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What is a Saxhorn?
Roland Szentpali plays Bydlo on Bass Saxhorn
Saxo & saxhorn
Dodworth Saxhorn Band
Dodworth Saxhorn Band
Dodworth Saxhorn Band
Opus 333, quatuor de saxhorns - Wagner / Alonso - 59 rue Rivoli
Mario Bros Theme - Euphonium and Saxhorn
opus 333 pleyel - Ruslan & Ludmilla ouverture
The French Tenor Horn, by Anthony Galinier
Syrian rebels (FSA) using 9K115-2 Metis-M1/AT-13 "Saxhorn"
Dodsworth Saxhorn Band - "Old Dog Tray"
Micael SaxHorn Lounge Music Live (Promo)
Concerto pour Saxhorn et Orchestre - Pierre Jansen (2e mvt)
Dana Schoppert of the Federal City Brass Band introduces and demonstrates the Civil War era brass band instrument the baritone saxhorn at the NEH Banner Moments Institute (July 9, 2014).
Roland Szentpali plays Bydlo on his Couesnon Bb Bass Saxhorn.(24.04.2012,Budapest)
The education department of the mim presents the saxophone & the saxhorn
The Dodworth Saxhorn Band entertains at the Band History Conference at the 2011 Great American Brass Band Festival.
The Dodworth Saxhorn Band is based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The band performs every weekend during the summer as part of the historic baseball series at Green...
Holiday music performed on 19th century saxhorns
Le Quatuor de saxhorns Opus 333 en répétition au 59 Rue Rivoli, le Aftersquat. Il est composé de : Jean Daufresne, Patrick Wibart, Vianney Desplantes et Core...
Real Mario Bros Theme on Euphonium and Saxhorn! Just in Bb instead of C... Sorry...
Le Quatuor de Saxhorns Opus 333 en concert à la salle Pleyel Paris Ouverture de Ruslan et Ludmila de Glinka arrangé pour quatuor de Saxhorns basse. Vianney D...
Le making-of de l'album The French Tenor horn d'Anthony Galinier, saxhorn alto solo du brass band de la Musique de l'Air. Anthony Galinier enregistre ce prem...
Dodsworth Saxhorn Band "My Dog Tray" by Stephen Foster - Performance at 2011 Great American Brass Band Festival, Battle of the Civil War Bands, June 12, 2011.
Musica Live Con Sax: Lounge, Smooth Jazz, Chill Out, Latin, Bachata, Salsa, Merengue, Dance, Reggaeton, Kizomba, House, ecc. Micael SaxHorn :-)
Création du Concerto pour Saxhorn et Orchestre de Pierre Jansen dans le cadre du récital de Master au CNSMDP le 19 Juin 2014. Saxhorn : Corentin Morvan Direc...
This Recording starts with the gentle sound of my really great friend Mr. Andy Jazz Playing The Melody Of This Wonderful Masterpiece Written & Composed By Lu...
The Dodworth Saxhorn Band performs on 19th century antique saxhorns at Holiday Nights in Greenfield Village. ( Dearborn, MI)
Un agradecimiento mis grandes amigos y excelentes músicos como son WENCE AVIÑA LUIS, NEMEX VILLEGAS, FERNANDO VARGAS por su apoyo para poder haser posible esta grabación. Espero y les guste GERARDO A
The Dodworth Saxhorn Band performs during Holiday Nights in Greenfield Village. The band is performing with antique, 19th century Saxhorns.
The Dodworth Saxhorn Band performs at Greenfield Village during Civil War Remembrance Weekend in May 2013. All of the brass instruments you hear are original...
Splendida esibizione al flicorno tenore (Baritone Horn) di Katrina Marzella con THe National Youth Brass Band of Scotland ai Campionati Europei di Brass Band del 2004.
Adolphe Sax (1814–1894) könnte in diesem Jahr seinen 200. Geburtstag feiern. Das von ihm erfundene Saxophon ist heutzutage Kulturgut und weit verbreitet. Weniger bekannt ist dagegen sein Einfluss auf die Geschichte der Brass Bands. Im Zuge der Reformen der französischen Militärmusik wurde Sax durch die Entwicklung der Instrumentenfamilie der Saxhorns zu einem der Väter des Genres. Der Film von Michael Bunschi schildert die Entwicklungen und dokumentiert die praktische Umsetzung eines Projekts des Forschungsschwerpunkts Interpretation der Hochschule der Künste Bern: Auf historischen Instrumenten aus dem 19. Jahrhundert spielten Musiker des Schweizer Armeespiels unter der Leitung von Oberst Philipp Wagner Musik der damaligen Zeit – und entdeckten neue Klangwelten. Nähere Informationen zum Projekt finden sich unter Ausschnitte aus dem Konzert im Theater National in Bern sind auf diesem Youtube-Kanal zu finden.
Variations sur la folia de Marin Marais transcrites pour saxhorn ou euphonium et réarrangées à la manière "baroque" dans le cadre du cnr de Paris.
GERARDO AGUILAR, EL WERO, SAX HORN melodia wave, bossa nova, sax horn, un cover. un agradesimiento a musicos profecionales como son NEMEX VILLEGAS y WENCE AV...
The late Guy Smith with an 1860 Over The Shoulder Bass Saxhorn (front row, center) with other ...
Detroit news 2015-03-25... are sonatas for instruments with scant repertoire such as the double bass, saxhorn and heckelphone.
The Guardian 2014-12-05... trios; sonatas for violin, viola, oboe and saxhorn as well as many for miscellaneous brass groups.
The Independent 2014-11-26It was a cousin of Sax’s other inventions, the ophicleide, saxtromba, saxhorn and saxtuba, but surpassed them all in time.
The Guardian 2014-10-30The third part, Les Euménides (The Furies), which Milhaud completed in 1923, is on a different scale ...
The Guardian 2014-08-27... and Russian products, such as the United States' FGM-148 Javelin and Russia's AT-13 Saxhorn-2.
The Times of India 2014-08-26... and Russian products, such as the United States' FGM-148 Javelin and Russia's AT-13 Saxhorn-2.
China Daily 2014-08-26Their tactics included lengthy legal proceedings to try to have the patents for the saxophone, ...
The Independent 2014-08-10hour drive from Cleveland ... There will be live 19th century music at some of the games provided by the Dodworth Saxhorn Band.
The Examiner 2014-08-03The weekend is a celebration of America’s favorite past time complete with performances from the ...
San Francisco Chronicle 2014-08-01The weekend is a celebration of America’s favorite past time complete with performances from the ...
Seattle Post 2014-08-01(Source: Wycombe Wanderers FC Ltd ) ... B8673 Mr. P ... E6368 Mrs Cloke, Saxhorn Road, High Wycombe, Bucks -Agent 3014 Cyndy Gammon.
noodls 2013-11-29(Source: Wycombe Wanderers FC Ltd). The Blues Cashline Weekly Draw ... H7340 Mr G Vaughan, Saxhorn Road, Lane End, Bucks ... wwfc ... com.
noodls 2013-10-25The saxhorn is a valved brass instrument with a conical bore and deep cup-shaped mouthpiece. The sound has a characteristic mellow quality, and blends well with other brass.
The saxhorns form a family of seven instruments (although at one point ten different sizes seem to have existed). Designed for band use, they are pitched alternately in E-flat and B-flat, like the saxophone group.
There is much confusion as to nomenclature of the various instruments in different languages. This has been exacerbated by the debate as to whether the saxhorn family was truly new, or rather a development of members of the previously existing cornet and tuba families. The saxhorn is also commonly confused with the flügelhorn, a German instrument which has a different configuration and predates the saxhorn. This confusion is not helped by the fact that most instruments referred to today as flügelhorns are actually soprano saxhorns.[citation needed] If a modern 'flügelhorn' bell has a flare similar to the one shown on the larger saxhorn pictured here, then it may indeed be a soprano saxhorn, but if the conical bell is nearly the diameter of the bell rim until just before a small final flare, then it is a true flügelhorn.
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