- published: 12 Mar 2008
- views: 45157
Mari mengenal Ulama'
Mari mengenal ulama'. Video ini memaparkan beberpa tokoh ulama' yang tersohor. Sesetengah ...
published: 04 Jan 2008
Mari mengenal Ulama'
Mari mengenal ulama'. Video ini memaparkan beberpa tokoh ulama' yang tersohor. Sesetengah daripada kita mengenali artis lebih dari mengenal ulama'. Mereka telah bersusah payah menyampaikan ajaran agama Islam. Marilah kita kenali mereka, hargailah segala usaha mereka. Semoga kita akan mendapat keberkatan daripada Allah Taala. Ulama, pewaris Nabi...
Video ini d ambil dari VCD yang bertajuk ASenandung Sufi, terbitan Asyik Ngaji Production.. Hayatilah..
- published: 04 Jan 2008
- views: 50294
Ulama pewaris Nabi, cuplikan dari beberapa ulama terkemuka, walau tidak semua ditampilkan ...
published: 04 Apr 2009
Ulama pewaris Nabi, cuplikan dari beberapa ulama terkemuka, walau tidak semua ditampilkan karena keterbatasan waktu dan tempat, tapi cukup buat dijadikan bahan berdasarkan informasi dan analisis serta keutamaannya yg melegenda, Ulama abad 20-21 banyak memberikan andil dan jasa untuk perjuangan dalam menyampaikan Risalah, semua ulama di video ini bukan semuanya, ngerjainnya juga express, mikir taro, mikir taro, sama minta sama bang google yg baek, ada beberapa spt buya hamka sama muhammad natsir, dll yang termasuk pahlawan bangsa, cuplikan video as syahid sayid qutb, juga ketua pejuang hamas palestina gaza ahmad yasin,pendiri NU serta Muhamadiyah, dan banyak lg
- published: 04 Apr 2009
- views: 18212
Ulama, juego de pelota
Juego tradicional de los antiguos mexicanos. Comunidades de hoy que siguen manteniendo est...
published: 03 Jan 2008
Ulama, juego de pelota
Juego tradicional de los antiguos mexicanos. Comunidades de hoy que siguen manteniendo esta tradicion ancestral. El juego de la vida y la muerte.
- published: 03 Jan 2008
- views: 30862
Testimoni Ulama tentang Khilafah selama pergolakan di negeri kaum muslimin
Testimoni Ulama tentang Khilafah selama pergolakan di negeri kaum muslimin
- Syaikh Umar b...
published: 28 Jul 2011
Testimoni Ulama tentang Khilafah selama pergolakan di negeri kaum muslimin
Testimoni Ulama tentang Khilafah selama pergolakan di negeri kaum muslimin
- Syaikh Umar bin Abdul Aziz, Masjid Nur, Kairo, Mesir, Maret 2011
- Syaikh Muhammad Hasan, Mesir, Februari 2011
- Syaikh Abdullah Nahari, Mesir, April 2011
- Syaikh Abdul Majid Al-Zidani, Yaman, Maret 2011
- Syaikh Al-Zaghby, Mesir, Maret 2011
- Syaikh Abdul Majid Al-Zindani, Yaman, Maret 2011
- Syaikh Dr. Hazim Shawman, Mesir, Maret 2011
- Syaikh Hatim Farid, Masjid Bilal, Alexandria Mesir, April 2011
- Syaikh Hazim Salah, Mesir, Februari 2011
- Syaikh Ali bin Hajj, Algeria, Oktober 2010
- Syaikh Nadir Al-Tamimi, Palestina, Maret 2011
- published: 28 Jul 2011
- views: 5817
Trailer Ulama el juego de la vida y la muerte / Ulama the game of life and death
This film combines an archaeological rescue, with an ethnological testimony of the present...
published: 16 Feb 2012
Trailer Ulama el juego de la vida y la muerte / Ulama the game of life and death
This film combines an archaeological rescue, with an ethnological testimony of the present-day game known as Ulama. Special emphasis is placed on the philosophical and ritual meaning of the game, which in cultures before the conquest was a fundamental part of the prehispanic cosmovision.
Using selected samples of art and arquitecture, as well as a reconstruction of muths and legends, the film explores the concept of time and movement of the prehispanic cultures, and the relationship between these ideas and the ball game.
The essential concepts are shown throughout the Olmec, Maya, Zapotec,Totonac, Toltec and Aztec cultures. The most important ball courts are desplayed, from Arizona to Central America, and finally the film demonstrates the present-day characteristics and variations of Ulama, and its certain relationship with the ball game of Ancient Mexico.
The cycle closes with death on the ball court: in the past the player is sacrificed by decapitation, his head rolls down the court like a ball.
- published: 16 Feb 2012
- views: 1751
Bangsa Arab dan Ulama Penyebab Sesatnya Umat Islam._Part1.flv
mengungkap kebenaran isi ayat-ayat Alqur'an yang selama ini sengaja di tutup-tutupi oleh B...
published: 28 Jun 2011
Bangsa Arab dan Ulama Penyebab Sesatnya Umat Islam._Part1.flv
mengungkap kebenaran isi ayat-ayat Alqur'an yang selama ini sengaja di tutup-tutupi oleh Bangsa Arab dan di Indonesia oleh para tokoh Agama para kyai atau Ulama, takut kebenaran ini terbongkar; di dalam Video ini akan di jelaskan agar Umat Islam sedunia tidak tersesat dari jalan Allah
- published: 28 Jun 2011
- views: 1484
How to Identify True Ulama
My question: "Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) prophesied that a time will come that t...
published: 02 Jun 2012
How to Identify True Ulama
My question: "Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) prophesied that a time will come that there will be emerged from the ulama the worst people beneath the sky. How the Muslim community can recognize true ulama that have been endowed with Light from Allah Most High and walk on the path of Khidr a.s. who can guide this Ummah in Akhir al-Zaman (The End Times)?"
This is an excerpt of a Question and Answer session of a public lecture given by Shaykh Imran Nazar Hosein entitled "Khidr and Akhir Al-Zaman" on 31/05/2012 at Masjid Al Ghufran Taman, Tun Dr. Ismail, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Full video lecture was originally uploaded by icemaker1990 channel.
Shaykh Imran Nazar Hosein is an Islamic Scholar who was born in the Caribbean Island of Trinidad in 1942. He studied Islam at the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies, Karachi, Pakistan under the guidance of the distinguished Islamic scholar Shaykh, Maulana Dr. Muhammad Fazlur Rahman Ansari (1914-1974). He also studied Philosophy at the University of Karachi and International Relations at the University of the West Indies and at the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland. A collection of his best books is listed below:
Signs of the Last Day in the Modern Age
Surah al-Kahf and the Modern Age
Surah al-Kahf: Text translation and Modern Commentary
The Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham: Islam and Future of Money
Jerusalem in the Qur'an: An Islamic View of the Destiny of Jerusalem
Islam and Buddhism in the Modern World
The Caliphate, the Hejaz and the Saudi-Wahhabi Nation-State
One Jamaat One Ameer: The Organization of a Muslim Community in the Age of Fitan
The Religion of Abraham and the State of Israel: A View from the Quran
Dreams in Islam: A Window to Truth and to the Heart
The Importance of the Prohibition of Riba in Islam
The Prohibition of Riba in Qur'an and Sunnah
The Strategic Importance of the Fast of Ramadan and Isra' & Mi'raj
The Quranic Method of Curing Alcoholism and Drug Addiction
George Bernard Shaw and the Islamic Scholar
A Muslim Response to the Attack on America
Explaining Israel's Mysterious Imperial Agenda
An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern World
An Islamic View of Dajjal and the False Messiah or Anti-Christ (still being written)
- published: 02 Jun 2012
- views: 2232
All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama, Media Conference 1
Allegations Against Muslims and All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama.
7th February 2013,
Hotel Ra...
published: 08 Feb 2013
All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama, Media Conference 1
Allegations Against Muslims and All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama.
7th February 2013,
Hotel Ranmuthu, Colombo - 03.
- published: 08 Feb 2013
- views: 11918
All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama, Media Conference 3
Allegation Against ACJU Halal Certifications
7th February 2013,
Hotel Ranmuthu, Colombo -...
published: 08 Feb 2013
All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama, Media Conference 3
Allegation Against ACJU Halal Certifications
7th February 2013,
Hotel Ranmuthu, Colombo - 03.
- published: 08 Feb 2013
- views: 26375
published: 08 Dec 2012
- published: 08 Dec 2012
- views: 70573
Youtube results:
All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama, Media Conference 2
Allegations Against Mosque & Muslims An Extremists
7th February 2013,
Hotel Ranmuthu, Col...
published: 08 Feb 2013
All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama, Media Conference 2
Allegations Against Mosque & Muslims An Extremists
7th February 2013,
Hotel Ranmuthu, Colombo - 03.
- published: 08 Feb 2013
- views: 17493
All Ceylon jammiyathul Ulama Media Conference 4.mp4
All Ceylon Jammiyathul Ulama Media Conference
Question & Answer
7th of February 2013...
published: 08 Feb 2013
All Ceylon jammiyathul Ulama Media Conference 4.mp4
All Ceylon Jammiyathul Ulama Media Conference
Question & Answer
7th of February 2013
- published: 08 Feb 2013
- views: 7308
Tocati 2011 - Ulama de Cadera 2
24/9/2011 - Piazza Erbe - Verona
Ulama de Cadera
L'Ulama è uno spettacolare gioco di palla...
published: 27 Sep 2011
Tocati 2011 - Ulama de Cadera 2
24/9/2011 - Piazza Erbe - Verona
Ulama de Cadera
L'Ulama è uno spettacolare gioco di palla simile al gioco azteco "Ullamaliztli", che è stato studiato da antropologi, storici e archeologi (sono state ritrovate palle di gomma risalenti al 1600 a.C, e pitture e sculture che riproducono il caratteristico lancio della palla con un colpo d'anca). Attualmente esistono tre varianti del gioco: Ulama de Antebrazo, Ulama con Mazo e Ulama de Cadera, che è il più simile a quello azteco e fa parte della tradizione in varie zone del Messico. I giocatori che intervengono al Festival fanno parte di un'organizzazione nata per promuovere la pratica dei giochi di tradizione del territorio con la collaborazione degli insegnanti di educazione fisica. I 5 giocatori ("taures") si schierano nelle due metà del campo diviso da una linea centrale (detta "analco"). Scopo del gioco è fare punto lanciando la palla nel campo opposto con un colpo d'anca ed evitando di utilizzare le braccia. La palla, in gomma naturale, pesa 4 Kg e per proteggersi i giocatori indossano una fascia di pelle di daino sopra a un pantalone di cotone e a un cinturone di cuoio.
Federación Mexicana de Juegos y Deportes Autóctonos y Tradicionales
- published: 27 Sep 2011
- views: 946