Each year in New Zealand... over 100 people die at work... between 700 and 1,000 people die of work-related diseases... over 6,000 people make a formal notification of a serious harm incident that has happened at work... and our workplace injury rates are almost six times those of the UK. 
The Keep Our Assets Campaign is a celebration of New Zealand ownership of our assets.
    Fairness at Work is a union-wide campaign to improve the things that are vital to all working people. It has three key themes: Rights at Work, Decent Wages and Strong Public Services. Right now – instead of supporting these things – the Government is threatening workers' rights, cutting public services and not doing enough to ensure decent, fairly-paid jobs.
The CTU is committed to action on pay and employment equity on all fronts: political, industrial and campaigning. Unions are not alone in calling for pay and employment equity and the CTU and CTU unions are part of the Pay and Employment Equity Coalition.