34db68598a498e32f75899951a8c603c_XLA full-scale invasion of Africa is under way. The United States is deploying troops in 35 African countries, beginning with Libya, Sudan, Algeria and Niger. Reported by Associated Press on Christmas Day, this was missing from most Anglo-American media.

The invasion has almost nothing to do with “Islamism”, and almost everything to do with the acquisition of resources, notably minerals, and an accelerating rivalry with China. Unlike China, the US and its allies are prepared to use a degree of violence demonstrated in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Palestine. As in the cold war, a division of labour requires that western journalism and popular culture provide the cover of a holy war against a “menacing arc” of Islamic extremism, no different from the bogus “red menace” of a worldwide communist conspiracy. [Read More...]

Recent articles

Marxism, feminism and women’s liberation

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Ka Whawhai Tonu Matou

Militant Classics: Ka Whawhai Tonu Matou

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The year the masks fell: Egyptians against the alliance of the Brotherhood, military and capital

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On “Australia Day” / Invasion Day

Black Panther Billy X Jennings and Aboriginal activist Gary Foley will be speaking at Marxism 2013 28-31 March in Melbourne. Jeremy Gibson introduces these two anti-racist heroes. In the wake of Invasion Day on the 26th of January, questions of racial identity and racial discrimination in Australia have once again been thrown into the spotlight of discussion. Despite [...]

French troops drive through Mali's capital city of Bamako

The roots of France’s war in Mali

FRANCE, THE former slave power of West Africa, has poured into Mali with a vengeance in a military attack launched on January 11. French warplanes are bombing towns and cities across the vast swath of northern Mali, a territory measuring some 1,000 kilometers each, from south to north and east to west. French soldiers in [...]

Members of Disabled People Against Cuts protest in Britain

Oppose attacks on the disability benefit

This year the National government will be implementing changes to the disability benefit based on a similar system being used in the UK. The welfare reforms in 2008 in the UK brought in a work capability assessment. A healthcare company is contracted to do these assessments. This company is currently Atos and its performance in [...]


Order Prevails in Berlin! Remembering Rosa Luxemburg

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Socialist Summer Readings: the best of 2012

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From the archive

History catches up with Tongan King

Tonga, once a sleepy island kingdom sunk in tradition and religion, was rocked by riots on Thursday 16 November 2006, as frustration with the royal government hit boiling point. Almost overnight, Australian and New Zealand troops appeared on the scene patrolling the scarred streets of the capital Nuku’alofa and controlling its airport.


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