽었지만 그들의 업적을 기리고 그 영혼을 안위토록 모시는 곳, 그 곳이 종묘이며 이들을 위한 연중행사가 종묘제례이다. 이 장엄하고 오래된 풍습은 동남아의 지배사상인 유교에 따라 행해지지만 오늘날에는 중국에조차 남아있지 않다. 오직 한국에서만 600년째 그 명맥이 유지되고 있으며 그 문화적 가치는 유네스코 문화유산으로 등재돼 인정받고 있다. 태조 이성계의 시점으로 종묘의 성스러운 건물과 종묘제례의 장엄한 예식을 돌아본다.- published: 31 Aug 2013
- views: 2

N°4 - Jongmyo 종묘 + Changdeokgung 창덕궁 + Cheonggyecheon 청계천
Rencontre avec deux étudiantes dans le métro, visite du sanctuaire de Jongmyo, du palais C...
published: 19 Sep 2013
N°4 - Jongmyo 종묘 + Changdeokgung 창덕궁 + Cheonggyecheon 청계천
N°4 - Jongmyo 종묘 + Changdeokgung 창덕궁 + Cheonggyecheon 청계천
Rencontre avec deux étudiantes dans le métro, visite du sanctuaire de Jongmyo, du palais Changdeokgung (avec son jardin secret Huwon) et finir par une petite promenade de nuit au bord de la rivière Cheonggyecheon ^^ https://www.facebook.com/mylatommy Défis Annyeong France : - N°1 : Free Hugs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMDU658-xoY - N°2 : Réunir le plus de coréens possible et prendre une photo avec eux http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGEdU3oV0Ow - N°3 : Faire parler un coréen en français http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkWtRW1ICuM - N°4 : Prendre en vidéo le tournage d'un drama ou d'un film http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biquY8MwSeY - N°5 : Se faire prendre en photo avec des chanteuses http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAYt41COeuw - N°6 : Pratiquer un sport http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3r-WU_ZFE9I - N°7 : Refaire une scène d'un drama http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPXHif8hBrE - N°8 : Photomaton http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp_xEpnANo4 - N°9 : Jouer à un jeu vidéo coréen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oD7MmkWlHw Mes autres vidéos de la Corée du sud : N°4 - Jongmyo 종묘 + Changdeokgung 창덕궁 + Cheonggyecheon 청계천 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-h5s5DIVAo N°3 - Nowon 노원 (spécial Jin sill) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdDOJdWKuj8 N°2 [Part 2/2] - Porte de Sungnyemun 숭례문 + Hongdae 홍대 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVxCfL5OmG8 N°2 [Part 1/2] - Myeong-dong 명동 + Namdaemun 남대문시장 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s75OSl9pfvM N°1 - Gyeongju 경주 + BlueOne Water Park 블루원 워터파크 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKzw9cy_2y0 Vidéo de mes voyages 2010-2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzSK8xYv2Ko- published: 19 Sep 2013
- views: 201

Travel South Korea - Visiting the Jongmyo Shrine in Seoul
Take a tour of Jongmyo Shrine in Seoul, South Korea -- part of the World's Greatest Attrac...
published: 09 Mar 2011
author: geobeats
Travel South Korea - Visiting the Jongmyo Shrine in Seoul
Travel South Korea - Visiting the Jongmyo Shrine in Seoul
Take a tour of Jongmyo Shrine in Seoul, South Korea -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. Seoul, in the Republic of Ko...- published: 09 Mar 2011
- views: 1115
- author: geobeats

The Royal Ancestral Ritual in the Jongmyo Shrine and its Music,Seoul,Korea
The Royal Ancestral Ritual in the Jongmyo Shrine and its Music, Unesco - World Heritag, In...
published: 27 Nov 2010
author: Girmi Cheng
The Royal Ancestral Ritual in the Jongmyo Shrine and its Music,Seoul,Korea
The Royal Ancestral Ritual in the Jongmyo Shrine and its Music,Seoul,Korea
The Royal Ancestral Ritual in the Jongmyo Shrine and its Music, Unesco - World Heritag, Insciption 1995. Intangible Heriage of Humanity. 2 May 2010, Seoul,Ko...- published: 27 Nov 2010
- views: 2550
- author: Girmi Cheng

종묘, 종묘제례, 종묘제례악, Jongmyo Shrine, Royal Ancestral Shrine
종묘, 종묘제례, 종묘제례악, Jongmyo Shrine, Royal Ancestral Shrine 서울여행.Travel in Korea,한국여행,국내여행,대한민...
published: 26 Feb 2013
author: soonaland
종묘, 종묘제례, 종묘제례악, Jongmyo Shrine, Royal Ancestral Shrine
종묘, 종묘제례, 종묘제례악, Jongmyo Shrine, Royal Ancestral Shrine
종묘, 종묘제례, 종묘제례악, Jongmyo Shrine, Royal Ancestral Shrine 서울여행.Travel in Korea,한국여행,국내여행,대한민국여행,가볼만한곳,데이트장소 생전처음 종묘에 갔다 왔다. 서울에 살면서 이제야 종묘에 와본것이 성의 부족인가? 홍보부족인...- published: 26 Feb 2013
- views: 1042
- author: soonaland

Jongmyo Jerye, 1
UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Jongmyo Jerye (Royal Ancestral Rite) 1. Royal Processi...
published: 06 May 2013
author: Kwang-Seok Heo
Jongmyo Jerye, 1
Jongmyo Jerye, 1
UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Jongmyo Jerye (Royal Ancestral Rite) 1. Royal Procession Jongmyo Jerye is a ceremony held for the king and queens of the ...- published: 06 May 2013
- views: 223
- author: Kwang-Seok Heo

Next Stop #25 - 'Jongmyo Shrine'
NEXT STOP - a non stop journey (Sept. 23rd, 2011) 'Jongmyo Shrine' - Great walk in the par...
published: 23 Mar 2012
author: nextstopchannel
Next Stop #25 - 'Jongmyo Shrine'
Next Stop #25 - 'Jongmyo Shrine'
NEXT STOP - a non stop journey (Sept. 23rd, 2011) 'Jongmyo Shrine' - Great walk in the park type place. Outside there is a park where the wise men play Chine...- published: 23 Mar 2012
- views: 141
- author: nextstopchannel

Jongmyo Shrine in Seoul, South Korea
http://www.theseoulguide.com/sights/shrines/jongmyo-shrine/ Jongmyo (종묘) is the supreme sh...
published: 18 Jan 2013
author: TheSeoulGuide
Jongmyo Shrine in Seoul, South Korea
Jongmyo Shrine in Seoul, South Korea
http://www.theseoulguide.com/sights/shrines/jongmyo-shrine/ Jongmyo (종묘) is the supreme shrine of the state. Royal ancestors tablets are enshrined here and m...- published: 18 Jan 2013
- views: 31
- author: TheSeoulGuide
Vimeo results:

Walking with Spirits, Jongmyo Shrine
Jongmyo, the shrine where the memorial tablets of past kings and queens are housed, was on...
published: 05 Aug 2010
author: 헤리티지 채널
Walking with Spirits, Jongmyo Shrine
Jongmyo, the shrine where the memorial tablets of past kings and queens are housed, was one of the most majestic and sacred buildings of the Joseon dynasty. Its architecture visually renders such Confucian values that are the guiding princoples of Joseon's political philosophy as piety and propriety toward ancestors. Past the front gate of Jongmyo, three paths lead to the shrine's prayer halls. Of these three paths, known as 'Samdo', the middle one is reserved for the spirits of the dead kings, the eastern one for the king, and the western one for the crown prince. The living are not allowed to walk on or approach 'Sillo', the middle path reserved for the spirits of the spirits of the past kings. Along these three paths are deployed Jeongjeon and Yeongnyeongjeon Halls, the two main components of this UNESCO World Heritage list-included shrine compound. Walk these paths alongside spirits and awaken the sacred in you.

Old Men Play Games Near Jongmyo Park
We discovered the area just South of the entrance to Jongmyo Park to be old man central! ...
published: 20 Oct 2008
author: ok korea
Old Men Play Games Near Jongmyo Park
We discovered the area just South of the entrance to Jongmyo Park to be old man central! There was enough Brylcreem to grease an army tank, dentures to pave a plaza, Old Spice to fog up half of Seoul...
Games of baduk and janggi were in progress all over the place. Boards and pieces were available for anyone to start up a match. It was inspiring to see a peoples, often hidden away and neglected, socialize so vigorously and coming together in a public space as a thriving community. Sure beats collecting dust in a rocking chair.
A kerfuffle also broke out while we were there (over politics or religion, probably). This was interesting as both the first real confrontation we've witnessed in Korea, and as further exhibition of some senior-citizen brio.
Go, old men, go!

The Four Seansons Of Jongmyo Shrine
published: 22 Jan 2011
author: vlasko
The Four Seansons Of Jongmyo Shrine

Over the Seoul, Hidden Stories of Alleys in Seoul_오버 더 서울
Dorothy often gets bored of her daily life, and she begins to think there might be somethi...
published: 28 Nov 2012
author: Wow! korea culture
Over the Seoul, Hidden Stories of Alleys in Seoul_오버 더 서울
Dorothy often gets bored of her daily life, and she begins to think there might be something more interesting 'somewhere over Seoul.'
Dorothy: It's boring that I have to live only in Seoul. Is there another place 'somewhere over Seoul'?
Voice: Dorothy! Click your heels three times, and you will find something wonderful.
Dorothy: What?! Who are you?
Sullagun: I'm Sullagun, a nighttime patrol who guards Seoul from theft and fire.
* Sullagun: Patrol troops in charge of inspecting Seoul area to prevent theft and fire during the Joseon Period.
Dorothy: Can you tell me where I am?
Sullagun: You are on Sulla-gil. It's an alley from the Joseon Period that borders a residential area and the Jongmyo Shrine. This alley has preserved its original appearance quite well, and is now designated as a heritage trail. There are also many ateliers for Korean traditional crafts and studios for Korean traditional music in this alley as well. Well, I have to go now.
Voice: Dorothy, let's move on to the next place. Click your heels again.
Dorothy: Where am I? What are these movie posters? Sir, who are you?
Director: (Yawning) Oh, I'm so exhausted. Are you speaking to me? My name is Na Woon-gyu, a movie director.
* Na Woon-gyu: A Korean actor, screenwriter and director. He directed Arirang in 1926, one of the earliest movies of Korea.
Director: I must be the most important filmmaker and possibly the first movie star of Korea. Here, where we are standing now, is Arirang Pass, and it is named as such because I filmed my movie Arirang at this very place.
* The pass got the current name, Arirang Pass, since Director Na Woon-gyu filmed his renowned movie Arirang here. A thatched house featured in the movie still stands near the pass, and a park was established under the theme of Arirang, Na Woon-gyu, and other movies.
Dorothy: Oh, that's why this road is covered with...
Director: Yes, it's like a mecca of Korean movies in Seoul, and you can learn about the history of the Korean movie as well. In addition, Arirang Cine Center is located nearby to show movies and provide educational programs.
Dorothy: I see. How about the literary world in Korea? I'm a big fan of Korean literature.
Director: There is a guy you should meet in that case.
Voice: Dorothy, your heels!
Writer: "...When I finished my lunch, I finally spoke of the world that I had been thinking about for some time..."
Dorothy: You must be Lee Cheong-jun!
Writer: How do you know me?
* Lee Cheong-jun: A prominent writer who wrote novels such as Seopyeonje and Nungil. Most of his novels describe the confrontation between humanity and despotic political and social mechanisms.
Dorothy: Because you were muttering a part of your novel.
* Hangnim Teahouse: Since its opening in 1956, this teahouse has been loved by well-known Korean writers, and several eminent Korean literary works were written at this place. When Seoul National University was located nearby, its students gathered here so frequently that the teahouse was regarded as one of their lecture rooms.
Writer: Thank you for recognizing me. Other Korean writers such as Kim Seung-ok and Kim Ji-ha are also regular customers of this teahouse. The students of Seoul National University used to call this place "Lecture Room No. 25," and the name of their festival came from the name of this teahouse as well. This teahouse is the birthplace of legendary Korean literature. Take a look at the visitor's book, and you will see many big names of Korean literature history there.
Dorothy: The poet Ko Un is here, too! Awesome!
Writer: Yeah, this place is history itself.
Yi Chung-ryeol (Owner of Hangnim Teahouse): Hangnim Teahouse opened in 1956, when Seoul National University was located across the street. It became one of the most favorite places for the university students, and its regular customers included many renowned individuals. Even after over 50 years, it is still popular among young students.
Voice: It's not the end, Dorothy. Pimatgol, Gyedong-gil, and Jeongdong-gil... There are many other places that will tell you about the hidden stories of Seoul. You might be able to find out more information by searching 'streets in Seoul' at the library or on the web. Well, Dorothy, it's time to click your heels!
Youtube results:

National Gugak Center presents rare concert of royal ritual music Jongmyo Jeryeak
Putting K-pop aside for a minute, let's now get a taste of some Korean traditional music.....
published: 20 Mar 2014
National Gugak Center presents rare concert of royal ritual music Jongmyo Jeryeak
National Gugak Center presents rare concert of royal ritual music Jongmyo Jeryeak
Putting K-pop aside for a minute, let's now get a taste of some Korean traditional music... The National Gugak Center will start off its new season with a traditional performance of royal court music... this Thursday. The ritual music is not only Korea's No.1 cultural property..., but it is also registered as a Unesco masterpiece. Our Park Ji-won reports. This solemn and graceful music is part of the Jongmyo Jeryeak,.... royal ritual music that has been performed in Korea for more than six hundred years. The music was composed in the 15th century by King Sejong the Great,... the fourth king of the Joseon Dynasty,... to honor his royal ancestors and pray for the peace and stability of the country. The music is performed during royal ancestral rites... that were once held at least five times a year in front of Jongmyo. The structure is an ancient shrine... housing the remains of the kings and queens of the Joseon Dynasty,... the last dynasty of Korea that existed from the 14th to the late 19th century. This collection of instrumental music, song and dance is Korea's Important Intangible Cultural Property No.1... and was designated by Unesco as a masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2001. "This ritual music is simple, rather than showing off rich melodies,... as it greets the spirits of our ancestors during ancestral rites. The solemn music calms and soothes the souls of listeners as well." The royal ancestral rite is now held just once a year... at Jongmyo shrine on the first Sunday in May,... and it is very rare for the royal ritual music to be presented on a stage. But for the first time in five years, the National Gugak Center will bring the music to the stage in a 70-minute performance held over two nights on Thursday and Friday. "Starting this week, the National Gugak Center will present a series featuring traditional Korean music and dance, including concerts of royal court music and pansori, a style of narrative singing. Park Ji-won, Arirang News."- published: 20 Mar 2014
- views: 28

Subokbang, guards quarters at Jongmyo Shrine, Seoul, South Korea
Subokbang was used as the living and resting quarters by officials guarding Jongmyo Shrine...
published: 18 Apr 2014
Subokbang, guards quarters at Jongmyo Shrine, Seoul, South Korea
Subokbang, guards quarters at Jongmyo Shrine, Seoul, South Korea
Subokbang was used as the living and resting quarters by officials guarding Jongmyo Shrine. The building is located outside the east gate of Jeongjeon Hall. In front of the building are Chanmakdan and Seongsaengwi, which are food inspections tables used prior to rituals. http://www.theseoulguide.com/sights/shrines/jongmyo-shrine/subokbang/- published: 18 Apr 2014
- views: 2

Korean Palace - Jongmyo Shrine [Assist with the Ancestral Ceremony Honoring the Joseon Kings]
Jenny Popes Big Challenge: To Enter the Palace as a Court Lady : Jongmyo Shrine Mission 5 ...
published: 13 Jan 2010
author: visitkoreapr
Korean Palace - Jongmyo Shrine [Assist with the Ancestral Ceremony Honoring the Joseon Kings]
Korean Palace - Jongmyo Shrine [Assist with the Ancestral Ceremony Honoring the Joseon Kings]
Jenny Popes Big Challenge: To Enter the Palace as a Court Lady : Jongmyo Shrine Mission 5 [Assist with the Ancestral Ceremony Honoring the Joseon Kings] Jong...- published: 13 Jan 2010
- views: 3509
- author: visitkoreapr

El rito real ancestral del santuario de Jongmyo y su música
UNESCO: Lista representativa del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad -- 2008 UR...
published: 29 Sep 2009
author: unescoSpanish
El rito real ancestral del santuario de Jongmyo y su música
El rito real ancestral del santuario de Jongmyo y su música
UNESCO: Lista representativa del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad -- 2008 URL: http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/RL/00069 Descripción: El santu...- published: 29 Sep 2009
- views: 3416
- author: unescoSpanish