Scoop Election 08: edited by Gordon Campbell

Gordon Campbell on the latest spasm of welfare bashing

February 21st, 2013

Just over a week ago in the United Kingdom, the Guardian ran an article entitled “Welfare fraud is a drop in the ocean compared to tax avoidance.” Pretty self explanatory title. The article points out that while people in the UK believe welfare fraud is a major problem, it isn’t – not compared to (a) tax avoidance (b) overpayment mistakes by the authorities and (c) underpayment mistakes by the authorities, whereby people do not receive their proper entitlements. The Guardian spelled it out:

A recent poll by the TUC showed 27% [of the British public] believe the welfare budget is fraudulently claimed. The reality is very different. Last year, 0.7% of total benefit expenditure was overpaid due to fraud, according to the DWP’s official estimates…even against a background of benefit cuts and long-term unemployment, fraud made up a smaller share of the welfare bill last year than it did in 2010/11 or 2009/10.

Indeed, welfare fraud is smaller than accidental overpayments due to error, which totalled £2.2bn (£1.4bn of which due to official error). It’s also smaller than the amount of money underpaid to those entitled to it: £1.3bn.

In other words, if we wiped out benefit fraud tomorrow – but also eliminated the errors that deprive people of money to which they are entitled – the welfare bill would grow, not shrink.
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Gordon Campbell on the Audit Office report on the SkyCity deal

February 20th, 2013

This is how we do political business in New Zealand. First, Prime Minister John Key told the relevant officials to stop their scoping process for a convention centre in Auckland because a “broad awareness” had arisen in his mind that SkyCity had plans for just such a development. Key seems to have attained this insight from a meeting with SkyCity on May 14, 2009 – but subsequently, there seems to have been an onset of John Banks Helicopter Sickness and neither he nor SkyCity executives could “recall an awareness” (for the benefit of the Audit Office) as to who said what to who at that meeting. Luckily though, someone must have remembered to diary in a follow up – because on June 17, 2009, Key’s chief of staff Wayne Eagleson met with SkyCity and got further details from them of their proposal.
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Gordon Campbell on the schools closures, Afghanistan and Hollywood politics

February 19th, 2013

Isn’t it time we closed down Education Minister Hekia Parata, or at least merged her with Anne Tolley and cut our losses? The timing, speed and substance of yesterday’s interim decisions about school closures were all dubious. Many of the changes will take effect from the start of next year, and not 2015-16 as first indicated. (After all its dithering over restoring basic services after the ‘quake, this government seems able to cut education services at lightning speed.)
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On Richard Prosser, and West Papua

February 13th, 2013

Richard Prosser has been slammed for his racism by everyone except his leader. Normally, New Zealand First leader Winston Peters is anxiously hyper-sensitive about what the rest of the world might think if, for instance, New Zealand is seen as ‘soft’ on asylum seekers. Not this time though. To Peters, when one of his MPs equates one of the world’s great religions with terrorism, and calls for racial profiling of Muslims (or of people who “look like” Muslims) then such views merely lack ‘balance.’ Just what is the balance, one wonders, for a term like “Wogistan”?

Language matters. In a moment of accidental black humour during Question Time this week, Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully described his government’s policy towards Indonesia and its human rights record as being one of “constructive engagement”.

The New Zealand Government set a course of constructive engagement on these matters, including targeting extra funding to development assistance—around $5 million a year—to West Papua, and raising directly our concerns about those human rights issues with both Ministers and officials in the Indonesian Government. So in that respect I believe the member [Greens MP Catherine Delahunty] and I can agree.

Well no, not really. McCully seems completely ignorant of the origins of a term he continues to use. Yet even a cursory search about “constructive engagement” on the Web yields this highly unflattering description:

Constructive engagement was the name given to the policy of the Reagan Administration towards the apartheid regime in South Africa in the early 1980s. It was promoted as an alternative to the economic sanctions and divestment from South Africa demanded by the UN General Assembly and the international anti-apartheid movement.

Riiiiiggght. So McCully is actively pursuing with Indonesia the same policies that didn’t work with respect to the apartheid regime (“constructive engagement”) while rejecting the very policies of sanctions, dis-investment, and isolation that did work – and that finally induced the white rulers of South Africa to start the negotiations that culminated in majority rule. Could someone please tell our Foreign Affairs Minister about the discredited history of a term he seems so happy to use? Before he starts talking happily about the “final solution” for West Papua.

What triggered this latest burst of McCullyism was the visit to New Zealand this week by West Papua independence leader Benny Wenda. In what can only be seen as a cringe to Indonesia, McCully did his best to deter National MPs from attending a forum at Parliament on West Papua addressed by Wenda and hosted by a trio of Labour/Greens/Mana MPs. The new Speaker then refused permission for the function to be held at all on Parliament grounds. Leaving aside whether that sort of MFAT strategizing should ever be allowed to trump the democratic rights of MPs, the gesture was merely the latest episode in a shameful 30 year policy of appeasement towards Indonesia by successive New Zealand governments.

We seem to have learned nothing from the recent history of Timor. There too in the 1980s, we were willing to dump the cause of Jose Ramos Horta and the Timorese people into the dustbin of history, in order to advance our relationship with the regime in Jakarta. Regardless, Timor finally won its independence. West Papua is now seeking the same right to self-determination. Once again, we seem determined to do as little as possible – unless and until the Americans step in.

In case you think I’m exaggerating, the sorry saga of David Lange’s policy towards Timor (and Indonesia) is worth retrieving from the memory hole – if only because Murray McCully is so hellbent on making the same mistakes, when it comes to West Papua. The evidence is here:

To Foreign Affairs, East Timor was a dead issue. After a brief visit to the territory in 1984, Michael Powles, our then-ambassador in Jakarta, detected progress on the human rights and economic fronts, although his report was judged too sensitive – it contained balancing criticisms of Indonesia – to be released for media scrutiny. In December 1984, Lange told RNZ’s Checkpoint that “liberty is better overall” in East Timor under Indonesia than under the Portuguese. The grateful Indonesians tabled a transcript of the Lange interview at the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva in February 1985, and narrowly succeeded in getting East Timor removed from the UN human rights register of concern.

Lange had exceeded the evidence, and made Powles look like a patsy. In early 1985, the Listener got limited access to the Powles report. While Powles wrote: “We were not in a position to investigate allegations of human rights violations”, Lange cited a “very marked development” in the human rights situation. Powles wrote: “We were told, but could not confirm, that there had been some acquittals.” Lange to Checkpoint: “People are being put on trial, given effective legal aid, and in some cases there have been acquittals.”

Contrast these apologetics, an angry Horta told me at the time (Listener, May 4, 1985) with our anti-nuclear stance. While New Zealand postured about the threat posed by nuclear weapons, Horta argued, Lange was voicing no similar moral indignation on the world stage over the killings of Timorese by the Indonesian military.

By 1999, and in a subsequent interview with me, Lange was contrite:

Given his past role as an apologist, does he feel in any way responsible for his mistakes? Back then, Lange replies, New Zealand had held the prevailing world position on East Timor. “We unashamedly said it had been annexed. That was our diplomacy at the time. Then we realised the futility and stupidity of that, and completely resiled from it. But by then, I was dog tucker.”

Mistakes? Well, Lange says, more people got East Timor wrong than any other issue. “It caught Fraser, it caught Whitlam, it caught the Rowling people, it caught Muldoon, it caught Lange, the whole shebang.” And has New Zealand ever won anything from being conciliatory to Jakarta? “No, nothing whatsoever. You’re not dealing with a society that we understand. You’re talking about a society with its own moral code.” We have been playing “strange diplomatic games” with Indonesia for years, Lange concluded.

And we’re still playing the same games. At the outset, the international community had promised the people of West Papua a referendum on self determination – instead, in 1969, they got a fraudulent poll carried out under blatant Indonesian intimidation. Over the past ten years, similar noises have been made about a vote on greater autonomy – but again, these gestures have not been substantive. Meanwhile, the killings of West Papuan leaders and the burning of villages (and the appropriation of the territory’s vast natural resources by foreign companies like Freeport and Rio Tinto) continues apace. At a press conference that, thanks to the Speaker, had to be held across the road from Parliament – Wenda spoke movingly about his people “dying on their richness”.

Would anything change if there was a change of government? Possibly.Yet given the complicity of successive Labour and National governments with the MFAT policy line on Indonesia, an improvement cannot be assumed. (In that respect, it was significant that Maryan Street was the only Labour MP present at Wenda’s press conference, and at the subsequent photo op on the steps of Parliament.)

Where to from here? If New Zealand is willing to preach in the South Pacific Forum about the way the regime in Fiji has trampled on democracy, it surely cannot continue to ignore the worse abuses occurring in West Papua. Timor, to repeat, is a highly relevant example. Its history demonstrates that Indonesia can ultimately come to accept that one of its colonized provinces has a right to its independence – and that both Timor and Indonesia will survive the experience. Similarly, our relationship with Indonesia will survive, if and when West Papua joins Timor at the United Nations, among the roll call of free nations.

At both the UN and within the South Pacific Forum, New Zealand should therefore be willing to do all it can to ensure that happens. As good neighbours, we have an obligation to assist West Papuans to gain their political independence and a fair share of their own resources. We should not be busily distancing ourselves from them, in order to curry favour with their oppressors. Right now, our policy is neither “constructive” nor an “engagement” – it is rank collusion. And that’s far more of an outrage than any transient, brain dead column by Richard Prosser.


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Gordon Campbell on the politics of Papal selection

February 12th, 2013

The very public physical deterioration of his predecessor John Paul II during his final years may well have been a factor in Benedict XVI‘s shock decision to resign. Certainly, the steely temperament and intellectual prowess of the former Cardinal Josef Ratzinger as the Church’s doctrinal watchdog in the 1980s would have made any similar decline seem a fairly intolerable prospect. The resignation now brings to an apparent end the “joint” papacies of Pope John Paul II and his ideological twin who have ruled the Catholic Church for almost 40 years, and whose social and doctrinal conservatism – much of it rooted in a very eastern European disdain for communism – has done so much to reverse the liberal tide of the Vatican II reforms. Read the rest of this entry »

Gordon Campbell on John Key’s offer to take in Aussie boat people

February 11th, 2013

In the past, successive Labour and National led governments have been happy to use the poisonous term “queue jumping” to describe people trying to exercise their UN Refugee Convention-based right to reach these shores and claim political asylum. When it comes to claims for political asylum, there is no queue. All claims must be assessed and where they are well founded grounds for political persecution, asylum must be granted. Political asylum is a totally different procedure – or should be – from the UN refugee quota of 750 which New Zealand agrees to take each year. Less than a year ago, Deputy Prime Minister Bill English was happy to blur this distinction, presumably in order to whip up public hostility:
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Gordon Campbell on Steven Joyce in Wonderland, and drone attacks

February 8th, 2013

steven joyce, the mad hatter, tenniel, lewis carrol, alice in wonderland

Lewis Carroll would have had a fine old time with our job figures, and the anxious debate that has broken out about them. Unemployment is down – that sounds good! – but that’s only because so many have given up hope, which sounds rather bad. The participation rate in the job market is actually way, way down. But not to worry, because the bank economists literally can’t believe it.
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Gordon Campbell on income inequality, and Tunisia

February 7th, 2013

The social evils of laissez-faire economics continue to mount, with the shortage of affordable housing kicking off the political cycle this year. The rise in income inequality – and related squeezing of the middle class in New Zealand – is now coming into focus. Local journalist Max Rashbrooke’s upcoming book on income inequality looks like providing a solid platform for political debate on the subject here, in much the same way that The Spirit Level did overseas. Internationally, public awareness of this issue lookas like getting a major boost from Robert Reich’s new film Inequality For All, which was reportedly a surprise hit at the Sundance Film Festival a few weeks ago.
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Gordon Campbell on Julia Gillard, and a Holmes footnote

February 5th, 2013

Australian leader Julia Gillard is one of those politicians who performs best when her back is against the wall – as she was in January when she gave her celebrated attack on sexism – and she could hardly be in a tougher fight than she is right now. Gillard will be meeting Prime Minister John Key in Queenstown later this week having (a) just announced that Australia will go to the polls in September and (b) having seen a recent wave of support for her government slump back into a solid 54-46 lead for her opponents, once preferential votes have been factored in. To rub it in, the same round of opinion polls have shown a slide in her personal support as preferred Prime Minister, to a point where Opposition leader Tony Abbott is now almost on equal terms among voters. Given these polls, Abbott’s task of presenting himself to voters as the leader of a government-in-waiting looks like a fairly simple one.
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Gordon Campbell on Jonathan Coleman’s defence debacle

January 31st, 2013

Like one of those inept British generals in World War One, Defence Minister Jonathan Coleman is more than willing to declare defeat as victory, ignore the carnage – that’s old news! – and move on to the next debacle. Evidently, Coleman has learned nothing from the damning list of errors identified by Auditor-General Lynn Provost in her report on the “civilianisation” process at Defence. To recap: this process was supposed to turn 1,400 logistics and administration military jobs into civilian ones and thereby allow significant resources within the armed forces to be re-deployed. The exercise had been packaged and sold as a win/win for all concerned: Read the rest of this entry »