Weekend Edition
(Doug Kerr)

Austerity versus austerity

The partisan battles in Washington hide a bipartisan agreement--that there is no alternative to austerity, and the only differences are over the scale.

Playing politics on immigration

The conventional wisdom is that "immigration reform" will pass Congress. But we should be skeptical about whether it will meet immigrants' needs.

Portland stops the closures

After weeks of activism, parents, teachers and students in Portland, Ore., won an important victory against school closures.

Testing keeps the beast alive

Corporate school deform forces all schools to act competitively--and test scores are increasingly the coin of that competition.

Uprising of the autoworkers

The Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement was the most significant formation of Black workers to organize in the workplace.

Other top articles of the week

We are all still Trayvon Martin

The murder of a 17-year-old in Florida one year ago shattered the idea that the U.S. had become, since the election of a Black president, a post-racial society.

The making of the Mystique

Published in 1963, Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique was one of the first popular expressions of a growing rejection of women's second-class status.

What will stop the violence?

Two residents of Oakland have some proposals for how to confront the seemingly unstoppable spike in crime and violence.

Islamophobia on the red carpet

The 85th Academy Awards ceremony in Hollywood had everything--glitz, glamour, sexism and a big dose of Islamophobia.

What France wants in Mali

A French soldier patrols a small village in Mali

The French government says its military intervention in Mali is a last resort, but the plans were in the making for some time.

Hate crime against a child

The typical media image of racist attackers is that they are "low class" hooligans--but Joe Hundley is far from the fringe.

A united front against fascism

Trotsky analyzed the rise of fascism in Germany and made the case for confronting it with the tactic of the "united front."

Featured Video

Dr. Jill Stein, Chris Williams and Nick Davenport on Capitalism is Killing the Planet: How Can We Fight Back? via

Exploiting a tragedy to attack abortion rights

Anti-choice fanatics are using the tragic death of a young woman to further their assault on abortion providers.

A victory for Palestine activism in NYC

The New York City LGBT Center has lifted a two-year moratorium against hosting events related to Israel and Palestine.

The event is the success

A furious campaign to pressure Brooklyn College to cancel a meeting for Palestinian rights only won the meeting more attention.

Anger at a detainees' death

Mass funeral protest for Arafat Jaradat (Stop the Wall Campaign)

The death of Palestinian prisoner Arafat Jaradat while in Israeli custody has spurred a wave of protest throughout Palestine.

Samer Issawi must be freed

Israel is refusing to release a Palestinian political prisoner who is in critical condition after more than 210 days on hunger strike.

A mighty voice for freedom

Schools and streets may carry the name of Frederick Douglass, yet the real story of his life and the struggles he helped lead remain little known.

On the stage of history

C.L.R. James wrote a play about the leader of the Haitian revolution before penning his magnificent The Black Jacobins.

The Struggle Against Racism

Thousands came to Sanford for a demonstration to demand justice for Trayvon Martin (Gary W. Green | MCT/Newscom)

Read a collection of SW articles about the Trayvon Martin case, the new civil rights movement that is demanding justice and the political backdrop to this electrifying struggle.

A victory over the frackers

The New York Department of Health's delay of a critical study may stop the governor from issuing new gas drilling permits.

Students marching to defend public education on the March 4 2010 national day of action

In this three-part series, Leela Yellesetty looks at what Marxists have said about the vision of socialism--and what past struggles tell us about getting there.

A crying need for change

Capitalism has no answers for the vast majority of people who don't enjoy its tremendous wealth. But what would an alternative look like?

Workers power in action

The best way to see the potential of a future society is to look at the mass movements of the past that have shaken capitalism.

Dreaming of our future

Imagine growing up in a world where you've never known war or poverty or exploitation, and where people's needs, not profits, have always come first.

The Marx Matters Collection

Marx Matters: Articles on the Marxist tradition from has collected our articles about Marxism and the Marxist tradition on one page. Take a look to learn more about the ideas of revolutionary socialism.

When will Bradley's nightmare end?

On February 23, Bradley Manning will have spent 1,000 days in a military prison for the "crime" of alerting the public to America's war atrocities.

Why is he still in prison?

Bradley Manning has exposed war crimes and helped end wars. He deserves our thanks, not more prison time.

A provocateur in Norway

Norway's state broadcaster has aired a program about a police informant who spied on socialists and anarchists for 10 years.

Find out about the activities of the International Socialist Organization

Organized anger across India

An Indian activist describes the response to a call for a two-day national strike to protest the government's anti-labor policies.

A law to silence ideas

An Arizona teacher involved in the struggle against the state ban on ethnic studies in public schools spoke in Massachusetts.

Phasing out a dream

Students, parents and teachers gathered in New York to protest a plan to close Bread and Roses Integrated Arts High School.

Seeking justice for a father

Family and supporters of Victor Ortega, a father of two shot and killed by San Diego police, are demanding justice.

Signs of a broken system

A Boston chemist falsified evidence in drug cases over a period of years, sending thousands of innocent people to jail.

Remembering Wounded Knee

One of the most important examples of Native Americans' determination to resist oppression began 40 years ago.

Black Power in the workplace

In the late 1960s, radicals took Black Power into the heart of American industry, triggering a national strike wave.

Women and Soviet power

Bourgeois democracy promises liberty, but no bourgeois republic gave women the equality that Russia's revolutionary government did.

Misogyny and murder

The murder case against Oscar Pistorius in South Africa is connected to a global epidemic of violence against women.

Harvard helps the less fortunate

Indian feminists respond to the Harvard College Women's Center and its advice for how India should fight sexual assault.

Putin's ongoing war on the left

Representatives of Russia's left are asking for support as Vladimir Putin and his regime prepare for a new show trial.

The many other Trayvons

Thousands came to Sanford for a demonstration to demand justice for Trayvon Martin (Gary W. Green | MCT/Newscom)

The death of unarmed African Americans at the hands of police and racists remains routine today--but a new movement is saying: "Enough."

Proven innocent and still in jail

Daniel Taylor has been sitting in an Illinois prison for more than half his life for a crime he couldn't have committed.

A Rocket with a cause

An NBA rookie has been on the sidelines most of the season in protest over his team's handling of his mental health issues.

Hearing the whole movement

If the voices of the oppressed are silenced in the name of "unity," the environmental movement will never bring about change.

Views in brief

Leninism’s roots in the U.S. | Oppression, privilege and women's liberation | Beaten by a Seattle cop | The end of Bread and Roses | Ending corporate "personhood"

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