- published: 12 Mar 2013
- views: 104
Satellite Imagery Shows Worst Drought In North Island, NZ In History Due To Weather Manipulation
Many "weather" anomalies can be observed in satellite imagery of New Zealand and adjacent ...
published: 12 Mar 2013
Satellite Imagery Shows Worst Drought In North Island, NZ In History Due To Weather Manipulation
Many "weather" anomalies can be observed in satellite imagery of New Zealand and adjacent areas from Jan.1, 2013 - March 9, 2013. It is evident the weather is being manipulated and the current drought, the worst in the North Island in history, is due to full-scale weather modification. The satellite imagery is at: http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/imagery/subsets/?subset=NewZealand.2013035.aqua.250m.jpg. The last three digits of the number "2013001", relate to the day of the year, thus "001" is the 1st of January, 2013.
Watch: Why In The World Are They Spraying?
Watch: What In The World Are They Spraying?
Watch: Aerosol Crimes
- published: 12 Mar 2013
- views: 104
North Island, Seychellen - © Abendsonne Afrika
http://www.traumstrand-afrika.de - Beuschen Sie die Trauminsel North Island, Seychellen mi...
published: 01 Jul 2010
North Island, Seychellen - © Abendsonne Afrika
http://www.traumstrand-afrika.de - Beuschen Sie die Trauminsel North Island, Seychellen mit Abendsonne Afrika
- published: 01 Jul 2010
- views: 3090
2013 North Island Stockcar Champs Smash, Bash and Rolls 16.2.13
Some of the smashing, bashing and rolling action from the finals night of the North Island...
published: 16 Feb 2013
2013 North Island Stockcar Champs Smash, Bash and Rolls 16.2.13
Some of the smashing, bashing and rolling action from the finals night of the North Island Stockcar Champs held at Waikaraka Park Speedway on Saturday 16 February 2013 - the track put up $100 prize money for each rollover of the night!
- published: 16 Feb 2013
- views: 3583
TA-4 Skyawk Arrival at North Island
Don and I flying into North Island! Two civilians in a TA-4....This is too cool!!...
published: 15 Feb 2011
TA-4 Skyawk Arrival at North Island
Don and I flying into North Island! Two civilians in a TA-4....This is too cool!!
- published: 15 Feb 2011
- views: 2457
2013 North Island Stockcars Part 1
Selected Highlights from the Qualifying races for the 2013 North Island Stockcar Champions...
published: 15 Feb 2013
2013 North Island Stockcars Part 1
Selected Highlights from the Qualifying races for the 2013 North Island Stockcar Championship
- published: 15 Feb 2013
- views: 853
Fly Fishing New Zealand - Central North Island Trout
An afternoon's fun on a lovely, scenic river out from National Park, but hard going, extre...
published: 24 Feb 2013
Fly Fishing New Zealand - Central North Island Trout
An afternoon's fun on a lovely, scenic river out from National Park, but hard going, extremely slippery and swift. Missed several fish as had 'one of those days' but here's a few snippets. Highlight is Paul landing that magnificent conditioned 3kg (6.6lb) Rainbow Jack on Cicada, his first Cicada caught fish in many years.
- published: 24 Feb 2013
- views: 164
2013 North Island Stockcar Championships Pit Walkabout
Going for a walk around the pits, checking out the cars at the 2012-2013 North Island Stoc...
published: 21 Feb 2013
2013 North Island Stockcar Championships Pit Walkabout
Going for a walk around the pits, checking out the cars at the 2012-2013 North Island Stockcar Championships @ Waikaraka Park Speedway, Auckland, New Zealand, Friday Night 15th Feb 2013
- published: 21 Feb 2013
- views: 74
32R @ 2013 North Island Stockcar Championships Finals night Tier 3 Race 1
Nicky Johnston piloting 32R for Race 1 of the Tier 3 Finals at the 2012-2013 North Island ...
published: 21 Feb 2013
32R @ 2013 North Island Stockcar Championships Finals night Tier 3 Race 1
Nicky Johnston piloting 32R for Race 1 of the Tier 3 Finals at the 2012-2013 North Island Stockcar Championships @ Waikaraka Park Speedway, Auckland, New Zealand, Saturday Night 16th Feb 2013 - EXCUSE DATE STUFF UP IN VIDEO
- published: 21 Feb 2013
- views: 49
FSX | ORBX New Zealand North Island
Worked on this for 4 weeks so a like is appreciated and thank you for watching!
Like me o...
published: 22 Oct 2012
FSX | ORBX New Zealand North Island
Worked on this for 4 weeks so a like is appreciated and thank you for watching!
Like me on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JFXAviation
Game: Flight Simulator X: Gold Edition.
Plane: PMDG 747, Alabeo & Carenado.
Weather: REX 2.0 Essential.
Traffic: -.
Camera: EZDok.
Core i7 2700K OC @ 4.3Ghz | Corsair H100 | Asus Sabertooth P67 | 16GB Corsair Vengeance @ 1600Mhz OC | 256GB SSD | 1TB HDD | Nvidia GTX 670 FTW 2GB | Phantom 750watt | Antec P280
These film images and sounds are copyright protected, any illegal use (reupload to a video platform, illegal use), will take legal action.
© JerdooFlightX.
FSX | ORBX New Zealand North Island was created under Microsoft's "Game Content Usage Rules" using assets from Microsoft Flight Simulator X, © Microsoft Corporation.
- published: 22 Oct 2012
- views: 5178
Seychellen-Traum North Island - Zurück zum Paradies
Auf der Seychellen-Insel North Island verbirgt sich ein einzigartiges Naturschutzprojekt: ...
published: 13 Oct 2012
Seychellen-Traum North Island - Zurück zum Paradies
Auf der Seychellen-Insel North Island verbirgt sich ein einzigartiges Naturschutzprojekt: Privater Luxus weniger Gutsituierter sorgt für den Erhalt eines artenreichen Paradieses. Wer das perfekte Glück sucht, findet es auf North Island: tropische Regenwälder, Granitfelsen, einsame Strände und Wellen im 25 Grad warmen Meer.
Die 250 Hektar große Insel liegt 32 Kilometer nordwestlich der Seychellen-Hauptstadt Mahé. Sie ist das exklusivste Resort der Inselgruppe. Die Gäste auf North Island wohnen in Villen aus Holz und Naturstein von der Größe eines Schlosses, mit eigenem Butler. Vor der Insel liegt ein 115.000 Quadratkilometer großes und 150 Meter tiefes Riff, und an den Stränden leben Meeresschildkröten.
Die Unterwasserwelt ist fast nirgendwo so vielfältig wie hier: Adlerrochen, Fledermaus- und Doktorfische tummeln sich mit vielen anderen Meeresbewohnern im Riff. Mehr als 200 Korallenarten tauchen das Wasser in grelle Farben. Dies ist der eigentliche Luxus der Insel: ihre Natur - paradiesisch, scheinbar unberührt. Scheinbar ...
Nach dem Zusammenbruch der Kokosnussindustrie verließen die auf North Island ansässigen Farmer die Insel; eine überwucherte Plantage sowie zahlreiche nicht einheimische Tiere blieben zurück. Das hatte verheerende Folgen: Hartnäckiges Unkraut erstickte die heimischen Pflanzen, Ratten fraßen Vogeleier, Schweine zerstörten Schildkrötengehege. Schließlich kauften Privat-Investoren die Insel und starteten ein groß angelegtes Naturschutzprojekt. Sie wollen den ursprünglichen Zustand des Seychellen-Paradieses wiederherstellen. Finanziert wird das Projekt mit sündhaft teurem Luxus: Das Hotel auf North Island beherbergt maximal 22 Gäste, die hier an einem einzigen Tag gut und gerne 50.000 Euro umsetzen.
Der Film begleitet Gäste und Betreiber des Hotels und zeigt gut situierte Weltenbummler, ambitionierte Resort-Manager und einheimische Angestellte.
- published: 13 Oct 2012
- views: 1305
Youtube results:
Fly Fishing New Zealand - Central North Island Trout
A few clips from a short session on the rivers and lakes out from Turangi during October, ...
published: 01 Mar 2013
Fly Fishing New Zealand - Central North Island Trout
A few clips from a short session on the rivers and lakes out from Turangi during October, a great time to fish the area.
- published: 01 Mar 2013
- views: 114
Flavor New Zealand | North Island Tour | Scudscooters
published: 25 Oct 2012
Flavor New Zealand | North Island Tour | Scudscooters
- Joseph Wharehinga
- Darryl Steffensen
- Adam Patterson
- Jasper Russell-Dennis
- Lawrence Rubin
- published: 25 Oct 2012
- views: 5948
ORBX | FTX | New Zealand North Island!!!
Hey guys, please enjoy this video about the super amazing NZNI addon! Ask enything in the ...
published: 12 Sep 2012
ORBX | FTX | New Zealand North Island!!!
Hey guys, please enjoy this video about the super amazing NZNI addon! Ask enything in the comment section below!
Microsoft Flight Simulator X - Acceleration Expansion Pack
Real Environment Xtreme
AirbusX A320
Project Opensky 777
A2A J-3
Lotus L-39
Carenado GA Aircraft
- published: 12 Sep 2012
- views: 824
Whangarei BMX Club - Pre North Island Champs Meeting
Whangarei BMX Club hosted the "pre North Island Championships" meeting on the 23rd Septemb...
published: 25 Sep 2012
Whangarei BMX Club - Pre North Island Champs Meeting
Whangarei BMX Club hosted the "pre North Island Championships" meeting on the 23rd September 2012. Despite the weather trying to put a damper on things, the meeting went without a hitch and was an excellent warm up for the North Island Championships, which are being held in Whangarei in October.
- published: 25 Sep 2012
- views: 1452