- published: 29 Apr 2012
- views: 2229
25. AP60X - Bicameralism
Advanced Placement Government review in 60 seconds for Xtraordinary results. Workin' it on...
published: 29 Apr 2012
25. AP60X - Bicameralism
Advanced Placement Government review in 60 seconds for Xtraordinary results. Workin' it one word at a time. Presented by citizenu.org and the 2 Teachers.
- published: 29 Apr 2012
- views: 2229
How to Pronounce Bicameralism
Learn how to say Bicameralism correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tuto...
published: 27 Dec 2012
How to Pronounce Bicameralism
Learn how to say Bicameralism correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorials.
Definition of bicameral (oxford dictionary):
(of a legislative body) having two chambers:
a bicameral Parliament consisting of an appointed Senate and a popularly elected House of Assembly
mid 19th century: from bi- 'two' + Latin camera 'chamber' + -al
Take a look at my comparison tutorials here : https://www.youtube.com/user/EmmaSaying/videos?view=1
Subscribe to my channel here : https://www.youtube.com/user/EmmaSaying
- published: 27 Dec 2012
- views: 16
Bicameralism in whales
In Moby Dick , Herman Melville pointed out that since the eyes of whales are widely separ...
published: 17 Oct 2008
Bicameralism in whales
In Moby Dick , Herman Melville pointed out that since the eyes of whales are widely separated, they must either, unimaginably, perceive two entirely separate visual fields at once, or in effect, look at only one side at a time.
The discovery that whales do indeed switch off half their brain when diving and possibly when sleeping suggests that Herman Melville had more than a point and the findings in whales suggests bicameralism in humans is a legacy of our aquatic past...................................................白鯨で、ハーマン・メルヴィルがクジラの目が広く分かれるので、それらがそうしなければならないと指摘してすぐ想像を絶するほど、2つの完全に別々の視野に気付くか、あるいは、実際は、一度に1つの側しか見ません。
クジラが潜水する時本当に半分の脳〔頭脳〕のスイッチを消して、もしかしたら眠りがいつハーマン・メルヴィルがポイント〔点〕と調査結果より多くを入れることを暗示するかが鯨を捕るという発見は、人間のbicameralismが私たちの水生の過去の遺産であることを暗示します。........................................................En Moby Dick, Herman Melville indicó que desde que los ojos de ballenas son separados extensamente, ellos deben o, inimaginablemente, percibe dos separan enteramente campos visuales inmediatamente, o del hecho, mira sólo un lado a la vez. El descubrimiento que ballenas apagan verdaderamente la mitad el cerebro al zambullir y al dormir posiblemente sugiere que Herman Melville tuvo más que un punto y las conclusiones en ballenas sugieren que bicameralism en humanos es un legado de nuestro pasado acuático.........................................................Dans Moby Dick, Herman Melville pointu hors que puisque les yeux de baleines sont largement séparés, ils doivent ou, inconcevablement, percevoir deux séparent tout à fait des champs visuels tout de suite, ou exécuté, regarder seulement un côté à la fois. La découverte que les baleines coupent en effet la moitié leur cerveau en plongant et probablement en dormant suggère que ce Herman Melville a eu plus qu'un point et les conclusions dans les baleines suggèrent que bicameralism dans les humains est un legs de notre passé aquatique...........................In Moby Dick hat Herman Melville darauf hingewiesen, dass seit den Augen der Wale allgemein getrennt sind, müssen sie, entweder nimmt unvorstellbar zwei völlig trennen visuelle Felder sofort wahr, oder gültig, schaut nur eine Seite auf einmal an. Die Entdeckung, dass Wale tatsächlich Hälfte ihr Gehirn ausschalten, beim Tauchen, und vielleicht wenn Schlafen vorschlägt dass Herman Melville mehr als einen Punkt gehabt hat, und die Ergebnisse in Walen schlägt vor, dass Zweikammersystem in Menschen ein Vermächtnis von unserer Wasservergangenheit ist
- published: 17 Oct 2008
- views: 298
How to Pronounce Bicameral
Learn how to say Bicameral correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutoria...
published: 27 Dec 2012
How to Pronounce Bicameral
Learn how to say Bicameral correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorials.
Definition of bicameral (oxford dictionary):
(of a legislative body) having two chambers:
a bicameral Parliament consisting of an appointed Senate and a popularly elected House of Assembly
mid 19th century: from bi- 'two' + Latin camera 'chamber' + -al
Take a look at my comparison tutorials here : https://www.youtube.com/user/EmmaSaying/videos?view=1
Subscribe to my channel here : https://www.youtube.com/user/EmmaSaying
- published: 27 Dec 2012
- views: 26
Vimeo results:
bicameral man 2 14-SD Video Sharing
conversation with self...
published: 16 Sep 2012
author: richard dykes
bicameral man 2 14-SD Video Sharing
conversation with self
Bicameral Research at the Autumn Bowl
Performance by
David Linton - video / conductor
Alex Waterman - cello
David First - guita...
published: 15 Oct 2012
author: Chris Jay
Bicameral Research at the Autumn Bowl
Performance by
David Linton - video / conductor
Alex Waterman - cello
David First - guitar
David Watson - bagpipe
Autumn Bowl, part of Nuit Blanche NYC, Oct. 2012.
Timelapse shot with canon powershot g10, ofp 2sec.
50th Anniversary of Bicameralism Bump
Logo Design - Mark Gilbert
3D - Mark Gilbert
Compositing - Mark Gilbert
V.O - Jason Elc...
published: 03 Oct 2011
author: [ Mark ]
50th Anniversary of Bicameralism Bump
Logo Design - Mark Gilbert
3D - Mark Gilbert
Compositing - Mark Gilbert
V.O - Jason Elcock, Makeda Munro
East Village Live: The Sleep of Reason-Bicameral
The Sleep of Reason Bicameral as performed August 28, 2008 at the Chelsea Art Museum as pa...
published: 12 Oct 2008
author: Z Collective
East Village Live: The Sleep of Reason-Bicameral
The Sleep of Reason Bicameral as performed August 28, 2008 at the Chelsea Art Museum as part of the Sonic Self Series. Produced by Z Collective. Dance by Martha Williams, Pascal Reokoert, Jen Kosky, Stephanie Sleeper, Julie Fotheringham. Soundscape By ZGT/Amoeba Technology featuring Zemi17, Dok Gregoy and Peter Principle. Video by Z Collective featuring Olga M, Christian Austin, Talena Sanders and Peter Shapiro.
Youtube results:
A Federal Sunset Law 11-12-11
In the years since the New Deal and the Great Society, a huge number of federal statutes h...
published: 16 Nov 2011
A Federal Sunset Law 11-12-11
In the years since the New Deal and the Great Society, a huge number of federal statutes have been enacted into law and have become permanent fixtures of American life. Repealing these statutes is politically impossible because one needs a majority of the House of Representatives, sixty votes in the Senate, and the President's signature to repeal a law. The cumbersome mechanisms of bicameralism, the Senate filibuster, and the President's veto, which were meant to ensure limited government, now serve the wholly different purpose of entrenching big government by making federal laws immortal. This panel will consider whether Congress should pass a general federal sunset law that would require that most federal statutes sunset after ten or twenty years unless they are re-enacted by the two Houses of Congress together with the President. Arguably, such a law would return us to the Framers' vision where small government was entrenched instead of big government being entrenched. Many states have adopted sunset laws, and maybe now it is time for the federal government to follow their good example. Thomas Jefferson once proposed that even the Constitution itself should sunset every 20 years -- an idea that James Madison wisely rejected. But even if the Constitution ought not to sunset and even if a few landmark laws like the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ought not to sunset, surely most federal laws ought to be periodically in need of being reenacted. This panel will examine that question.This panel was featured as Showcase Panel IV at the 2011 National Lawyers Convention on November 12, 2011.
Showcase Panel IV: A Federal Sunset Law
2:30 p.m. -- 4:15 p.m.
State Room - Overflow: Chinese Room
--Hon. Frank H. Easterbrook, U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit
--Prof. William N. Eskridge Jr., John A. Garver Professor of Jurisprudence, Yale Law School
--Mr. Philip K. Howard, Founder and Chairman, Common Good Coalition
--Prof. Thomas W. Merrill, Charles Evans Hughes Professor of Law, Columbia Law School
--Moderator: Hon. Jeffrey S. Sutton, U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit
Mayflower Hotel
Washington, DC
- published: 16 Nov 2011
- views: 246
Scare the Rectangles II
I here respond to Ryan HeavyHead's gentle rant: Beware the Rectangles.
published: 01 Jun 2012
Scare the Rectangles II
I here respond to Ryan HeavyHead's gentle rant: Beware the Rectangles.
This is a video in a series of people making videos. It involves rectangles, hypnosis, culture, meditation, revolution, cognitive activism, bicameralism and bilateria.
- published: 01 Jun 2012
- views: 60