
Statoil: One Of The Best Kept Energy Secrets In North America
It's not shocking to learn that world oil production is expected to grow modestly over...
published: 19 Jun 2012
Author: DailyResourceHunter
Statoil: One Of The Best Kept Energy Secrets In North America
It's not shocking to learn that world oil production is expected to grow modestly over the next five years. But when you look at WHERE that oil growth is expected to come from I bet you'll be surprised. According to a report released by Goldman Sachs the United States is set to become the world's #1 oil producer, leapfrogging both Russia and Saudi Arabia, by 2017. This unheralded rebirth of American energy is a welcome economic boost and surely and opportunity for investors. To get a perspective from the field, today I'm talking with Stephen Bull, Vice President of Strategy DPNA for Statoil. To find out how Statoil is playing an integral role in America's energy boom AND why this Norwegian company is one of the best kept secrets in North America, listen to the full interview. Connect with us on Facebook: www.facebook.com www.facebook.com Follow on Twitter: twitter.com

Russia becomes world's biggest oil producer - 09 Sept 09
For decades the world's major oil producers have tried to control prices by cutting or...
published: 09 Sep 2009
Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Russia becomes world's biggest oil producer - 09 Sept 09
For decades the world's major oil producers have tried to control prices by cutting or raising supplies, which relied on all of them sticking to agreed quotas. But unity amongst oil-rich nations appears to be crumbling. Now Russia has just overtaken Saudi Arabia as the world's biggest producer and it's done it by failing to keep its promise to slow down production. Neave Barker reports from Moscow.

Jim Cramer - Up and Coming Oil Producer
For the latest Jim Cramer, go to JimCramerPicks.com - North Dakota is 4th in the United St...
published: 02 Apr 2011
Author: JimCramerPicks
Jim Cramer - Up and Coming Oil Producer
For the latest Jim Cramer, go to JimCramerPicks.com - North Dakota is 4th in the United States in terms of oil production, and it has doubled its natural gas production. It is becoming the energy capital of the United States. North Dakota has a lot of answers about what we do in energy. We should be developing all of our energy resources. With more energy production, there are more jobs in North Dakota. People are starting to ask what is going on in North Dakota. They are one of the largest wind energy producers. It's not just more energy, it is energy with greater environmental stewardship. The problem with natural gas is to figure out what to do with the waste water. We need to find a way to dispose of the water after we get at the gas or shale. They are looking for workers and driving more people to their state. More roads and restaurants are being built to support all these extra people. At universities, they are developing new technologies that are being incorporated into the energy companies.

The Future of Oil: Peak Prices, Peak Production, Piqued Consumers
The Future of Oil: Peak Prices, Peak Production, Piqued Consumers - Select Committee on En...
published: 16 Apr 2011
Author: HouseResourceOrg
The Future of Oil: Peak Prices, Peak Production, Piqued Consumers
The Future of Oil: Peak Prices, Peak Production, Piqued Consumers - Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming - 2008-06-11 - WASHINGTON (June 9, 2008) - As prices at the pump reach record levels on a daily basis, many consumers and analysts are asking the same questions: How bad could prices get? And what policies are needed to address America's oil crisis? On Wednesday, June 11, Chairman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming will examine the long term prognosis for oil's global supply and demand, and what solutions could be implemented to reduce demand and decrease prices. A barrel of oil reached a new record price on Friday, and many analysts are saying 00 oil is a potentially imminent threat. Yet our own government energy analysts are saying oil could slide back to 0 a barrel, and supplies could increase, even as the private sector disagrees. The Select Committee will discuss this disconnect, as well as the global warming concerns of non-traditional oil retrieval methods like oil shale and oil sands. WITNESS LIST: Guy Caruso, Administrator, Energy Information Administration; Adam Sieminski, Chief Energy Economist, Deutsche Bank; Amy Myers Jaffe, Energy Studies Fellow at the James Baker Institute for Public Policy; Athan Manuel, Director of Land Protection Programs, Sierra Club; Karen Harbert, Managing Director and Executive Vice President, Institute for 21st Century Energy US Chamber of Commerce <b>...</b>

101 East - The price of palm oil
Indonesia is the world's biggest palm oil producer but critics say it is harmful and u...
published: 16 Sep 2010
Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
101 East - The price of palm oil
Indonesia is the world's biggest palm oil producer but critics say it is harmful and unsustainable. Can the palm oil industry strike a balance between profits and environmental protection?

Liberia on its way to becoming a major oil producer with Hassan Hassan the Founder of Simba Energy
(www.abndigital.com) Uganda isn't the only country in Africa on its way to becoming a ...
published: 20 Sep 2010
Author: ABNDigital
Liberia on its way to becoming a major oil producer with Hassan Hassan the Founder of Simba Energy
(www.abndigital.com) Uganda isn't the only country in Africa on its way to becoming a major oil producer, Liberia is also joining the fray, with experts saying it has a lot of potential. Companies like Tullow Oil have already set up shop and earlier this month US oil major Chevron said it would start exploration off the Liberian coast. For more, our London correspondent Carina Kamel was joined by Hassan Hassan the Founder of Simba Energy, a company that currently operates in Liberia

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 9/3/12: The Doomed Dollar and the Case For a Stable Currency
RonPaul2012.com http DailyPaul.com http LewRockwell.com http How Long Will the Dollar Rema...
published: 03 Sep 2012
Author: minnesotachris
Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 9/3/12: The Doomed Dollar and the Case For a Stable Currency
RonPaul2012.com http DailyPaul.com http LewRockwell.com http How Long Will the Dollar Remain the World's Reserve Currency? by Ron Paul We frequently hear the financial press refer to the US dollar as the "world's reserve currency," implying that our dollar will always retain its value in an ever shifting world economy. But this is a dangerous and mistaken assumption. Since August 15, 1971, when President Nixon closed the gold window and refused to pay out any of our remaining 280 million ounces of gold, the US dollar has operated as a pure fiat currency. This means the dollar became an article of faith in the continued stability and might of the US government. In essence, we declared our insolvency in 1971. Everyone recognized some other monetary system had to be devised in order to bring stability to the markets. Amazingly, a new system was devised which allowed the US to operate the printing presses for the world reserve currency with no restraints placed on it-- not even a pretense of gold convertibility! Realizing the world was embarking on something new and mind-boggling, elite money managers, with especially strong support from US authorities, struck an agreement with OPEC in the 1970s to price oil in US dollars exclusively for all worldwide transactions. This gave the dollar a special place among world currencies and in essence backed the dollar with oil. In return, the US promised to protect the various oil-rich kingdoms in the Persian Gulf against threat of <b>...</b>

IRAN ARMY REPORT 1978 گزارش وضعیت ارتش ایران در سال ۱۹۷۸
The Iranian Government is currently engaged in an ambitious military expansion programme. ...
published: 08 Sep 2012
Author: frauenatz
IRAN ARMY REPORT 1978 گزارش وضعیت ارتش ایران در سال ۱۹۷۸
The Iranian Government is currently engaged in an ambitious military expansion programme. The country is the world's second largest oil producer and over the past four years it has spent more than 12 billion dollars on sophisticated military hardware. This report looks at the advanced weaponry now being used by the army, navy and air force and examines Iran's role in the strategically important Gulf area.Report on Iranian Army, one of the most powerful today. Tank manoeuvres, troops being trained, soldiers learning karate and going over obstacle courses, troops marching. Britain and America supply the bulk of Iranian armaments.

Occupy Nigeria - This Is Africa
The government of Nigeria has always budgeted enough resources for the comfort of its offi...
published: 02 Apr 2012
Author: ThisIsAfricaChannel
Occupy Nigeria - This Is Africa
The government of Nigeria has always budgeted enough resources for the comfort of its officials, while disregarding that of the people. Nigerian has 109 senators and 360 members of the House of Representatives, and they are some of the highest paid government officials in the world: Nigerian senators earn $1.2 million US Dollars a year each, which is three times the annual salary of the president of the United States of America. That this represents a drain on public finances is clear to everyone but government officials. Meanwhile the national monthly minimum wage is N18,000 ($112), but many Nigerians do not earn even this, and 57% of the country's 150 million people live on less than $2 a day. The demands of Occupy Nigeria are about more than just the full reinstatement of the fuel subsidy that was removed on the 1st of January (which caused petrol prices to shoot up from 65 Naira ($0.40; £0.26) to at least 141 Naira per litre. Other objectives are: ▪ Reducing the cost of maintaining public officials. (According to Wikipedia, the Nigerian President budgets N45 million ($281496) for the purchase of kitchen and household equipment, while N293 ($1832850) million will be used for "refreshment". In comparison, the US president pays for most of his and his family's dry-cleaning, meals and drinks. Barack Obama can only expect free meals at official dinners, especially when hosting foreign dignitaries.) ▪ Improved infrastructure (roads and transport system, health services <b>...</b>

Putin G20 News Conference / Путин пресс-конференцию Группы 20
(English subtitles / Pусский) Vladimir Putin answered ...
published: 21 Jun 2012
Author: Marine1063
Putin G20 News Conference / Путин пресс-конференцию Группы 20
(English subtitles / Pусский) Vladimir Putin answered questions regarding Syria 7:32 Global Economy 10:33 Olympic Games in London 14:35 Changing G20 15:30 US Trade 17:40 Eurozone 20:18 US Missile Defense 21:46 Putin's Role Model 23:23 Putin's Partner 24:49 The Unknown Putin. Part 1 youtu.be The Unknown Putin Part 2 youtu.be Vladimir Putin's Christian Faith - in his own words youtu.be Russian Faith russianfaith.wordpress.com Russians Defend Christianity / защиту веры youtu.be Christianity Grows in Russia & Declines in the West youtu.be Putin Blessed by Patriarch Kirill youtu.be President Putin & Obama 2012 Путин и Обама youtu.be Putin's Arms Race youtu.be Russia- World's Largest Oil Producer youtu.be Putin, Exxon and Rosneft / Путин,Экссон и Роснефть 2012 youtu.be Putin 2012 Iran (subtitles) / Путин 2012 Иран youtu.be Putin 2012 China (subtitles) / Путин 2012 Китай youtu.be President Medvedev Reforms in Russia youtu.be Russian Democracy (English subtitles) 2012 youtu.be Russia backs Putin with Victory! youtu.be Putin Supported by Russia / За Путина! youtu.be Putin Rally youtu.be VVP , (Putin) Saved the Country (English subtitles) youtu.be Why the West Fears Putin youtu.be article- "Why the West Fears Putin" xlerma.wordpress.com Russia Hinders McFaul & His Protesters youtu.be US State Dept. started trouble in Russia youtu.be West Demonizes Putin youtu.be FOX News Propaganda against Russia. America is the new Soviet Union youtu.be Zyuganov Communist Not Putin youtu.be US <b>...</b>

Putin July 2012, Amazing Speech
(Pусский / English subtitles) July 9, 2012 Russia in a...
published: 01 Aug 2012
Author: gangstrous
Putin July 2012, Amazing Speech
(Pусский / English subtitles) July 9, 2012 Russia in a Changing World: Stable Priorities and New Opportunities..Россия в меняющемся мире: преемственность приоритетов и новые возможности. Click the blue numbers for your subject: 02:31 - International Community 03:36 - World Economy 05:07 - Bomb and Missile Diplomacy 07:00 - Russia Hosts Summits 07:30 - UN Security Council 07:55 - Russia's Foreign Policy 11:47 - Ukraine 13:05 - Asia-Pacific Region 14:15 - Europe 15:49 - USA 18:10 - Russia's image Demonized 19:09 - Russian Citizens The Unknown Putin. Part 1 youtu.be The Unknown Putin Part 2 youtu.be Vladimir Putin's Christian Faith - in his own words youtu.be Putin Knelt & Prayed in Jerusalem 2012 Путин в Иерусалиме youtu.be Russian Faith russianfaith.wordpress.com Zyuganov Communist Not Putin youtu.be Putin (Full Speech in English) St. Petersburg Economic Forum youtu.be Putin G20 News Conference / Путин пресс-конференцию Группы 20 youtu.be Russia- World's Largest Oil Producer youtu.be Putin, Exxon and Rosneft / Путин,Экссон и Роснефть 2012 youtu.be Putin 2012 Iran (subtitles) / Путин 2012 Иран youtu.be Putin 2012 China (subtitles) / Путин 2012 Китай youtu.be President Medvedev Reforms in Russia youtu.be Russian Democracy (English subtitles) 2012 youtu.be Russia backs Putin with Victory! youtu.be Putin Rally youtu.be Pro-Putin Rallies outnumber anti-Putin Rally (why some were arrested) youtu.be VVP , (Putin) Saved the Country (English subtitles) youtu.be Why the West Fears <b>...</b>

Russian Naval Power - A storm is approaching... - Countdown to WWIII
READ: Russia--Syria relations (Russian: Российс&...
published: 05 Aug 2012
Author: EleninNWO
Russian Naval Power - A storm is approaching... - Countdown to WWIII
READ: Russia--Syria relations (Russian: Российско-сирийские отношения) refers to the bilateral relationship between the two countries, Russia and Syria. Russia has an embassy in Damascus and a consulate in Aleppo, and Syria has an embassy in Moscow. Russia enjoys a historically strong, stable, and friendly relationship with Syria, as it did until the Arab Spring, with most of the Arab countries. In addition, Russia's only Mediterranean naval base for its Black Sea Fleet is located in the Syrian port of Tartus. Early in 2012, Russia took a strong stand in support of Syria's government and against international action -- promoted by Western and Arab countries -- to punish the government for its crackdown on the Syrian uprising. As one of five veto-wielding members of UN Security Council, Russia promised to veto any sanctions against the Syrian government put before the Security Council and continued supplying large amounts of arms that Syria had earlier contracted to buy. The Syrian port city of Tartus hosts a Soviet-era naval supply and maintenance base, under a 1971 agreement with Syria. The base was established during the Cold War to support the Soviet Navy's fleet in the Mediterranean Sea. Since Russia forgave Syria of three-fourths, or $9.8 billion, of its $13.4 billion Soviet-era debt and became its main arms supplier, Russia and Syria have conducted talks about allowing Russia to develop and enlarge its naval base, so that Russia can strengthen its naval presence in <b>...</b>

BP fuels America. America fuels BP.
Did you know that BP provides enough energy to light the United States of America for an e...
published: 08 May 2012
Author: BPplc
BP fuels America. America fuels BP.
Did you know that BP provides enough energy to light the United States of America for an entire year? With global energy demand rising, BP is committed to providing energy safely, reliably, and responsibly to meet the needs of America now and in the future. As America's second largest oil and natural gas producer, BP has invested more in America in the past five years than any other energy company. What's more, BP is dedicated to finding and producing alternative energy sources, such as wind farms and biofuels. From Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico and across the US, BP supports nearly 250000 jobs in the US BP is also a proud sponsor of the US Olympic and Paralympic teams until 2016. For more on BP's commitment to America, please visit: www.facebook.com/BPAmerica or www.bp.com

23.4.2012 - 1/4 - Oil SecretsCreativity
Oil Secrets: In the first half of Monday's show, author Dr. Jerome Corsi discussed how...
published: 24 Apr 2012
Author: superpotatomato1
23.4.2012 - 1/4 - Oil SecretsCreativity
Oil Secrets: In the first half of Monday's show, author Dr. Jerome Corsi discussed how Nazi chemists developed a series of equations during WWII which demonstrated that oil can be formed synthetically. Known as the Fischer-Tropsch equations, they indicated that the mixture of hydrogen and carbon with various catalysts under intense pressure and heat, produced hydrocarbons-- such as what is made in the mantle of the Earth on an ongoing basis, he explained. It doesn't take dead plants or animals, dinosaurs, plankton, algae or former living matter to produce oil, and the Nazis understood this, he continued, adding that some of their scientists were brought over to the US during Operation Paperclip to continue their research after the war. However, documents of their research into Fischer-Tropsch were largely lost or hidden, said Corsi, who suggested that the US government and Big Oil conspired to bury their findings because they didn't want the public to know that the planet naturally produces oil, abundantly on a deep earth level. The science of abiotic oil continues to be suppressed and ridiculed, while the "fossil fuel" explanation for oil persists. He pointed out that a fossil is not the animal or plant itself, but the structure of the animal or plant typically filled in by various minerals that have hardened into stone over the ages. Corsi reported that the Russians have long been aware of the Fischer-Tropsch process, and this may be why their country has become one of <b>...</b>
Youtube results:

Producer Michael Braverman: The BP Oil Spill and What Really Happened - Alex Jones Tv 1/2
The producer of Jesse Ventura's popular TruTV show, Conspiracy Theory, Michael Braverm...
published: 10 Dec 2010
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Producer Michael Braverman: The BP Oil Spill and What Really Happened - Alex Jones Tv 1/2
The producer of Jesse Ventura's popular TruTV show, Conspiracy Theory, Michael Braverman, who will address the BP oil spill on tonight's episode. www.trutv.com/shows/conspiracy_theory/ www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv

Oil: "Evolution of the Oil Industry" pt2-2 Dept of Interior Bureau of Mines Petroluem History
more at: scitech.quickfound.net History of the petroleum industry in a Technicolor film pr...
published: 01 Dec 2011
Author: webdev17
Oil: "Evolution of the Oil Industry" pt2-2 Dept of Interior Bureau of Mines Petroluem History
more at: scitech.quickfound.net History of the petroleum industry in a Technicolor film probably dating from the late 1940s or early 1950s. Public domain film from the National Archives, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied. The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and equalization (the resulting sound, though far from perfect, is far less noisy than the original). Split with MKVmerge GUI (part of MKVToolNix), the same software can recombine the downloaded parts (in mp4 format): www.bunkus.org part 1: www.youtube.com en.wikipedia.org ...More than four thousand years ago, according to Herodotus and confirmed by Diodorus Siculus, asphalt was employed in the construction of the walls and towers of Babylon; there were oil pits near Ardericca (near Babylon), and a pitch spring on Zacynthus ( Ionian islands, Greece ). Great quantities of it were found on the banks of the river Issus, one of the tributaries of the Euphrates. Ancient Persian tablets indicate the medicinal and lighting uses of petroleum in the upper levels of their society. Oil was exploited in the Roman province of Dacia, now in Romania, where it was called picula. The earliest known oil wells were drilled in China in 347 AD or earlier. They had depths of up to about 800 feet (240 m) and were drilled using bits attached to bamboo poles. The oil was burned to evaporate brine and <b>...</b>

Producer Michael Braverman: The BP Oil Spill and What Really Happened - Alex Jones Tv 2/2
The producer of Jesse Ventura's popular TruTV show, Conspiracy Theory, Michael Braverm...
published: 10 Dec 2010
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Producer Michael Braverman: The BP Oil Spill and What Really Happened - Alex Jones Tv 2/2
The producer of Jesse Ventura's popular TruTV show, Conspiracy Theory, Michael Braverman, who will address the BP oil spill on tonight's episode. www.trutv.com/shows/conspiracy_theory/ www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv

Midnight Oil - The Dead Heart
Midnight Oil The Dead Heart CBS OIL 2 Vinyl 7" Single UK 1988 Rock Alternative Rock T...
published: 12 Nov 2009
Author: Ju4n73
Midnight Oil - The Dead Heart
Midnight Oil The Dead Heart CBS OIL 2 Vinyl 7" Single UK 1988 Rock Alternative Rock The Dead Heart ... Midnight Oil Producer Warne Livesey Producer Jim Moginie Written-By Moginie Peter Garrett Written ... -By Garrett Rob Hirst Written-By Hirst Kosciusko Midnight Oil Producer Nick Launay Producer Jim Moginie