- published: 11 Dec 2007
- views: 51570
- author: HistoryCentral

The Amorites: From Arabia to the Levant 2500BC-1200BC
Tracing the Amorites migration from Arabia to the Levant. The western Semitic speaking Amo...
published: 11 Dec 2007
author: HistoryCentral
The Amorites: From Arabia to the Levant 2500BC-1200BC
Tracing the Amorites migration from Arabia to the Levant. The western Semitic speaking Amorites sprung out Arabia in waves of tribal federations roaming the desert/semidesert region between the Euphrates in the west and the Mediterrianean sea in the East. They were restricted from Mesopotamia by their Eastern Semitic kinsmen, the Akkadians. The Amorites of the North will settle the highlands and later fall under Hittie influence, after the fall of the Hittites they will emerge as the highlanders (Arameans). The Amorites of Western Canaan will establish the coastal Canaanite towns that will later evolve into Phoenicia and Philistia. The third group of the Amorites were the East Cannanites (lowlanders) concentrated along the Euphrates, mainly following the water and pasture in the midwest Euphrates region. The Meso-Akkadians regarded the Amorites as an uncivilized unproductive group because they didn't have a harvest they can loot or a town to sack to supply their growing empire. To them the Amorites were troublesome Nomadic shepherds a people with no submission and no house in a lifetime! The Amorites viewed the Akkadians as the oppressive imperial power that controlled their only source for survival; the Euphrates water and the needed pasture for their livestock. This Mesopotamian animosity between the Akkadians and Amorites will give birth to the Zodiac as we know it. THe Amorites marked their age with the fall of the Akkadian empire 2160BC (the Akkadian Bull) and the ...
- published: 11 Dec 2007
- views: 51570
- author: HistoryCentral

Opening Statement
Ezra Levant's opening statement at the human rights commissi...
published: 12 Jan 2008
author: EzraILevant
Opening Statement
Ezra Levant's opening statement at the human rights commissi
- published: 12 Jan 2008
- views: 182203
- author: EzraILevant

The Oscar Levant Show Part 1
A very rare clip from The Oscar Levant Show (1958) with special guest Fred Astaire. This w...
published: 05 Sep 2006
author: Richard Glazier
The Oscar Levant Show Part 1
A very rare clip from The Oscar Levant Show (1958) with special guest Fred Astaire. This was the first time Astaire sang on television. The video quality is very poor.
- published: 05 Sep 2006
- views: 62073
- author: Richard Glazier

What was your intent?
Where I am asked by the human rights commission about my inn...
published: 12 Jan 2008
author: EzraILevant
What was your intent?
Where I am asked by the human rights commission about my inn
- published: 12 Jan 2008
- views: 189475
- author: EzraILevant

Oscar Levant on Jack Paar
Oscar Levant on Jack Paar...
published: 23 Oct 2011
author: mrbasilman
Oscar Levant on Jack Paar
Oscar Levant on Jack Paar
- published: 23 Oct 2011
- views: 15462
- author: mrbasilman

I don't answer to the state
published: 13 Jan 2008
author: EzraILevant
I don't answer to the state
- published: 13 Jan 2008
- views: 152215
- author: EzraILevant

Ezra Levant and MP Brian Storseth On Section 13 Killer Bill C-304
Conservative MP Brian Storseth has introduced a private members bill C-304 to rid the Cana...
published: 04 Oct 2011
author: blazingcatfur
Ezra Levant and MP Brian Storseth On Section 13 Killer Bill C-304
Conservative MP Brian Storseth has introduced a private members bill C-304 to rid the Canadian Human Rights Act of Section 13, the thought crimes law administered by the radical left wing Canadian Human Rights Commission. Ezra asks viewers ro e-mail Prime Minister Stephen Harper and demand that Section 13, Canada's "Hurt Feelings Thought crime law be repealed. Email: pm@pm.gc.ca pm.gc.ca
- published: 04 Oct 2011
- views: 2317
- author: blazingcatfur

LEVANT - Dias Contados
Clipe do disco Elemento Súbito, da banda cearense LEVANT...
published: 05 Jan 2007
author: brunolevantrock
LEVANT - Dias Contados
Clipe do disco Elemento Súbito, da banda cearense LEVANT
- published: 05 Jan 2007
- views: 3665
- author: brunolevantrock

Ezra Levant on CTV
Ezra Levant appears on Mike Duffy Live January 31, to talk about the Human Rights Commissi...
published: 01 Feb 2008
author: westernstandardmag
Ezra Levant on CTV
Ezra Levant appears on Mike Duffy Live January 31, to talk about the Human Rights Commission and freedom of speech
- published: 01 Feb 2008
- views: 11632
- author: westernstandardmag

Ezra Levant Q & A - Part 4
7. Ezra discusses the conduct of an HRC investigator who has threatened to sue him....
published: 14 May 2009
author: FraserInstitute
Ezra Levant Q & A - Part 4
7. Ezra discusses the conduct of an HRC investigator who has threatened to sue him.
- published: 14 May 2009
- views: 10933
- author: FraserInstitute

This Week in Mobile - Jake Levant, VP of Marketing at Fring
This week we have Jake Levant, VP of Marketing at Fring and Michael Koerbel and Anna Eliza...
published: 03 Jul 2010
author: ThisWeekIn
This Week in Mobile - Jake Levant, VP of Marketing at Fring
This week we have Jake Levant, VP of Marketing at Fring and Michael Koerbel and Anna Elizabeth James. For more information, show notes, and an upcoming schedule, go to www.thisweekin.com. Ashley Esqueda and Mike Hobbs host This Week in Mobile. The big news this week included the numbers on iPhone 4 sales: 1.7 million in record time. The epic win this week was a video created entirely on an iPhone 4, edited and shot. The creators, Michael Koerbel and Anna Elizabeth James actually Skyped in. The epic fail this week was the Microsoft Kin, and it's quick demise. Also, the Sidekick was killed off this week. The app of the week was Fring. A great interview with Jake Levant and the gang which was filmed previously was shown. Fring allows you to make calls, video calls, and live chat on mobile devices especially. News: -Apple and AT&T; hit with first iPhone 4 class action lawsuit -iPhone 4 gets a $1 alternative to pricey Bumpers -Apple sells 1.7 million iPhone 4s through Saturday, June 26 -Sprint halts EVO 4G update due to reports of it bricking phones -Android 3.0 Gingerbread getting revamped UI, Froyo living on for lower-end phones? -HP / Palm buyout officially complete -- get ready for webOS printers -Symbian-Guru shuts down, says Nokia is 'losing hard' -MeeGo for handsets makes its first appearance -Nokia to pass on Android, focus on MeeGo and Symbian -Exclusive: Apple iTunes in the cloud definitely happening soon, wireless syncing!
- published: 03 Jul 2010
- views: 1996
- author: ThisWeekIn

The National: Complaint against Ezra Levant dropped
CBC's The National reports on the human rights complaint that was lodged against former We...
published: 14 Feb 2008
author: westernstandardmag
The National: Complaint against Ezra Levant dropped
CBC's The National reports on the human rights complaint that was lodged against former Western Standard publisher Ezra Levant before the complainant, Syed Soharwardy, changed his mind and dropped the complaint.
- published: 14 Feb 2008
- views: 14774
- author: westernstandardmag

Ezra Levant: Man arrested over picture of gun
I reiterate: 1. 4 year old girl draws picture of "Daddy shooting burglars and monsters." 2...
published: 24 Feb 2012
author: SDAMatt2a
Ezra Levant: Man arrested over picture of gun
I reiterate: 1. 4 year old girl draws picture of "Daddy shooting burglars and monsters." 2. Teacher takes picture to the Principal. 3. Principal contacts Child Protective Services. 4. Child Protective Services calls police. 5. Father comes to school to pick up child. 6. Father taken to the Principal's office where he is arrested by 3 police officers. 7. Arrested, charged with possession of a firearm. 8. Handcuffed, taken to police station. 9. Strip-searched.. 10. No weapon found. Well done, Waterloo Regional Police, well done! ============== Even in a country with gun laws as warped as Canada's, the story of Jessie Sansone is still mindboggling. Sansone, 26, is a father of three and Kitchener, Ont., resident. As a younger man, he admits getting into trouble with the law, but claims to have lived clean for years. He's now a certified personal support worker, husband and father of three. He was even reportedly offered a job at the very same school where this bizarre story begins. On Wednesday, Sansone arrived at his children's' school to pick them up. He was asked to step inside and meet with the principal. In the principal's office, Sansone was met by three Waterloo Regional Police officers and immediately arrested. He was taken to a nearby station, strip searched and locked in a cell. His wife was also summoned to the station, and their children taken by Family and Children's Services. At no point were they told why this was happening. It was not until officers had told ...
- published: 24 Feb 2012
- views: 6774
- author: SDAMatt2a

"Idle No More" Attacks Ezra Levant at a Toronto Demonstration
The "Idle No More" movement, which considers itself spiritual, held a rally in front of th...
published: 20 Jan 2013
author: Blogwrath
"Idle No More" Attacks Ezra Levant at a Toronto Demonstration
The "Idle No More" movement, which considers itself spiritual, held a rally in front of the SUN News building in Toronto. Ezra Levant, who tried to speak with them, was treated to a flood of insults. The participants held a sign showing the SUN logo changed to a swastika and another one urging the SUN staff to go back to Europe. Other than some drumming, the spirituality was absent from the event.
- published: 20 Jan 2013
- views: 21502
- author: Blogwrath
Vimeo results:

This Land Is Mine
A brief history of the land called Israel/Palestine/Canaan/the Levant.
Who's-killing-who v...
published: 01 Oct 2012
author: Nina Paley
This Land Is Mine
A brief history of the land called Israel/Palestine/Canaan/the Levant.
Who's-killing-who viewer's guide here: http://blog.ninapaley.com/2012/10/01/this-land-is-mine/

Só de mim
A Diffuse gosta de estar presente em várias alturas do ano, e desta vez, chegou ao Dia de ...
published: 13 Feb 2012
author: Diffuse
Só de mim
A Diffuse gosta de estar presente em várias alturas do ano, e desta vez, chegou ao Dia de São Valentim, com algo que consideramos diferente.
O "Só de mim", conta a história de alguém que já teve tudo, e que só se apercebeu disso depois de perder. Uma história improvável para um dia feliz, contada com a linda cidade de Lisboa como pano de fundo.
Tudo começou com inspiração no video "The Emotive" de Christopher Wong (chriskingwong.tumblr.com) e Kevin Guiang. A química foi alucinante, e surgiu a ideia de fazer algo do género em Português (porque tudo soa bem em inglês, mas não nos podemos esquecer do poder que tem a nossa lingua!), com tempo (coisa que o primeiro autor infelizmente não teve), e com uma excelente qualidade de imagem (algo que o original também não trabalhou). Fica o link do original, para que possam apreciar, a verdadeira obra de arte, e a esperança de que o nosso possa também inspirar mais alguém, a fazer algo único, e quem sabe, ainda noutra lingua! (http://vimeo.com/33047192)
Escrever num papel é diferente de escrever num vídeo.
No início, o nosso texto era bem mais extenso, mas a edição e o tempo obrigaram-nos a cortar algum material.
Ficam com o guião completo mais abaixo, e esperamos que tenham um dia dos Namorados muito especial.
Diffuse team.
*Só de mim*
Tu não sabes quem eu sou, mas eu sei quem tu és… e só preciso de um minuto da tua atenção.
Quero dizer-te que espero que saibas a sorte que tens. O quanto eu gostaria de estar na tua pele. Poder estar na mesma cama que ela todas as manhãs. Ajudá-la a acordar da má disposição matinal.
Espero que saibas que ela só vai falar contigo depois de lavar os dentes. Não é por mal… é por medo de perder o encanto aos teus olhos. Que a consideres um ser humano comum.
Espero que saibas que ela gosta de aproveitar cada raio de sol, e que o café a deixa mal disposta.
Que escolhe a roupa que vai vestir na noite anterior, só para poder ter mais cinco minutos de sono pela manhã. Que o despertador toca cinquenta vezes até que se levante, e que mesmo assim, consegue chegar a horas.
Quero também que saibas que adora histórias do fantástico. Mas não de terror! Que é capaz de saber o nome de todas as personagens de um livro antigo, mas que não se vai esforçar para decorar à primeira os nomes de todos os teus amigos…
Porque ela… ela é que sabe de si.
Tu nunca serás uma sorte para ela. Sorte é poderes tê-la na tua vida.
Ela não é romântica por natureza, mas uma demonstração espontânea da tua parte vai fazê-la fraquejar. Porque ela é segura e doce ao mesmo tempo.
Ela não sabe cozinhar, mas vai esforçar-se para fazer o teu prato preferido. E se estiver mau, vai rir-se do falhanço, em vez de corar.
E quando ela ri… eu tenho vontade de chorar. Não de tristeza, mas porque cada gargalhada é uma nota musical que toca ao coração e faz querer dançar.
Espero que pares de fazer o que gostas e que por vezes tenhas tempo para ouvir sobre o seu dia e sobre cada pequena conquista. Que atures os seus devaneios artísticos e o tempo que perde a colorir livros infantis quando quer ter tempo para si.
Quero que saibas que eu gostava de estar desse lado, a aturar o seu mau humor e a vê-lo mudar depois do primeiro copo de vinho.
Queria poder apreciar as suas unhas que estão mais tempo de verniz estalado que de verniz perfeito… mas que cada forma de vermelho tem uma história que ela construiu com as próprias mãos.
Gostava de me ter apaixonado por ela no primeiro dia que a vi, e não no segundo. Porque cada dia com ela é a certeza de que somos amados. Porque ela é sedução e alegria num só. Porque consegue o que quer com o poder do sorriso e a força do olhar. Seria um tolo se não soubesse que tem olhos castanhos e que adora a cor verde.
Quero que saibas que ela é tudo o que quero e nunca soube que tive.
Aprende que a arritmia que sentes com ela é normal! E que a falta dela é um vazio igual à morte.
Espero que sejas tudo o que eu nunca fui.
Espero que a trates bem.
Porque se lhe partires o coração vais perdê-la para sempre.
Pudesse eu ter lido o futuro...
Créditos Finais:
Actor: Diogo Lopes
Escrito por: Ana Luisa Bairos, Joana Pacheco
Texto revisto por: Margarida Vaqueiro Lopes
Operadores de câmara: Ana Luisa Bairos, Duarte Domingos
Pós-produção vídeo: Ana Luisa Bairos
Pós-produção áudio: Alexandre Pereira
Música original: Alexandre Pereira
Realização: Ana Luisa Bairos
Agradecimentos especiais: Eva Barros, Isa Pinheiro
Uma produção: Diffuse (www.diffuse-studios.com)

Levante sua voz
Vídeo produzido pelo Intervozes Coletivo Brasil de Comunicação Social com o apoio da Funda...
published: 05 Nov 2009
author: Pedro Ekman
Levante sua voz
Vídeo produzido pelo Intervozes Coletivo Brasil de Comunicação Social com o apoio da Fundação Friedrich Ebert Stiftung remonta o curta ILHA DAS FLORES de Jorge Furtado com a temática do direito à comunicação. A obra faz um retrato da concentração dos meios de comunicação existente no Brasil.
Roteiro, direção e edição: Pedro Ekman
Produção executiva e produção de elenco: Daniele Ricieri
Direção de Fotografia e câmera: Thomas Miguez
Direção de Arte: Anna Luiza Marques
Produção de Locação: Diogo Moyses
Produção de Arte: Bia Barbosa
Pesquisa de imagens: Miriam Duenhas
Pesquisa de vídeos: Natália Rodrigues
Animações: Pedro Ekman
Voz: José Rubens Chachá

#153 | Un refugio para Su gloria
¿Tienes hambre del Señor? ¿Estás sediento de Su presencia? ¿Quieres que Él entre en tu cas...
published: 06 May 2012
author: DanteGebelOk
#153 | Un refugio para Su gloria
¿Tienes hambre del Señor? ¿Estás sediento de Su presencia? ¿Quieres que Él entre en tu casa? El Señor no visita, Él habita. Y Su templo no tiene que ser el más esplendoroso como el que levantó Salomón, ni el más puro como el que edificó Moisés. No; Él busca un refugio como el que construyó David, que no tenía la estructura de los otros tabernáculos. No había un lugar santo, un lugar santísimo, no había cortinas ni velos; era un lugar donde los adoradores mantenían los cielos abiertos las 24 horas, los 365 días del año. Así que mantén la llama de adoración encendida en tu casa, elije al Señor por sobre todas la cosas cada día de tu vida… y tendrás un refugio para Su gloria.
Youtube results:

Thought Crime! Ezra Levant interviews Mark Steyn on SunTV's The Source
Thought criminals at work; Canada's premiere thought criminals Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant ...
published: 04 Aug 2011
author: blazingcatfur
Thought Crime! Ezra Levant interviews Mark Steyn on SunTV's The Source
Thought criminals at work; Canada's premiere thought criminals Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant discuss our debauched dominion and Steyn's new book After America on SunTV's "The Source".
- published: 04 Aug 2011
- views: 15070
- author: blazingcatfur

Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant at JUST Subcommittee on Section 13 and Richard Warman Part 2
Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant testify before the Justice and Human Rights Subcommittee in the...
published: 06 Oct 2009
author: CHRCExposed
Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant at JUST Subcommittee on Section 13 and Richard Warman Part 2
Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant testify before the Justice and Human Rights Subcommittee in the Parliament of Canada. Steyn and Levant slam the censorship of the Canadian Human Rights Commission and Canada's hate-finder general - Richard (Dress-up Nazi LUCY) Warman Part 2
- published: 06 Oct 2009
- views: 5083
- author: CHRCExposed

Details of the complaint
What bothered the imam...
published: 18 Jan 2008
author: EzraILevant
Details of the complaint
What bothered the imam
- published: 18 Jan 2008
- views: 47645
- author: EzraILevant

Levant May debate I of II
The showdown in O-Town! Ezra Levant debates Elizabeth May with Terry Glavin as moderator a...
published: 30 Dec 2010
author: FreeThinkingFilms
Levant May debate I of II
The showdown in O-Town! Ezra Levant debates Elizabeth May with Terry Glavin as moderator at the 1st Annual Free Thinking Film Festival - November 13, 2010.
- published: 30 Dec 2010
- views: 2811
- author: FreeThinkingFilms