The Times The Times is a daily national newspaper published in the United Kingdom since 1785, when it was known as The Daily Universal Register.
En Majuscule est extrait d'incipit, mon maxi en téléchargement libre disponible ici : Artiste : Yo.K Titre : en Majuscule Réalisation : Simple & Funky (anciennement) VD APC Prod. : Jeezay Projet : incipit Remerciements : Groove Store, Studio Vibestone, Jonathan Broda, Ingrid Zeller, Antoine Gestin
Nous sommes très heureux de passer le cap des 150 sessions avec Dominique A, lui qui vient de fêter la 300e Black session. Dominique A, l'un des plus grands paroliers français. Cela nous a frappé, encore une fois, lors de son premier concert dans ce majestueux théâtre de l'Athénée. Nous pourrions continuer à égrainer bien des évidences sur Dominique A. Sa musique, sa présence, sa voix et sa générosité (il nous aura joué 7 morceaux !!). Nous pourrions parler de Lithium, le premier label de Dominique. Nous pourrions parler de son génial album avec les Oslo Telescopic, de sa future participation au sein des Fitzcarraldo... Nous pourrions passer des heures à parler de et avec Dominique A. Comme cette première rencontre finissant dans un état second emporté par son énergie et sa gentillesse. On préfère juste partager ces quelques instants avec vous. Merci à Sandrine, à l'équipe de cinq7. Images : Renaud de Foville (
Extrait de la première de DUO au Théâtre Mouffetard, le 11 janvier 2011. par Franck Zerbib et Antoine Réjasse (des Wriggles) Majuscule : une chanson pour ponctuer vos déclarations d'amour. Capté par Jean Huot assisté de Thomas Cirotteau
Chanson interprétée et composée par Capitaine Révolte. Sa Majuscule, de l'album: Un jour, les taureaux nous mangeront. Style un peu punk rock, avec du violon. Vraiment très bon ! :) Paroles : ô grand monarque de droit divin envoyé par les dieux pour nous emmerder vous semblez bien admiré bien fortuné la haut sur le trône devant votre festin vous êtes supportés par un peuple crédule qui vous aime et qui pour vous crève de faim mais vous portez le titre de Sa Majuscule la justice est faite que ce soit tout ou rien êtes-vous à ce point supérieur à moi par le simple fait de vous trouvez si haut mais n'oubliez pas que si vous êtes à ce niveau c'est grâce au pauvre peuple qui vous supporte d'en bas de la société déçu que je suis en voyant sans rien dire cette injustice pleine de suie (x2) mais qu'est-ce qui se passe dans la tête des carnivores pour qu'ils traitent si mal les pauvres herbivores (x4) Abonnez-vous pour encore plus de musique ! :)
créer un logiciel vb.nnet minuscule vers majuscule tres facile, rapide
How to write the Ancient Greek alphabet. Part 1 of this series teaches you to write the majuscule (uppercase) variants, the oldest forms of the Greek letters. This Greek script was used on ancient monuments and in older texts. Visit my Ancient Greek language page at for more information: Or purchase our thorough, step-by-step alphabet & writing workbook:
Majuscule & Joyeuse St-valentin ShowCase Me suivre sur Twitter Envoyez-moi vos demandes spéciales NOUVEAU BLOG : Questions/Commentaires : Abonnez-vous ;)
Plus sur . Sensibiliser les adolescents aux dangers sur internet et du téléphone portable, c'était l'objectif d'une troupe de théâtre qui a fait participer les élèves du collège Marlioz en Savoie. Une opération organisée par l' association "Enfance majuscule savoie". (Droits réservés. Pour toute exploitation commerciale, veuillez nous contacter )
En Majuscule est extrait d'incipit, mon maxi en téléchargement libre disponible ici : Artiste : Yo.K Titre : en Majuscule Réalisation : Simple & Funky (anciennement) VD APC Prod. :...
Capital Losers
Capital Losers
I made a video. Don't watch in HD, it's a waste of time. My camera is too crappy *tear* I HAVEN'T DONE THIS IN SO LONG...
Learn French - Alphabet Majuscules
Learn French - Alphabet Majuscules
Learn French - Alphabet Majuscules...
Learn French - L'alphabet - Majuscules
Learn French - L'alphabet - Majuscules
Learn French - L'alphabet - Majuscules...
chanson alphabet en français+ texte majuscule
chanson alphabet en français+ texte majuscule
chanson alphabet en français+ texte majuscule
#150 Dominique A - Hasta (que El Cuerpo Aguante)
#150 Dominique A - Hasta (que El Cuerpo Aguante)
Nous sommes très heureux de passer le cap des 150 sessions avec Dominique A, lui qui vient de fêter la 300e Black session. Dominique A, l'un des plus grands paroliers français. Cela nous a frappé, encore une f...
DUO - Majuscule (Mouffetard)
DUO - Majuscule (Mouffetard)
Extrait de la première de DUO au Théâtre Mouffetard, le 11 janvier 2011. par Franck Zerbib et Antoine Réjasse (des Wriggles) Majuscule : une chanson pour ponctuer vos déclarations d'amour. Capté ...
Sa Majuscule - Capitaine Révolte [Paroles]
Sa Majuscule - Capitaine Révolte [Paroles]
Chanson interprétée et composée par Capitaine Révolte. Sa Majuscule, de l'album: Un jour, les taureaux nous mangeront. Style un peu punk rock, avec du violon. Vraiment très bon ! :) Paroles : ô g...
créer un logiciel vb.nnet minuscule vers majuscule tres facile, rapide
créer un logiciel vb.nnet minuscule vers majuscule tres facile, rapide
voici un petit tuto de the master abdou pour pouvoir créer un logiciel minuscule vers majuscule ou l'inverse vrm tres facile et rapide...
Writing the Greek Alphabet (Part 1: Ancient Uppercase, or Majuscule)
Writing the Greek Alphabet (Part 1: Ancient Uppercase, or Majuscule)
How to write the Ancient Greek alphabet. Part 1 of this series teaches you to write the majuscule (uppercase) variants, the oldest forms of the Greek letters. This Greek script was used on ancient monuments and in older texts. Visit my Anci...
Benin -majuscule
Benin -majuscule
music- benin- salsa...
Audio Matiere Majuscule
Audio Matiere Majuscule
Audio Matiere Majuscule...
Woodside Clasic...
Meredith, Rachel, and Dylan winning in Seattle. ("majuscule" = (of letters) capital!)...
[FRANCAIS,QUÉBEC] Majuscule/Minuscule sur votre Clavier
[FRANCAIS,QUÉBEC] Majuscule/Minuscule sur votre Clavier
Majuscule & Joyeuse St-valentin ShowCase Me suivre sur Twitter Envoyez-moi vos demandes spéciales NOUVEAU BLOG : Questions/Commentaires : Abonnez-vous ;)...
Plus sur . Sensibiliser les adolescents aux dangers sur internet et du téléphone portable, c'était l'objectif d'une troupe de théâtre qui a fait participer les élèves du...
Majuscule 1.35 Okas Classic
Majuscule 1.35 Okas Classic
horse for sale...
photo: Creative Commons
An Anglo-Saxon "broken-back" seax from Sittingbourne in Kent, inscribed in Insular majuscules ☩ BIORHTELM ME ÞORTE ("Biorhtelm made me") and ☩ S[I]GEBEREHT ME AH ("S[i]gebereht owns me").
photo: Creative Commons
The decoration of this page from a French Book of Hours, ca.1400, includes a miniature, initials and borders
Herald TribuneThe popular press and even a few financial professionals continue to say things like "the stockmarket returns about 10 percent a year." This is one of those popular sayings that has some truth to it and that can be quite misleading at the same time. The problem with simplifications of reality like...
Seeking AlphaLet us assume you want to play the Dow Jones Industrial Average index (DJI30) on a monthly basis and you are concerned mostly with the downside risk, i.e. what is the possibility that you will get a negative return in a month compared to getting a positive return. Concerning the current market...
Ha'aretzA politicaltsunami is expected in September, the politicians keep warning us. Obviously the recognition of Palestinian statehood, if adopted, is expected to yank the rug from under the feet of the refugees who were raised on the dream of returning to the fig tree, the spring and the village that no...
The ConsumeristHardware stores like Home Depot and Lowe's . And according to one Consumerist reader, his local Home Depot intends on keeping as much of that cash as possible by not making good on its pre-storm promises. Consumerist reader Todd says he went to his Home Depot in Maryland last Friday to shop for a...
Seeking AlphaIn my first post on saving for retirement, I looked at how to calculate the amount of money you’ll need to save annually based on your retirement goals. Now we’re ready to tackle our second topic: how asset allocation decisions can affect your returns. There have been several major...
Kansas City StarDAVID EULITT Chiefs cornerback Javier Arenas (top) was consistent in the return game in 2010, but coaches are still looking at a crop of possible returners, including Quinten Lawrence (bottom) and other young players. "factbox" --> More News During each of the past two offseasons, the Chiefs have...
The HinduQUESTION: Which class of taxpayers can file Sugam returns claimed by the FinanceMinister as a simplified return meant for small businessmen? ANSWER: Sugam return is a three-page return available for assessment year 2011-12 for those who are paying tax on presumptive income of eligible undertakings...
Kashmir ObserverSrinagar, Aug 29: To finalize the modalities for the return of Kashmiri Pandits, state government has called a special meeting of apex body for migrant rehabilitation on Saturday in Jammu. Sources said that 40-member apex body headed by Revenue Minister, Raman Balla will review the Prime Minister Dr...
Most occidentallanguages (certainly those based on the Latin, Cyrillic, Greek and Armenian alphabets) use multiple letter-cases in their written form as an aid to clarity. Scripts using two separate cases are also called "bicameral scripts", while those with only one case are "unicase scripts".
In English, capital letters are used as the first letter of a sentence, a proper noun, or a proper adjective, and for initials or abbreviations. The first-person pronoun "I" and the interjection "O" are also capitalized. Lower-case letters are normally used for all other purposes. There are however situations where further capitalization may be used to give added emphasis, for example in headings and titles or to pick out certain words (often using small capitals). There are also a few pairs of words of different meanings whose only difference is capitalization of the first letter. Other languages vary in their use of capitals. For example, in German the first letter of all nouns is capitalized, while in Romance languages the names of days of the week, months of the year, and adjectives of nationality, religion and so on begin with a lower-case letter.
If an alphabet has case, all or nearly all letters have both a majuscule and minuscule form. Both forms in each pair are considered to be the same letter: they have the same name, same pronunciation, and will be treated identically when sorting in alphabetical order. Languages have capitalization rules to determine whether majuscules or minuscules are to be used in a given context.
An example of a letter without both forms is the German ß (ess-tsett), which exists only in minuscule. When capitalized it normally becomes two letters ("SS"), but the ß letter may be used as a capital to prevent confusion in special cases, such as names. This is because ß was originally a ligature of the two letters "ſs" (a long s and an s), both of which become "S" when capitalized. It later evolved into a letter in its own right. (ß is also occasionally referred to as a ligature of "sz", which recalls the way this consonant was pronounced in some medieval German dialects. The original spelling sz is preserved in Hungarian and pronounced [s].)
Case comparison
Here is a comparison of the majuscule and minuscule versions of each letter used in the English language. The exact representation will vary according to the font used.
on a composing stick, lying on a lower case with larger boxes for more common letters.]]
The terms upper case and lower case originated in the early days of the printing press used with movable type in letterpress printing. The individual type blocks used in hand typesetting are stored in shallow wooden or metal drawers, known as cases, with subdivisions into compartments known as boxes to store each individual letter. In many countries the majuscules and minuscules are stored separately, with a pair of boxes for each typeface at a specific size. For typesetting, the two cases are taken out of the storage rack and placed on a rack on the compositor's desk. By convention, the case containing the capitals (and small capitals) stands at a steeper angle at the back of the desk, with the case for the small letters, punctuation and spaces, at a shallower angle below it to the front of the desk, hence upper and lower case.
Various patterns of cases are available, often with the compartments for lower-case letters varying in size according to the frequency of use of letters, so that the commonest letters are grouped together in larger boxes at the centre of the case.
Some sentence cases are not used in standard English, but are common in computer programming, as well as in product branding and in other specialised fields:
CamelCase: First letter of each word is capitalized, spaces and punctuation removed. If the very first letter is capitalized, as in "CamelCase" (or "PowerPoint"), the term "upper camel case" may be used; this is also known as "Pascal case" or "Bumpy case". "Lower camel case" describes a variation, as in "camelCase" (or "iPod" or "eBay"), in which the very first letter is in lower case.
Start case: First letter of each word capitalized, spaces separate words. All words including short articles and prepositions start with a capital letter. For example: "This Is A Start Case".
Snake case: punctuation is removed and spaces are replaced by single underscores. Normally the letters share the same case (either UPPER_CASE_EMBEDDED_UNDERSCORE or lower_case_embedded_underscore) but the case can be mixed.
Studly caps: Mixed case, as in "StUdLyCaPs", with no semantic or syntactic significance to the use of the capitals. Sometimes only vowels are upper-case, at other times upper and lower case are alternated, but often it is just random. The name comes from the fact that it was used to imply coolness on the part of the writer, although nowadays it is more often used ironically. (It is also used to mock the violation of standard English case conventions by marketers in the naming of computer software packages, even when there is no technical requirement to do so—e.g., Sun Microsystems' naming of a windowing system NeWS.)
Case folding
The conversion of letter case in a string is common practice in computer applications, for instance to make case-insensitive comparisons. Many high-level programming languages provide simple methods for case folding, at least for the ASCII character set.
In some forms of BASIC there are two methods for case folding:
C and C++, as well as any C-like language that conforms to its standard library, provide these functions in the file ctype.h:
Case folding is different with different character sets. In ASCII or EBCDIC, case can be folded in the following way, in C:
This only works because the letters of upper and lower cases are spaced out equally. In ASCII they are consecutive, whereas with EBCDIC they are not; nonetheless the upper case letters are arranged in the same pattern and with the same gaps as are the lower case letters, so the technique still works.
Some computer programming languages offer facilities for converting text to a form in which all words are first-letter capitalized. Visual Basic calls this "proper case"; Python calls it "title case". This differs from usual title casing conventions, such as the English convention in which minor words are not capitalized.
Unicode case folding
Unicode defines case folding through the three case-mapping properties of each character: uppercase, lowercase and titlecase. These properties relate all characters in scripts with differing cases to the other case variants of the character.
Importance of case in the identification of scripts
As briefly discussed in Unicode Technical Note #26, "In terms of implementation issues, any attempt at a unification of Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic would wreak havoc [and] make casing operations an unholy mess, in effect making all casing operations context sensitive [...]". In other words, while the shapes of letters like A, B, E, H, K, M, O, P, T, X, Y and so on are shared between the Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic alphabets (and small differences in their canonical forms may be considered to be of a merely typographical nature), it would still be problematic for a multilingual character set or a font to provide only a singlecodepoint for, say, uppercase letter B, as this would make it quite difficult for a wordprocessor to change that single uppercase letter to one of the three different choices for the lower case letter, b (Latin), β (Greek), or в (Cyrillic). Without letter case, a 'unified European alphabet'—such as ABБCГDΔΕZЄЗFΦGHIИJ...Z, with an appropriate subset for each language—is feasible; but considering letter case, it becomes very clear that these alphabets are rather distinct sets of symbols.