About this original series

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations, was established as an international financial institution in 1977 as one of the major outcomes of the 1974 World Food Conference.IFAD is dedicated to eradicating rural poverty in developing countries and its mission is to enable poor rural people to overcome poverty.

  • # Episodes

    441 episodes
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Episodes of IFAD

    • President's end year address

      President's end year address

      • Release date
        Dec 19, 2012
      • Runtime
    • Ergonomics 6/6: Minibreaks

      Ergonomics 6/6: Minibreaks

      • Release date
        Jan 15, 2013
      • Runtime
    • Ergonomics 5/6: Phone

      Ergonomics 5/6: Phone

      • Release date
        Jan 15, 2013
      • Runtime
    • Ergonomics 4/6: Monitor

      Ergonomics 4/6: Monitor

      • Release date
        Jan 15, 2013
      • Runtime
    • Ergonomics 3/6: Keyboard & Mouse

      Ergonomics 3/6: Keyboard & Mouse

      • Release date
        Jan 15, 2013
      • Runtime
    • Ergonomics 2/6: Chair

      Ergonomics 2/6: Chair

      • Release date
        Jan 15, 2013
      • Runtime
    • Ergonomics 1/6: Posture

      Ergonomics 1/6: Posture

      • Release date
        Jan 15, 2013
      • Runtime
    • Staff Awards 2012

      Staff Awards 2012

      • Release date
        Dec 18, 2012
      • Runtime
    • Successful PPPs along Agricultural Value Chains ...

      Pt 5/5 General discussions moderated by Mylène Kherallah, Senior Technical Advisor, PTA Successful Public Private Partnerships along Agricultural Value Chains - Project Experiences from World Bank, GIZ, and Colombia The objective of the workshop is to learn from the different kinds of public-private partnership (PPP) models that leading agencies have supported and their experiences with these models. The focus will be on specific project experiences along agricultural value chains in order to ...

      • Release date
        Dec 10, 2012
      • Runtime
    • Successful PPPs along Agricultural Value Chains ...

      Pt 4/5 Colombian Productive Partnerships Project Gonzalo Paredes Hernández, Social and Enterprise Advisor, Colombian Productive Partnerships Project Successful Public Private Partnerships along Agricultural Value Chains - Project Experiences from World Bank, GIZ, and Colombia The objective of the workshop is to learn from the different kinds of public-private partnership (PPP) models that leading agencies have supported and their experiences with these models. The focus will be on specific pro...

      • Release date
        Dec 10, 2012
      • Runtime