Anarchism in Christchurch, 1913

Below is a letter to the editor  from Christchurch anarchist, Passive Resistors Union member and IWW, Syd Kingsford. It appeared in the Evening Post, 8th July, 1913 and is equally moving as similar statements of the day by anti-militarists in the US, such as Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman.

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4 comments on “Anarchism in Christchurch, 1913

  1. Love the “robber class”! Might start using that one :)

  2. I love this, it brings a tear to my eye!

  3. excellent! what happened to Syd Kingsford when war broke out?

  4. Syd and many of the other radicals were heavily censored by War Regulations. While Syd kept his head down and worked as a Carpenter, many others like him were arrested and imprisoned for 12 months, charged with Sedition for speaking out against the war.

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