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Frontline 19 - Scotland - Independence and Socialism

The latest issue of Frontline is now available online.

In this issue.

frontline 19

Scottish Independence - Tactics for Socialists Kevin Leetion on how socialists should campaign for Scottish independence and relationship between the official Yes campaign, the Radical Independence Conference and socialists.

Hillsborough Disaster - Truth at Last, Now Demand Justice Richie Venton, who was a prominent Liverpool socialist at the time of the disaster, writes about the legacy and the Tory war on working class Liverpool.

Greece, Spain Portugal - the arc of resistance to austerity hardens Murray Smith reports on developing resistance in Europe

Red Square Movement Shakes Quebec Canadian socialist David Camfield on the student victory in Quebec and how it was won

Paraguay's Silent Coup Alister Black reports from Paraguay on the lingering shadows of dictatorship in Latin America

Paul Robeson - Ol' Man River Bill Scott on a giant of working class culture

A New Start for Frontline

Issue 15 of Frontline breaks new ground because we will not be producing a print edition. The Editorial Board has decided to refocus our resources and from now on Frontline will appear solely as a web based journal. Whilst our print edition was widely praised it required a tremendous effort by a small team to produce. The small circulation did not justify the resources expended. Most young people turn to the web as the first port of call when looking for information. There is still a place for print media in socialist political activism, and we don’t rule out producing print editions again in the future. But concentrating on our online presence will enable us to have more regular content and reach a wider audience.

 We aim to:

 Capitalism is experiencing its deepest crisis for a generation whilst the left in Scotland is struggling to find its feet. We believe that more than ever there is a need for a journal that can act as a platform for debate, discussion and analysis.

 If you would like to contribute to Frontline, would like to be informed of meetings or can help in any other way then we invite you to get in touch.


Frontline to be an independent journal (2008)

Statement on future of International Socialist Movement Platform of the SSP (2006)

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