- published: 21 Oct 2010
- views: 316
- author: CriminologyTV

Chief Commissioner Simon Overland: Part 1
International Serious and Organised Crime Conference 2010: Conference opening Chief Commis...
published: 21 Oct 2010
author: CriminologyTV
Chief Commissioner Simon Overland: Part 1
International Serious and Organised Crime Conference 2010: Conference opening Chief Commissioner Simon Overland, Victoria Police.
- published: 21 Oct 2010
- views: 316
- author: CriminologyTV

The Chief Commissioner with a beard...
Ross and John asked for a mock up of the Victorian Chief Commissioner Ken Lay with a beard...
published: 07 Jun 2012
author: 3AWRadio
The Chief Commissioner with a beard...
Ross and John asked for a mock up of the Victorian Chief Commissioner Ken Lay with a beard to see if facial hair would reduced public trust. Neil Mitchell sh...
- published: 07 Jun 2012
- views: 272
- author: 3AWRadio

Highlights from Chief Commissioner's Award 2012 at Iontas Building NUI Maynooth
The Chief Commissioners Award is an Award in the Catholic Guides of Ireland for the Guide ...
published: 18 Oct 2012
author: catholicguides
Highlights from Chief Commissioner's Award 2012 at Iontas Building NUI Maynooth
The Chief Commissioners Award is an Award in the Catholic Guides of Ireland for the Guide section for girls aged 12 and over, who want to try a little someth...
- published: 18 Oct 2012
- views: 29
- author: catholicguides

Antogito interviews the Vice President, Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka - KSA Chief Commissioner
An interview conducted at the KSA Headquarters on 100 years of Scouting in Kenya....
published: 08 Apr 2011
author: Antogito
Antogito interviews the Vice President, Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka - KSA Chief Commissioner
An interview conducted at the KSA Headquarters on 100 years of Scouting in Kenya.
- published: 08 Apr 2011
- views: 54
- author: Antogito

Scouts SA Chief Commissioner drives the STUD robot
Scouts SA Chief Commissioner Chris Bates in the drivers seat for team STUD at a FLL demo m...
published: 17 Feb 2013
author: FLL STUD OneTreeHill
Scouts SA Chief Commissioner drives the STUD robot
Scouts SA Chief Commissioner Chris Bates in the drivers seat for team STUD at a FLL demo match held at the One Tree Hill Scout Hall.
- published: 17 Feb 2013
- views: 114
- author: FLL STUD OneTreeHill

What Rupi Dhanda Stands For - Gloucestershire Police Chief Commissioner Election 2012
Campaign Site: http://www.TogetherWithRupi.co.uk Rupi Dhanda is standing for the position ...
published: 16 May 2012
author: TogetherWith Rupi
What Rupi Dhanda Stands For - Gloucestershire Police Chief Commissioner Election 2012
Campaign Site: http://www.TogetherWithRupi.co.uk Rupi Dhanda is standing for the position of Election Police Chief Commissioner in Gloucestershire 2012. Rupi...
- published: 16 May 2012
- views: 461
- author: TogetherWith Rupi

Barbara Hall Interview - Chief Commissioner, Ontario Human Rights Commission
Barbara is the former Mayor of Toronto Tell us what you think Interviewed by Jacob - Youth...
published: 25 Jan 2012
author: ProvincialAdvocate
Barbara Hall Interview - Chief Commissioner, Ontario Human Rights Commission
Barbara is the former Mayor of Toronto Tell us what you think Interviewed by Jacob - Youth Volunteer, Social Media Team Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/our...
- published: 25 Jan 2012
- views: 213
- author: ProvincialAdvocate

Christmas message from the Chief Commissioner of Crime Stoppers 24 December 2012
Coming into the busy Christmas and New Year period, it is important to remember that we ar...
published: 23 Dec 2012
author: CrimeStoppersVicAU
Christmas message from the Chief Commissioner of Crime Stoppers 24 December 2012
Coming into the busy Christmas and New Year period, it is important to remember that we are all responsible for not only our own safety, but also the safety ...
- published: 23 Dec 2012
- views: 214
- author: CrimeStoppersVicAU

EVAs Media Awards July 26 2012 Interview with Ken Lay, Chief Commissioner of Police, Victoria Police
The EVAs Media Awards July 26, 2012 Vox Pops Interview with Chief Commissioner of Victoria...
published: 19 Sep 2012
author: EVAsMediaAwards
EVAs Media Awards July 26 2012 Interview with Ken Lay, Chief Commissioner of Police, Victoria Police
The EVAs Media Awards July 26, 2012 Vox Pops Interview with Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police, Ken Lay. For more info www.evas.org.au The EVAs Media Awar...
- published: 19 Sep 2012
- views: 32
- author: EVAsMediaAwards

K Jayakumar Doesn't Like to Continue as Chief Commissioner of Travancore Devaswam Board
തിരുവിതാംകൂര് ദേവസ്വം ബോര്ഡ് ചീഫ് കമ്മീഷണര് സ്ഥാനത്ത് തുടരാനില്ലെന്ന് കെ.ജയകുമാര് സര്...
published: 13 Nov 2012
author: Indiavision onlive
K Jayakumar Doesn't Like to Continue as Chief Commissioner of Travancore Devaswam Board
തിരുവിതാംകൂര് ദേവസ്വം ബോര്ഡ് ചീഫ് കമ്മീഷണര് സ്ഥാനത്ത് തുടരാനില്ലെന്ന് കെ.ജയകുമാര് സര്ക്കാരിനെ അറിയിച്ചു. ബോര്ഡ് നിലവില് വന്ന സാഹചര്യത്തില് രണ്ട് അധിക...
- published: 13 Nov 2012
- views: 725
- author: Indiavision onlive

Michael Wardlow - Chief Commissioner, ECNI
published: 29 Mar 2013
author: equality890
Michael Wardlow - Chief Commissioner, ECNI
- published: 29 Mar 2013
- views: 5
- author: equality890

UK Chief Commissioner Wayne Bulpitt
A member of Scouting since the age of eight, Wayne was appointed UK Chief Commissioner in ...
published: 17 May 2009
author: UKScoutAssociation
UK Chief Commissioner Wayne Bulpitt
A member of Scouting since the age of eight, Wayne was appointed UK Chief Commissioner in May 2009 having been Chief Commissioner of England (South) since Se...
- published: 17 May 2009
- views: 2217
- author: UKScoutAssociation

James Smallberger, Deputy Chief Commissioner for Correctional Services on SAfm
He explains the difference between the old and the new Correctional Services Act on SAFM o...
published: 06 Feb 2013
author: sabcdigitalnews
James Smallberger, Deputy Chief Commissioner for Correctional Services on SAfm
He explains the difference between the old and the new Correctional Services Act on SAFM on 6 February 2013.
- published: 06 Feb 2013
- views: 8
- author: sabcdigitalnews

Chief Commissioner Ken Lay and Jobe Watson
Victoria Police Chief Commissioner and Essendon tragic, Ken Lay, joins Bombers captain Job...
published: 09 Aug 2012
author: 3AWRadio
Chief Commissioner Ken Lay and Jobe Watson
Victoria Police Chief Commissioner and Essendon tragic, Ken Lay, joins Bombers captain Jobe Watson in studio with Neil Mitchell.
- published: 09 Aug 2012
- views: 164
- author: 3AWRadio
Vimeo results:

Chief Commissioner Simon Overland
Chief Commissioner Simon Overland has joined the Stop Homophobia Today team....
published: 06 May 2010
author: Scott Davis
Chief Commissioner Simon Overland
Chief Commissioner Simon Overland has joined the Stop Homophobia Today team.

Larry Halloran on HB2372 interview on KAKE
What we DIDN't see... the good stuff hit the cutting room floor so they could EMPHASIZE "t...
published: 16 Mar 2011
author: Bob Bowser
Larry Halloran on HB2372 interview on KAKE
What we DIDN't see... the good stuff hit the cutting room floor so they could EMPHASIZE "the color of one's skin" which is NO where to be found in the Bill.
Larry's Testimony in Support of HB 2372
Testimony of Larry Halloran in support of HB 2372;
Chairman Kinzer and Members of the House Judiciary Committee,
We ask for your support of HB 2372; An Act concerning immigration; requiring verification of employment eligibility and making other amendments concerning immigration.
The fundamental question today is not illegal immigration itself. If we are a nation of laws and are faithful to our obligations as citizens or legislators then we will rightfully conclude that the rule of law is the bedrock foundation of our society and passage of this legislation should require little debate.
I would not dispute that employer and citizen alike have found the blind eye beneficial to their pocket book but financial gain, open borders or humanitarian compassion are not acceptable substitutes for the rule of law. Yesterdays benefit (however perceived) is today's liability as our citizens find themselves struggling to meet the increased burden of illegal immigration on our society that cannot be measured in financial terms alone.
The blessings and benefits of America are bountiful. But, if they are to be preserved for our posterity and those seeking the benefit of citizenship they must be secured by principled adherence to our state and federal Constitutions.
Illegal immigration is a festering cancer that damages both our society and those unlawfully seeking employment. It creates the necessity for a second society operating under the radar that inhibits the necessary assimilation of new immigrants into the America family. We are no longer concerned with a few thousand illegal immigrants that could be easily absorbed but rather tens of millions that now tax the limits of our social networks. It is past time for the half measured approaches, nod and wink policies and felonious excuses of citizen, employer and legislator alike related to the employment eligibility of illegal immigrants are put to rest. It is time that a lawful approach to employment eligibility verification becomes the rule for all employers and the accepted social norm for all citizens. Of even greater importance is that you, the citizen legislator, honor your oath of office and uphold the rule of law.
Our Founders studied the laws and customs of many nations (both failed and existing) and took from them guidance for our Constitution that best protected a free people and society. For over 200 years, our Constitution has served as the legal binder for our citizens and those wishing to assimilate into a free society. Today, many seek to dilute the authority of our Constitution through substitution of unlawful privileges that in essence establish an equal but separate society within our borders. A society that stands in stark contrast and in opposition to the fundamental necessity of assimilation at the expense of individual liberties guaranteed to all by our Constitution. Such practices serve to disadvantage the citizens and legal immigrants that play by the rules and adhere to our laws by granting unearned favor to the illegal immigrant.
Surely, we are all aware of the inequities, consequences and unquestionable failures of equal but separate jurisprudence practiced at times within our own society. To turn a blind eye or foster such practices is treasonous to our founding principles, documents and the faith of those who gave all to defend and preserve the greatest grant of freedom ever known to man; America.
The challenges before us in preserving the free society and America are indeed great but do include a provision for national suicide. Tolerance does not beget equal but separate in a free society but instead requires assimilation through shared core values and equal application of the laws
Thank you for your favorable support of HB 2372, your service and the defense of freedom for all.
Larry Halloran, Chairman
Wichita - South Central KS 912 Group
Mulvane, KS 67110
Testimony of Lana Reed in Support of HB 2372
Lana Reed
Provided Pursuant to
K.S.A. 75-2973
Kansas Whistleblower Act
On The
HB 2372
Before the
House Judiciary Committee
"Under the current SRS system Kansas taxpayers are having millions of dollars stolen from them through fraud. Perhaps worse Kansas citizens, who are footing the bill, are being denied benefits that illegal aliens are approved for. The SRS system works for the illegal aliens and the illegal aliens know how to work the system...."
Representative Lance Kinzer, Chairman
Thursday, March 10, 2011, 3:30 p.m.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.
Fraud in the Kansas SRS System..
Hiding Illegal Aliens and Fraud.
Types of Fraud.
Fake Documents.
Legitimate SSNs.
Multiple Identities.
Living the Goo

Road Back to the Frozen Four (69 minutes)
[edit]Partridge and his academy
The university was founded in 1819 at Norwich by ...
published: 06 May 2011
author: Norwich Television
Road Back to the Frozen Four (69 minutes)
[edit]Partridge and his academy
The university was founded in 1819 at Norwich by military educator and former superintendent of West Point, Captain Alden B. Partridge. Captain Partridge believed in the "American System of Education," a traditional liberal arts curriculum with instruction in civil engineering and military science. After leaving West Point because of congressional disapproval of his system, he returned to his native state of Vermont to create the American Literary, Scientific and Military Academy. Captain Partridge, in founding his academy, rebelled against the reforms of Sylvanus Thayer to prevent the rise of what he saw as the greatest threat to the security of the young republic: a professional officer class. He believed that a well-trained militia was an urgent necessity and developed the American system around that idea. His academy became the inspiration for a number of military colleges throughout the nation, including both the Virginia Military Institute and The Citadel, and later the land grant colleges created through the Morrill Act of 1862.[4]
Partridge's educational beliefs were considered radical at the time, and this led to his conflicting views with the federal government while he was the superintendent of West Point. Upon creation of his own school, he immediately incorporated classes of agriculture and modern languages in addition to the sciences, liberal arts, and various military subjects. Field exercises, for which Partridge borrowed cannon and muskets from the federal and state governments, supplemented classroom instruction and added an element of realism to the college’s program of well-rounded military education.
Partridge founded six other military institutions during his quest to reform the fledgling United States military. They were the Virginia Literary, Scientific and Military Academy at Portsmouth, Virginia (1839–1846), Pennsylvania Literary, Scientific, and Military Academy at Bristol, Pennsylvania (1842–1845), Pennsylvania Military Institute at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (1845–1848), Wilmington Literary, Scientific and Military Academy at Wilmington, Delaware (1846–1848), the Scientific and Military Collegiate Institute at Reading, Pennsylvania (1850–1854), Gymnasium and Military Institute at Pembroke, New Hampshire (1850–1853) and the National Scientific and Military Academy at Brandywine Springs, Delaware (1853).[5]
[edit]Fire and hardship: Norwich in the 19th century
In 1825 the academy moved to Middletown, Connecticut, to provide better naval training to the school's growing corps of cadets. In 1829, the state of Connecticut declined to grant Captain Partridge a charter and he moved the school back to Norwich (the Middletown campus became Wesleyan University in 1831). Beginning in 1826, the college offered the first program of courses in civil engineering in the US. In 1834 Vermont granted a charter and recognized the institution as Norwich University. During the 1856 academic year, the first chapter of the Theta Chi Fraternity was founded by cadets Frederick Norton Freeman and Arthur Chase. With the beginning of the Civil War in 1861, Norwich cadets served as instructors of the state militias throughout the Northeast and the entire class of 1862 enlisted upon its graduation. Norwich turned out hundreds of officers and soldiers who served with the federal armies in the American Civil War, including four recipients of the Medal of Honor. One graduate led a corps, seven more headed divisions, 21 commanded brigades, 38 led regiments, and various alumni served in 131 different regimental organizations. In addition, these men were eyewitnesses to some of the war's most dramatic events, including the bloodiest day of the conflict at Antietam, the attack up Marye's Heights at Fredericksburg, and the repulse of Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg. Seven hundred and fifty Norwich men served in the Civil War, of whom sixty fought for the Confederacy.[6] Because of the university's participation in the struggle, the number of students dwindled to seven in the class of 1864 alone.
The Confederate raid on St. Albans, Vermont precipitated fear that Newport, Vermont was an imminent target. The corps quickly boarded an express train for Newport, the same day, October 19, 1864, to the great relief of the inhabitants.
After a catastrophic fire in 1866 which devastated the entire campus, the town of Northfield welcomed the struggling school. The Civil War, the fire, and the uncertainty regarding the continuation of the University seriously lowered the attendance, and the school opened in the fall of 1866 with only 19 students. The 1870s and 1880s saw many financially turbulent times for the institution and the renaming of the school to Lewis College in 1880. In 1881 the student body was reduced to only a dozen men. Later, by 1884, the Vermont Legislature had the name of the school changed back to Norwich. In 1898 the university was designated as the Military

Secret Arrest Tape - NYPD Officer exposes mass corruption and is thrown into a psych ward
If you're not up to speed with what's been going on behind closed doors in New York... wel...
published: 20 Mar 2012
author: Occupy Police
Secret Arrest Tape - NYPD Officer exposes mass corruption and is thrown into a psych ward
If you're not up to speed with what's been going on behind closed doors in New York... well.. you should be. The video you are about to watch is the last recording made by New York Police Officer Adrian Schoolcraft before police ( (at the time) Chief Marino (Brooklyn North), Deputy Inspector Mauriello (81 CO), Captain Lauterborn (81 XO) and various other officers in plainclothes) forcibly entered his house, arrested, and committed him to a psychiatric ward. Adrian had spent the better part of 2 years secretly recording what proves to be massive corruption within the New York police department. The sort of corruption that directly affects the average civilian. Below are examples of the sort of corruption recorded, which is very similar to the sort of thing Commissioner Ray Kelly said he wouldn't appologize for in a recent speaking engagement with Fordham Law School Alumni. If you're a New Yorker and you've been a victim at the hands of the NYPD then chances are this man had knowledge of it, and wanted to expose it. If you are not familiar with Adrian's story then please start here > http://www.villagevoice.com/2012-03-07/news/the-nypd-tapes-confirmed/
Youtube results:

CBI searches premises of I-T Chief Commissioner in graft case
The CBI today carried out searches at the residential and official premises of Income Tax ...
published: 27 Jun 2012
author: IndiaTV
CBI searches premises of I-T Chief Commissioner in graft case
The CBI today carried out searches at the residential and official premises of Income Tax Chief Commissioner here in connection with a graft case in which a ...
- published: 27 Jun 2012
- views: 256
- author: IndiaTV

Chief Commissioner Simon Overland: Part 3
International Serious and Organised Crime Conference 2010: Conference opening Chief Commis...
published: 22 Oct 2010
author: CriminologyTV
Chief Commissioner Simon Overland: Part 3
International Serious and Organised Crime Conference 2010: Conference opening Chief Commissioner Simon Overland, Victoria Police.
- published: 22 Oct 2010
- views: 100
- author: CriminologyTV

Chief Commissioner Simon Overland: Part 2
International Serious and Organised Crime Conference 2010: Conference opening Chief Commis...
published: 21 Oct 2010
author: CriminologyTV
Chief Commissioner Simon Overland: Part 2
International Serious and Organised Crime Conference 2010: Conference opening Chief Commissioner Simon Overland, Victoria Police.
- published: 21 Oct 2010
- views: 109
- author: CriminologyTV

Meet Rupi Dhanda - Gloucestershire Police Chief Commissioner Election 2012
Campaign Site: http://www.TogetherWithRupi.co.uk Rupi Dhanda is standing for the position ...
published: 16 May 2012
author: TogetherWith Rupi
Meet Rupi Dhanda - Gloucestershire Police Chief Commissioner Election 2012
Campaign Site: http://www.TogetherWithRupi.co.uk Rupi Dhanda is standing for the position of Election Police Chief Commissioner in Gloucestershire 2012. Rupi...
- published: 16 May 2012
- views: 403
- author: TogetherWith Rupi