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Cartoon by Tim<span class='black'> (Pic: <a href='http://www.timonline.info'>Tim Sanders</a>)</span>

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Current issue: 2342 dated: 2 March 2013

George Osborne’s AAA: austerity austerity austerity - rejected!

Tory chancellor George Osborne’s AAA (Arrogant Austerity Attacks) are in a mess


Pistorius case shows South Africa’s divide

What is the shooting case of Paralympic athlete Oscar Pistorius really about? First, it’s about sport, celebrity, and money

Aid - a weapon in a battle for big business interests

After Britain cut aid to India, Dave Sewell looks at the real reasons for the shift – and how states use aid to further their own interests, not poor people’s

Housing developers attack the block in Southwark

Southwark council in south London has destroyed an estate and sold the land to a private firm for a pittance – Dave Sewell investigates

Syrian rebels advance despite regime attacks

Simon Assaf argues that Syrian rebels should resist calls for Western intervention, despite the regime’s superior firepower

Gladstone School protest

Parents and pupils at Gladstone Primary school in west London protest against plans to turn it into an academy

Stopping the Nazis in Europe

Socialist Worker looks at how the growing threat of fascism across Europe can be challenged as Unite Against Fascism holds its annual conference in London

Full contents


Teachers should strike to stop attacks on pay and conditions

Tory education secretary Michael Gove is waging war on teachers and trade unions should take action to stop his attacks

George Osborne’s AAA: austerity austerity austerity - rejected!

Tory chancellor George Osborne’s AAA (Arrogant Austerity Attacks) are in a mess

Councillors can disobey orders to impose cuts

Services have been slashed in cities across Britain, but campaigners are arguing for resistance to more cuts

Cop 'acted for' Jimmy Savile

There was a real development in the Jimmy Savile scandal last week, while the media focused on documents about why the BBC didn’t run its Newsnight investigation

Hundreds protest at fascist Marine Le Pen in Cambridge

Some 200 students, school students, trade unionists and campaigners protested at the Cambridge Union Society today, Tuesday, against French fascist Marine Le Pen

Cambridge anti-racists see off Nazi EDL for a second time

Some 20 supporters of the Nazi English Defence League (EDL) asked police to escort them out of central Cambridge early as they were outnumbered by a counter protest

Racist EDL heads to Manchester

Around 12 members of the English Defence League (EDL) tried to attack an anti-cuts demonstration in Manchester’s Albert square last Saturday

PCS activists fight for yes votes as civil service ballot enters last week

Some 250,000 PCS union members in the civil service have entered the last week of a strike ballot over attacks on their pay, conditions and pensions

Stealth privatisation in the NHS

Private Firms will be given a new advantage over public bodies in the race for millions of pounds worth of NHS contracts

The hidden cuts that put vulnerable people at risk

Tory cuts are slashing adult social care services that people with mental health problems rely upon

Tories U-turning over bedroom tax

The Tories are feeling the heat over the planned bedroom tax, which will penalise benefit claimants in social housing for having “too many” rooms

Women excluded from power in Britain

The number of women in positions of power in Britain has fallen over the last decade according to a new report

News in brief

Tories let big tax dodgers off HM revenue & Customs last week published a list of nine businesses and traders who have avoided tax


Coalition parties are in the grip of a crisis

The Tories are scrabbling to regain the initiative after losing a central plank of their economic strategy

Unemployment stats - call full time on the Tories

The Tories have leapt on figures showing that official employment in Britain is at a record high

The Troublemaker

Rags owned by millionaires outraged at a six-bed house

It seems there isn’t enough outrage in the world for right wing hypocrites to throw at Heather Frost of Tewkesbury

Things they say...

The week in quotes

Osborne should phone a friend

We’ve all been there

Wanna join the Bullingdon Club?

Fancy moving in the same elite circles as David Cameron, Boris Johnson and George Osborne?

Glamour of part-time work on low pay

Just why are so many people desperate to work in coffee shops?

EDL boot boy who was handy with a blade

Who can the people of Manchester expect to see on their streets when the racist English Defence League (EDL) tries to march there this Saturday?

Detained for Oscar chance

Palestinian film-maker Emad Burnat thought he’d get a break from life under occupation when he travelled to the US last week

Going up... Going down...

The figures that tell all

'Truly British' and in the dark

The “truly British family” of James and Emily Bradshaw is determined to go a year without buying anything foreign


Tim's view

Tim: Understanding economics


Syrian rebels advance despite regime attacks

Simon Assaf argues that Syrian rebels should resist calls for Western intervention, despite the regime’s superior firepower

General strike paralyses Greece

A general strike paralysed Greece today, Wednesday

Italian election stalemate is a rejection of austerity

European stock markets panicked as results of last week’s Italian general election were announced

A human tide rises against market 'coup' in Spain

There were huge demonstrations against cuts in cities across Spain on Saturday of last week

Marikana miner testifies

Shocking testimony to the ongoing inquiry into South Africa’s Marikana massacre was heard last week

General strike shuts Indian cities

Tens of millions of workers struck across India on Wednesday and Thursday of last week as its government prepares to pass a harsh austerity budget

Bulgaria's PM is forced out

Mass protests forced the resignation of Bulgarian prime minister Boyko Borisov’s government on Wednesday of last week

Alex Callinicos

Pistorius case shows South Africa’s divide

What is the shooting case of Paralympic athlete Oscar Pistorius really about? First, it’s about sport, celebrity, and money


Massacre in Amritsar and Indian liberation

David Cameron visited the city of Amritsar in India’s Punjab region last week


Housing developers attack the block in Southwark

Southwark council in south London has destroyed an estate and sold the land to a private firm for a pittance – Dave Sewell investigates

Why was Heygate labelled a 'problem estate'?

Only one of the homes on the vast Heygate Estate remains occupied

Firms compete to make mega bucks from housing sell off

A few miles up the Thames from Elephant and Castle, the enormous Nine Elms regeneration project is already underway

Stopping the Nazis in Europe

Socialist Worker looks at how the growing threat of fascism across Europe can be challenged as Unite Against Fascism holds its annual conference in London

No room for complacency in Britain despite fascist setbacks

The fortunes of the British National Party (BNP) and English Defence League (EDL) may be in decline right now but there can be no room for complacency



Bedroom tax is another attack on disabled people | Who values the family? | Sexism at the Games | Don’t blame immigrants | Well done to BBC strikers | Say no to cuts in Newcastle | Are private jails better? | Gove wants narrow minds | Labour should oppose war


Roy Lichtenstein: dots in the ideals of post-war America

The retrospective of Roy Lichtenstein’s Pop Art at London’s Tate Modern is accessible, refreshingly diverse and hugely enjoyable, says Siobhan Brown

Mayday drama exposes village life

From the opening credits of Mayday you could think you have sat down to watch the cosy country crime of Midsomer Murders

Reviews round-up

Edith Tudor-Hart—In the Shadow of Tyranny Photographer Edith Tudor‑Hart left her native Austria for Britain after being arrested as a Communist in 1933

Background check

Aid - a weapon in a battle for big business interests

After Britain cut aid to India, Dave Sewell looks at the real reasons for the shift – and how states use aid to further their own interests, not poor people’s

We act like part of Nato, says former Oxfam official

Giant aid organisations are inseparable from the British establishment that pays for them

Investors, but not in people

The Department for International Development runs its own investment fund, the Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC)

News & Reports

College workers fight attack on union rights

Management at London Metropolitan University have stepped up their witch hunt of union activists

Student round-up

Sussex university occupiers protest Students occupying a building at Sussex university protested on Thursday of last week

Teachers defy anti-union bosses in strike over pay

Teachers at Alec Reed Academy in Northolt, Ealing west London, were set to strike on Thursday of this week over conditions

Solidarity boosts impact of Grangemouth strike

Forty two BP tanker drivers struck last weekend at the Grangemouth oil refinery near Glasgow

Education round-up

Birmingham university strike UCU union members at Birmingham University were set to walk out on Thursday of this week to defend jobs

Unite the resistance: Conferences to fight back

Trade unionists, anti‑cuts activists and others are preparing for Unite the Resistance conferences to help build the fight against the Tories

Trial of Alfie Meadows and Zak King continues

The prosecution concluded its case in the retrial of student protesters Alfie Meadows and Zak King on Monday of this week

Tyne and Wear Metro cleaners strike back

Cleaners on the Tyne and Wear Metro struck for seven days last week in a long-running dispute over pay and conditions

‘Expect the unexpected’ as Jerry Hicks is confirmed McCluskey’s sole challenger

Rank and file activist Jerry Hicks has been confirmed as the only challenger in the race to become general secretary of the Unite union

Reports round-up

Reject council pay offer of 1 percent | Olympic cyclists’ trial has started | London Overground security protests | Lincolnshire cuts are bridge too far

Blacklisting: appeal tribunal to hear of ‘human rights scandal’

Construction firm Carillion faces allegations of human rights violations

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