- published: 28 Sep 2010
- views: 29778
- author: LetsBreakthrough
Face the Truth: Racial Profiling Across America
"I've seen a lot in my life but to be degraded...not just stripped of my clothes, being st...
published: 28 Sep 2010
author: LetsBreakthrough
Face the Truth: Racial Profiling Across America
"I've seen a lot in my life but to be degraded...not just stripped of my clothes, being stripped of my dignity, was what I had a problem with." Kurdish American Karwan Abdul Kader was stopped and stripped by local law enforcement for no reason other than driving around in the wrong neighborhood. Watch stories like his in this powerful new documentary "Face The Truth: Racial Profiling Across America" showing the devastating impact of racial profiling on communities across our country, including the African American, Latino, Arab, Muslim and South Asian communities. The documentary accompanies a Rights Working Group report calling on the government to stop this unconstitutional and humiliating practice. Watch the video and take action to stop racial profiling in your community. www.restorefairness.org www.rightsworkinggroup.org
- published: 28 Sep 2010
- views: 29778
- author: LetsBreakthrough
WWYD? - Racial Profiling: Hispanics
In this setting, this takes place at a restaurant where a racist security officer accuse a...
published: 05 Jun 2012
author: mrduckbears20
WWYD? - Racial Profiling: Hispanics
In this setting, this takes place at a restaurant where a racist security officer accuse an hispanic family of not being americans..but will anyone in the restaurant agree with the officer to ask him to show proof? or will they fight for the family?
- published: 05 Jun 2012
- views: 117465
- author: mrduckbears20
Reality of Racial Profiling
Black males are incarcerated at roughly seven times the rate of white males....
published: 25 Jul 2009
author: ABCNews
Reality of Racial Profiling
Black males are incarcerated at roughly seven times the rate of white males.
- published: 25 Jul 2009
- views: 14153
- author: ABCNews
Racial Profiling Solution
You can't always stop people from profiling you racially. But you can do something about i...
published: 16 Jan 2012
author: Aaron Michael King
Racial Profiling Solution
You can't always stop people from profiling you racially. But you can do something about it.
- published: 16 Jan 2012
- views: 2030
- author: Aaron Michael King
Racial profiling on the rise in the US
Four officers in the US state of Connecticut have been charged with using race as the prim...
published: 12 Feb 2012
author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Racial profiling on the rise in the US
Four officers in the US state of Connecticut have been charged with using race as the primary reason for alleging that people have committed a crime. Al Jazeera's Kimberly Halkett reports from Connecticut.
- published: 12 Feb 2012
- views: 4239
- author: AlJazeeraEnglish
StereoTypes - Racial Profiling and Guns
Stop and Frisk has been defended by the NYPD, saying it is an effective way of getting ill...
published: 22 Dec 2012
author: iamOTHER
StereoTypes - Racial Profiling and Guns
Stop and Frisk has been defended by the NYPD, saying it is an effective way of getting illegal guns off the streets. We talk about this controversial policy and gun control in general in this week's episode of StereoTypes, shot months before the incident at Sandy Hook Elementary. The Nation is in mourning and now more than ever it's important to explore these topics in light of the recent tragedy. We want to know your thoughts on the issues raised in this episode, please comment below to keep the conversation going. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims and their families. Watch more StereoTypes here: bit.ly Subscribe to i am OTHER on YouTube to stay updated on our releases: www.youtube.com Videos, news and more: www.iamOTHER.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com i am OTHER: Executive Producer - Pharrell Williams General Manager - Caron Veazey Creative Director - Mimi Valdés Executive Producer - Robin Frank Producer - Bethany Gould DoP/Editor - Gabriel Stanley Assistant Producer - Alexandra DePersia Digital Marketing - Aviva Yael i am OTHER Motion Graphics by Syndrome
- published: 22 Dec 2012
- views: 33988
- author: iamOTHER
Click Here to Tweet Out This Video! clicktotweet.com TWITTER: www.twitter.com TUMBLR: www....
published: 25 Oct 2012
author: jussttom
Click Here to Tweet Out This Video! clicktotweet.com TWITTER: www.twitter.com TUMBLR: www.jussttom.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM Jussttom
- published: 25 Oct 2012
- views: 3417
- author: jussttom
NYPD racially profiling Muslims confirmed
If you think racial profiling in the US is a thing of the past, think again. Recent report...
published: 24 Feb 2012
author: RTAmerica
NYPD racially profiling Muslims confirmed
If you think racial profiling in the US is a thing of the past, think again. Recent reports confirm that the NYPD have covertly been monitoring and spying on Muslims. Some of the actions include gathering information on Mosques, Muslim owned businesses and following Muslim college students. Although the Muslim Americans haven't been tied to any terrorist groups, NYPD continues to violate the privacy of these individuals. Linda Sarsour, executive director of the Arab American Association of New York, joins us for more. Like us and/or follow us: twitter.com www.facebook.com
- published: 24 Feb 2012
- views: 12467
- author: RTAmerica
Muslim solicitor Adam Houda from Bankstown in Sydney's west is taking legal action against...
published: 28 Aug 2012
author: Sydney Copwatch
Muslim solicitor Adam Houda from Bankstown in Sydney's west is taking legal action against the NSW Police over his wrongful arrest not once, but six-times - 1 June 2012.
- published: 28 Aug 2012
- views: 687
- author: Sydney Copwatch
Dungeon Bastard - Guide to Racial Profiling -- Dwarves
Why do dwarves rule??? Because they do!! ------------------------------ FOR MORE KEEN GAMI...
published: 27 Sep 2011
author: epicleveltv
Dungeon Bastard - Guide to Racial Profiling -- Dwarves
Why do dwarves rule??? Because they do!! ------------------------------ FOR MORE KEEN GAMING ADVICE, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR THE BEST OF ALL THINGS EPIC LEVEL, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR JUST PLAIN FUNNY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR ALL THAT IS LEGENDARY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR HILARIOUS, HARD CORE PUNK, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR GREAT SCI-FI, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR XOMBIES, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE ZOMBIES (aka Bite Me), GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR VAMPIRES, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR GHOULISH COMEDY, GO TO: www.youtube.com ------------------------------ See where video games really came from! www.youtube.com
- published: 27 Sep 2011
- views: 32691
- author: epicleveltv
Police Racial Profiling + ★DSVD★ David Spates video diary # 32
Click to tweet! clicktotweet.com ★★★★★ "Police Racial Profiling " # 32Check out his many o...
published: 06 Oct 2011
author: David Spates
Police Racial Profiling + ★DSVD★ David Spates video diary # 32
Click to tweet! clicktotweet.com ★★★★★ "Police Racial Profiling " # 32Check out his many other sketch comedy and vlog videos at www.youtube.com Many more videos on the way! Music by: www.youtube.com Check Out David's Sketch Comedy Videos Playlist at: www.youtube.com Check Out his Vlog videos playlist at: www.youtube.com Check out his "Dear Dave" videos playlist at : www.youtube.com Check Out his Video Diaries playlist at: www.youtube.com Check Out his random videos playlist at: www.youtube.com Add David on these other sites www.facebook.com twitter.com myspace.com blogtv.com tagged.com youtube.com T-shirts @ Merch at www.DavidSpates.Spreadshirt.com
- published: 06 Oct 2011
- views: 29558
- author: David Spates
Bill O'Reilly Defends 'Stop And Frisk' Racial Profiling
"Bill O'Reilly defended what he readily called "racial profiling" in New York during his T...
published: 06 Jun 2012
author: TheYoungTurks
Bill O'Reilly Defends 'Stop And Frisk' Racial Profiling
"Bill O'Reilly defended what he readily called "racial profiling" in New York during his Tuesday appearance on Fox News' morning show, "Fox & Friends." O'Reilly charged that Gov. Andrew Cuomo's proposal to decriminalize small amounts marijuana possession had more to do with racial profiling than drugs...".* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down. *Read more here: www.huffingtonpost.com Support The Young Turks by Subscribing bit.ly Like Us on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow Us on Twitter: twitter.com Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com
- published: 06 Jun 2012
- views: 50517
- author: TheYoungTurks
WWYD? - Racial Profiling: Hispanics 2
These are the last ones to be put up as the rest you can find elsewhere on yt or on their ...
published: 09 Jun 2012
author: mrduckbears20
WWYD? - Racial Profiling: Hispanics 2
These are the last ones to be put up as the rest you can find elsewhere on yt or on their site now that it's on hiatus. In this scene we are shown how customers react when they see an officer berate an hispanic family of their legitimacy as american citizens..will people step up for the family being harassed?
- published: 09 Jun 2012
- views: 57585
- author: mrduckbears20
TSA Agents Say Logan Engages in Racial Profiling
More than 78 thousand people pass to through Logan international airport in Boston - every...
published: 13 Aug 2012
author: GreatPitchMedia
TSA Agents Say Logan Engages in Racial Profiling
More than 78 thousand people pass to through Logan international airport in Boston - every day. All are subject to passenger security screenings implemented by the Transportation Safety Administration or the TSA. But according to more than 30 of its own agents, many are singled out not as a potential security threat but because of their religion or race. And in the case of African Americans - how they wear their clothes.
- published: 13 Aug 2012
- views: 511
- author: GreatPitchMedia
Vimeo results:
Cardi-Body, from Russia with love...
Cardi-Body & Cardi-Curara...
Depuis quelques mois, les créations automobiles européennes ...
published: 29 Nov 2009
author: Patrice De Bruyne
Cardi-Body, from Russia with love...
Cardi-Body & Cardi-Curara...
Depuis quelques mois, les créations automobiles européennes (et encore moins américaines) ne me passionnent plus, tant elles me semblent issues d'une sorte d'eugénisme industriel ou la créativité n'est qu'un moyen publicitaire à usage des salons automobiles...
J'ai pourtant vécu quelques moments de bonheur au vu des concepts-cars électriques de Renault (Twizy et Zoe) et Peugeot (la BB1), me demandant pourquoi ces petits bijoux ne servent qu'à faire rêver les rêveurs... alors qu'une mise en production ne devrait pas être plus complexe que de fabriquer les petites horreurs re-stylées qu'on nous sert et ressert à grands coups de battages médiatiques distillant de vaines promesses et espoirs...
Ca fait longtemps que sous des faux principes sécuritaires, les Etats Européens détournent le sacro-saint principe de la liberté d'acheter et vendre partout..., un des piliers de la Communauté Européenne, que tous les Etats membres s'échinent à contourner en créant de multiples contraintes et obligations qui s'avèrent bien pires et plus sournoises que les taxations douanières qui servaient de barrières...
A force de taxer et de contraindre le monde de l'automobile est devenu gris et sans véritable saveur, robotisé, quasi uniforme et les automobiles qui sortent du lot, comme les Ferrailleries et Porscheries jusqu'à l'indigestion, ne sont que des arnaques bien plus sophistiquées que leurs mécaniques, vendues non plus par rapport à ce qu'elles ont couté, mais en fonction de ce que les cibles sélectionnées peuvent payer pour leur soif de paraître et pour étancher leur égo...
Il n'y a plus de véritable passion dans ces calculs sordides si ce n'est celle que doit procurer un hold-up réussi, sachant que les crétins qui se sont à la fois fait piéger et se sont piégés eux-mêmes, devront continuer à payer des sommes mirobolantes pour entretenir l'objet de leurs désirs inventés...
C'est cela, également, qui a détruit irrémédiablement les nombreux créateurs et petits industriels automobiles, qui inventaient et fabriquaient des voitures totalement hors-normes, en petites séries.
Certes, ces réalisations artisanales n'étaient pas toutes exceptionnelles, loin de là, beaucoup étaient d'horribles petits canards déformés, des engins apocalyptiques ou des retours aux sources, parfois complexes, souvent faciles et désuets..., mais, en tous les cas, c'était du rêve plus ou moins accessible.
Le plus grand succès commercial de ce type d'engin, furent les répliques, il y en eut d'extraordinaires, mais bien plus d'abominables..., les "Cobra" arrivant à réunir ces deux extrèmes, vers le top-niveau avec les "continuations " AC MKIV et Shelby'revival CSX4000 series..., les Arntz et Dax..., puis, descendant vers le pire avec les Pilgrim 4 et 6 cylindres et surtout les Scobra montées maladroitement sur des chassis de VW coccinnelle en conservant le flat-four arrière...
Il n'empèche, que même si cela faisait rire, les moins lotis de la vie pouvaient ainsi jouer à faire "comme-si " ils étaient riches...
Les complications administratives délibérées, les obligations de contrôle technique, les homologations et attestations de toutes sortes, les sur-taxations, la mise en place de nos sociétés hyper-policées imposant les diktats du Nouvel Ordre Mondial par "une stratégie de la peur "... et les principes appliqués de la tolérance zéro pour tout (et n'importe quoi)..., ont peu à peu dégouté les "ceusses " (les petits constructeurs) qui continuaient à vouloir jouer dans la cour des grands (les grandes marques automobiles)... et comme les lois en matière d'homologation et d'immatriculation sont devenues drastiques et incontournables, tous ces engins, catalogués "Kit-Cars " à défaut d'être reconnus comme vraies marques individualistes..., sont devenus quasi inutilisables et in-revendables...
Le manque de moyens financiers a dès-lors tué cette industrie qui a du se reconvertir dans la fabrication de pièces "tuning " et/ou dans la construction d'engins "aux-normes ", forcément infiniment plus chers, donc peu concurrentiels avec les voitures "de niche " des grands constructeurs...
La crise de 2008 a terminé d'achever les plus faibles, quoique certains irréductibles créatifs survivent encore...
C'est de Russie que vient une sorte de renouveau, mais aucun média automobile occidental n'en cause parce que les journaleux "de chez nous " ne se déplacent que si les voyages sont pré-payés, avec cadeaux à la clé et reportages pré-machés.
Notez qu'à la lecture de mes articles, beaucoup se mettent à publier quelques infos et photos...
Vous avez pu le constater avec l'article en 4 parties sur les Marussia B1, B2, B3 et B4..., aucun magazine n'en a jamais "parlé " véritablement, sinon sous forme d'entre-filets méprisants...
Et pourtant, avec un prix de 70.000 euros, par rapport à ce que les ténors du haut de gamme occidental pro
Face the Truth: Racial Profiling Across America
"I've seen a lot in my life but to be degraded...not just stripped of my clothes, being st...
published: 23 Sep 2010
author: Breakthrough
Face the Truth: Racial Profiling Across America
"I've seen a lot in my life but to be degraded...not just stripped of my clothes, being stripped of my dignity, was what I had a problem with."
Kurdish American Karwan Abdul Kader was stopped and stripped by local law enforcement for no reason other than driving around in the wrong neighborhood. Watch stories like his in this powerful new documentary “Face The Truth: Racial Profiling Across America” showing the devastating impact of racial profiling on communities across our country, including the African American, Latino, Arab, Muslim and South Asian communities. The documentary accompanies a Rights Working Group report calling on the government to stop this unconstitutional and humiliating practice.
Watch the video and take action to stop racial profiling in your community.
Racial Profiling
Last semester I worked through the night on a piece about racial profiling. As sunrise app...
published: 07 Feb 2009
author: Devin O'Brien
Racial Profiling
Last semester I worked through the night on a piece about racial profiling. As sunrise approached I became progressively more delusional, and I experienced slight hallucinations. One of those hallucinations being the appearance of the sun god.
Youtube results:
Racial Profiling, William F. Buckley and Chuck D.
Selected full Forums now available at www.theforumchannel.tv William F. Buckley and Chuck ...
published: 30 Jul 2009
author: CTFORUM
Racial Profiling, William F. Buckley and Chuck D.
Selected full Forums now available at www.theforumchannel.tv William F. Buckley and Chuck D. talk about racial profiling and stereotypes at The Connecticut Forum. For more information, please visit our website at www.ctforum.org
- published: 30 Jul 2009
- views: 26649
- author: CTFORUM
Dungeon Bastard - Guide to Racial Profiling -- Gnomes
What the hell were you hoping for??? ------------------------------ FOR MORE KEEN GAMING A...
published: 29 Aug 2011
author: epicleveltv
Dungeon Bastard - Guide to Racial Profiling -- Gnomes
What the hell were you hoping for??? ------------------------------ FOR MORE KEEN GAMING ADVICE, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR THE BEST OF ALL THINGS EPIC LEVEL, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR JUST PLAIN FUNNY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR ALL THAT IS LEGENDARY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR HILARIOUS, HARD CORE PUNK, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR GREAT SCI-FI, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR XOMBIES, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE ZOMBIES (aka Bite Me), GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR VAMPIRES, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR GHOULISH COMEDY, GO TO: www.youtube.com ------------------------------ 8-Bit D&D;: www.youtube.com
- published: 29 Aug 2011
- views: 37677
- author: epicleveltv
Racial Profiling Related to Medicalization - Implications R? (Incarcerations & Wrongful Data)
Filmed: Friday February 8, 2013 Location: Ontario Canada Technical: Hand held, mini tripod...
published: 09 Feb 2013
author: lividkitten
Racial Profiling Related to Medicalization - Implications R? (Incarcerations & Wrongful Data)
Filmed: Friday February 8, 2013 Location: Ontario Canada Technical: Hand held, mini tripod. Music/ Theme Song: anything rock from the 80s. VIDEO TITLE: Racial Profiling Related to Medicalization - Implications R? (Incarcerations & Wrongful Data) COMMENTARY/ THOUGHTS: What exactly is the purpose of me sharing my story? My story is part of an academic and educational exercise to get people to collaborate on solutions that work for everyone. ANALYSIS: An update. Another example of racial profiling related to medicalization. This time Toronto Police Services. Three girls having a good laugh decide to contact authorities about a black female creating a mental health disturbance in the community. This is not the case. From the perspective of the victim, the victim was going through through some stress and hard times, is this a mental health disturbance? KEY QUESTION: At what point do we being to take wrongful incarcerations related to mental health apprehensions seriously? SOLUTION: The Conception by USA black feminism and conception by Dr. Robert Bullard reminds us that social things have to be factored when addressing environmental justice issues, related to racialized and low income communities. SOURCE(S): 1. USA Black Feminism. 2. Dr. Robert Bullard. 3. Experiential Data KEY WORDS/ SEARCH TERMS: usa black feminism, environmental justice conception by Dr. Robert Bullard, racial profiling, racial profiling related to medicalization, mental health apprehensions, Canada Charter ...
- published: 09 Feb 2013
- author: lividkitten
NYPD Racial Profiling Strikeback: Muslim Students + Allies Stand Together
The NYPD's racial and religious profiling against Muslim students and Muslim student organ...
published: 09 Mar 2012
author: tytuniversity
NYPD Racial Profiling Strikeback: Muslim Students + Allies Stand Together
The NYPD's racial and religious profiling against Muslim students and Muslim student organizations has led to both a student campaign to raise awareness (with a series of photos of innocent students labeled "Call the NYPD) and an ever-shifting series of explanations for why this muslim profiling was going on in the first place. What do you think? Will this student campaign embarass the NYPD into changing its student religious profiling campaign? Or are they just wasting their time? Should colleges stand with their students, or the NYPD? Let us know down below! More info here: www.huffingtonpost.com And if you liked this video, "Like" it as well! :) Subscribe to TYT U for more videos:www.youtube.com Submit a video to TYT U! We love hearing from students and faculty www.youtube.com Follow us on twitter! twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com
- published: 09 Mar 2012
- views: 5542
- author: tytuniversity