- published: 15 Aug 2010
- views: 84477
- author: GonjaTV

BCE - It's On Da Flo (Official Music Video) HD
HOODMASH.com - Video of BCE (Brick City Ent) performing It's On The Flo & All Things Crest...
published: 15 Aug 2010
author: GonjaTV
BCE - It's On Da Flo (Official Music Video) HD
HOODMASH.com - Video of BCE (Brick City Ent) performing It's On The Flo & All Things Crestin. Filmed by Gonja by JYS Productions. © 2011 Brick City Entertainment.
- published: 15 Aug 2010
- views: 84477
- author: GonjaTV

Lysippos, Farnese Hercules, 4th century BCE (later Roman copy by Glycon)
Lysippos, Farnese Hercules, 4th century BCE (later Roman copy by Glycon)(Archaeological Mu...
published: 16 Feb 2013
author: smarthistoryvideos
Lysippos, Farnese Hercules, 4th century BCE (later Roman copy by Glycon)
Lysippos, Farnese Hercules, 4th century BCE (later Roman copy by Glycon)(Archaeological Museum, Naples) Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris & Dr. Steven Zucker
- published: 16 Feb 2013
- views: 427
- author: smarthistoryvideos

Exekias, Dionysos Kylix, c. 530 BCE
Exekias, Dionysos Kylix, c. 530 BCE (Antikensammlungen, Munich) Speakers: Dr. Steven Zucke...
published: 18 Feb 2013
author: smarthistoryvideos
Exekias, Dionysos Kylix, c. 530 BCE
Exekias, Dionysos Kylix, c. 530 BCE (Antikensammlungen, Munich) Speakers: Dr. Steven Zucker & Dr. Beth Harris
- published: 18 Feb 2013
- views: 160
- author: smarthistoryvideos

www.byoblu.com Banca Centrale Europea: conferenza stampa di Mario Draghi dopo la decisione...
published: 07 Jun 2012
author: byoblu
www.byoblu.com Banca Centrale Europea: conferenza stampa di Mario Draghi dopo la decisione di lasciare i tassi dell'Eurozona invariati all'1%. Un giornalista gli chiede del MES, il trattato di stabilizzazione europea, in relazione al nuovo orientamente che lo vorrebbe destinato alla ricapitalizzazione delle banche (come vi avevo informato il 30 marzo scorso). Draghi infila una balla colossale senza colpo ferire. E rivela un'indole protettiva nei confronti degli istituti bancari che nei confronti delle democrazie sembra ignorare del tutto. L'incredibile, stratosferica balla Draghi la sgancia quando, dal minuto 56:41 in poi, dice: "da una parte, l'ESM consentirebbe la ricapitalizzazione delle banche senza aumentare il debito degli Stati". Peccato che siano proprio gli stati a conferire i fondi nel MES. La nostra quota parte, per esempio, sarà di 125 miliardi (cominciamo a pagarne 8 quest'anno) e, non avendoli, evidentemente li prenderemo a debito. Quindi i soldi per la ricapitalizzazione delle banche li verseremo noi, indebitandoci. Perché Draghi tralascia questo piccolo, insignificante particolare? Ma la seconda osservazione di Draghi suona, se possibile, ancora più sinistra. Ed è l'esatta fotografia della scala dei valori che i tecnocrati adottano nel decidere delle nostre vite. Ipotizzando un utlizzo del MES per ricapitalizzare le banche della zona Ue - il quale sarebbe possibile solo con una modifica del trattato, che non è ancora stato ratificato - il presidente della ...
- published: 07 Jun 2012
- views: 18111
- author: byoblu

ATTENZIONE: se veramente vuoi avere delle speranze di sopravivenza , devi conoscere il nem...
published: 04 Mar 2012
author: Rorro David
ATTENZIONE: se veramente vuoi avere delle speranze di sopravivenza , devi conoscere il nemico e devi sapere come agisce. questo non è un discorso di sinistra o di destra ma va oltre ...
- published: 04 Mar 2012
- views: 23641
- author: Rorro David

Thutmose, Bust of Nefertiti, c. 1340 BCE
Thutmose, Model Bust of Queen Nefertiti, New Kingdom, 18th dynasty, c. 1340 BCE, limestone...
published: 04 Aug 2012
author: smarthistoryvideos
Thutmose, Bust of Nefertiti, c. 1340 BCE
Thutmose, Model Bust of Queen Nefertiti, New Kingdom, 18th dynasty, c. 1340 BCE, limestone and plaster (Egyptian Museum and Papyrus Collection/Neues Museum, Berlin)
- published: 04 Aug 2012
- views: 6309
- author: smarthistoryvideos

Southampton v Bournemouth BCE in Weymouth, July 2011
Bournemouth at the bottom of the screen in the black coats....
published: 03 Feb 2013
author: Dot Cotton
Southampton v Bournemouth BCE in Weymouth, July 2011
Bournemouth at the bottom of the screen in the black coats.
- published: 03 Feb 2013
- views: 3364
- author: Dot Cotton

Irlande - Un Vrai Journaliste face à la BCE... La Mafia bancaire face au peuple
Irlande - Mafia bancaire face au peuple Un exemple typique de politiciens indignes trahiss...
published: 27 Jan 2012
author: Raw Dogg
Irlande - Un Vrai Journaliste face à la BCE... La Mafia bancaire face au peuple
Irlande - Mafia bancaire face au peuple Un exemple typique de politiciens indignes trahissant la population, éludant les questions qui dérangent, et soumis au dictat des banques. Anglo Irish Bank n'a plus de clients: impossible d'y déposer de l'argent ou d'obtenir un crédit. Pourtant, l'Etat irlandais continue de rembourser à coup de milliards les créanciers privés de cette banque en faillite. Une injustice que dénoncent les associations, syndicats, et citoyens. Pour la BCE, l'Irlande fera face à l'équivalent "d'une explosion à Dublin" si elle ne remplit pas ses engagements. L'Irlande n'a pas fini de payer le prix de la bulle immobilière qui l'a frappée de plein fouet en 2008. Les banques du pays, coupables et victimes de cette crise, ont du être renflouées à de multiples reprises par le gouvernement irlandais et constituent aujourd'hui une lourde charge pour le budget gouvernemental, et pour les contribuables. Au total près de 47 milliards d'euros ont été débloqués pour recapitaliser et nationaliser les banques... Merci à rikiai : www.dailymotion.com
- published: 27 Jan 2012
- views: 21761
- author: Raw Dogg

Let's play Rome Total War (EB) - part 74 "Battle at Assyrie of 245 BCE"
In your face, Egypt. This LP is recorded on my new computer (i5-3570k, 8GB RAM, SSD harddr...
published: 20 Feb 2013
author: Alfapiomega
Let's play Rome Total War (EB) - part 74 "Battle at Assyrie of 245 BCE"
In your face, Egypt. This LP is recorded on my new computer (i5-3570k, 8GB RAM, SSD harddrive, SAPPHIRE HD 7850 OC). As I stated in the video this is Europa Barbarorum mod (www.europabarbarorum.com) that I play as Hayasdan on Very Hard / Very Hard, maximum graphics and huge unit sizes. The additional rules I set for myself are: a) no abuse of the game, b) no other than tax management in settlements without a family character. Special thanks to Volound for giving me this challenge (feel free to check his channel at www.youtube.com/volound), he does a lof of Total War games as well.
- published: 20 Feb 2013
- views: 6
- author: Alfapiomega

Standard of Ur, c. 2600-2400 BCE
Standard of Ur, c. 2600-2400 BCE, 21.59 x 49.5 x 12 cm (British Museum) Speakers: Dr. Stev...
published: 03 Jun 2012
author: smarthistoryvideos
Standard of Ur, c. 2600-2400 BCE
Standard of Ur, c. 2600-2400 BCE, 21.59 x 49.5 x 12 cm (British Museum) Speakers: Dr. Steven Zucker & Dr. Beth Harris
- published: 03 Jun 2012
- views: 35955
- author: smarthistoryvideos

The Pergamon Altar, c. 200-150 BCE
The Pergamon Altar, c. 200-150 BCE, 35.64 x 33.4 meters (Pergamon Museum, Berlin) View thi...
published: 02 Apr 2012
author: smarthistoryvideos
The Pergamon Altar, c. 200-150 BCE
The Pergamon Altar, c. 200-150 BCE, 35.64 x 33.4 meters (Pergamon Museum, Berlin) View this work up close on the Google Art Project: www.googleartproject.com
- published: 02 Apr 2012
- views: 9520
- author: smarthistoryvideos

"Ma voi sosterrete il governo Monti?" Mi g'ha disi [tr. io gli ho detto]: "ma, vedremo. C'...
published: 23 Sep 2012
author: ALBAMED
"Ma voi sosterrete il governo Monti?" Mi g'ha disi [tr. io gli ho detto]: "ma, vedremo. C'è un governo in carica, se cade vedremo chi verrà nominato e decideremo." "No, no, no. Verrà fatto il governo Monti. Voi lo sosterrete?" Al che ti girano un po' i santissimi. Gli dico: "no, non funziona così. Noi siamo stati eletti in una maggioranza, se la maggioranza non sta più in piedi si va e si vota e il popolo decide chi governa." "No, no, no. Non ci siam capiti. Se voi non sostenete il governo Monti, noi non compriamo i vostri titoli per due mesi, e voi andate in fallimento." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCADEMIA DELLA LIBERTA' PER LA TUA SOVRANITA' www.youtube.com accademiadellaliberta.blogspot.it www.scribd.com accademiadellaliberta.blogspot.it
- published: 23 Sep 2012
- views: 12856
- author: ALBAMED

Victory Stele of Naram-Sin, 2254-2218 BCE
Victory Stele of Naram-Sin, Akkadian, pink limestone, 2254-2218 BCE (Louvre, Paris) This m...
published: 01 Oct 2011
author: smarthistoryvideos
Victory Stele of Naram-Sin, 2254-2218 BCE
Victory Stele of Naram-Sin, Akkadian, pink limestone, 2254-2218 BCE (Louvre, Paris) This monument depicts the Akkadian victory over the Lullubi Mountain people. In the12th century BCE, 1000 years after it was originally made, the Elamite king, Shutruk- Nahhunte, attacked Babylon and, according to his later inscription, the stele was taken to Susa in what is now Iran. A stele is a vertical stone monument or marker often inscribed with text or relief carving. Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker
- published: 01 Oct 2011
- views: 15779
- author: smarthistoryvideos

Caryatid & Ionic Column, Erechtheion, 421-407 BCE
Caryatid (South Porch) and Ionic Column (North Porch), Erechtheion on the Acropolis, Athen...
published: 01 Oct 2011
author: smarthistoryvideos
Caryatid & Ionic Column, Erechtheion, 421-407 BCE
Caryatid (South Porch) and Ionic Column (North Porch), Erechtheion on the Acropolis, Athens, marble, 421-407 BCE (British Museum, London); Mnesicles may have been the architect. Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker www.smarthistory.org
- published: 01 Oct 2011
- views: 5184
- author: smarthistoryvideos
Youtube results:

Euripides, Stasimon Chorus from Orestes (408 BCE)
You wild goddesses who dart across the skies seeking vengeance for murder, we beg you to f...
published: 16 Sep 2011
author: iwillnotserve
Euripides, Stasimon Chorus from Orestes (408 BCE)
You wild goddesses who dart across the skies seeking vengeance for murder, we beg you to free Agamemnon's son from his raging fury.... We grieve for this boy. Happiness is brief among mortals. Sorrow and anguish sweep down on it like a swift gust of wind on a sail boat, and it sinks under the tossing seas.
- published: 16 Sep 2011
- views: 9188
- author: iwillnotserve

Pair of Centaurs Fighting Cats of Prey from Hadrian's Villa, c. 130 BCE
Pair of Centaurs Fighting Cats of Prey from Hadrian's Villa, mosaic, c. 130 BCE (Altes Mus...
published: 02 Apr 2012
author: smarthistoryvideos
Pair of Centaurs Fighting Cats of Prey from Hadrian's Villa, c. 130 BCE
Pair of Centaurs Fighting Cats of Prey from Hadrian's Villa, mosaic, c. 130 BCE (Altes Museum, Berlin) View this work up close on the Google Art Project: www.googleartproject.com
- published: 02 Apr 2012
- views: 4106
- author: smarthistoryvideos

Le rôle de la Banque Centrale Européenne face à la crise de la dette
Quel rôle peut jouer la Banque Centrale Européenne dans la crise de la dette ? Pourquoi le...
published: 12 Jun 2012
author: Dessine-moi l'éco
Le rôle de la Banque Centrale Européenne face à la crise de la dette
Quel rôle peut jouer la Banque Centrale Européenne dans la crise de la dette ? Pourquoi les États ne peuvent-ils pas emprunter à la BCE directement ? Quelles sont les solutions envisagées pour faire face à la dette ? Cette vidéo explique en 3 minutes les raisons de l'indépendance de la banque centrale, le rôle de la banque centrale européenne et ses marges de manoeuvre face à la crise de la dette. Dessine moi l'éco sur Facebook : www.facebook.com Dessine-moi l'éco sur Twitter : twitter.com Dessine-moi l'éco sur Google+ : plus.google.com Dessine-moi l'éco est une série de vidéos expliquant les thèmes de l'actualité économique. Les vidéos sont téléchargeables gratuitement sur www.dessinemoileco.com.
- published: 12 Jun 2012
- views: 14976
- author: Dessine-moi l'éco

Ara Pacis Augustae (Altar of Augustan Peace), 13-9 BCE (Rome)
Ara Pacis Augustae (Altar of Augustan Peace), 13-9 BCE Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris & Dr. Ste...
published: 19 Sep 2012
author: smarthistoryvideos
Ara Pacis Augustae (Altar of Augustan Peace), 13-9 BCE (Rome)
Ara Pacis Augustae (Altar of Augustan Peace), 13-9 BCE Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris & Dr. Steven Zucker On Smarthistory: smarthistory.khanacademy.org On Khan Academy:
- published: 19 Sep 2012
- views: 10684
- author: smarthistoryvideos