
Nom De Guerre "Run Run Run"
Nom De Guerre "Run Run Run"
New music video by fantastic NOM DE GUERRE from Sweden. Director: Mattias Sandström. Their new album "Love Thy Neighbour" is out now! www.tapeterecords.com

Mr. Okra (Documentary Trailer)
Mr. Okra (Documentary Trailer)
(This film was created/produced by Nom de Guerre Films nomdeguerre.tv - it is provided here to help promote the film, Mr. Okra, New Orleans & its culture) A true New Orleans character ...almost anyone who lives in New Orleans has heard of "The Okra Man" - in fact, most have heard him in the early morning chanting his way through the neighbourhood; "I got cucumbers, I got watermelon, I got fresh peaches..." and probably have bought fresh fruit and vegetables from him. Mr. Okra, (aka Arthur Robinson) the itinerant New Orleans produce vendor, is the subject and name of a new documentary film from executive producer Andre Jones and director TG Herrington of Nom de Guerre Films http "Beyond the clichés of Bourbon Street, amid the decadence and decay of one of Americas most unique cities, Mr. Okra is a character from another time. His is an analog world, in a digital age. This is an intimate look at one of New Orleans most colorful characters, one of the characters that makes New Orleans such a special place Mr. Okra is a glimpse into the soul of an American city." Watch the site for news of screenings in New Orleans and beyond as well as copies for purchase. nomdeguerre.tv Mr. Okra Official Selection of the 2009 NYC Food Film Festival Mr. Okra wins the Peroni Italy Audience Choice Award at the Third Annual NYC Food Film Festival 2009.

Tableau Bruit de Guerre Alchy
Tableau Bruit de Guerre Alchy
Tableau - Bruit de Guerre Musique par Alchy Album Gagacat Industriel - Expérimental - mathcore - mathrock Peintures et dessins d'Adolf Hitler originals à l'exception de son portrait et de celui de la place nazie. Tyran d'Ister (Danube) - Nostradamus Eva Braun - Adolf (Adi) Hitler (Rothchild) Supersession (Sionisme évangélique, antijuif et spolieur) - Prescott Walker-Bush (l'ange d'Hitler) - NAtivité de ZIon - New Order of the World (NOW) New World Order (NWO) - Nouvel Ordre Mondial (NOM) - New Age - Evangile du Verseau - Antireligion - Antisémitisme International Building North (Deutsches Haus, Maison de l'Allemagne, Rockefeller Center) - Ordre Teutonique - Skull and Bones - Violation des accords du traité de Versailles - Armement de l'Allemagne Nazie - Entreprises sur Auschwitz - Travail des déportés . Du Discours du Diable : So insane, the world is all to play, Here come on and every body says, We believe' the way that our love should be fighting, There is no place to go, for our love is just over. Because, it is, today, Now-Here, hello, the world, flash top has come, to you. Here come on, flash top, he's got no way, sometime to go, But I know some times it's human race, There is no way to go down here, hello come on, I don't know from what she's telling me. . So long life, So, hoho, long life. No time no anger, No time no anger, Won't survive. So keep the way now, Will a soul? Will a soul, Ho, live up to, The end of time? So ain't you got the way, Appear, here, Ear to <b>...</b>

La Marine de Guerre pendant 14 18
La Marine de Guerre pendant 14 18
Les progrès de la marine de guerre pendant la première guerre mondiale. Film à télécharger sur www.imineo.com Les Dreadnoughts et les premiers sous-marins et portes-avions. En 1914, la grande Bretagne avait la marine la plus puissante, notamment grâce aux fameux "Dreadnoughts" lancés en 1916. Mais l'Allemagne avait lancé un ambitieux programme d'armement naval et avait le projet de rivaliser avec la Royal Navy. La bataille de Jutland en 1916 à l'issue indécise fut le point culminant de cette rivalité et après cette date les navires allemands restèrent dans leurs ports d'attache. Mais c'est probablement ailleurs que les progrès techniques furent les plus importants : sous les mers avec l'arrivée en force des sous-marins dans le camp allemand et sur les mers avec l'apparition des porte-avions. Ces deux armes allaient d'ailleurs jouer un rôle crucial 25 années plus tard lors de la seconde guerre mondiale ! Chapitres : - Un symbole de puissance - La guerre en haute mer - L'avion, une arme essentielle - Les sous-marins, une arme a double tranchant La guerre 14-18, souvent appelée La GrandeGuerre fut le 1er conflit armé impliquant autant de pays dans le monde ; d'où son nom de première guerre mondiale même si elle a été principalement circonscrite à l'Europe. Ce fut le premier conflit à être aussi largement filmé et les images d'archives internationales que nous vous présentons permettent non seulement de retracer tous les évènements majeurs du conflit mais aussi de les voir du <b>...</b>

ANP ET DRS : Les noms des criminels de guerre à Jijel
ANP ET DRS : Les noms des criminels de guerre à Jijel
Darna Television ANP ET DRS : Les noms des criminels de guerre à Jijel

Charles Aznavour - Au nom de la jeunesse (1968)
Charles Aznavour - Au nom de la jeunesse (1968)
Au nom de la jeunesse Aux saisons des beaux jours Mes jeunes idées courent Etaler leurs faiblesses Au soleil de l'amour Au nom de la jeunesse Aux printemps tourmentés De mes tendres années Se vautre ma paresse Dans la fraîche rosée D'un autre idéalisme Dans un nouveau décor Le romantisme est mort Vive le romantisme Qui en renaît plus fort Et porte la tignasse Qu'il te plaît à porter Car présent ou passé Le cœur reste à sa place Mais il bat, syncopé Au nom de la jeunesse Au jardin de ses fleurs Je n'ai pas de couleur Je n'ai que ma détresse Que l'on prend pour fureur Au nom de la jeunesse Je cherche à effacer Tout un monde empesé Par besoin de tendresse Et par soif d'être aimé Et ce qui me diffère C'est qu'avec des chansons Je rythme mes passions Pour faire à ma manière Une révolution Et chante mes problèmes Et dors ici ou là Le monde est sous mes pas Et je vis comme j'aime Et l'amour est sans loi Au nom de la jeunesse Au cri de "Liberté ! " Je me laisse brûler A la tendre caresse Du feu de l'amitié Au nom de la jeunesse Je ressemble surtout A un jeune chien fou Qui sans maître et sans laisse Veut vivre comme un loup En condamnant la guerre Je deviens inquiétant Et surtout déroutant Par mon vocabulaire Qu'est celui d'un enfant Je suis fait de souffrance Je veux garder encore Et toujours en mon corps La grâce de l'enfance Jusqu'au jour de ma mort Au nom de la jeunesse Avant que disparaisse De ma vie l'âge d'or

by @kam : www.facebook.com

"Ceux à qui Nous avons donné le Livre, le reconnaissent comme ils reconnaissent leurs enfants. Or une partie d'entre eux cache la vérité, alors qu'ils la savent ! (146) La vérité vient de ton Seigneur. Ne sois donc pas de ceux qui doutent. (147)" /2 "Et quand Jésus fils de Marie dit: «Ô Enfants d'Israël, je suis vraiment le Messager d'Allah [envoyé] à vous, confirmateur de ce qui, dans la Thora, est antérieur à moi, et annonciateur d'un Messager à venir après moi, dont le nom sera «Aḥmad»(1). Puis quand celui-ci vint à eux avec des preuves évidentes, ils dirent: «C'est là une magie manifeste». (6)" /61 *Montage et traduction de notre frère Saïd qu'Allah l'en récompense !

Medal of honor faucons de guerre mission 4
Medal of honor faucons de guerre mission 4
Dernière mission de la campagne de St nazaire. Tous les objectifs sont réalisés et la médaille d'or est obtenue.

Drôle de Guerre - Images des soldats français dans un "Journal de Guerre" de février 1940
Drôle de Guerre - Images des soldats français dans un "Journal de Guerre" de février 1940
Drôle de Guerre - Phoney War Des images de l'activité de nos soldats pendant cette période allant de septembre 1939 à mai 1940, durant laquelle il n'y eut pratiquement aucun combat. Extrait d'un "Journal de Guerre". ECPAD

La Propagande allemande vue par la Propagande française - Drôle de Guerre
La Propagande allemande vue par la Propagande française - Drôle de Guerre
Extraits du Journal de Guerre n°21, datant de la Drôle de Guerre (3 septembre 1939 / 10 mai 1940 ). On peut y voir comment le speaker français décortique les images de la propagande nazie. Puis la propagande français "répond" à Hitler et sa propagande. © ECPAD

FRANCE 24 Reporters - Nigeria : au nom de Dieu
FRANCE 24 Reporters - Nigeria : au nom de Dieu
Maisons brûlées, voitures calcinées, populations meurtries... Depuis dix ans, la ville de Jos, est en proie à des affrontements ethnico-religieux, opposant les communautés chrétiennes et musulmanes. Des crises de plus en plus violentes qui ont provoqué la mort de milliers de personnes. Reportage exclusif. www.france24.com

Marcus Luttrell: A Sense of Unity
Marcus Luttrell: A Sense of Unity
Footage Courtesy of USAA. Speech by Marcus Luttrell, author of # 1 Best-seller "Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10". Marcus Luttrell (born November 7, 1975) is a former Petty Officer First Class (pay grade E6) and United States Navy SEAL. He received the Navy Cross for his actions in 2005 facing Taliban fighters during Operation Red Wing. Operation Red Wing: On June 28, 2005, Luttrell and SEAL Team 10 were assigned to a mission to kill or capture Ahmad Shah (nom de guerre Mohammad Ismail), a high-ranking Taliban leader responsible for killings in eastern Afghanistan and the Hindu-Kush mountains. The SEAL team was made up of Luttrell, Michael P. Murphy, Danny Dietz and Matthew Axelson. Luttrell and Axelson were the team's snipers, with Lutrell also being the team Medic; Dietz was in charge of communications and Murphy the team leader. Three goat herders stumbled upon the hiding spot of the four SEALs. The men were detained by the team but the SEALs were unable to verify any hostile intent. Luttrell claims that Murphy, the officer in charge of the SEAL team, put the fate of the goatherds to a vote. Axelson voted to kill the Afghanis, and Dietz abstained. Murphy told Luttrell that he would vote the same as him so with his vote it was decided to let the Afghans go. The released herders disappeared and likely immediately betrayed the team's location to local Taliban forces and within an hour the SEALs were engaged in <b>...</b>

The Crazy Cats: The Mission (Part 1)
The Crazy Cats: The Mission (Part 1)
From 1967 to 1972 the Crazy Cats fought upon the electronic battlefields of Vietnam. Their efforts would ultimately affect the outcome of battles on the ground and, perhaps, the outcome of the war itself. Designated the 1st Army Security Agency (ASA) Company, like other ASA units in Vietnam, it operated under a 'Radio Research' cover designation. The men of the 1st Radio Research Company, however, adopted a more colorful nom de guerre: "The CRAZY CATS." Their Top Secret missions operated from the Naval Air Facility at Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam. Their crew of 12 to 15 flew aging Navy P-2E Neptune aircraft over the Ho Chi Minh Trail and other areas to intercept, decipher, translate, analyze and disseminate enemy radio communications intelligence (COMINT). In this role, the Crazy Cats became the Army's most prolific airborne COMINT collector in the Vietnam War.

Colonel Imam in Jawab Deyh (Sept 2009) - Part - 1
Colonel Imam in Jawab Deyh (Sept 2009) - Part - 1
Former Pakistani Officer Embodies a Policy Puzzle By CARLOTTA GALL Published: March 3, 2010 www.nytimes.com RAWALPINDI, Pakistan — With his white turban, untrimmed beard and worn army jacket, the man known uniformly here by his nom de guerre, Col. Imam, is a particular Pakistani enigma. A United States-trained former colonel in Pakistan's spy agency, he spent 20 years running insurgents in and out of Afghanistan, first to fight the Soviet Army, and later to support the Taliban, as Pakistani allies, in their push to conquer Afghanistan in the 1990s. Today those Taliban forces are battling his onetime mentor, the United States, and Western officials say Colonel Imam has continued to train, recruit and finance the insurgents. Along with a number of other retired Pakistani intelligence officials, they say, he has helped the Taliban stage a remarkable comeback since 2006. In two recent interviews with The New York Times, Colonel Imam denied that. But he remains a vocal advocate of the Taliban, and his views reveal the sympathies that have long run deep in the ranks of Pakistan's military and intelligence services. Despite Pakistan's recent arrest of several high-level Taliban commanders, men like Colonel Imam sit at the center of the questions that linger around what Pakistan's actual intentions are toward the Taliban. American and NATO officials suspect that retired officers like Colonel Imam have served as a quasi-official bridge to Taliban leaders and their rank and file as <b>...</b>

Special Investigation : Services Secrets - La part D'Ombre de la République
Special Investigation : Services Secrets - La part D'Ombre de la République
Comment les services secrets sont-ils mis à contribution pour appuyer l'action de l'Etat ? Les missions des agents : collecte d'information, recrutement dans les pays sensibles, opérations de déstabilisation. Au nom de l'intérêt supérieur de la nation, tous les coups sont-ils permis ? En France, c'est la Direction générale des services extérieurs - la fameuse DGSE - qui est chargée de ces missions. Le journaliste Pascal Henry a mené l'enquête sur les jeux troubles des services secrets français. Dans les années 90, la DGSE aurait recruté en ex-Yougoslavie un chef de guerre dont elle aurait financé les activités. Or, le Parlement européen lui impute de nombreux crimes de guerre. En 1988, une militante anti apartheid a été assassinée en plein Paris. Plusieurs mercenaires français ont été mis en cause. L'affaire n'a jamais été élucidée.

Colonel Imam in Jawab Deyh (Sept 2009) - Part - 3
Colonel Imam in Jawab Deyh (Sept 2009) - Part - 3
Former Pakistani Officer Embodies a Policy Puzzle By CARLOTTA GALL Published: March 3, 2010 www.nytimes.com RAWALPINDI, Pakistan — With his white turban, untrimmed beard and worn army jacket, the man known uniformly here by his nom de guerre, Col. Imam, is a particular Pakistani enigma. A United States-trained former colonel in Pakistan's spy agency, he spent 20 years running insurgents in and out of Afghanistan, first to fight the Soviet Army, and later to support the Taliban, as Pakistani allies, in their push to conquer Afghanistan in the 1990s. Today those Taliban forces are battling his onetime mentor, the United States, and Western officials say Colonel Imam has continued to train, recruit and finance the insurgents. Along with a number of other retired Pakistani intelligence officials, they say, he has helped the Taliban stage a remarkable comeback since 2006. In two recent interviews with The New York Times, Colonel Imam denied that. But he remains a vocal advocate of the Taliban, and his views reveal the sympathies that have long run deep in the ranks of Pakistan's military and intelligence services. Despite Pakistan's recent arrest of several high-level Taliban commanders, men like Colonel Imam sit at the center of the questions that linger around what Pakistan's actual intentions are toward the Taliban. American and NATO officials suspect that retired officers like Colonel Imam have served as a quasi-official bridge to Taliban leaders and their rank and file as <b>...</b>

Little people - Eitheror [HD]
Little people - Eitheror [HD]
Eitheror From Michey mouse operation album Little People is the nom-de-guerre of Anglo-Swiss producer Laurent Clerc. Quirky and charming, as their name suggests, Little People inhabit the often earnest world of instrumental hip-hop, but instill it with a little fun and a dash of personality.

Part1 Interview with a Terrorist Shehadeh Jawhar - Abu Omr
Part1 Interview with a Terrorist Shehadeh Jawhar - Abu Omr
PART 1 An interview conducted (December 7 2007) by a well-known Al-Arabiya journalist with Al-Qaeda terrorist Shehadeh Jawhar (nom de guerre 'Abu Omar'). He is based in the Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee in Sidon, Southern Lebanon. Credits to Memri.net for translating the interview and Al-Arabiya for conducting the interview.

Νικηταράς ο Τουρκοφάγος Nikitaras the Turksbane
Νικηταράς ο Τουρκοφάγος Nikitaras the Turksbane
Nikitaras (Greek: Νικηταράς) was the nom de guerre of Nikitas Stamatelopoulos (Greek: Νικήτας Σταματελόπουλος) (17841849), a Greek revolutionary who fought for Greece's freedom during the Greek War of Independence. Due to his fighting powers, he was known as the "Τουρκοφάγος" (Tourkofagos) or Turksbane, literally "Turk-Eater". The date and place of Nikitaras' birth are disputed, but he is thought to have been born either in the village of Nedoussa in the Peloponnesian province of Messenia or in Leontari in Arcadia circa 1784. He was a nephew of Theodoros Kolokotronis, the most important Greek military leader of the Revolution. Legend says he could jump farther as a child than adults. Turkish authorities tried to capture him, as well as Kolokotronis, but he escaped and joined his uncle in the British-held Ionian Islands. When the Greek war of Independence began, both returned to the mainland. He was with Kolokotronis, who commanded the Greek army at the Siege of Tripoli early in the war. When the commander and his men tried to escape the city, Nikitaras and his klephts cut off the escape of the Turkish commander and his troops and slaughtered them. Nikitas achieved fame and his sobriquet "Turk-Eater" in the Battle of Dervenakia, where he is said to have used five swords: four broke from excessive use. During the civil war within the Revolution, he sided with his uncle against the faction around Alexander Mavrokordatos. Nikitaras was a strong patriot, not corrupt like many <b>...</b>

Colonel Imam in Jawab Deyh (Sept 2009) - Part - 6
Colonel Imam in Jawab Deyh (Sept 2009) - Part - 6
Former Pakistani Officer Embodies a Policy Puzzle By CARLOTTA GALL Published: March 3, 2010 www.nytimes.com RAWALPINDI, Pakistan — With his white turban, untrimmed beard and worn army jacket, the man known uniformly here by his nom de guerre, Col. Imam, is a particular Pakistani enigma. A United States-trained former colonel in Pakistan's spy agency, he spent 20 years running insurgents in and out of Afghanistan, first to fight the Soviet Army, and later to support the Taliban, as Pakistani allies, in their push to conquer Afghanistan in the 1990s. Today those Taliban forces are battling his onetime mentor, the United States, and Western officials say Colonel Imam has continued to train, recruit and finance the insurgents. Along with a number of other retired Pakistani intelligence officials, they say, he has helped the Taliban stage a remarkable comeback since 2006. In two recent interviews with The New York Times, Colonel Imam denied that. But he remains a vocal advocate of the Taliban, and his views reveal the sympathies that have long run deep in the ranks of Pakistan's military and intelligence services. Despite Pakistan's recent arrest of several high-level Taliban commanders, men like Colonel Imam sit at the center of the questions that linger around what Pakistan's actual intentions are toward the Taliban. American and NATO officials suspect that retired officers like Colonel Imam have served as a quasi-official bridge to Taliban leaders and their rank and file as <b>...</b>